
I should probably post my bread. Maybe if I use hashtags something interesting will happen.

#breadPost #baking #bread #breadmaking #bakersOfMastodon #breadiverse #breadstodon

I found this in the small loft above the utility room in the new house. It was in a bit of a poor state, the top half didn't want to stay attached to the bottom half and the lights and tinsel were in disarray. My sister spent a few minutes (that's all it took) to sort it out a couple of days ago, and we are now ready for December! 😛

We are still using up these little packets of jam that my parents bought a catering pack of many years ago for their self-catering rental house (back when they started they used to leave a full cooked meal ready for guests when they arrived, later on it was just milk, bread, butter, and some cereals and jams).

They are now quite a few years out of date and thus getting a bit rubbery, but my dad won't throw them away. But every time I look at them I remember the old "Fly Fishing by J R Hartley" Yellow Pages TV advert (which I see they have since updated and remade).


Can anyone confirm what this is? It's attached inside the fitting for a 6-foot fluourescent light tube in my garage. I thought it was the starter at first, but all the starters I've been able to find are much much smaller and have a bayonet fitting at the end. The marking saying "8·4 µF" leads me to think it may just be a *very* chunky capacitor, and the ballast (which is very identifiable because it says "S.R.S. ballast for 1x 6ft. 85 watt tube" on its label) might be a type that doesn't need a separate starter, perhaps.

Not that it really matters now; I've since decided, rather than trying to replace the starter (which doesn't seem to exist) I'm going to replace both whole light fittings and their delicate and malfunctioning fluourescent tubes with four LED light fixtures. Going to add another light switch next to the garage's side door too, because when it's dark it's annoying to have to stumble through the whole garage to/from the only switch which is next to the front doors.


Several days ago my sister sent me a text suggesting I look outside and north to see the aurora in action. She said she's barely been able to see it, but a photo made it quite visible. I wasn't able to get much at all, just a vaguely redish or greenish tinge to the sky. In the end I had more fun doing long exposure photos of the road to get those "streaky" car light trails! (Pics 4, 5 and 6 below.)

I did get a fairly decent picture of ursa major though (pics 2 and 3 below) without much camera shake, even.

Finally. I brought some of my dad's scaffolding (1950's DIYer's kit) back from the old house a few days ago, and, now that the rain's deigned to stop for a bit, I have proper access to the dish.

My lawn is apparently a fungus-producing *machine*!

(6 pictures attached. I rather like the last two, so view on original instance if you don't see those ones.)


Last Thursday night I got home (to the new house, having visited the old house) really late, actually so late it was Friday morning. 2:30am, to be precise. The motorcycle ride back was annoying because I had a lot of trouble keeping my visor clear enough to see where I was going. I had to stop and clean everything half way and it wasn't obvious whether it was my glasses steaming up, visor steaming up, pinlock coming away from the visor and steaming up between the two, or just damp on the outside of the visor! In the end it was probably a combo of all those.

Once I got back and took my helmet off I could see just how wet the air is - I even got this bit of video clearly showing droplets just hanging in the beam of my headlights and streaming around in the breeze!

Got the TV area advanced to the next step a few days ago - I managed to wrestle the TV cabinet into the car and bring it from old-home to new-home. My sisters helped me lift it out and bring it in, and hurrah, it fits! (Of course - tape measures are your friend… 😉) No, those speakers aren't plumbed in yet - the surround sound A/V receiver box is the next item on the agenda.
I borrowed my dad's car, went and collected this ebay winning and bolted it together last night! It's "gamer" desk so it has LED lighting (of course) but it was pretty cheap at £20, decent sized desktop, in good condition and pretty sturdy - so I like it. I just need to get parts and put a new desktop machine together, because honestly the current one, back at the old house, is just too old and crumbly and unreliable and I need something new. And now I have a nice place to put it, just as soon as "it" exists!
This house's kitchen came with a "built-in" microwave (amongst other built-in things), but it's really not. It's just a normal tabletop microwave stuck in a cupboard with inadequate ventilation and plugged into a normal switched socket behind the (actually built-in) oven, and the plug/socket is positioned such that you can't unplug it without (I assume) unscrewing the oven and pulling it forward! Great design, whoever put this kitchen together! 😝
A few days ago I finally got the TV from the old house brought over to the new house, and mounted it on the wall bracket the previous owners had left in place. Hurrah.

First bread made at the new house! The oven here doesn't have a bread rising setting, but the airing cupboard seemed to work quite well.

Strawberry jam, or lemon curd? Or maybe both?

Out for a walk with my parents, we saw this little guy just strutting along as if they owned the place. Didn't seem very agitated by humans being around. I think it's a partridge.
One thing I managed to do today: replaced the cat-flap panel in the house's side door with the original glass panel the previous owners had left in the garage in case we wanted to do just that. (I don't have a taller "before" photo, just take my word it's the same door and the top panel wasn't changed!)

I love being a faceless biker/mook/robot/thing.

(Edit: I should point out there are 6 pics attached to this post; see post on original instance if you don't see them all!)

When I got home at 6am today, this is what things looked like. Nice sunrise. Oh no, it's not the sun, it's a street lamp. 😛
Done it again! 😁 I went out a bit late this time (7:30pm) and didn't get so many reactions, but still got a few good ones. It's not only kids who want pics with Spidey!

I went for my first Spidey-walk around my new neighbourhood.

Several pretty nice encounters with locals. A group outside the local club wanted photos (although only one of them actually stood next to me to be photographed!), a couple wanted pictures to show a young relative who, apparently, would be astounded that they'd met the real Spidey. A family with two young boys was just getting into their car after after presumably visiting relatives and the family seemed to like seeing me, although the boys themselves seemed not bold enough to interact. A guy told me he'd just "walked out" of work (not sure if he'd quit or just left for the day) after his manager had sworn at him and said just seeing me lifted his mood and made his day.

And all this just from my first 30 minute, 1½ mile walk. Gotta spend a bit more time out in suit in this area! 🙂

(Below, eight selfies of me as classic Spider-Man with my web backpack, one indoors before I went out, the others taken on a path beside a green part way along my route.)


When I got home today, after a couple of days at the old house, I parked the bike on the driveway and a couple of small fluffy persons came to say hello. Or, more precisely, one of them came to say hello, while the other one nearly did but then hid under a bush for ages, coming out only very briefly to tell the other one off and then go and hide again. I do like how they don't care that I'm in a full set of leathers, gloves, boots, with a blank black visor and no face, they just care if they get pettings. I do hope someday someone happens to walk past while this is happening and gets a surreptitious photo of a scary biker being affectionate to cats.

Also, I was busy yesterday and made four whole loaves of bread. Then I eated some.


The deed was do'ed (last Thursday).

Now my mum seems to not recognise me more often than previously (although that might just be progression of her dementia), and my sister's dog, Comet, who was fine the first time he met me after the dehairification, growled at me this evening when he saw me in bike gear and bare-headed. Took him a while to grudgingly accept me again.

On the whole, I think I like it though. 🤷‍♂️


@Ghost The new house has very non-smart meters, presumably unchanged since the place was built in 1989. They are "digital" only in the sense that they have digits displayed on the front…

I found images of, I think, the same models of meter. If not they are *very* close.

An English Electric type C31 B/M electricity meter.

An Actaris U6 gas meter.

Hmm, I think the risk from remote-off is probably negligible (unless someone was motivated enough to hack the things and turn it off maliciously, but that also seems very unlikely, unless they did so in bulk, indiscriminately). I'd guess the benefit of a slightly under-reading meter is probably offset by the benefit of being able to see your usage in real time, have time-of-day-variable tariffs, and things like that.

A friend on Another Social Media thinks I should do it, and I would like to do it, but should I do it? It, in this case, being changing the length to which I cut my hair. I use a ¾ inch (19mm) comb guide for my dad's hair, and a ⅜ inch (10mm) for mine. I'm considering going down to, oh, let's say 0mm for mine. Y/N? I do wanna try it, and I really need a haircut, and today seems as good a day as any.

This just smells so scammy. But they have the planned activation date and the second half of the postcode correct, and the phone number matches one on openreach's web site, so… presumably it's genuine?

I think it's a "proceed with extreme caution" situation.


I have a bunch of favourites and I don't know that I can choose! Some are more comfortable than others, but all of them make me feel better about how I appear to everyone around me, even if they don't help me feel better physically! They even help when I'm alone, because I like to look like I want to look even if there's no one to see.

(8 pictures attached, in case your fedi node doesn't show them all.)


Happy National Spider-Man Day to all who observe.

I'm not sure which nation it's "national" to. Probably the USA — most things that are national to an unspecified nation turn out to be American things, because most others tend to specify.

Later on during my run I took another pic, this time showing some old gasometers (not sure if they're even still in use, but I suspect not) with dramatic sunlight. This one should be titled something like "Solar Eclipses Gas" or "Solar Leaves Gas in the Shade".

I went for a run earlier this week and actually paused long enough to take some photos. These are the local tower cranes being used to build some new tower blocks (in an area where there are no tall buildings, so they'll stick out like a sore thumb, but anyway). When I see them at night, I mentally refer to them as the eyes of Sauron, because of the red lights on the top.

I took these pics because the light was pretty good. First pic I tried to get all the cranes in the frame and yeah, that worked, but it looks bland. Second pic doesn't really show the cranes properly, but the dramatic lighting works!


Once again, I have successfully Bread.

(The temptation to just eat it is really strong.)


Staying over at my sister's again, and I noticed this "wall of dog" hanging up. It's all pics of her last-but-one dog, Keira — a sort of shrine to her. And I notice there's one fake dog in there! 😉

So wow, yes, Keira met Kelsey when she was a puppy. She then lived to nearly ten years old, then they got another German Shepherd who is now eight. So that picture (centre left) shows Kelsey something like 18 years ago…! Time flies…


Oh geez, I am a dummy. I took a whole bunch of photos this morning before changing into more usable clothes for daytime, uploaded them, but completely forgot to actually make a post including them. Go me.

So, good spider-morning all!

(Sorry about the alt-texts. Also, there are 8 pictures, for those whose platforms only show them the first few.)

Ah, it's that time of year.
Oh good. I'd been feeling so incredibly tired and run-down today I was beginning to think I might have picked it up at CFz, especially as a few others I'd met have apparently tested positive.
And finally, bed time. (No, I did change before getting in 😉)

In the end, as I didn't have anywhere private to change, I just took my mask/hood/faceshell/lenses off in the car, tucked the hood in, and drove home in headless Spidey mode.

I stopped off to buy lunch at a Sainsbury's Local/petrol station, where several people commented (favourably) on the suit. Rather than eat while taking up one of their limited parking spaces I moved on to a free local council car park. As I was eating, a car parked beside mine and a dad got out with a small child and I heard "yes look, it's Spider-Man! And he's eating… a…sandwich…" I waved and said hi and "if you give me a minute I'll put my mask on" and they seemed to like it. 😁👍 (I should have prompted them to get a pic as I'm sure they're kicking themselves now for not having done so.)

I stopped off briefly a couple more times on the way home. Saw people looking a few times, think there were one or two more nice comments!

I'm still not in love with going headless, but I had to to drive safely, and people did respond positively even so. Also now my parents, sisters, nibblings, and a couple who my sisters know who happened to be there, have all seen me in headless Spidey mode and acceptance rate is 100% so far. Wheeee.

So, ended up staying in suit from just before I checked out (about 1.30pm) until getting ready for bed time (near midnight). Admittedly with bare face a lot of that time, but still, attached shoes and gloves, plus my feet were still damp the whole day from when I was carrying my stuff to the car while it was trying to rain and the ground was wet.

While I hung around in the lobby in the early afternoon I grabbed some pics in front of the ConFuzzled banner (before they removed it). I also started feeling rather hungry and realised I had no idea what I was going to do for food today.

Aaaand checked out of ConFuzzled 2024. Sad face.

I'm most probably going to hang around for most of the day until Dead Dog, then drive home late this evening. If you want to meet I'm at the back of the bar area at the moment, might be more in the foyer at times. Being a Spidey, I am fairly recognisable! 😉

Last Spidey change of the con!
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