I like this photo that @Devilwuff took of me at ConFuzzled one year. Villainous enough? 😉
@Tryst 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 :ms_asexual_flag: :ms_cat_grin: @miunau If this wind energy collector looks good, there's no reason to think more modern ones will be an eyesore once we're used to seeing them around the place.

Content warning: CW: UK politics



I really must get out on the bike again soon. It's been too little for too long. (Also, I might be partly moving outside London sometime soon, too, so I might be more able to meet up with folks for rides!)


Because some of our family were doing something else last weekend, today is our substitute Easter. Half price eggs for all!

(Literally half price, these 8 big eggs cost us £20 total instead of the £40 they would have been last week. Win!)

Heccin wimdy today.
Gromit seriously needs, and deserves, all the hugs in the world.
I'm reminded of that xkcd about things that "everyone knows", which worked out how many people must be learning each such thing for the first time every day.

Content warning: CW: Facebook links

Oooh. Oh yeah. Cyberman!
Ooh, which reminds me, Samus Aran! Definitely another one for the suit folder!
Not 100% sure about Megaman — eyes showing really isn't my thing. But otherwise a pretty nice suit.

Oh, I meant to come back to this and add pics after slicing! And here they are. One loaf had no cavities at all as far as I noticed, while the other just had this little bubble inside. Hurrah. So now I know I can fix the situation with bubbles forming holes/voids/cavities in the loaf, I just need to figure out how to make the whole loaf a bit denser, because I'm finding some slices are still almost lacework with how large the "grain" is, as it were. After talking to my dad and hearing his recollection of catering college may decades ago, I think I'll have to try *more* working of the dough at knock-back time, rather than less. All I can do is try doing it a bit different each time and see how it affects things.



If I ever manage to have a, y'know, Significant Other†, we will have to look something like this at least 70% of the time.

† Some might say I'm leaving it a little late…

@Wagon (Renby) ΘΔ 🏳️‍⚧️ Yee. And I might be slightly(!) the wrong colour (at least it's the right series), but we should still reenact that! 😉

Now bump visors.

The Red Ranger from Power Rangers Jungle Fury, mid-battle with Dai Shi, but in this frame they look like they're just holding hands and maybe about to kiss.

Well there we go, #hashtag #breadiverse. I tried using much less flour while knocking back, and more care to roll the dough into shape without gaps which would expand into bubbles inside the loaf. The proof will be in the slicing…!
Oh, this one of course. Duh. Obviously!
Oops, I forgot to carry this thread on. Well, here's another one! (I actually had a metallic-foil zentai of this a long time ago (but of course the metallic finish wears off almost immediately and looks naff) but still, it can go on the list.)
Well, I can confirm, it's a pretty nice suit! Mine arrived today. Very smooth fabric (if a bit thin), feels nice, fits well. The only modification I think it needs is to remove the silly ripcord on the zip pull! 😉 Yay, I can go and swim again!

Oh huh, apparently they're giving actual names to the London Overground lines. It always seemed a bit of an oversight not to have an easy way to distinguish them.

BBC | Guardian

Scarlet Spider! (I have the hoodie already, just need the rest!)

Have I mentioned Murderbot yet? No, it looks like I haven't mentioned Murderbot yet. I should mention Murderbot.

Honestly, this one is a bit odd because there's no canonical description of Murderbot's armour, at least in any detail, so it could look like anything. These book covers make it look rather nice though.

@Colin @Avon DeRussate I can hear that video, played on my laptop, up to about 10.5kHz, which it says is about 11 years older than me. My first thought, too, was that maybe the speakers weren't reproducing the sound properly, but a quick test with an ultrasound detector app on my phone (but which can be set to detect as low as 1 kHz) showed that it was playing it - and my phone recording it - perfectly well, with a nice clear straight diagonal line on the waterfall chart for the whole length of the video (after 1kHz). I remember when my ears tested good up to 16kHz many years ago. :(
Celty's cool. Not sure I'd go for this suit exactly, but she can go in the folder anyway ;)

I finally got out on my motorbike for the first time in a while, possibly months. Thankfully the battery wasn't dead(!). I did realise before setting off that I still had to put the new jubilee clip on the exhaust that I'd sourced quite a while back, but that didn't take many minutes. Then it needed petrol. Then I rode over to Ham (~20 minutes each way) and sat by the Thames for a bit.

I took a pic, but by the time I finally got out of the house, got the clip fixed, got the petrol and found my way to the car park near Eel Pie Island, it was really rather dark. Have a very brightened-up picture.

There were some birds on the river, possibly geese, who gave me the side-eye for a while.


Oh yes, General Mayhem. I took a whole bunch of screenshots of this one when I first watched Lego 2!

Mayhem seems to have a bunch of fan art around the place.


Oh, oh, gotta add the OG white armour. These guys used to occupy my thoughts a *lot* when I was young. I mean, A LOT.

Some of those thoughts were regarding the question of whether they were robots or not. Others were more to do with whether the armour even came off or if it was permanent. (After all, we never saw them without it.)

And… not only when I was young. Nope.


Okay, Xeniataur's going in the folder. As is this other very nicely edited photo from ages ago (Kartfox, 2015). (This one's not the specific character(s), but the body shape/species/idea. I really want to make a good taur suit someday. I have Ideas™.)

Adding this guy, obviously.
I've started a folder on my laptop into which I can just dump pictures of suits I want. Maybe, as a fairly low-friction way to build a list, that'll finally give me a bit of a comprehensive reference! To start it off:

I think I've figured out what this plastic tub with its little wheels reminds me of!

(Each time I use kdenlive I seem to figure it out just a little tiny bit more. …Only a tiny bit though.)

[Alt text: clear plastic tub with tiny plastic wheels rolls into view. Then with a "ding" it changes to a screenshot of a Minecraft minecart with a player sitting in it. (The player skin is Spider-Man, so it's me, of course…)]

Why do I keep feeling compelled to dig out such huge purposeless underground spaces in survival-mode minecraft? It's such a time-sink and there's literally no purpose.

Content warning: CW: kink photo! (Nothing bad, just gear.)

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