
Pippin friendica

Oof, been so busy still. I took pics nearly 2 weeks ago to post here and still haven't!

So anyway, nearly a couple of weeks ago, a chap from the council came round and added lots of Handles to my house. In the meantime we've discovered that at least some of them do in fact help my mother move around, hurrah.

Pippin friendica

And bringing things more up to date, I did a trip back to the old house yesterday to pick up any post (in case there were any more cards, but there weren't), shop for a few things at the Big Tesco, drop cards into neighbours' letterboxes, and come home again. The Big Tesco didn't have any boxes of cheap xmas cards, and neither did the corner shop, so I ended up just delivering, on their own, the notes I had made to go along with the cards, giving people our new address and a *very* brief update on my mum's condition, in case any of them hadn't heard about her dementia.

I ended up getting home after midnight. As I turned off the A3 onto the A31/Hogsback there was *so* much fog! Densest fog I've ever seen, possibly. I had to slow down to 30 at one point just because I couldn't see far enough to safely go any faster. Although I did discover after a short time that it wasn't all fog in the air in front of me - I wiped my visor and suddenly could see a lot better. Amazing how quickly it can build up on a visor and make it like looking out through frosted glass, despite building up slowly enough that you don't notice it.

Pippin friendica
Today I finally got this Kelsey photo put into a frame. I found a spare 5Γ—7 frame in the garage a few days ago and have now cleaned it and picked a photo to go in it. I miss Kelsey. Stupid thing is, he's in a bag just a couple of metres from me right now, but I haven't worn him in absolutely ages. The suit is very old and not in a great condition, and I really need to get on with that rebuild I've been meaning to do for so many years now. I do miss Kelsey. I love him, I want to hug him, but I can't really β€” even if I got someone else to wear the suit, it wouldn't be *him* I was hugging. He's more real in my mind than in reality, somehow. I want him to be here with me.
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Pippin friendica

And finally, just in time (10pm xmas eve) I got some cards out to the neighbours. I printed out some freely-downloadable cards and present tags and was surprised how good they look on plain paper from our colour laser printer. Wrapped up a bunch of things for family in pieces of cloth we use as reusable wrapping paper and stuck them under the tree. My dad's going to be surprised by his β€” it's ginormous!

I put the cards (actually just paper; unfortunately it looks like the remaining cardstock from when my dad did printing as a business hasn't made it from the old house to the new house yet) through our near neighbours' doors. There are 5 houses that, with ours, cluster round a bend in the road and feel like a little tiny community all of their own. It's quite nice. I don't really know the other residents yet, and only have some of their names, but I expect I'll find out!

We already had cards from some of the other residents and I was near enough the front door when one of them arrived to hear a parent talking her child through the process of putting it through the letterbox, so I'm guessing the child's quite young. I delivered them a colouring-in card as well as a normal one. :]