
Content warning: Angry fox noises Every US mobile carrier selling your location data.

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I love how news agencies are treating the FCC fines against these multi-billion dollar cellular carriers like they're huge. Compared to their revenue, they're laughable.

What's a 50 million dollar fine when you've made 15 billion dollars this year.

To put this in perspective, it's about the same as fining someone that makes $75,000 a year $100 for something that makes them tens of thousands. The only reason they care at all is because they know how this looks, and they don't want to set a prescient for fines in the future.

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Zordrak Shadowfang mastodon (AP)
Fines in cases like these should be equal to the amount of money they made by the illegal action, with an extra 10%+ added to guarantee that they lose money overall.
Monstrosity Deluxe! mastodon (AP)
@Zordrak Absolutely, if it doesn't sting it doesn't matter.

4turrets_nodefects mastodon (AP)
I can't hear mayday without thinking of this bit anymore... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6PqhInXXts

Okay this post made like 7k likes on twitter so I'm sharing it here too πŸ˜…
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Signs you live in 2024

1. You just tried to enter your password on the microwave.

2. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.

3. You call your son's phone to let him know it's time to eat, he emails you back from his bedroom.

4. Your daughter sells Girl Scout cookies via her website.

5. You chat several times a day with a stranger from South Africa, but you haven't spoken with your next door neighbour yet this year.

6. You check the ingredients on a can of chicken noodle soup to see if it contains Echinacea.

7. Your grandmother asks you to send her a JPEG file of your newborn so she can create a screen saver.

8. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home.

9. Every commercial on television has a web site address at the bottom of the screen.

10. You buy a computer and 4-months later it is out of date and now sells for half the price you paid for it.

11. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 10-40 years of your life, is cause for panic and turning around to go get it.

12. Using real money, instead of credit or debit, to make a purchase would be a hassle and takes planning.

13. Cleaning up the dining room means getting the fast food bags out of the back seat of your car.

14. Your reason for not staying in touch with family is that they do not have e-mail addresses.

15. You consider second-day air delivery painfully slow.

16. Your dining room table is now your flat filing cabinet.

17. Your idea of being organized is multiple-colored post-it notes.

18. You hear most of your jokes via e-mail instead of in person.

19. You get an extra phone line so you can get phone calls.

20. You disconnect from the Internet and get thi! s awful feeling, as if you just pulled the plug on a loved one.

21. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.

22. You wake up at 2 am to go to the bathroom and check your e-mail on your way back to bed.

23. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. [:)]

24. You're reading this.

25. Even worse; you're going to forward it to someone else!!! Yep...

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Basking in the sun ready for rubs #TummyTuesday

πŸ“Έ - @retrievershaun & @coltofox

#fursuit #furry

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It must be wild to be a student right now.

School shootings? You’re on your own. Thoughts and prayers.

Peaceful protest? That’s going too far. Send in the riot gear.

That America feels empowered to intervene in one but not the other tells you everything you need to know.

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EVHaste mastodon (AP)

Never forget how differently police carry themselves when the person on the other end cannot harm them.

The cops are excited to LARP with their military-grade toys, until the other side is armed. Then they’re gonna cower outside the classroom because they might get a boo-boo.

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1 week until I can see other furries again! I haven’t even done so since this Michigan bowling meet I went to back in January :O

πŸ“Έ - ID-ID
Ft: Goldie, @juke , me , @Dilyn_LD , @fluffycyborgs

#fursuit #fursuiter #fursuiting #mascot #furry #furries #furryfandom #fursuitphotography #foxfursuit #costume #cosplay

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this is absolutely the right thing to put on your fridge.

(older photo, 2015)

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systemd has a reasonably good user interface to process initialization but I am still extremely fucking pissed off at how much it just continues to absorb other system functionality forever and ever and ever. It’s never enough. Process init is like a tiny sliver of its scope these days. And if you criticize it you’re instantly shot down as a β€œhater”
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Isolectra mastodon (AP)
Yes, having run the thing in production with different kinds of corner cases in one or more of the functions it wants to do (with varying success), yes, it has ... issues, and the design is making it harder to effectively debug them. And many involved in some way simply seem to consider it useful to just state something like 'it is not eating their cheesy poofs or making them cold' as a response. Still consider the statement from time of the Debian vote very fitting - 'systemd reinvents the flat tire'.
M4tlink βœ… mastodon (AP)
I totally agree. Systemd is cool at init & process management, but sucks at other tasks (resolved, networkd, ...).

my Christmas bread
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The four most used operating systems:
* windows
* apple macos/ios
* linux (legacy, deprecated, not for new projects)
* systemd
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vxo hometown (AP)


just... gonna entirely watch the world burn

someone. actually. wanted. this.


i need to go run up to the sierra nevadas and stick my head in a snowbank

Glitzersachen.de mastodon (AP)
You forgot: Emacs.

She’s back and ready to fight! πŸ¦–

Get Uthalla Raptor in premium metallic luster prints!


Digital 4k: https://sixthleafcloverstore.com/collections/digital/products/rules-of-survival-digital

#furryart #digitalart

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With systemd now poised to replace sudo as well I can't help but be a little bitter about the way in which the concerns about systemd being an ever-scope-creeping behemoth of attack surface area controlled by one (admittedly rather unpleasant) person were swept to the margins and everyone pushed forward with it like nobody cared, and now our modern Linux distro choices just treat it like an inevitability and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it because it was "already decided" years ago
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Pippin friendica
I can only think that people were looking at sysvinit and thinking it was "too old" (and I mean, yes, there are things that could be improved) and when something, anything, came along that could replace it (and had the marketing to reach them), they just bought into it without looking at any other alternatives. Personally I'm keeping systemd off all my machines for as long as Debian still works without it. I'd rather run (something similar to) unix, rather than the OS-in-one-binary that systemd seems to want to be. Not sure what I'll do if/when Debian goes bad too. (Hopefully there will be someone willing to maintain sysvinit/runit/openrc for the forseeable future.)

Most people working as librarians in the US did not wake up, head to work, and wonder, What are the chances I’m going to be charged with a crime for letting someone take out a book today?


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This is like a bad supervillain movie where some maniac amasses greater and greater influence until he is ready to take over the world.

Sudo has a "large attack surface" and systemd does not ?

Really ?


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γ€Œ commission 」 portrait for Nitsu115 πŸ¦‡
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If you really want to get upset about something going on in open source / open data space, I would suggest considering Niantic.

After years of refusing any communication with #OpenStreetMap, not to mention -any- kind of support. Niantic joined the Linux Foundations @linuxfoundation Overture (for substantial amounts of money), but its customers continue to vandalize OSM, burning lots of volunteer time at multiple levels.


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Scientists have been absolutely clear that we MUST make immediate and drastic changes if we are to avoid catastrophic eco-system collapse. But, as Greta Thunberg has said, all we ever get from politicians and industry leaders is more useless blah blah blah…

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #BusinessAsUsual

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here is an observation i made: so many people i meet online from america or europe, when presented with a question "what do you do?" tend to respond with their job most of the time. while in my country when someone asks you "what do you do?" you see way more people responding with their hobbies, or at least mentioning both their job and hobbies. and it really made me think
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Tilton Raccoon mastodon (AP)
Work stress destroyed my hobbies, I have almost no life outside of work. I hate it.

"Last year there was an #AxeTheTax rally that was supposed to be held in the Yellowknife that got cancelled because #Yellowknife was being evacuated because of a #wildfire. How does it start cutting through to folks that the alternative to #ClimateAction is burning cities?"


#Climate #Moratorium #abpoli #EnergyTransition #AxeTheTax #BurnBabyBurn #wildfires #drought #cdnpoli

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*Taps mic*

There's no such thing as cosmetic surgery. The phrase is BS rhetoric.

Boob jobs, butt lifts, lipo, hair transplants--they should all be fully covered by insurance, *for cis people as well as trans*, and they should be covered to save costs.

Let me show you the math.

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But wait, *it gets even more stark*.

Say it's a dude, and he's balding. Same stats. He stops hair loss with finasteride, but wants his hairline back.

A 1500-graft transplant, so one of average size, costs $6, 750, at a pretty average retail price of $4.50/graft.

Insurance turns a profit at 45 weeks.



And if the insurer negotiates the rate to $4/graft, which is a very modest negotiation that they can probably beat, it costs them only $6,000.

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I understand and appreciate this thread. Healthcare, especially in the States, is a big scam when paired with insurance.

That said, I also think therapy is a necessary step that exists even when surgery is an option. It's another rabbit hole but the discussion about easy and inexpensive access to therapy plays into all of this.

When you want to buy a high end SSD but then you see how much they cost:
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gender is a legacy api endpoint which returns the average of a few other, more modern datapoints. escaped full depreciation due to institutional use.
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Corporate income tax rate before the Trump tax cuts: 35%

After the Trump tax cuts: 21%

What many corporations actually paid with loopholes: 14%

What Netflix, Bank of America, and Nike paid: Less than 5%

What Trump’s planning for a second term? Even more corporate tax cuts.

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dear journalists/blog authors: please stop hiding important information across three paragraphs to fit a word count. some of us prefer shorter articles with concise information.
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We can't or Google won't pick up our pages and we'll get fired...

Legit, this is all Google's fault. At least on the journalist side of things. Though sadly, I bet you aren't finding blogs that do exactly what you want due to their BS too. :C

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taco mastodon (AP)
AI is trying as hard as it can!
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One thing I actually liked about using Reddit was being able to find summaries in the comments under news articles

Completely mind boggling to me that we threw away 5 billion phones in 2022.

Some of those could have been repurposed: smartphones are hardly innovating any more. The most eco-friendly phone is the one you already have.

We need to publicly support communities like @postmarketOS who work on making these phones repurposable, and @gnome that work on making a polished mobile experience that serves people, not creepy corporations.


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okay lmao
airport security made a big fuzz about me being trans
i was sent to the female security guard to be checked, she asked me for my name and i said my deadname (the name on my passport)
then she was like "oh, uhm, oh, okay, I don't know if I'm allowed to touch you, I'll go check with my colleagues"
so she got her colleagues and started to explain "this lady uhm, uhm, she's (looking for words) she's a man??"
the colleague said well, what matters is what's on my passport, I said my passport says male and I don't really mind who I get checked by (I really don't, I'm bisexual, it doesn't make a difference to me)
so then they said in theory I have to get checked by the male officer, I said (again) that I don't mind, but the male officer looked at me and was like "no, no, I can't touch her"
then the officers went to get the federal police to testify that it's okay for me to be touched by a woman, I assured them that I do not care who touches me
so I ended up getting checked by the female security guard, she apologized a lot and said she doesn't mind personally, she just didn't learn how to deal with this and what she's allowed to do, and that if I feel uncomfortable I can tell her and she will stop immediately, and that I should please not feel discriminated

honestly this entire thing made my day, I'm in a good mood now
this means that I pass pretty well, and the fact that my gender is so confusing the federal police had to get involved just makes me incredibly smug

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Ralsei mastodon (AP)
cute trans girl puts the german federal police in gridlock with her gender

Let me explain this real slow.

1. I borrow $100 from you today.
2. I pay you $10 every day for a year.
3. I have paid you back $3,650
4. I still owe you $90 somehow.
5. You then "forgive" the $90 debt.

In this scenario, absolutely nobody is paying anybody $90. Nobody is being stiffed $90. Nobody is being forced to pay someone else's $90 debt. Absolutely nobody is "getting a $90 handout for free".

What's happening is you have been paid back your original $100 and then profited a mere $3,550 on top of that and we're saying that's enough profit.

This post is about student loan forgiveness.

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When I was taking anthropology decades ago, one course in cultural anthropology discussed company stores and stores in some rural nations. The use of credit to lock customers into eternal debt is an old method. Hundreds if not thousands of years old.
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Cy ActivityPub

and debt forgivness has existed for just as long. It's only the recent colonial/capitalist era that people suddenly decided that no debts can be forgiven ever.


The earliest known debt cancellation was proclaimed by Enmetena of Lagash c. 2400 BCE.
Similar measures were enacted by later Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian rulers of Mesopotamia, where they were known as "freedom decrees" (ama-gi in Sumerian).

From what I read on it by David Graeber, the Babylonian king had to periodically forgive all debts in the city, because literally everyone became a debt slave to the temple, so they all started depopulating the city en-masse, because back then there was a place to retreat where the debt collectors couldn't follow.


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buy this for your autistic puppy gf so she can communicate with u when she goes nonverbal
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This is brilliant. Some rancid TERF emailed the Lib Dem Mayoral candidate in her area with some "polite questions" and got this response.
Bravo Hannah πŸ‘ 🀣

#UKPolitics #TransRightsAreHumanRights

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https://www.404media.co/russia-clones-wikipedia-censors-it-bans-original/ Never forget this is what the 'free speech champions' behind projects like Comservapedia and infogalactic would love to happen in the west. Bleak.
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forest creature πŸ„
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bro you draw a whole ass ornamental dropcap and sit there and write an entire page about how you don't have time to proofread
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Vendor ships bottle of wine with a three digit tumbler lock on the bottle with a "book a meeting with us to get the code"

lol no.

Pick it in a few minutes and laugh at the vendor whilst we drink it. Thank you vendor.

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