
AI Tools (collective noun): people who believe AI is genuinely useful.
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Pippin friendica

The high council of pi has been convened.


The most poorly paid jobs are the ones that would instantly make life worse for everyone if they were not done for any length of time.
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Hope I'm not going to bore people by posting this too often, but since I have no cons coming up: if you are running an event at ANY FUR CON this year and it could use some music or sound design (like a spoof game show theme, a sting to make something more exciting, or just a chill intro), in any style, I will try to make something for you FOR FREE. You can hear my music on Shadow Raccoon's Price Is Right, or London Weekend Televixen, or on almost any gaming video on my YT channel.
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Content warning: USPol, resistance, it's a trap

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
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πŸ¦β€β¬› hometown (AP)

Content warning: USPol, resistance, it's a trap

GLC mastodon (AP)

Content warning: USPol, resistance, it's a trap

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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
The bottom one is increasingly my attitude too though.

Pippin friendica

Gosh. the 6502 is 50 years old, and so am I. I don't remember much of its assembler at all now (although I think I still have the manual for the Atari assembler cartridge somewhere), but it certainly seemed pretty nifty when I was 10.

A webdemo dedicated to the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor whose 50th anniversary we will celebrate this year, in the Sally version used in all #Atari8bit computers, original Atari 400/800 NTSC apart https://krystone.pl/6502/?Sally #atari #mos6502 #retrocomputing
Mira mastodon (AP)
@Philsan Commodore VIC-20 for me. Still have it, too, along with a bunch of cartridges, including the assembler one. Learned a lot on that machine

I finally put that oval canvas I once bought to use. I had the idea of ​​making a portrait, and this time it fit in very well when I was asked for a piece with complete artistic freedom, even about what it had to be.

Maybe I can open commissions for portraits in this style at some point, and maybe I'll finally get around to working in oil paint instead of acrylics, but to do that I'll need to get my backyard in shape, since I wouldn't like to work in oils indoors.

Painting for Salmy.
Traditional. Acrylics.

I also recorded a time-lapse video with my phone, you can watch it on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/panda_paco

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HashRaydamon mastodon (AP)
Looks amazing!

Is there a name for the irrational and silly (but nonetheless real) fear that someone else is working on the thing you’re working on and theirs will be miles better and you’ll have just wasted all your time?
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rrmutt mastodon (AP)
it’s called writing your thesis in grad school
Pippin friendica
Oh god, I get this a lot. It typically takes me years, possibly even decades (possibly even never) to do the things I want to do, though, so it's kinda justified. I wanted to make my own fursuit back in the 1990s and even started working on it. I still haven't got very far, and now look at all the thousands of fursuit makers who beat me to it. Anything I make now is going to look like crap - basically it'll look like a suit from the 1990s! I still want to do it someday though, when I get the time, energy and resources to coincide - that's what delays things so much.

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Mansoor mastodon (AP)
Me, who just setup mastodon on an old computer on my shelf πŸ‘€ πŸ‘οΈ
FoxxMD mastodon (AP)
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones since her parents think it's cool.

It's the first #FursuitFriday after ScotiaCon, so you can guess where this photo comes from! Having a blast glowing up the dance floor as always. ❀

🧡 @selkiesuits
πŸ“· @Dairishgoat
πŸ‘“ Fursuitglasses.com

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
The reflection on your glasses is super cool!
@selkiesuits @Dairishgoat
I'm not sure how much of it there is reflection and how much is the lenses actually being florescent under the lighting, but either way I absolutely love them on the dance floor for that. ^,,^
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Ooooooh, right! Either way, is super cooooool - I love it! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
@selkiesuits @Dairishgoat
Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
I think reflection.
I took this a few seconds later and the glow is gone.
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Caught at just the right moment!
Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
The lights in the dance were going up and down in tandem with the music, so almost every shot I took in that ballroom looks different. And most were out of focus, heh. Low light pics are hard.
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Yup - definitely just gotta go with it and shoot and see what happens! I have some really amazing shots from dances, and tons of too dark and out of focus shots... XD
@Doran_Eirok @selkiesuits
I just wiggle and hope people catch me looking cool. X3 Been working out pretty well for me so far!

Pippin friendica
It's so nice not having any immediately pressing deadlines. It's been a few months since that was last the case.

Pippin friendica
Ugh. How does Severance manage to be so bleak and dismal? I'm a couple of episodes into season 2 and I still have yet to see a single shot of anywhere I'd consider *nice*. Not a single place that looks cosy or friendly. The outdoor landscape is entirely desolate. Indoors is stark and clinical. There's no warmth anywhere. It can't be just the palette and colour grading, can it? They must have gone to great lengths to make the whole thing depressing as hell.

I put on my robe and wizard hat!


Photo by @daicymru96.bsky.social on the sky of blue

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On Valentine's Day, a student asked the swordmaster:
"What shall I give my beloved?"

"A sword. It shows you trust them, and trust their abilities."

Satisfied, the student left. Another student asked: "I am single, what shall I do?"

The swordmaster thought. "Buy yourself a sword. You deserve it."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #SmallStories #vss

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Irenes (many) gotosocial (AP)
(this microfic is fine, we're just making a general point)
@ireneista (No worries, it's a point I've had the swordmaster make before.)

I’m not all that comforted by the thought that general artificial intelligence wiping out humanity may prevent climate breakdown


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https://www.wired.com/story/chinas-salt-typhoon-spies-are-still-hacking-telecoms-now-by-exploiting-cisco-routers/ Who needs Chinese backdoors when you have Cisco?
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Alex mastodon (AP)
s/cisco/any us made security appliance

Guess what? No matter how shit things have been this week, it’s still #fursuitfriday tomorrow.
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Ret mastodon (AP)
@cardboard I know right?!
Cardboard! mastodon (AP)
the world might be slowly devolving into utter shit but at least we have fursuiters to remind ourselves that "hey, no matter what happens, you'll always find something in your life to make you happy"

My photos from Scotiacon 2025 are now available here:
As ever, if you spot yourself in the gallery then feel entirely free to reuse.
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I really enjoyed this video from @bernadettebanner which demonstrates how check the quality of clothes before buying them, without looking at the price tag.


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Ryan Finnie mastodon (AP)
I'd been watching some of her videos but didn't know she had a fediverse account, thanks!
Ela - TechnicalOtter mastodon (AP)
It's super useful! Her video about her stolen photographs/fancy dress thing was also very informative and got me interested in sewing beyond just button repairs and the like.

Had an absolute blast partying with this dragon at #Scotiacon all weekend! Moral of the story: bring your furry-adjacent friends to their first furcon!
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The Human ambassador bowed, hands behind their back.

The Xturi envoy extended a big, soft paw. "I was told Humans greet with touch?"

"Are Xturi comfortable being touched?"

The Xturi's large, round eyes opened wide. Their thick, silky fur rippled as they laughed.
"We relish touch!"


#MicroFiction #TootFic #VSS #SmallStories

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
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Even public formalities benefit from establishing enthusiastic consent. :blobfoxhappy:
Twotired mastodon (AP)
THIS RIGHT HERE is the future we were promised, not this bullshit we have now.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
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Content warning: USPol, Gulf of Mexico

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Tumahab_Nogard mastodon (AP)
I love this. I listen to it once a week just to be happy, lol.

Big 1992 energy here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeYzMIbTLcw
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Periodic repost of this absolute gem.


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Ret mastodon (AP)

Personal highlight:

"I recently received a phonecall from a former student of mine who said that he had recently been contacted by the Internal Revenue Service. He said:

'They asked if I'd be willing to answer a couple of questions, but they say that I'm not a suspect, and I know in my heart I don't think I've done anything in violation of the Internal Revenue Service Provisions'.

Lord have mercy… There's no one on Earth who can say with complete confidence that they know they've never violated any provision of the Internal Revenue Service."


It is time for the dead dog.

One last hurrah for the Pest as I put on my cloak and wizard hat!

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Leina mastodon (AP)
Awwwww, love your outfit! πŸ’œ πŸ’™
Jencen mastodon (AP)
@Bowsette Thankies ❀
Jencen mastodon (AP)

Nope. Couldn't do it. Nearly instantly overheated and couldn't see any seating in there like there was last year.
Constantly bumped and jostled despite having 2 neon rainbow aircraft guide sticks o.<

Couldn't even cool off outside >.<
Back in room. May put the stream on for the final song.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
Jencen mastodon (AP)

Quite eh. Wanted to give Pest a good sendoff for my last con.

Right paw stitching gave way as I was putting him on. Quick pin job to get out there. Just to overheat, go back to room and flop.

Was going to go out later in just head. But just crawled into bed.
Took me an hour to roll a Pi up well enough to watch the stream on the TV o.<

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bhahne mastodon (AP)
I once had a taxi driver warn me: "You might have the right of way, but you might be DEAD right."
Dave Everitt mastodon (AP)
so remonds me of _why's "Poignant Guide to Ruby" cartoon foxes. Glad they live on in new fox-related humour!

APT. Dance challenge! The choreo looked so fun I had to go for it. :3

HQ upload:

#DanceChallenge #APT #Fursuit

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Pippin friendica
My stupid food-brain wants me to go to the shops and get a bag of crisps or something to munch on, but it's raining and horrible out there. I don't know why the "proper" food I have in the house isn't good enough and Only A Savoury Snack Will Doβ„’, but I'm not the boss of my food-brain, apparently.

"I'd like to help, but not as much as I'd like not to."

I can't say it where I want to say it. ;)

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Tursilion mastodon (AP)
@longbottle hehe, nope, not this time!

Content warning: Rich vs. Poor

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"Hey, PS17, grandad mentioned a game called 'Bubble Bobble'. Can you run that?"

The PlayStation thought. "No, but I can emulate an earlier platform, that can emulate an earlier platform, that can emulate-"

"How many layers of emulation will you have to run?"


"I hope it's worth it."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Foxbrush Tailwag mastodon (AP)
Bubble Bobble is always worth it, and now I have the music stuck in my head
Sylvia Osteen mastodon (AP)
I loved Bubble Bobble.

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Just need to figure out how to get US oil rights into the hands of a foreign adversary and you can plausibly start a very productive war with this information.
charvaka mastodon (AP)
Sadly this was valid in the 1930s and 1940s too.

Content warning: USPol

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