
So apparently, Stripe closed my express account through Artistree because I had one of my commission types as NSFW. And even AFTER removing said NSFW commission type, they still would not reopen my account even though they said to do so and confirm after. I'm literally selling SFW commissions on there like EVERYONE ELSE?!! The worst part is I barely even got to use the damn thing to get paid with.

I'm not sure if I have any more options (continued in replies)

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I gave up on PayPal, Stripe hates me, and I DO NOT wanna take commissions through Discord as I'd rather not take customers from outside of Discord to friend request me to do it. It's just too much. So please, if anyone who's an NSFW artist or mature artist, PLEASE PLEASE give me some suggestions on what I can use to get paid with or other platforms friendly for NSFW art.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Digital spaces enable LGBTQ+ people to engage with their gender and sexual orientation, but it can be daunting to give up any kind of privacy online while doing so. Here's a guide to protecting your identities online, from using a VPN to obscuring faces.
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Pippin friendica

Kinda want to go back to when the furry fandom was small and I knew, or had at least heard of, almost everyone in it. I feel kinda lost in it these days.

So, today is osprey hatchday, and though it was the two days before that we went to #furway, it was like getting a great gift to be with so many nice floffs. We got to meet some old friends that we have not seen in "forever", and meet some new people with all sorta odd tails.

The meet brought back memories of the "long forgotten" Eurofurence#4, and it was nice to again be at a "smallish", camplike con.

The #furry fandom has been an integral, lifesaving part of my life since I stumbled over it in '94, but life getting in the way and the fandom growing at an insane rate has made us feel a bit alienated from a lot of the new crowd.

Furway felt very inclusive and friendly, much like how things were in the early days of the fandom.

And some peeps told me some very sweet stuff that meant a lot to hear. Apparently I was not as forgotten as I thought.

Albatross also brought her costume, will post pics of her later :)

#Fursuit and I know it is not #fursuitfriday but heck, were too busy being there then :P

The problem today is that if you start out with a small meet, it'll either get lost in the seas of other small-ish meets with like 15 to 20 people, or rapidly escalate into a function with hundreds of attendees and you've essentially got a convention from 10-15 years ago on your hand. It's the sheer numbers that are doing this, and people coming from all kinds of backgrounds instead of the university/IT inclined crowd of the 1990s Internet.

So, today is osprey hatchday, and though it was the two days before that we went to #furway, it was like getting a great gift to be with so many nice floffs. We got to meet some old friends that we have not seen in "forever", and meet some new people with all sorta odd tails.

The meet brought back memories of the "long forgotten" Eurofurence#4, and it was nice to again be at a "smallish", camplike con.

The #furry fandom has been an integral, lifesaving part of my life since I stumbled over it in '94, but life getting in the way and the fandom growing at an insane rate has made us feel a bit alienated from a lot of the new crowd.

Furway felt very inclusive and friendly, much like how things were in the early days of the fandom.

And some peeps told me some very sweet stuff that meant a lot to hear. Apparently I was not as forgotten as I thought.

Albatross also brought her costume, will post pics of her later :)

#Fursuit and I know it is not #fursuitfriday but heck, were too busy being there then :P

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Kootenay mastodon (AP)
Happy birbday!
Arakin mastodon (AP)
happy hatchday! And glad to hear you've been having lots of fun πŸ˜€

Gerry McGovern mastodon (AP)

Data centers and AI delivering a "golden era" for Big Oil

Big Oil is so excited by AI. Oil industry insiders believe that "a surge in demand for electricity to feed data centres and to power an artificial intelligence revolution will usher in a golden era for natural gas."


Driven by Big Tech, humans are accelerating the pace at which we devour our environment.

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piebob ✨ mastodon (AP)
this is a suprisingly accurate depiction of my progress to date
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)

We don’t need a home on the moon. We have a home, and will continue to have one if we stop destroying it

β€œCave discovered on Moon could be home for humans”


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Artists Garden mastodon (AP)
I think we are just moving on now to destroying somewhere else.
xs4me2 mastodon (AP)
The last 100 of them after we made earth inhabitable…

When you see the word "privatize" just think "extract wealth by choking public good to death"
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jade mastodon (AP)

β€œYour trauma made you stronger.”

I am strong despite my trauma, not because of it. Stop glorifying trauma as some kind of life lesson we needed to learn, holy shit.

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Last week it was where are the #butterflies, now it’s where are the #bats ?

The wet spring and summer are being blamed. That in itself is the result of climate change, but I can’t help but think there is something else impacting our insect populations which bats feed on.


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Beverley mastodon (AP)

I commented on this very thing last week. Normally I'd see several bats over my back garden at dusk but I've not seen a single one this year. I wondered if it was something to do with a decline in the insect population.

You only have to think about how, years ago, your windscreen and registration plate used to be pebble-dashed after a car journey. Now? Nothing.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


It suddenly feels very Silent Spring…once populations decline to such a low level, can they recover?

Beverley mastodon (AP)

As I think someone else said in the thread, there is a definite change. It's very worrying.

Oh, I've noticed a sudden influx of spiders. Isn't it usually autumn when they seem more visible in homes. It's not just that it's a different time of year, but there's a different type of spider that I don't recall seeing in the past. Lots of 'em! They're invading my daughter's too.

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


We’ve definitely had just as many cobwebs in our house and along the railings out the front! But I haven’t seen so many of the spiders creating them.

David Phd mastodon (AP)
I haven't seen bats in our garden for 3-4 years. This year I've noticed a sharp decline in insects including bees and butterflies. At the same time there are far fewer apples and pears as the trees are being not pollinated.

Sharkie mastodon (AP)

The consequence of using microsoft in production or at scale means that you have to use third-party tools to reduce your exposure to harm.

The level of incompetence on the OS development level means that such tools have to have executive control over things no third-party utility should.

The whole concept of "whole OS patches" is stupid and broken. "OMG PATCH NAO" is also stupid. "Patch management" is not security, it is garbage.

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Sharkie mastodon (AP)

Increasing the frequency of patching, of updates, of releases, of deployments does not promote a healthy, secure ecosystem, but a tumultuous, chaotic mess where little to no QA, testing or staging is done.

Every single part of the absolute mess that people think of as "infosec" is basically trash-ass busywork that people think is "normal" because it's what they know.

And then people write "compliance" standards based on that mess that result in millions of meaningless compliance actions.

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Sharkie mastodon (AP)

It didn't have to be this way. It still doesn't.

Start with a secure platform, then reduce attack surface. Secure the ingress, reduce or eliminate interlayer trust. Centralize complexity, distribute work in as simple a form as possible, with as little power and surface area. Aggregate events centrally, eliminate node individuality. Enforce class compliance. Replace security theater with end-to-end individual auth and change management.

Deploy to Testing->QA->Staging before prod.

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Thib mastodon (AP)

Travelling by sleeper train beats travelling by plane. Hands down.

I’m travelling in a small hotel room with a view. It almost feels as soothing as sleeping in a boat. I got to the train by foot and I’ll arrive in the city centre.

Compare that to a cramped seat in a crowded plane and traffic jam before and after the trip.

Trains are the future of transportation.

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The Labour Govt. has launched an ongoing 'structured' set of meetings with the EU, aiming at re-establishing normal regular relations rather than the ad-hoc posturing on Europe that we experienced with our previous government(s).

This is explicating about building trust & reliability; so, I expect to see a number of tightly constrained sectoral deals made so each side can 'test' the other's commitment to rapprochement....

Its going to be slow, but in the right direction!

#politics #europe

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theblackdog mastodon (AP)
I don’t know who made this but it’s hilarious.
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Brad Mitchell mastodon (AP)
July 19, 2024- ".. the wearing of an N95 mask by an infected individual would reduce the likelihood of transmitting the virus by 20 fold.” - https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/07/19/jykb-j19.html
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Nick Poole mastodon (AP)

I would like a key on my phone keyboard that says "sic" and it's just a space bar that doesn't apply auto correct.

Like a "I know I typed it wrong and also you don't need to learn it" button

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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that'd be useful!

I've said before I'd like the opposite, too: something for desktop computers so I can hit a key that says "I know I misspelled that last word, but I basically got it. Go apply the first suggestion".

Because then I can just hit it instead of having to switch to my mouse and click it, and to be honest I can't actually remember how to spell "alienation" but I'm sure you can, spellchecker.

@foone Yes, spellchecker, of course I know how to spell occassionally- ocasionally- occccasssssionnnnaly-
Kuba Orlik mastodon (AP)
@foone i think you cam do it without a mouse, though - with the "context menu" keyboard button?

cleaning products come in like three variants:
* normal consumer product, snazzy branding, entirely useless
* β€œgreen” consumer product, branded as sustainable, even more useless
* the blandest branding you’ve ever seen, absolutely obliterates dirt instantly, used as a chemical weapon in ww1, marine wildlife dies from you even just looking at the bottle
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kim_harding βœ… mastodon (AP)
Sandi Toksvig - There are only two countries in the world where representatives of the state religion automatically get seats in Parliament. They are the UK and Iran. #BishopsOut
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Worldcon attendees, please note: UK is pronounced "uck" (rhymes with duck).

If you spell out the letters, everyone will know you're a tourist.

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Cheryl Morgan mastodon (AP)
in Welsh the letter U is pronounced the same way as I in English. So Welsh people pronounce UK as β€œick”.
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Jason Gorman mastodon (AP)

There's no programming language that will force you to write the right code.

Your code can be type-safe, thread-safe and memory-safe, and still wrong.

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Don't push to prod on a Friday

To be safe, don't push to prod on a Thursday night.

Really, someone might be off so don't push on Thursday.

Consider not pushing to prod on Weds, as that's when everyone is running their security scans.

Don't push to prod on Tuesday for reasons I can't yet think of.

Don't push to prod on Monday, you're still getting over the weekend.

Consider just not pushing to prod.

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Secvalve mastodon (AP)

I am seeing so many incorrect reckons from people about patch management staging.

Modern EDR content updates don’t work the way old school patches do.

You have agent versions.

Policy versions.

Content versions.

This all work slightly differently.

Staging them old school ways is impossible if you want to get protection for threats updated in time.

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Delta Sierra mastodon (AP)

Wake up babe, new furry elevator stress test meta just dropped.

#furry #convention #AnthroWeekendUtah2024 #elevator

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we need to add furries to the list of ADA protected categories
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Delta Sierra mastodon (AP)

@foone "emotional support fursuit"

It's not even an exaggeration, honestly!

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Oh, so, spicy take -

I expect to see other failures of similar nature to the crowdstrike issue, in other companies and their products.

My expectation is informed by the massive number of layoffs in the past couple years, and a suspicion that many companies' internal infrastructure has been running in a degrading or possibly entirely unmaintained state since heavy layoffs occurred.

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GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
weird how MS cloud crap has had a lot of issues since they laid a bunch of people off.. (and continue to do so)

Content warning: MH (mild neg)

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Content warning: re: MH (mild neg)

I just digitized a VHS tape produced by Yggdrasil Computing, Inc., titled "Linux - Installation and Beyond" that doesn't seem to be preserved anywhere. It's an interesting look back at what Linux installation was like in 1995, and hopefully should provide some historical context for those of you who weren't (un?-)lucky enough to live through this period of Linux.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/2IAa6MYVpVs

Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/linux_-_installation_and_beyond

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Av Husky 🎈 mastodon (AP)
For this #squeakysaturday, let's keep things squeaky clean, ok? 🧼🫧 with @vexit.bsky.social #rubberfur #latex
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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
Very clean and cleaning! ❀

A squeaky hello for #internationaldayoflatex! #squeak #rubberfur #squeakysaturdayπŸ“· Starburst @karinKariwanz
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PSA: delete your old Photobucket account now! Don’t put it off.

You know those emails you’ve been getting for a year from Photobucket threatening to delete your old account and you were like lol who cares and ignored them?

Turns out they didn’t delete them anyway, they repurposed the business as a broker of biometric data to AI companies and they’re using your old pictures for that. You have to actually go in and delete your account to opt out, and you only have until Monday, July 22 to do it.

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Microsoft Recovery Tool available now, with instructions to assist with the Crowdstrike issue impacting Windows endpoints.

This will require physical access & 1GB USB. You will need admin rights (+ access to the Bitlocker key, if Bitlocker is in place).


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mos_8502 :verified: mastodon (AP)

Them: β€œYou’re not trans, why are you always defending them?”

Me: β€œI am also not a domestic cat, and if I see you abusing one of those I’ll kick your ass too.”

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I'm trans AND a cat, so thanks twice

Tanzureir mastodon (AP)

Shiny yote meets fluffy proot! What kind of mischief are they planning πŸ‘€

Left: @datbluehusky.bsky.social
Right: me
πŸ“Έ: @Shinyraptor

#SqueakySaturday #latexfur #rubberfur #latex #rubber

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Alexis Bushnell mastodon (AP)

Folks, I just spoke to my MP and the main takeaway was that we have to mobilise people who aren't transphobic because MPs are inundated with cis women who are scared and angry about trans folks.

They are simply not hearing from people who aren't scared and angry.

If you haven't contacted your MP about this - please do it now! Especially if you're a cis woman.

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Patricia Aas mastodon (AP)

Normal folks hating on C++: it’s an old and memory unsafe programming language.

Me hating on C++: there is a convicted rapist and registered sex offender on the C++ committee and the committee leadership worked really hard to keep him there.

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Ninji mastodon (AP)

I got to be a dog at Glasgow Pride today 🐺

Was hectic and warm but it was fun!

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Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)
but only until the end of June, right? uhhhhh... :blobfoxlaughsweat:
Ninji mastodon (AP)
@tuftyindigo nah, I'm gay all year round

elle mastodon (AP)
just heard someone call the people who can't resist looking at their bright little phones in a movie theatre "moth people" and I will be using this moving forward
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look at this timely meme
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