
Re: last boost:
The raspi boots faster if you overclock the GPU, because the GPU is used TO LOAD THE KERNEL?!
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Chris Petrilli mastodon (AP)
excuse me, but what?
gudenau mastodon (AP)
Yeah that's one reason you get the giant rainbow square.
KING Calyo Delphi mastodon (AP)
That's wild. XD
Manawyrm | Sarah mastodon (AP)

The GPU searches for the SD card, loads and parses the config.txt file, sets many of the required options, parses device tree overlays, etc. etc.

It also does the memory controller initialization and refresh logic.

And yes, it loads kernel and initramfs into memory and then resets/enables the main ARM CPU.

A classic Broadcom move 😹
(with the GPU core being a highly proprietary VideoCore IV architecture)

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

@manawyrm I mean it makes some sense, it's just... Mindboggling.

It feels like how on the PC you need to turn on half your ram through the keyboard controller

@manawyrm almost as though computer hardware is a collection of cursed knowledge
I beg your pardon?!
FozzTexx mastodon (AP)
The GPU is the CPU and the CPU is the coprocessor.
Josh Simmons mastodon (AP)
As the lord intended. Down with the CPU primacy!
Wilfried Klaebe mastodon (AP)

Yes. The CPU is just an attachment to the GPU there. Yet another reason to scoff at RPis because they cannot ever be fully open source with brokencom's stance.

Gimme some SBC based off https://www.starfivetech.com/en/site/soc instead...

It's mentioned in passing in this article:

New blog post:

Executing Linux applications on a Raspberry Pi in less than 3.5s from power-up! 🚀🏎️
(and other power saving tricks)


Rudi (ryjelsum) mastodon (AP)
broadcom really hates us all i think
Yeah that’s how they do.
Eric Goodwin mastodon (AP)
that definitely threw me. Modern computers are just bananapants nuts.
Steve mastodon (AP)
I thought everyone knew this by now, but apparently not judging from the replies. The rpi cpu is a cursed architecture and VC4’s role as the boot processor has long been criticised in open sourcing efforts (although I partially disagree, almost all CPUs have binary blobs hidden somewhere, even some of the most open source friendly ones)
レイレイ mastodon (AP)

booting up to screen of rainbow pixels is a very Williamsy thing to do

and then the boot screen happens (which are a recent years addition. I wish this part could be customized a bit more to drop the QR code for something cute and have the VGA font)

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
William D. Jones mastodon (AP)
Yes, at least on the original one, the bootcode.bin is a GPU blob. It took a while to RE :(...
Atapi.EXE mastodon (AP)
Luke T. Shumaker mastodon (AP)
People think of the rPi as an ARM board with a VC4 GPU on it, but really it's a VC4 board that has a ARM coprocessor stuck to it. The VC4 is running a full OS (ThreadX). Whatever you run on the ARM CPU is secondary.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
KDDLB mastodon (AP)
hey it's an original Xbox
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
yep, you can implement a soft ARM core in a FPGA, and a GPU is pretty much a FPGA…
ParzivalWolfram mastodon (AP)
well that certainly explains some of the goofy behavior i've seen from malfunctioning RPis.

Yup the GPU is just a less general purpose CPU which is reponsible to bring up the whole SoC.

Lots of code is running on that CPU, and yes, it is the one that bring up the ARM CPU and load the code for it.

Pippin friendica
Another reminder that it's very hard to fully own your own computer these days. Always some proprietary doodad seems to control things behind the scenes. :(