Celty's cool. Not sure I'd go for this suit exactly, but she can go in the folder anyway ;)

I finally got out on my motorbike for the first time in a while, possibly months. Thankfully the battery wasn't dead(!). I did realise before setting off that I still had to put the new jubilee clip on the exhaust that I'd sourced quite a while back, but that didn't take many minutes. Then it needed petrol. Then I rode over to Ham (~20 minutes each way) and sat by the Thames for a bit.

I took a pic, but by the time I finally got out of the house, got the clip fixed, got the petrol and found my way to the car park near Eel Pie Island, it was really rather dark. Have a very brightened-up picture.

There were some birds on the river, possibly geese, who gave me the side-eye for a while.


Oh yes, General Mayhem. I took a whole bunch of screenshots of this one when I first watched Lego 2!

Mayhem seems to have a bunch of fan art around the place.


Oh, oh, gotta add the OG white armour. These guys used to occupy my thoughts a *lot* when I was young. I mean, A LOT.

Some of those thoughts were regarding the question of whether they were robots or not. Others were more to do with whether the armour even came off or if it was permanent. (After all, we never saw them without it.)

And… not only when I was young. Nope.


Okay, Xeniataur's going in the folder. As is this other very nicely edited photo from ages ago (Kartfox, 2015). (This one's not the specific character(s), but the body shape/species/idea. I really want to make a good taur suit someday. I have Ideasβ„’.)

Adding this guy, obviously.
I've started a folder on my laptop into which I can just dump pictures of suits I want. Maybe, as a fairly low-friction way to build a list, that'll finally give me a bit of a comprehensive reference! To start it off:

I think I've figured out what this plastic tub with its little wheels reminds me of!

(Each time I use kdenlive I seem to figure it out just a little tiny bit more. …Only a tiny bit though.)

[Alt text: clear plastic tub with tiny plastic wheels rolls into view. Then with a "ding" it changes to a screenshot of a Minecraft minecart with a player sitting in it. (The player skin is Spider-Man, so it's me, of course…)]

Why do I keep feeling compelled to dig out such huge purposeless underground spaces in survival-mode minecraft? It's such a time-sink and there's literally no purpose.

Content warning: CW: kink photo! (Nothing bad, just gear.)

Interesting, mine's a little bit more colourful… (Mastodon's still the vast majority, though.) (Sorry, not sure I can screenshot the tooltips that show what slice is what.)
@Dairishgoat I just realised I should have replied…
(Sorry, can't resist.)

Security lifehack: changing my lock screen to a picture I really like so I'm more likely to lock the machine manually (rather than just leaving it to time out) because then I get to see the picture more. ^.^

πŸ“· CosplayByPedro on Instagram

What a difference a bit of sunshine makes. First one taken about 24 hours ago (when it was sunny), second one just now (when it isn't). Pity we're still using gas. πŸ™

Others photographed better than I did! πŸ™‚

A reflective fox costume made of dozens of little mirror sections attached to an under-suit. Standing outdoors amongst trees, he's so well camoflaged it's difficult to see him, despite taking up nearly the whole of the photo.


Looking at the ConFuzzled 2023 photos. I found myself! But I am so awkward and not fitting in with the furries…

The first of three photos from the "multiverse" photoshoot at the ConFuzzled 2023 Menagerie. In this one a brown fursuiter is on the left (not sure how to describe the species) and I'm on the right in my Miles Morales "Into the Spider-Verse" spidey-suit (black with red logo and accents).  I'm standing awkward as hell.

From later in the same photoshoot, a close-up of me as Miles Morales in a more classic crouched Spidey pose, the legs and feet of several fursuiters visible in the background and at the edges of the frame.

Same, but zoomed out to show the whole group.


Glad I have a best friend who'll find me and do this to me while I'm trying to take a selfie. Pity I only get to see them (and my other friends) once a year at ConFuzzled, though.

What web site do I go to to order a social life? πŸ˜•

Pippin 10 months ago
It's occasionally off by a few seconds, what with free will and all.

I did an image search for "butch identity" recently, and now I think that's probably a lot like what SecUnits could look like. (Since I'm male I of course at first imagined Murderbot looking… well, like me, but I did often think maybe it should be less so. I think the point when Amena called it "third mom" was when my brain did a kind of inflection-point thing and I could imagine Murderbot being a lot less purely-masculine and probably with quite a bit of feminine mixed in. Perhaps quite a *lot*.)

Example: how'd it be if our SecUnit friend looked a little more like this:


Content warning: Slight TMNT: Mutant Mayhem spoilers


Incidentally, I do want to make a bird fursuit sometime. I've had one of these in mind for a long long time as an interestingly-marked species.

A great tit perching on a twig (image from Max Westby on Flickr)


Humans are so flippin' dumb.

that's what's extra infuriating: everyone's so obsessed with violently enforcing their "COVID is over" narrative, mask mandates and conventions are being torn down even where they were common before COVID!

Just a few months ago, friends told me about people refusing to wear respirators in an asbestos-contaminated building. Asbestos!


I caught a bus from the bus stop just outside Wimbledon Bridge House. Every time I go to that bus stop I'm reminded of the old days of Domark and Eidos and so on, and also there was Ian Jackson, and all that '80s stuff.

I wonder if people living in Silicon Valley get that kinda of feeling all the time, as there are just so many tech company HQs there.

On the way home: The Tower of London at night.
I went to my main client's xmas do today. Nice people, and quite a nice restaurant this year. But if they wanted me not to be distracted, why'd they put a rack cabinet at the end of the table! 😝

Content warning: Hmm, maybe if you are sensitive to flashing lights, perhaps try not to walk along my road...!


Content warning: Minecraft again!



I've never actually used the Atlas measurement network other than a quick experimental poke at it many years ago, so I probably won't actually use these credits, but anyway, nice to know. :]

(The main reason it's not near 100% uptime is because the probe failed at one point and I had to replace its USB flash stick to get it working again. It was dead for a few months before I had a compelling reason to go to the datacentre and fix it! Then I moved it to home so I'll be able to fix it more easily if it breaks again.)


Content warning: Minecraft again!

I'm enough of a Murderbot fan that I built this in a corner of The Ace Place (Minecraft build I showed pics of recently). It's a SecUnit cubicle (as the sign says) with just a little bed and a light inside, and the doors automatically open just before the earliest time it's possible to sleep each night, and a bell dings to remind me to "roll it over" to morning. Stupid that I'm so much more disciplined at going to bed in a video game than I've ever been in real life…

So, my laptop might need its keyboard replacing; the W and O keys both seem to be going wonky - smetimes not registering, ther times registering *after* I hit the next key, transposing them. I know why the W is giong: Minecraft. Not sure why the O is, though.

So, I look at the handy-dandy service manual.


(Grr. I wonder if there's a way to fix it from the front…)


Inside the rotunda:

(See alt texts again!)



A few more outside views of the ace rotunda.



I've been building away on @nano :nanoBlobOwO:'s Minecraft server, and wanted to share a few pictures. But then I found my "ace rotunda" is kinda difficult to get interesting pictures of because there aren't really any good angles, oh well!

(Please read the alt texts for more.)

(1/3, see replies for more.)

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