
Post your most villainous fursona pic. If you don't have a fursona, a pic of you or art you've made that looks particularly villainous also works!

No memes. This is for villianous stuff, not insidious stuff!

I'll start with this wonderful piece by Tazara.

Hmm... tough. Save the ones where my fursona is actually harming other people, this one probably... I kinda like the wicked smirk.
Starstorm/Cyberlux mastodon (AP)
Well, a small part of a bigger pic, but here's devil Cyberlux!
Duke Hyena mastodon (AP)
hard to pick just one
@dukehyena Hyenas are innately villainous.
LoranSkunky mastodon (AP)
I like this ;)
@LoranSkunky I was kind of shocked by how this turned out; I had very little input into it, but Tazara really nailed Siph in a way other artists haven't.
Pippin friendica
I like this photo that @Devilwuff took of me at ConFuzzled one year. Villainous enough? 😉