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Happy #FursuitFriday! Monkey see, monkey do.

Character: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sergeanthax
🧵: https://twitter.com/C_F_Studios

#fursuit #goat #dragon #hoof #hooves #longtail #horns #hybrid #max #anthro #sfw #furry

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Finally the weekend is here. Time to party :neofox_happy_blep:

📷: @FloekeWusky on Twitter

#FursuitFriday #furry #furryfandom #fursuit #fursuiter #fursuiting

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A good way to educate non-technical people on just how bad mandated government back doors are to encrypted services is this analogy:

"Imagine the government mandated that everyone keep a spare key for their front door in a specific location, but don't worry, they'll make it illegal for anyone but law enforcement to use it so it's OK."

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Kyreeth mastodon (AP)
@kyhwana Haha, how outlandish, no one would mandate a key be kept in a knox box near the front door
Kyreeth mastodon (AP)
@kyhwana Srsly tho, I think acceptance would be a lot different if the mandated location were centralized, rather than being co-located with the building.

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UK researchers find Alzheimer's-like brain changes in long Covid patients
L: https://uknow.uky.edu/research/uk-researchers-find-alzheimer-s-brain-changes-long-covid-patients
C: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41404748
posted on 2024.08.30 at 17:38:08 (c=0, p=3)
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All I want Mozilla to do is discontinue all their current projects and reconstitute all the projects they previously discontinued. Is that so unreasonable
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Mozilla seems to have been consistently run by people who think the only way forward is to match Google and Microsoft, mistake for mistake.
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jonathankoren mastodon (AP)

@foone The strategic need to get money outside of Google and nostalgia for the Netscape Navigator days seem to drive everything.

(TBF having a source of funding beyond Google’s desire to have nominal competitor for antitrust proceedings, is very important, and extremely difficult given how vocal a minority of users and employees are.)

Boosty Collins mastodon (AP)
@foone Mozilla loves to "I can fix him" at every obviously horrible technology.

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Friendly reminder that if you download software updates for Fedora or AlmaLinux from London, there's good odds that your software updates are coming from an HP thin client sitting in a road box in Surrey.

This is perfectly fine, and how free software / the Internet actually works.

#MicroMirror #Fedora #AlmaLinux #Linux #FOSS

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Kenneth Finnegan mastodon (AP)

Context: @warthog9 and I run a managed appliance service called MicroMirror, where we take cash donations (https://en.liberapay.com/phirephly/) and use them to deploy free software download mirrors based on the cheapest hardware possible.


The B4SH ISP in Surrey volunteered to host one of our appliances in their network, so they donate space, power, and transit capacity for the server we ship them to just plug in. For some reason, this was the best spot for them to plug this server is. 🤷

We are up to 35 of these Micro sized download mirrors worldwide. Because these sorts of things just tend to get out of hand for me.

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Log 🪵 mastodon (AP)

Very sorry, but I have to ask....

Is that data center bigger on the inside?


A fellow student has completely hosed their RStudio installation by running code they got from ChatGPT and is now struggling to get their statistics assignment done which is due tomorrow.

Let this be a cautionary tale.

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nuintari's rules of networking 0x3a:

Problems that mysteriously go away all by themselves, tend to mysteriously reappear all by themselves.

1st Corollary:

If you rebooted it and the problem went away, the problem has not really gone away.

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I have found this vending machine. It's full of delicious meat and sausages! Would you buy something for the hungry blue wolf? 😇

📸&🪡 @Areksim

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"Asterisk is your friend."

*️⃣ Asterisk sound 'asterisk-friend.wav'
📦 From package 'asterisk-extra-sounds'
🇺🇸 Spoken in US English

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My photos from the 2024 SotonFurs Summer Party now up!

> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBFv6N <

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Look at that great view!

🐺: Bullet
📸: Karakina

#fursuit #FursuitFriday #Lakesidefurs

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Boop! ✨
🐕: @Marty_Snep
✂️: @komickrazi

#furry #fursuit #photography

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Just taking in the long weekend vibes!
#fursuitfriday #fursuit #fursuiting
📷: KazeShiba
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"Do you have any idea what <emph> time </emph> it is?"

*️⃣ Asterisk sound 'what-time-it-is2.wav'
📦 From package 'asterisk-extra-sounds'
🇬🇧 Spoken in British English

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"Yes, dear. (annoyed)"

*️⃣ Asterisk sound 'yes-dear.wav'
📦 From package 'asterisk-extra-sounds'
🇬🇧 Spoken in British English

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"Master/Slave" nomenclature is problematic. Going forward, we shall use "Dom/Sub" instead.
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GothPanda mastodon (AP)
my brief amount of time using keepalived got me thinking about using Captain/Crew for that context.
LeoNerd mastodon (AP)
SPI interfaces with pins labelled DOSI and DISO. I could get used to that.
Jencen mastodon (AP)

@leonerd Nope. Can't hear DOSI without thinking of the Dosai from Stargate SG-1 o.o


Have a bouquet of suiters for your #FursuitFriday.
/w @Thiro
/w @Areksim
/w @Ican
/w @toanir

📸 @/Vulpy
🪡 @Areksim (Vino Studios)


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If you haven't yet tried a wetsuit or a rubber catsuit underneath one-piece leather motorcycle suit. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!?!?!?!?!?/1/onequestionmark.

#gear #gearfetish #fetish #kink

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Jencen mastodon (AP)

Ooooh. that sounds dreamy o.o

Have worn it under fursuit. That was /WARM/ but os so nice!

Gearlicious mastodon (AP)
@Jencen having just gone for a motorcycle ride as well, the weather is still too warm. But, oh such good feels.

I see this dude on a weekly basis and every time I see him he's doing this the whole time he's stopped.
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I've had a few folks ask me how I make https://www.thestopbits.net load so quickly.

It's a boring answer: it's tiny.

There's almost nothing you download when you visit. There's no JavaScript and we use whatever font you have as the default.

It's not a trick, it's just how things used to be. It has to load on a 28.8 modem, so on your modern machine it's going to feel zippy.

Modern websites can feel zippy too.

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

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I maintain that it's eugenics. By removing mitigations, they're passively killing us. By banning masks, it's not so passive. It's willful. #COVID #eugenics
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I sometimes think about trying Rust since they've fixed some of the major language design issues I like and the community evangelism and extreme hype is starting to die down. But I just can't help but think of the last time I tried it, the getting started guide “hello, world!” equivalent added one dependency that then pulled in 25 separate transitive dependencies totaling 97 megabytes of source code (as in, it would likely take actual years to read through it all to see what it all does). Left a very bad taste in my mouth that that's the very first thing you do in the official guide for a hello world program, and that the guide does it without even a word spared to “oh wow look at all this shit that's downloading!”

I think when I posted about it originally someone actually went in and made a PR to remove a number of the dependencies because it was a bad look, but the fact they had to go in afterwards because of bad optics rather than just not pulling the dependencies in in the first place still says volumes to me

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HTML computer code programming is my passhion🕶️
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TIL that sharks (a group of fish) are an order of magnitude older than Polaris (literally a star)

Sharks: 419 - 359 million years

Polaris (α UMi Aa): 45 - 67 million years

I’ll need to sit down, stare at a wall for a bit, and process this.

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Beetle On The Wine is on youtube now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVtWjxotHbw if you'd prefer a higher quality version! c:
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