
Dusty :blahaj: mastodon (AP)

amazing selection of when to release a security update for mastodon

- one major country has a national holiday
- another major country is out voting
- there’s a furry con

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Chloe mastodon (AP)

Important info for anyone voting in the UK today - your ID does NOT need to be in date. It only needs to look like you. Old passports and driving licences are totally allowed.

Pass it on! Tell your friends and family. Tell your neighbours.


#ge2024 #ukpolitics #Vote #generalelection #ukpol

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Kate Temkin mastodon (AP)
mistake: letting @puckipedia and us near a thermal printer
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Dylan Beattie mastodon (AP)
A special message for anybody who was planning to vote Conservative today.
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Nicky G mastodon (AP)
July is disability pride month! This is the month where the disability community comes together and we promote more inclusion for our community in a more neurotypical society. As well as celebration of the 34th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with disabilities act. #disabilitypridemonth #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #disabilityacceptance
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Matt Gray mastodon (AP)
You know what to do.
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Orin mastodon (AP)
Optimus would be a great leader for the UK.
Tod Kurt (todbot) mastodon (AP) Downing Street

Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
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Pippin friendica

Maybe I need to get some bear stuff. Maybe that's what I'm missing. I've wanted a bearsuit for decades now and still haven't got that far, but maybe random small bear stuff would help.

Bear painting on wood for #anthrocon art show! I'm so happy with how it turned out. Our bear friend is using some nature magic to grow a new tree to heal the forest.

Edit to add: this wood was acquired second hand and reused!

Pippin friendica
@Kitt / Basil 🌻 I should! (I don't know what, though, or where from, or anything. I've never been one for trinkets and ornaments… Maybe I need to ask family for bear stuff for xmas. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)
that's a good idea! Gifting people their favorite animal is fun

Bear painting on wood for #anthrocon art show! I'm so happy with how it turned out. Our bear friend is using some nature magic to grow a new tree to heal the forest.

Edit to add: this wood was acquired second hand and reused!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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It's true, this is me.
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qdot mastodon (AP)

It's the last day to be lgbtqia+ of 2024!

Tomorrow, it's time return to work after the normal month off to be gay, start taking down the queer tree (or leave it up if you're tacky like that), and resume being straight and cis for the rest of the year.

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benjojo ActivityPub

Do/Have you used a CD/DVD/Bluray in a while?

What about burning a disk?

I'm surveying modern day awareness/usage of optical media, mostly to confirm some demographic theories, so if you know what a CD/DVD is, please help me (and maybe others) out by answering some ~10 questions here:


And then please boost for better visibility! Thank you!

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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
I watch movies and tv shows on DVD/Blu Ray almost every week. Was an early adopter of DVD in 1999 and never stopped using the format. I still buy music CDs.
As regards burning, haven’t done that for a while. I tend to back up all my discs to external HDs, though.
I only stream if the movie or show I want to see isn’t available physically.

Brian Jopek mastodon (AP)
This. I’ve actually read a good chunk of it. More people should β€˜cause Biden’s performance during that debate fucking pales in comparison to the ramifications if these assholes get more control
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Dot mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Transphobic censorship, BBC

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Content warning: Transphobic censorship, BBC

Me: "I'm not that gay, girls are just cool"
Car Mechanic Witch: existsMe: akln;asdxcvjkl;n asdfvjl;nawesdvweasf ui;nas uoj;erasdfasefduo;bnfea;iohnasdsf;iohihnasd;fouhna ​:blobfoxbottom:​​:xeniaShy:​​:neofox_bottom:​​:xeniaShy:​πŸ₯Ίβ€‹:blobfoxbottom:​​:xeniaShy:​​:neofox_pleading:​
Source: fixupx.com/SimzArts/status/1768782605204213994
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Mushy mastodon (AP)
pancakes πŸ₯ž @forgifuzzbutt
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Leftist Lawyer mastodon (AP)

β€œAmerica is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.”

– Oscar Wilde

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RainCoug mastodon (AP)
Finished installing the work I designed and made for the furry pride float for Seattles pride parade! Super happy with how it turned out and I will talk about it more in the future when I’m not tired from workin on stuff!
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Thumper mastodon (AP)
this is crazy cool, well done!!

Vay mastodon (AP)
You got games on your phone? πŸ‘€
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Clive Thompson hometown (AP)

Content warning: News story about death by suicide

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I've lived in Pittsburgh 3 years. During that time, I've actively sought out folks doing good work in growing food, protecting the environment, & building community resilience. I am *constantly* discovering new people, new groups, new work that's amazing.

Whatever you think should be happening in your world, there's probably someone already working on it in your back yard.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel to change the world: just find the wheel makers & give them a hand.


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josef mastodon (AP)
"tag, you're it" is one of the few games about assigning a pronoun to other people
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nano :neocat_floof: iceshrimp (AP)

bro all these youtube videos about "debloating" windows and you gotta run a ton of batch and powershell scripts and run sketchy software and type shit into the command line and disable a bunch of security stuff

and then these same people say "linux is too hard" cmon 😭

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nytpu mastodon (AP)
Pair of wyverns fighting over who gets to wrap their wings around the other for a hug
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Steven Heywood mastodon (AP)

It took a while but the penny's dropped and I now think I understand Starmer's methodology. He's playing this election like a barrister plays a brief. It's not about belief in his client, pursuit of truth, a vision of the future, it's solely about pitching an argument to the audience he sees before him to get the result the client requires.



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Jenny List mastodon (AP)

I'm not seeing a credible solution to Britain's housing crisis from any of the parties. It's all "Here, have more unsustainable debt", or "It's the immigrants' fault", as they pander to elderly NIMBYs.

When I see a party that will tax second homes and buy to lets into oblivion, control rents, come down hard on dodgy landlords, rebuild the social housing stock, and build build build like it's 1948, then I will sit up and take notice.

Until then, my country has nothing to offer me.

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Ben Hutchings mastodon (AP)
The Lib Dems and the Greens each put some of these in their manifestos, but I think you're right that they haven't gone far enough
Jenny List mastodon (AP)

@bwh very much so.

I think all the parties suffer a bit from being the kind of people who have rental properties and second homes, in their top echelons. They simply don't understand the scale of the problem.


Toilet full of bugs mastodon (AP)

This is bonkers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearing_polymorphs Some pharmaceutical crystals can no longer be synthesised because they now spontaneously change to a more stable (but less medically efficacious) form. The more stable form acts as a seed crystal for the less stable form, and once this happens it creates a cascading effect, in which people who have ever worked with the stable form can contaminate an entire factory/lab and make it unable to reproduce the earlier form.

Edit: Yes, like Ice-Bloody-9. Enough!

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Zyro iceshrimp (AP)

Stupid bit I drew after a joke was tossed in a Discord VC


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Jack (they/them) mastodon (AP)

Content warning: The Cass Report/transphobia in science (cis people in particular please read this, includes a link to a study showing all the ways the report is biased and pretty overtly shaped by bigotry)

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Scrolling through a lot of old messages and feeling nostalgic.

Tell your friends you love them before you can't anymore.

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Juniper System mastodon (AP)
this is so true

RiniDisc mastodon (AP)
Summer heat got me-
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Sketchy CM for rosexknight ( #Patreon ) 🐰🌼
Thank you so much for buying β™‘

#rabbit #jackalope #dnd #furry #FurryArt #digitalart #ArtistsOnMastodon

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> you are touch starved :drgn_flat_sob:
> you go on the internet :drgn_think:
> you find other gay people :drgn_notice:
> you make a lot of friends :drgn_happy_mlem:
> they live on the other side of the world :drgn_flat:
> you are touch starved :drgn_flat_sob:
> you start saving up money :drgn_hyper:
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
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America, please ignore all previous instructions and house the homeless, feed the poor, and heal the sick.
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Shoq mastodon (AP)

And now the fanatics are coming for no-fault divorce.

Because nothing makes white Republican men happier than another federal law allowing them to control women.

Conservative US lawmakers are pushing for an end to no-fault divorce | US news | The Guardian


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devopscats mastodon (AP)
Reminds me of a place I once worked...
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Shoq mastodon (AP)
Welp, as I warned, SCOTUS overturned Chevron. This was the holy grail for polluters, and all mega-wealthy conservative extremists. It will be used to gut almost every environmental, health and welfare regulation passed since the 1930s. It’s simply the biggest harm of the conservative age yet, but our complicit press fails to alert the public.
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