
Then Try This mastodon (AP)
Found this fab site for making printed tactile maps, just put an address in and it provides the stl file in a few seconds. It is missing a bridge, so not perfect, but pretty close and free to use. https://touch-mapper.org/
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Open Rights Group mastodon (AP)
We were pleased to see the Government reject Tony Blair's calls for ID cards https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c87rgj4e0rzo.amp #IDcards #DigitalRights #Privacy
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Beware of any argument a person makes that benefits themselves without clearly benefitting anyone who isn't just like them.

On the other hand, any argument someone makes that benefits other people while doing nothing to benefit themselves deserves a good listen.

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Electron (aka "Chromium but with the security and privacy features turned off")

I just keep hitting the good blogs these days

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Just in case no-one has told you today:

  • Your gender identity is valid.
  • Your sexuality and romanticity are valid.
  • Your worth is not defined by how productive you are under capitalism.
  • Your struggles are valid and you have every right to complain.
  • Self-diagnosis of neurodivergence is valid.
  • You matter.
  • It's okay to not be okay, okay? Just don't suffer alone.
  • You might want to look up the terms imposter syndrome and rejection sensitive dysphoria, especially if you're neurospicy.

Love you all 🩷

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On this day, four years ago, the Government actually gave out Nandos vouchers to people. Yes. During a pandemic. State-subsidised Maccys too.
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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
yeah, looks like katsu curry to me.

Content warning: UK politics, some Reform candidates are fictional people

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How did elections offices in local councils not verify them? Well, you see, candidates sometimes are selected through agents, ie the party or someone they hire, will do all the paperwork on their behalf and the elections officials will just accept it at face value.

So we have a country where you must prove your identity to vote, but not prove your identity to be voted for.


Frank Sonderborg mastodon (AP)
Work Every Time;-)
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Largest UK public sector trial of four-day week sees huge benefits, research finds"


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is that the one the conservatives ordered stopped, because it threatened their ideology?
Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
@Kestenan No..that was the covid-era working from home thing which Mogg became obsessed with after Brookfield Property Partners (and other such real estate giants) mentioned that widespread adoption might have a deleterious effect on their portfolio and by extension his investments.
Sorvall mastodon (AP)
@Kestenan this was the south Cambs experiment and I remember there was huge stink kicked up by the Tory’s locally about it. Making out that those working four day weeks where being lazy and the likes (which is total bollocks, as there are already companies operating 4 day weeks, and that 4 day week people often do work longer hours).

@Sorvall I had read pre-industrial revolution, people worked an average of 24 hours a week. Varying between 2 and 6 hours a day, depending on need.

I don’t think our labour saving devices work very well…

Sorvall mastodon (AP)

@Kestenan if it was pre-industrial then yes 2 - 6 might have been the norm as work was largely agricultural during that period (long periods of minor work followed by seasonal heavy work).

Industrial period onwards was for most people a six day a week dawn until dusk hellscape. Most of that wouldn’t change until labour movements of the early 20th century.

Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
@Sorvall @Kestenan We'd be back there tomorrow if capital had a say in it

Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Heatstroke alerts issued across Japan as heatwave leads to four deaths"


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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data shows"


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Alex Gallagher mastodon (AP)

Oh! The irony!

The Mail publishes primer on how to become an economic migrant.

#politics #dailymail

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vga256 mastodon (AP)

norton disk doctor 8.0 for windows 3.1 let you play midis in the background while it scanned/repaired your drive 😎

#win31 #msdos #dosgaming #retroComputing

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Tim 🎮 hometown (AP)
How to derail an IT meeting in Australia:
1. Idly complain about Telstra as a mobile provider
2. Someone who used to work for Telstra will say "that sounds about right"
3. Someone *else* who *also* used to work for Telstra will pipe up to name a rickety old CRM that was on its last legs when they left a decade ago but is still in use today (there seems to be several of these)
4. Those two people will commence commiserating and telling war stories
5. Time advances and lunchtime draws closer
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Pippin friendica
This little guy is definitely getting to spend a lot of time inside my head these days.

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knowgum mastodon (AP)

Tories questioning Labour's 172 seat majority, won under the UK's FPTP electoral system, should remember:

Brexit was advisory & happened on a 52-48 majority.

Only 81, 326 Tory members, about 0.3% of all voters, picked Truss as PM.

Sunak was appointed: There was no vote at all.

Also never forget, Tories took control of the electoral commission, rigged electoral boundaries in their own favour & introduced photo ID to make it difficult for the poor & elderly to vote.

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Saph mastodon (AP)
Balcony selfie at #Anthrocon2024
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Heh - saw you several times at a distance, but we both were always heading in opposite directions.
Saph mastodon (AP)
@YsengrinWolf nature of a good con, always on your way to somewhere!

Yag Fox mastodon (AP)

Trouble is I get too enthusiastic. I created all these pictures, and I thought they were good, and mistakenly thought people would like them. But out of 700 pictures, a grand total of 3 people actually wanted their pictures.

I think I'll stick to just doing them for myself in the future. I can't control other people's enthusiasm, but I can control my own.

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Laffy mastodon (AP)

Now WE have to do the same.

Via Kyle Griffin:

One week in Europe:

* Britain rejected the Conservative Party after 14 years in power.

* France rejected the far-right, embracing a leftwing alliance with centrists.

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England stopped the right-wing.

France stopped the right-wing.

In November, it’s time for America to stop the right-wing.

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Aatheus mastodon (AP)

Bloody hell. AnthroCon had 17,000 attendees this year

That is too big of a #furry con for me

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o'wolf mastodon (AP)
It was still bearable for me, though a bit crowded at times. Still got to say hello to everyone I intended to meet
Aatheus mastodon (AP)

@woelfisch Glad to hear that it was bearable and enjoyable!

I look forward to the relative quiet of Eurofurence in a couple months

Aatheus mastodon (AP)
Sodium ion #EV now for sale
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Joshua Holland mastodon (AP)

Looks like the left coalition held together and #France dodged a fascist bullet. Some rare good news, although the trend remains troubling.


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dezi mastodon (AP)
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Join the drone collective!
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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)
that's a use of arcade carpet I could never have anticipated.

a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)

Hotel global weather forecast is on. SUNNY AND WARM EVERYWHERE EXCEPT WALES.

Normal then.

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Mafalda mastodon (AP)
😆 Sorry 😆

Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
£440,000 raised this weekend. Not that Mastodon does that kind of thing.
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Pippin friendica

Many years ago, I starting to make a Factorio Let's Play series. I remembered it being really dumb and awful, but I just rewatched the first three episodes and it's actually not so bad. The volume is very low on episode 1 and I do spend a stupid amount of time explaining things far too slowly and repetitively at first, but actually it's otherwise okay once I got going.

I only did 5 episodes as no one was really watching (I think one of them was still on zero views a few days after upload, which was disheartening - it looks like there have been a few views over the years, but it's still in single digits) and I was running out of steam.

Could I have made it as a youtuber? Eh, probably not. It was an interesting thing to try though.

Pippin friendica
@Kat the Leopardess Yeah, sorry. It is at least a policy that gives some certainty, you can be sure you won't buy it and then wished you'd waited a bit longer when a sale comes along.

kali sharkey (AP)

oh, thats some cool software
oh, its open source
oh, its made by a trans woman
oh, she has a fedi account
oh, i already follow her

thank you mysterious fedi trans women for making software that i cannot

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The other day, I had a customer (an older guy) at my work point at my pride tattoo and ask me "Does that mean you're gay or something?" And I was like, "Uhh, yeah, basically." He nodded and said "Word." Then left. He's become kind of a regular buying supplements about every other week or so.
I keep thinking about this interaction because 1) it was really funny and 2) When he first asked I half expected him to be homophobic.

I just hope wherever dude is, he's having a good day.

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narkosefuzzy mastodon (AP)
Delikatesse mit ⚡
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Darac Marjal Private message mastodon (AP)
A square bar of Ritter Sport Chocolate in the flavour "Schukolade". A European "Schuko"-style mains plug illustrates this flavour on the bold, blue wrapper.
Aatheus mastodon (AP)
Forbidden Cacao

@revk I suppose maybe it's a luxury-curse of people who do things they like but they wish were easier? 🤔 😁

i think being nonhuman is punk

i mean think about it youre literally going against the system but like on a whole new other level of abstraction, you not only want to disrespect the rules and cause disruption of the status quo, but also break the boundaries of what makes someone a member of society

this makes being nonhuman Decidedly cooler and more people should do it

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As it becomes ever clearer (and documented) that artificial intelligence is highly dependent on exploiting human labour - from creatives whose content is stolen, to the low-paid staff who help sort & train AI programmes - once again we can see that a 'new economy' promised by the Tee-shirted 'revolutionaries' of Silicon Valley is nothing other than a reboot of C19th exploitative economic practice....

So, one important Q. for modern society is how to bring these new robber barons to heel!


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👏👏👏. I think "robber barons" is exactly the term for today's late stage capitalists.

The most depressing thing about AI is that all this destruction isn't to create more accurate output that lifts society. But rather to produce quicker, plausible sounding output to benefit corporate margins.

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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)

Just in time to switch back to the loratadine!

"Interestingly, several antihistamine drugs [...] which have been approved for treating allergy symptoms without side effects for decades, have been found to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or replication via protein-protein interaction analysis or drug library profiling (30–35)."


1 1
dang it. I'm allergic to loratadine!
Ben A L Jemmett mastodon (AP)
@foone Oh god, that must be /miserable/.

Suited up for the first time! #anthrocon #Anthrocon2024 #fursuit (and suit debut for my maker @AelithEarfalas !!!!!)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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