
Pippin friendica
Hurrah. Finally got round to disconnecting the cable going to the outbuilding/shed thing that, after the final round of boundary changes, got sold along with the next-door former-rental house but still had a light fitting powered from our house. So finally I'm satisfied that nothing our new neighbours can do should trip our RCD/circuit breakers while we're away for a few weeks! Good.
Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
…or run up a big electricity bill!
Pippin friendica
@Ret the Folf Very true, though they seem nice enough people they probably wouldn't! (Unless inadvertently, but there aren't any sockets in there, just one switched light inside and a motion-detector light on the outside, so they'd have to do wiring to connect anything, and they wouldn't be able to isolate it to do that.)