
Alice Fraser mastodon (AP)
Let’s reframe taxes as a monthly subscription service to public utilities so that tech bros will get behind the idea.
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I'll tell you something that I'd like to see #Starmer's new government do, and which would go some way to convincing me that they are actually working for our benefit:

taking #covid19 seriously again.

Can we please bring back proper data collection? Free test kits? Encouraging people to stay at home if they test positive? Proper ventilation for schools and other public enclosed spaces? Mask mandates in healthcare facilities?

These things would collectively make a huge difference.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Richard Littler mastodon (AP)
Unbelievable! #Sony Music Entertainment has made a copyright claim on the music in a YouTube video I uploaded a few years ago.
I wrote/recorded the music myself on an old, wonky, untuned piano in my in-law's house! And the kids playing sample is from a copyright-free audio library.
#sony #sme
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Paolo Amoroso mastodon (AP)

An American government agency holds a unique historical record of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Hopper. But releasing it is complicated, from both a technical and an administrative point of view.


#retrocomputing #computinghistory

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security patches aren't needed as it's illegal to be malicious on the interent
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Lupo mastodon (AP)

Google Chrome now sends telemetry back to Google about CPU, GPU and memory usage via a browser extension that is hidden in the list of extensions.

https://x.com/lcasdev/status/1810696257137959018 [$]



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Ysengrin posing in front of a brick wall, taken at AnthrOhio 2024.

#WerewolfWednesday #AnthrOhio #werewolf #fursuit

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Rusty Bertrand mastodon (AP)

When people go on anti-immigrant tirades, I act all offended, saying, "But I'm an immigrant." They say something like "No, no, no, I didn't mean you, I mean... um...well, you know, the bad ones." Then I nod slowly while giving them the stink eye.

The same thing works when they talk shit about the homeless.

"When I was homeless..."

Faces go white.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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James Cridland mastodon (AP)
This is blissful madness. But brilliant. (I've long suspected that airline wifi systems are easy to hack, but this is... not how I would do it). https://robertheaton.com/pyskywifi/
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Emily Velasco mastodon (AP)

The year is 2042. AI "employees" are widely used in business and they are compensated better than their human counterparts because management has convinced themselves that AI employees produce higher quality work and are more productive.

An out-of-work writer gets a job by pretending to be an AI. Her work is better than what the other AIs are producing. Management is elated, thinking she's a revolutionary new model. They assign her increasingly high profile projects.

She finds it harder and harder to keep up the ruse, especially because she's fallen in love with one of her co-workers, something an AI doesn't do.

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Chaz6 mastodon (AP)
The UK is introducing a new system to make switching broadband providers easier, called OTS, or one-touch switching. But, rather than fix some show-stopping bugs, the management company called TOTSCO has decided to enforce a change freeze so it can meet the government's deadline for the system to be ready. I highly recommend following @revk if you are interested in learning more.
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Dan Goodin mastodon (AP)

One of the most widely used network protocols is vulnerable to a newly discovered attack that can allow adversaries to gain control over a range of environments, including industrial controllers, telecommunications services, ISPs, and all manner of enterprise networks.

Short for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service, RADIUS harkens back to the days of dial-in Internet and network access through public switched telephone networks. It has remained the de facto standard for lightweight authentication ever since and is supported in virtually all switches, routers, access points, and VPN concentrators shipped in the past two decades. Despite its early origins, RADIUS remains an essential staple for managing client-server interactions.

Since 1994, RADIUS has relied on an improvised, home-grown use of the MD5 hash function. The result is “Blast RADIUS,” a complex attack that allows an attacker with an active adversary-in-the-middle position to gain administrator access to devices that use RADIUS to authenticate themselves to a server.


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ineiti mastodon (AP)

I'm getting out the popcorn for this one. Capitalism made right: if we suffer from heat, then let's get the guys who are responsible for it to pay...

Even though I think the bad guys here have too much money and will throw so many lawyers at the problem that the courts will not be able to hold them all...


#heat #climatecrisis #justice

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Rick Altherr mastodon (AP)
Good news everyone! Windows Update is reducing carbon emissions so Copilot can emit them instead.
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Kindness is a virtue. Kindness is punk. Be kind to those who deserve it, especially (but not only) those close to you.

Pass it on.

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Diego mastodon (AP)
Happy wednesday!!!!
📸 gorgophotos.nl
#furry #fursuit #furryfandom #dutchcomiccon #furries
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Pippin friendica
After a whole 10 days of waiting, I have a shiny new Archive Of Our Own account. (Now I just gotta polish something a bit more until it's actually in a fit state to upload. :])

SwiftOnSecurity mastodon (AP)
One of the biggest security expertise redpills is this is unironically a good idea and the time spent making fun of it was ill-advised for most users whose physical security threat is not a factor in comparison.
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SwiftOnSecurity mastodon (AP)
Overcoming the incentive to dunk on “users” behavior is an important element in maturing your security understanding. You have a set of levers to pull. Human nature is not one of them. Deal with that or be a righteous failure.
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sadmac356 mastodon (AP)
and frankly, dunking on users just makes me, as someone who knows I'll inevitably have to contact tech support for one reason or another, NOT WANT TO ACTUALLY CONTACT TECH SUPPORT AT ALL. It's for the same reason I struggle to ask for help in general, actually: I don't wanna feel like I'm being judged for not knowing how to do/needing help doing something
"You have a set of levers to pull. Human nature is not one of them. Deal with that or be a righteous failure."

it's probably gonna be what needed to be done anyway
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Rekker mastodon (AP)
Oh it's #PortfolioDay already?
Well hi! I'm Rekker! I'm a furry illustrator and 3D artist! Here's some examples of my works, AND NO, THESE ARE NOT PHOTOS! lol
I do use photos for reference, but I prefer to paint everything myself.
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sirlan <( rawrr ) sharkey (AP)
those are some awesomely detaile environments, and cool critters

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Please use alt-text on your images. All of them. If you're unable to manage that comfortably, you could CW to say there's no alt text, or even invite others to caption. If you're somehow using a client that doesn't support alt text, you can just type it in at the bottom of the post. "Vague text only explained by image + undescribed image" is just a post format that needlessly excludes people.
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Not just visually impaired people, but people with a poor internet connection that times out trying to load images... like me earlier today.
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Will turning on this aws security feature bankrupt the company?

  • yes (35%, 59 votes)
  • also yes but i checked with corey quinn first (64%, 107 votes)
166 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

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Bennie mastodon (AP)

Every so often I used to post this infographic about @Torrle and the stapler wolf and giant paw.

It's nice to see Fang, Feather & Fin did a larger writeup on it:


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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)
haha gotta be said, furries have some of the most entertainingly bonkers fetishes I've ever seen :D

overheard: "Linux? What is that?" "Oh, it's like Android for Desktop."


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Smolcasm mastodon (AP)

Normally, this kind of advice is framed more positively, but I want to be absolutely clear:

Don’t put yourself down.
Don’t apologize for existing.
Don’t tell others they should feel bad for knowing you.
Don’t wallow in shame.

Even if you feel bad, or like you’ve something to atone for, that kind of behavior doesn’t help you or anyone else; debasing yourself does nothing to process negative emotions or to take responsibility for your actions - and nothing hurts your loved ones quite like it.

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BrianKrebs mastodon (AP)

Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person by the domains they register. For no particular reason, I was looking at the domain footprint of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, and found a phone number connected to her over the years that was used to register mtgforamerica[.]us back in 2021. The domain's registration records are hidden behind privacy services from anonymize.com, but their privacy system assigns a unique email to each private registrant, so you can still do a reverse search on that and find out what other domains are registered by the same account.

Domaintools finds 21683@anonymize.com was used to register 156 domains, including supportkylerittenhouse[.]com and repealjuneteenth.com. Here's the full list if anyone's interested: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xy7FDYtN-YGyv29XZ08wf_Z1OPAemfmccpVqwZ-ci50/edit?usp=sharing

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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I knew I didn't fully trust their "privacy" services! 🤦‍♂️
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Tursilion mastodon (AP)
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
-Winston Churchill
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@hukaulaba posing for the camera - one of the better images from last weekend.

#AC2024 #kangaroo #fursuit

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packetcat mastodon (AP)


this is the kind of thing I point to when I say that blocking ads is effective in blocking an entire vector for malware distribution

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Bimbo mastodon (AP)
There are over 9000 nerve endings in the Thinkpad nipple mouse.
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beeps :therian: mastodon (AP)
The 2024 BBC election theme is mmmm so good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhmFGFYWz6E
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
It is called "Arthur" by Rick Wakeman. Of "yes" I believe.
beeps :therian: mastodon (AP)

@avon_deer Yee, I know. The BBC did a bit of a mashup of it with the BBC News theme in 2019, and this year a reorchestrated version of that mashup.

It's very lovely.

tiddy roosevelt mastodon (AP)

Content warning: FR pol, lol

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Frang :veripawed4: mastodon (AP)
Me, software engineer of nearly 40 years: <writes code> <runs tests>
tests: <fails, dumps core>
Me: reasonable, let's see what's in the core... ... uhh.. where's the core?
Me: maybe I had ulimit set wrong? ... nope, unlimited.
Me: was cwd different? .. no
<an hour poking at computer and then searching>
<more time passes>
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Ralesk mastodon (AP)

@tilton Ah, old people yelling at PoetteringOS :D

I almost never have issues with it, however kubernetes, docker and all the messy, half-finished, half-stable, half-unusable crap around them that we build the world around... yeah.

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Pippin friendica
@Tilton Raccoon @Frang :veripawed4: I already hate systemd quite a bit but thankfully I don't get reminded of this daily, because I've been careful to ensure practically all the machines I use for anything worth worrying about run sysvinit instead. Sorry. 🤗

St1ka mastodon (AP)
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