
Atari Scene News mastodon (AP)
RePAINT, new Linux program to paint images for vintage computers graphics modes https://github.com/xmessner/RePAINT #AtariST #Atari8bit #c64 #cpc #zx81 #oric
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
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BronzTiger mastodon (AP)
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Paco Panda mastodon (AP)

Selene and Melee walk paw in paw through Gas Works Park. In this moment, it feels like the world belongs only to them, just the sunset, that special place, and the connection they share. Everything else fades away.

Picture for Selene Yote and Melee Bandit
Traditional. Acrylics and colored pencils.

I recorded a time-lapse video on the phone, they are 4 videos merged together, this took me around 15 hours to complete. You can watch this video on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram art channel: https://t.me/panda_paco
And if you want to see the scanned version, download the video, see WIPs of my future works, see my artwork before I post it on my galleries... you can support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/pandapaco or Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/panda_paco
Thank you!

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sirlan <( rawrr ) sharkey (AP)

it's kinda funny to learn that plymouth - the program that all it does is display a fancy boot animation - not just has support for scripting boot animations, but that is uses its own bespoke domain specific scripting language

talk about over engineered

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Content warning: despair, hope, uspol

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Content warning: despair, hope, uspol

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taco, bird/cat :verified420: Private message mastodon (AP)

Content warning: despair, hope, uspol

Kay Ohtie Private message mastodon (AP)

Content warning: despair, hope, uspol

Mythic Beasts mastodon (AP)
If you script identifying and firewalling #AI scrapers, you get graphs like these on your hosting servers.
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Lord pleroma (AP)
How do you identify those scrapers ?
Mythic Beasts mastodon (AP)
@lord it's a mix of techniques including networks, user agents, content requests and so on. We don't want to detail it exactly just in case #AI s read this toot and learn to adapt.
#AI @Lord

Brought the wuff Way out West to California for #FC2025 this past weekend! 🌴
:juke_boop: - @juke
:nev_owo: - @bluefops

#fursuit #fursuiter #fursuiting #mascot #furry #furries #furryfandom #fursuitphotography #foxfursuit #costume #cosplay #furcon2025

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Had a truly wonderful time at #FC2025! Thank you to the hundreds of VOLUNTEER staff and leaders who gave so much of their time, energy and mental and emotional capacity to give all us attendees this gift.

📷 @colinbunny93.bsky.social

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The emphasis on Volunteer was very intentional. For those unfamiliar or new to the fandom, these cons for Furries are BY Furries. Con Chair to badge checker, all are Furries, just like you. Don't treat con staff like they owe you something. Show them your gratitude for doing their best for you.
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Pippin friendica

So Much Cute.

(And this reminds me I'm almost physically aching for a fursuit these days but I don't know when I'll have the chance to have one. A proper one that is, not the ancient broken-down old uncomfortable thing I got in the early 2000s which is still all I have, but despite all that, still love.)

The Oatmeal mastodon (AP)
“In 150 characters or less” by Nikita Gill
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sara gil casanova mastodon (AP)
Thanks so much for this ❤️
That is so touching & meaningful ❤️

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Support Clean Air Night on 22nd January 2025 by not burning wood

Support Clean Air Night EVERY day by NEVER burning wood


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Send it to a friend who may need it...


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Something that might be a good idea for the future; collect email addresses from all your friends and add them to your address book and then make sure that's backed up regularly.
Also let your friends know if you change your email address.
I haven't done this in a long time but it's something I am going to start doing again.
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Pippin friendica
My email address is the same as my fediverse handle. :]

Someone in the office has a Wi-Fi hotspot called "Martin Router King"
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More respectful than the President

  • Victoria
Pippin friendica
I rather liked one I saw: "Pretty Fly For A WiFi".

GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
There should be an MTA called postfox that gnaws on your mail before delivering it
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Aatheus mastodon (AP)
Oh no, a Maw in the Middle Attack

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CheRosach mastodon (AP)

Does that description ring a bell?

Smaug's arrogance and intellect made him a whole new kind of dragon in the literary landscape of 1937, when The Hobbit was first published. Smaug exemplified a feature common to dragons in Middle-earth - the guarding and hoarding of wealth.

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Kinda giving dragons a bad name, which I think is undeserved. True some dragons are assholes, but that could also be said of elves and dwarves. Besides, Billionaires don’t need an allegory. They just need a #minisub.

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sirlan <( rawrr ) sharkey (AP)

Content warning: commenting on long running furry naming controversy thing

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Briala mastodon (AP)

Good article.

Our visual cortex does a *lot* of guessing and throwing away of stuff before our consciousness sees an "image". I like reminding people that optical illusions work because our visual cortex guesses wrong and can't correct itself.

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sudo beep mastodon (AP)
always look twice at intersections

Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

I see Siddiq Khan is floating further tightening of the OSA's powers to censor "harmful content"* in order to fight the rising tide of fascism.

How about us progressives start doing our fucking job, and making people's lives less precarious and shit as a way to fight fascism? How about that?

* rather nebulous phrase isn't it? That's deliberate!

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Twig mastodon (AP)
Me and @thumper today at FC!
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Wren 🐁 mastodon (AP)
LoranSkunky mastodon (AP)
Forest Friends !

Zebra North mastodon (AP)
#FursuitFriday with Cooper Tom, Prancer, myself, and Sparky in front of the Brandenburg Gate, #Berlin, #Eurofurence23 in 2017. 🇩🇪🦓 📷 @Dairishgoat
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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
Me during ConFuzzled 2016.
Photo taken by Sacred the Bull.
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

Fluffy version of an for this #FursuitFriday !

Arts by @Pudgical

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RawiWoof mastodon (AP)
One of the best things; when you can replicate art in reality :blobfoxthumbsup:
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@rawenwolf Is a lot of fun for sure! ❤

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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Comedy violence

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Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)

This afternoon I wanted to show someone the moiré pattern you get if you draw lines on a pixel grid from a single origin point to every point on a line some distance away. Those were a favourite toy program on 8-bit micros.

[Edit, the next day: I forgot to mention the *main* point! The lines are drawn in XOR mode, so that each line is drawn by inverting its pixels rather than just setting them all to black, creating an interference pattern.]

I could surely have figured out how to draw this kind of thing in a modern graphics system, but I _knew_ I could remember how to do it on a #ZXSpectrum, so I just fired up FUSE and did it the way I'd have done it in the 1980s.

… I guess this is worth tagging #Genuary, in a retro-nostalgia sort of way?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Firesledge 🔥🛷 mastodon (AP)
Same with symmetry, Amstrad CPC basic.
Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)
@Firesledge nice! I don't know the Amstrad CPC dialect, but a quick look on the web suggests that MODE 1 is a screen-resolution selection in a similar style to the BBC, so by process of elimination I guess the PRINT CHR$(23)CHR$(1) must be the magic that puts the drawing into XOR mode?
Ben Harris mastodon (AP)
Here, have a Beeb version. I originally wrote it using jsbeeb but got annoyed while getting a screenshot and then remembered that I could just use the real thing.

Mira mastodon (AP)
Speculative execution and AI are going to be the death of computer security, isn’t it https://infosec.exchange/@BleepingComputer/113907283558152621
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Pippin friendica
Phew, finally. I've got to the point where I have been able to shut down the higher-level functions of all three of my Bytemark VMs, leaving them just running init, udev, syslog and sshd. All end-user services are off! I'm leaving them quiescent overnight to allow their final backup to happen, then it'll be time to fire off an email telling them I'm finished and they can shut them down and destroy the disk images. The web control panel doesn't seem to let me in any more so if I actually shut these VMs down entirely I wouldn't be able to fire them up again if I found I urgently needed to for some reason, which is why I'm doing it this way. But wow, having that one for 16 years meant there was a lot of integration into my other systems, which I've hopefully fully unpicked now.
Pippin friendica
Nearly two weeks later and I've had no response to my ticket and the supposedly-doomed-at-the-end-of-January VMs are still running. 🤷‍♂️

Specs and bleps! 👓 👅

📷 @HarryHusky
✂️ @selkiesuits
👓 FursuitGlasses.com
🌍 SotonFurs Winter Party 2025
⌚ #FursuitFriday

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I really love the specs. Is it just luminous tint on them or are they actually lit up from inside somehow?
@The4thCircle the lenses are fluorescent, so when there's any kind of blue light they glow. ^^ and almost any dance floor will cycle regularly through blue light, so... They tend to be pretty bright!

Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
RAWR! A dragon to appreciate! 💜
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Pippin friendica

An instance where no news is good news.

The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN #debian

Pippin friendica
I probably shouldn't be surprised that collectd's memory cache takes quite a long time to drain to disk after turning off the aggregate 1Mbps of statistics streams which have been pouring into it for many years now. It must be coming up to half an hour now since I turned off the last incoming stream and disk usage still hasn't slacked off. Kind of impressive how well the caching works to consolidate updates to any given rrd file (which therefore must reduce SSD wear quite a lot), but it does mean restarting the collectd daemon managing a centralised repository can take a *long* time and cause quite a big gap in the records.

Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)

(actual conversation I've had)

"I don't care about data collection, I'm not a criminal.”

Nothing to hide, okay. What kind of underwear are you wearing?


Who was the last person you had sex with?

"That's none of your business!"

What's your credit card number? Driver's license? Banking info?

“Fuck off!”

Do you see why privacy matters now? None of those things are criminal, but you don't want them made public right?


Take all the time you need. I'll be here.

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Sham 🏳️‍🌈 mastodon (AP)

"What's your address?"

"what I-..."

"nvm I'll just check with a data broker"

Pippin friendica

I find it interesting how, when I (e.g.) yawn while listening to music, I get a kind of pitch-bend effect. Reminds me how ears and nervous systems and things work, and that they really don't present reality to your consciousness the way you might expect if you're used to computers and other human-designed technology, but do a lot of preprocessing and, well, Weird Stuff™ to give your brain something that natural selection thinks will be the best interpretation of reality to keep you alive and reproducing.

Having grown up with tape as the main method of audio storage and reproduction it feels weird to have the pitch change without the speed changing too, but it reminds me that it's actually all about the little hairs inside the cochlear, and how vibrations propagate through the fluid and which hairs each incoming sound frequency ends up stimulating. Squish things around by yawning and the link between specific frequencies and specific hairs changes.

It reminds me of other things that show just how weird bodies and minds are, such as the stopped clock illusion. Your brain literally makes up stuff to keep you from realising how bad your senses are at their job. It's all so astonishingly messed up.

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