
misswired mastodon (AP)
My love language is removing tracking parameters from urls before sharing.
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
Signs your #ActuallyAutistic partner loves you: they make eye contact with you.
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future historians are gonna see the copyright era as a slow-burning library of Alexandria
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Content warning: BMA press release on Cass Review on puberty blocker ban in the UK; positive news; references UKPol

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Tuta mastodon (AP)

Are you sick of Google Maps, but are still worried about getting from A to B? 🏃 🚲 🚗

Checkout these great open source alternatives!

👉 https://tuta.com/blog/google-maps-alternatives-foss
#degoogle #maps #opensource #foss #privacy

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Bruce Mirken mastodon (AP)

"...the British Medical Association (BMA), voted in favor of a resolution to publicly critique the #CassReview used to crack down on gender affirming care for #trans youth in the United Kingdom, calling its recommendations unsubstantiated."


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Pippin friendica

Content warning: CW: youtube link, possibly generated "art"

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Veronica Explains mastodon (AP)
Test your backups.
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Charles U. Farley mastodon (AP)

Dear web site developers:

the opposite of "yes" is "no". Not "not now". Not "maybe later".

Learn some fucking English.

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Don't want to come across as begging but I'm scared. 130+ jobs applied for, 2 interviews, 2 rejections. I know it sucks for everyone right now but I really need work.

Laid off while recovering from long COVID. Remote worker since 2015, or blue state with relocation assistance. Project 2025 is on the horizon and fucking terrified because even if Kamala wins, I don't think she's going to protect trans people in red states. At this point a month left before both health insurance & money run out.

All the usual SRE stuff plus all sorts of indepth Linux stuff, actually enjoy cursed bash and regexes. Not the World's Greatest Rockstar Dev but can get by in Python, C, and Go. Lots of monitoring, observability, and big data stuff, also done some heavy security work in the past, plus AuDHD hyperfocus on demand and willing to learn anything.

Will find and fix any problem in a company, if it's technical, political, or something else.


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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)
I wonder if some day companies will be able to use AI to make a washing machine that bleeps when the door unlocks at the end of the cycle rather than several minutes beforehand. 🐂
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COMPU73E ❄️ mastodon (AP)
mine does exactly that, have I got a one-off?
Durn mastodon (AP)
i'd settle for one that actually stops after 1 minute once the display shows 1 minute left, rather than doing a "windows xp progress bar" and staying on 1 minute for the next 5 🙃

Prevent the next Crowdstrike outage! Our company offers an innovative kernel-mode agent that uses advanced cloud-delivered AI to detect EDR malfunctions and correct them on the fly
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Viss mastodon (AP)
mmmm php in the kernel

Kit Bashir mastodon (AP)

“Hey friend, looking for a good time? A little coke, maybe some glitz?”

I hadn’t been propositioned by a drug dealer in so long that I’d taken a shortcut through this alley without even thinking about it.

“Nah, I’m just heading home. Wait, have you got any novocaine?”

“That’s a weird one. Toothache?”


“You want one of these. Tooth regenerator.”

“Bull puckey, no such thing or dentists would be out of business”

“No shit sibling, who do you think is killing all the dealers around here.”

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

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Know how to read paper maps. 🗺️

Keep files stored on local media. 💽

Don't rely on tech to live. :heart_fire:

A.I. is not your friend. 🤖

Books work in blackouts. 📚

Own a good bicycle. 🚲

Grow edible plants and herbs.🌿

Know how to fish. 🎣

Learn to navigate by sun and stars. 🌌

Know CPR and basic first aid.🩹

Always have a plan for everything. 🛩️

Don't take advice from Mastodon randos. 👺

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Paco Panda mastodon (AP)

I keep repeating that in my head over and over again.

This is Adam (the fox) with his friend Tony (the wolf) when they were younger, back when life was stress-free for the two of them. They both went to a place called "Sixteen Mile Creek". It was a long hike to get there, requiring them to walk open fields with green hills visible in the distance. As they walked through the fields, they passed by a few electric pylons, something Adam had never been so close to in-person until that day.

Eventually, they reached a wooded area at the opposite end of the field from where they had started. They spent nearly the entire day there, having fun and not worrying about anything. However, when Adam returned home, his parents were extremely upset with him for being gone so long without telling them. Despite the scolding, the experience remained a nice memory for Adam.

Adulthood reached us, and we are surviving it in our own way, leading with our anxiety and daily stress. It's healthy to escape a little bit from what we think is our reality, and see the real world. Why not to keep sharing those cheering memories, even now, and go to walk to places like this with a friend, to the point that there is nothing else more to talk about and you just enjoy that moment with them, and to see that all the stress and anxieties are things that only live in our heads, they are not real. The cold wind in our face is real.

Time is insignificant and we must accept it. Spending time with our friends doing nothing is not wasting time, it is enjoying our life.

Digital. Procreate.

Short time-lapse video process on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/panda_paco
Full resolution and full video process at supporting me on Patreon (Thank you!): https://www.patreon.com/pandapaco

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Keys mastodon (AP)

Squeezin' in the sun ☀️🦊🌈 #accordion

📸 Pacerfur
📍LondonFurs summer party

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David Michaels mastodon (AP)

Does AI entice people to buy?

No. No it does not. People are less likely to buy things when AI is a part of the product description.


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Content warning: TERFs, genderfeels

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Keeper of the orb mastodon (AP)
Im all for calling gop weird bc that seriously seems to upset & offend them when a class act weirdo is just like >:) yeah
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Keeper of the orb mastodon (AP)

children should be allowed to play. this includes playing with identity. this includes playing with gender identity. the adults are only to oversee that this play remains safe and doesn't do lasting damage (hey that's what puberty blockers do!! hmm) and leave the rest of this up to the children. this is part of them developing their own sense of self.

anyone who wants to deny children the ability to play and develop senses of self through play /as they have done since humans been having kids/ is absolutely a fuckin Weirdo

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harley! mastodon (AP)
this is what a senior software engineer looks like
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harley! mastodon (AP)

@tuftyindigo i think they get custom ordered in for each of the regional offices

(office management were actually giving away some of the tiles from the edinburgh office a few weeks ago)

if you’d like, i could try to ask who our supplier for london was?

Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)
That would be very helpful, thanks! It's quite hard to find vinyl flooring that isn't pretending to be wood or stone.

Oh deer, it seems your service deer arrived!

Service Animal YCH for Mac!

#ServiceAnimal #ych #art #MastoArt #furry #furryart

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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)

that's CARW 🦌 not YCH 🐂.


CrazyMyra mastodon (AP)
The only two bathrooms necessary
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kb mastodon (AP)
This would give me so much anxiety to see.
Really I don't like the idea of gendered bathrooms to begin with but worried that there is expected to be one and thinking that it might be obvious to neurotypical people really gets me
There was a cartoon in the paper years ago. A Chinese man in a seafood restaurant was trying to figure out which was the men's room. He was consulting an English->Chinese dictionary, but the signs said BUOYS and GULLS, and he was hopelessly confused.

My days of working from home every day are almost at an end. Looking forward to introducing some serious vulpine reforms to the workplace. #Furry #Fursuit #Fox
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kirch mastodon (AP)
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More than 200 community members in Southport responded to the invasion of fascist thugs in their streets last night by coming together to clear St Luke's Road and rebuild the wall outside the mosque 💖
Local tradesmen offered their time for free. Residents brought water, crates of free coffee and tools.
"We’re fixing the damage that these scumbags did.”
Photos of the vigil and this morning's clean up via On The Spot News.

#UKPolitics #FuckTheFash #SolidarityIsBeautiful

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Atari Scene News mastodon (AP)
Twin, tune for #Atari2600 console winner of @@Party 2024 music competition. Download: https://demozoo.org/music/350773/ Video: https://youtu.be/5xWEkZSFwKQ #atari #chiptune #chipmusic
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Content warning: misogyny in the gaming industry

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Maxtimot mastodon (AP)

Content warning: misogyny in the gaming industry

Komma mastodon (AP)

Content warning: misogyny in the gaming industry

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Kenney mastodon (AP)

Choo-choo! 🚂 The Train Kit is now available, almost 50 models of various types. Also includes track for use with splines!

These models are free to use, in any project, by anyone ✨ https://kenney.nl/assets/train-kit

#gameassets #lowpoly #gamedev

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Pippin friendica

Happy National Spider-Man Day to all who observe.

I'm not sure which nation it's "national" to. Probably the USA — most things that are national to an unspecified nation turn out to be American things, because most others tend to specify.


Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
It’s #GriffonAppreciationDay, so here’s an old collage from a few years back.
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)
Another lie promulgated by fossil fuel interests is called out
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pmonks (330ppm) mastodon (AP)
It’s a bit of a shame coal plants aren’t on here. After all those also kill birds and are being replaced by turbines (and so turbines should get credit for doing so).
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Breathe mastodon (AP)
can birds get windmill cancer?😂

Options when it's too cold:
- Put on jacket
- Cuddle under blanket
- Turn on heating

Options when it's too hot:
- suffer

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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
and yet central heating in the UK is seen as a basic necessity, but air conditioning is seen as an extravagance.
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Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
@ret @patterfloof Given my AC for my computer room eats around £1.21 an hour, it is an extravagance...
Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
@chloeraccoon @patterfloof yeah it’s expensive. Especially these days. Shouldn’t be though :(
Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
@ret @patterfloof my AC is 12 years old, it has a run time measured in days. Around 30 days, over that time.
@ret We're at least moving in the right direction; towards heat pumps. Just need to get AC added onto that too.

Brian Loffler mastodon (AP)
Saw a 100% battery-electric bus doing an Adelaide city route today. Excellent. When we have a big fleet, many will be parked at off-peak lunch time & will be able to charge cheaply from our excess midday solar.
Many more #EV buses please; love a win win.
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"People who refuse to take sick days are costing the economy billions every year, analysis says"

You're such a Trooper, Tim! Hey, team..why can't you all be more like Tim?


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