
lori mastodon (AP)

I think centralized social media is the reason we fucked up a lot of decentralized social media.

I was thinking earlier about Lemmy, and how when Reddit did their API changes everyone tried to rush to Lemmy. Which would be fine, except everyone tried to just recreate reddit. Everyone tried to make Everything servers. Do we need ten thousand Technology subs? Not really. But people just tried to all make large general purpose instances with all the generic subs. Because they feel like they have to recreate reddit--ALL of them.

Nobody needs to run a Whole Reddit. Something like Lemmy would have been better if 99% of instances were single or limited topic. Keep the scale small, keep the moderation focused and knowledgeable.

I remember checking out Revolt, which is a discord alternative, and I think it has the same scale problem. Discord has three basic levels: channels, servers, and Discord itself which is a collection of servers. Revolt assumes that you don't want to self host a server, you want to self host a Discord. You want to self host All Of Discord. I don't think that's the case for most people! They want to run their one server!

Decentralized social media can't take a centralized approach, you can't try to recreate these horrible giant bloated behemoths but now with less budget and less moderation. You have to relearn to think at a smaller scale, the beauty of decentralization is that we can link all these smaller scale projects together.

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nytpu mastodon (AP)
Reminder that Unix domain datagram sockets still have guaranteed, ordered delivery even though it's β€œUDP-like”. The only distinction between stream and datagram Unix domain sockets is that the former behaves as a pure byte pipe while the latter maintains distinct packets of data, so you should just use whichever makes more sense for your use-case
1 1

I know this is a hot take for some people, but work devices are owned by your employer. You have no expectation of privacy on them. You do not own them, nor the data that is on them. Your employer (in the US) is generally free to inspect anything that goes on on that device and, depending on whatever third party certifications your employer obtains, they're *required* to inspect everything. It astounds me that so many colleagues are shocked and dismayed to discover that their traffic is being inspected.

For this reason, you should never use a work computer for personal use. Gaming, chatting, use of cloud services, email... Those should be on a personal device outside of the reach of your employer.

1 2

U.S. Folks: There are websites trying to trick people into thinking they've registered to vote without actually doing it. There are also efforts underway to throw out people's registrations

If you want to vote in this election, the best thing you can do is go to https://vote.gov/

It's the official site of the U.S. federal government

Registration is done by the state you live in. Vote.gov has the official links for each state to check your registration status and register if you need to

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Toby! mastodon (AP)

β€œIf it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.” β€” Pete Seeger

#Quotes #Recycle #Enviornmentalism #progressive #RightToRepair

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blumlaut sharkey (AP)
i wish web developers a very stop setting the language based on GeoIP instead of device locale
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AnarchoNinaWrites mastodon (AP)

Dear "concerned liberals," a word if I may - as you're watching the overwhelming public response to defend English communities from fascist rioters, please pay close attention:

When a metric fuckton of antifascists and antiracists show up, and the fash don't? The end result is hugs and a street party.

When violent fascist mobs show up, and community defenders don't, the end result is fear, violence, and arson.

Please consider this the next time you insist "both sides" are to blame.

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Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
Fame at last! #fursuit #fursuiter
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barks in space mastodon (AP)

Hi friends, I know a lot of people are concerned about FA staying up for too much longer, a few of my friends have come to me concerned about preserving their data and know I tend to deal with this.

So I whipped up an exporter: https://github.com/cheeplusplus/fa-export-cli

There are instructions with some precompiled binaries (missing macos at the moment because Apple) so you don't need to have node installed.

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Ikani mastodon (AP)
@Qybat this has been confirmed by staff. They still have other directors in place, and the LLC. There's definitely questions and things to solve, but I don't think they're going anywhere. Still, it's always good to have backups, and never trust your data to a single source~
Qybat mastodon (AP)
@ikani Yes, FA is almost certain to survive. But just in case, I'm going to look in to what it would take to scrape over the course of months.

I posted about it in January on my previous account, and now it’s official: the .internal TLD is now reserved for LAN networks internal DNS by ICANN, and they won’t accept applications to register it for the web


A reminder that using .local is bad practice because it’s used by mDNS/Bonjour who unfortunately appropriated it without asking anybody. It could cause issue with some appliances that rely on mDNS.

Nobody’s stopping you from using anything else, like .lan, but since .internal is now designated for that purpose you really should use it to be more or less guaranteed to avoid problems in the future

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Pippin friendica

Anyone know of a reasonably-priced 4G (or later) USB stick that'll Just Workβ„’ in a oldish Mikrotik box? It's sitting on top of a rack in the datacentre to give me emergency access when needed, currently using a 3G USB stick I had lying around. Ideally I'd like to find a stick that'll be willing to pass through a public IP address to the host, but I haven't been able to find anything that seems to do that. The current 3G stick insists on NATing, so if I have to accept NAT, it's no worse than at present - I just maintain an outbound tunnel to a third-party VM I already have elsewhere and log in through that. It's one more step I could get rid of though. At the moment one solution I'm seeing is to replace the whole Mikrotik box with the cheapest one that has a cellular data modem built in for circa Β£100, but it'd be nice to generate less e-waste and (hopefully) spend less by replacing only the USB stick.

[UPDATE] [PEW] VoIP and SIMs :
Phasing out of 3G on data SIMs


3G is being phased out by all mobile network operators, and will stop working for our data SIMs in early September.

The data SIMs we provide already support 4G. In a small number of cases it is possible that devices are too old to support 4G, in which case the device is sadly obsolete and will need replacing in order to keep connectivity.

You will be emailed if we think your SIM is one which is in …

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Bennie mastodon (AP)
Hold on... let me get the tech manual out for Vore day.
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patter mastodon (AP)
the unrealised technology: Users as a Service
sirlan <( rawrr ) sharkey (AP)
users as a treat

Buddy Goodboy mastodon (AP)

Tech types, I’m a hardcore proponent of owning my own data and content. I’m looking to figure out a POSSE workflowβ€”Publish on Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhereβ€”to connect a personal site, Bluesky, and Mastodon. If you’ve already invented the wheel, I’d love to hear how. Thanks!


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Rasta mastodon (AP)

"Billionaires won't create jobs if we tax them "

#Billionaires #EatTheBillionaires

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Huh, interesting, mammals won’t reproduce unless they feel that their children will be safe.

Anyway, I’m sure that’s not relevant to any discussions about human societies.

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Khyaber mastodon (AP)

A painting for Ashtalon.

High res and prints available via linktr.ee/khyaber

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Dgar mastodon (AP)

If you take a social media sabbatical, don't announce it.

Just make your last post something fun like "I wonder if there's a bear in this cave?"

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gulfie mastodon (AP)
how long before we can grow tails. What's the development roadmap for this. How many story points will it take
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are there any blockers? do you need any clarification?

Anarchist Quotes mastodon (AP)

The police are making more anarchists than I could do in ten years.
-- Emma Goldman

#anarchism #quote #bot

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Pippin friendica
A friend on Another Social Media thinks I should do it, and I would like to do it, but should I do it? It, in this case, being changing the length to which I cut my hair. I use a ΒΎ inch (19mm) comb guide for my dad's hair, and a β…œ inch (10mm) for mine. I'm considering going down to, oh, let's say 0mm for mine. Y/N? I do wanna try it, and I really need a haircut, and today seems as good a day as any.
Pippin friendica

The deed was do'ed (last Thursday).

Now my mum seems to not recognise me more often than previously (although that might just be progression of her dementia), and my sister's dog, Comet, who was fine the first time he met me after the dehairification, growled at me this evening when he saw me in bike gear and bare-headed. Took him a while to grudgingly accept me again.

On the whole, I think I like it though. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Pippin friendica
Since then my mum doesn't seem to have failed to recognise me again (yet) and Comet was very happy with me last time we met. So yeah, no problems. :)

Ollie Francis mastodon (AP)
It wasn't police or army or government action that thwarted far right thuggery last night - it was thousands of ordinary people who showed up peacefully, shook their heads and whispered "no".
#riots #uk #ukriots
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While its likely too early to draw conclusions about how the far right rioters will be dealt with (with only a small minority sentenced so far), the Equality Trust *do* sum up an emerging concern expressed here (and elsewhere).

#riots #farright #ruleoflaw

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lynn / clarissa mastodon (AP)

Do you know why humiliating fascists is good?

Because definitionally they are weak-willed cowards

they are emboldened when they think the average person will let their escalation slide

they are small and scared to act when they think there is a chance they'll be confronted

wide-spread humiliation and disdain is a fantastic way to keep them feeling unsupported

I don't mean laughing it off and not taking them seriously, I mean actively making them feel judged and afraid of humiliation and confrontation

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Chris @ 🦣 mastodon (AP)
The advent of LLMs masquerading as artificial intelligence has made the notion of an absurdly powerful computer, constructed at great expense, and given unseemly resources to answer a meaningful question, only to return the answer β€œ42”, feel more and more prophetic.
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Bob Davidson mastodon (AP)
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Zack Whittaker mastodon (AP)
Definitely guilty of this, courtesy of Signal's latest release notes.
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Bristle mastodon (AP)

A lot of tutorials would be 10 seconds long if the given task was done in any shell at all instead of trying to finesse Windows Explorer into doing anything more complicated than drag and drop.

I wish people didn't fear the command line.

1 1

once again pissed off at censoring / sanitising language in subtitles. it's infantilising. I use subtitles all the time because of tinnitus and auditory processing issues, and I'll be damned if I want a bunch of handwringing prudish cunts fucking about with the language. censor ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in accessibility tools. I promise we're grown up enough to handle some swears and sex words, for shit's sake.
1 4

Over a 1000 boosts πŸ‘‡, sharing the joy that we mobilised across the country n showed who we really are πŸ’•

Tonight in Brighton. This represents Britain #AntiRacist #AntiFascist #NoToIslamophobia #ukpolitics

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1 4

Better, less clumsy headline;
"Antifascists outnumber Fascists in protests across the country"

#FuckTheFash #UKPOL #ukpolitics

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std_logic_vector mastodon (AP)

This almost feels like magic. A ferromagnetic alloy made from to non-magnetic metals!

"Bismanol" is an alloy of Bismuth and Manganese, developed in the 1950s by the Naval Ordnance Lab (as hinted to by the -nol in the name).

To make it, I melted 32.9g of Bi and then added 7.0g of Mn to the melt. The mixture was heated to ~800Β°C and then poured into a mold.

The ratio or the quenching might not be optimal to reach maximum magnetism, but I am pretty pleased with the result.

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"The best way to spot an idiot? Look for the person who is cruel. The kindest person in the room is often the smartest. Empathy and compassion are evolved states of being."

This is the speech of the year. I've always found it remarkable how easy it is to hate – it's a primal emotion that often comes from ignorance and requires no intellectual effort.

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Hiro mastodon (AP)

It took a long time to write this.

I feel it will take longer to process.

Gonna miss the hell out of you, 'Neer. Travel safe, and I'll see you on the other side.

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Joshua Barretto mastodon (AP)

Proud of #bristol tonight. Easily 3-4 thousand people in attendance, all here to oppose the far right. Such a welcoming and tolerant atmosphere.

The far right did briefly show, but quickly realised they'd bitten off more than they could chew and vanished.

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ProjectFearlessness mastodon (AP)

As far right protests were planned all over the U.K. tonight, Walthamstow in East London is being overrun...by anti fascist demonstrators!

Just look at that crowd. Good work.


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ProjectFearlessness mastodon (AP)

U.K. anti fascist group Hope Not Hate has supplied a dossier to the police which we believe identifies the main instigator of the riots in Merseyside, who compiled the list of far right protests tonight, including the one in Walthamstow, London in the photo in the above post. He has also called for the assassination of Nick Lowles, leader of Hope Not Hate, and the U.K. Home Secretary.

More details to follow.


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ProjectFearlessness mastodon (AP)

More photos from dozens of towns and cities in England tonight where far right protestors were massively outnumbered by counter demonstrators.



Another Angry Woman mastodon (AP)

Health-conscious UK people: due to fash riots, it's likely there'll be Section 60AA orders in place: this permits police to ask you to remove your mask IF they *reasonably believe you are wearing it to conceal your identity*. However, this needs to meet certain conditions.

As with any other time a cop asks you to do something, always ask "under what power". For Section 60AA powers, first of all it needs to actually be in effect where you are *and* meet the other conditions.

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