
Hugh mastodon (AP)

Well this is a cool blog on designing content for transport displays


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Scritches ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
๐Ÿงต&๐Ÿ“ธ: @Areksim

#FursuitFriday #Fursuiting #Furry

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Dolby Vixen mastodon (AP)
Just going through older fursuit photos. #FursuitFriday
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nano :neocat_floof: iceshrimp (AP)
kids getting nostalgic for Last Year
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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
"when I was a kid" says someone referring to 2022, who is very much still a kid at this point if they were then.
Pippin friendica
@Kay Ohtie @nano :transfem: :omnisexual: I remember when the 2020s seemed an impossibly long time in the future. I'd be in my FORTIES OR FIFTIES! I'd probably be nearly dead! That time was so far away it would practically never happen. (And now look what it's done. :p)

Chris Combs (he/him) mastodon (AP)
in a sort of reverse-cobbler's-kids effort, I made this leg lamp for my own danged home for once ๐Ÿค˜
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Fountain of Youth

Seriously, ever trans timeline i see has the "after" photo looking like at least 3 years younger even if it is much later lol

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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I love the trope of big evil bads that are also like, ideal employers. Having this massive industrial base of loyal minions who with like, full coverage medical, checking in on the rank and file after particularly high casualty encounters with the heros, liquidating the CFO when it comes to light that he tried to replace the pension plan with a 401k.

Like with acid.

You know, good boss shit.

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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
Two shots of me taken during the Fursuit parade at Eurofurence 21 in 2015.
First photo was taken by Flossig, second by Tangohusky.
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PlasmaGryphon mastodon (AP)
shiny clothing is always so fun

Laren mastodon (AP)

One thing I'll say as far as switching to Linux... It's been a while since I did a Windows setup, and man are the two utterly different worlds.

Linux: "Hey, should we do third party drivers?"

Windows: "Hey, can I use your location data? What about stuff for advertising? What about your browser history? You know this would be more useful if we had your Microsoft login. Hey can we grab your browser history from Google?"


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Niqnaq mastodon (AP)
Still have a few more weeks of summer left!
๐Ÿ“ท: @dork.alexwedl.in on Bluesky
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Is there anything better than spending a hot summer day in Fursuit? A clear and decisive NO ๐Ÿ˜œ

(Although Vulpy already looks a bit finished) ๐Ÿ˜‹

๐Ÿ”ต๐Ÿบ @Stejf ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿบ me
๐Ÿ˜ผ @Toanir419@๐Ÿฆ
๐ŸฆŠ @VulpyBlue@๐Ÿฆ
๐Ÿ“ธ @JtheSerg

#FursuitFriday #KarlovarskรฝOuting #Fursuiter

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Thiro mastodon (AP)

Want to meet a fluffy boi at the upcoming EAST Convention to get a free hug? If you're not there, I can send you virtual hugs too.

๐Ÿบ๐ŸฆŠ #FurryCommunity #FursuitFriday
๐Ÿงต@Areksim (VinoStudios)

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I've had countless conversations with sane, kind techy guys, and there's a pattern that goes like this:

Me: Here is something interesting I just learned about electronics.

Them: oh yeah! I learned that when I was (anywhere from 8-15) years old! It was so hard and I messed it up a lot! But I eventually learned it.

In. My. And. Other. Generations. White. Cis. Men. Learned. Tech. As. Children.

Other people, particularly women, did NOT.


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Jess๐Ÿ‘พ mastodon (AP)

I keep trying to teach cis feminists: trans women are as close of an "A/B test" of sexism as you can get in society. We can give countless real world examples of sexism effects of THE EXACT SAME PERSON who has even more years of experience getting treated differently just because their public gender changed. You can't dismiss it as we're just "not as skilled" as our men colleagues or "not as assertive about getting raises and promotions" or any of those other excuses people will trot out.

The. Exact. Same. Person.

And so many of us see our careers stall. Our raises shrink. Getting talked over and ignored in meetings. Just because of our gender presentation.

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cat(fox) :therian: mastodon (AP)
Oh God
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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It's very telling that the UK government refuses to acknowledge the very obvious fact that huge counter protests are what brought peace back to our streets, not a few ludicrously light sentences for fascist rioters and a very tame police response.

They really don't want you aware of your own power.

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Jencen mastodon (AP)

Hey! How do you drive this damn thing?!?!?!


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wuffler mastodon (AP)

Clutch left handle, gears on left foot.

Duck to go faster.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Network Disaster v6 mastodon (AP)

Let the turtle dance โ€” Do you use #IPv6 ?

If you are using IPv6, the turtle will dance for you ๐Ÿข

๐Ÿ”— https://www.kame.net/

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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
I see dancin' ๐Ÿข

๐Ÿ†Ž mastodon (AP)
This is amazing really.
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RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
yeh, sat here 6kW export limited on solar.
ahnlak mastodon (AP)
@revk I am jealous of your generous export limit ๐Ÿ˜ž
Alexey mastodon (AP)
@ahnlak @revk It must be the limit of the inverter I take it?
ahnlak mastodon (AP)

@alphasixtyfive @revk limit on what the grid will permit you to export - you have a statutory right to go up to ~3.6kW, but if your local infrastructure can handle it they'll let you go higher.

In our case, the local engineer glanced at the cable running into our local transformer and laughed, so...

(I mean strictly, it's also limited by the inverter but you normally overspec that anyway)

Chip Butty mastodon (AP)
@revk I'm heating tomorrow's shower water so only exporting 2.73kW
Dragon mastodon (AP)

Used 61.4kWh so far today (Friend is visiting his car needed charging, then I put mine on charge)

Electric bill so far is at -0.50

I doubt it will be negative by end of day once we get back into peak rate electricity but yep good day to use a lot of power.


Jencen mastodon (AP)

Sorting through things.

That time my dad saved a lost pilots life. Guy had no electronics bar radio. Light was rapidly fading. Dad was in the area and got the pilot to follow and led him to a safe landing.

No thoughts of "what if" or "what will the company do to me" just instant action and offer to help.

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Delta Wye mastodon (AP)
Thatโ€™s wild!
Jencen mastodon (AP)
@DeltaWye dad certainly had an interesting life o.o
Damn, that's a cool story!
Thanks for sharing

Look at all those cuties! But gah, look at those two fluffdragons, being all lovey and kissy when people are trying to take a group photo. So distractable...

โŒš๏ธ #FursuitFriday
๐ŸŒ Tails in Wales
๐Ÿ“ท Mekie

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mhd mastodon (AP)

The nice thing about working in older programming languages:

  • There are books.
  • Books are cheap.
  • After you go on a holiday, the language is still the same.
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Guardian of the Bridge

๐Ÿ“ท: @lennyaa

#FursuitFriday #Kemono #RyukiCarrotDragon

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I never had to use a pencil for that; we had a windy-windy!

(pronounced "wine-dee-wine-dee")

That's what we called our cassette hand winder.

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Psy Chuan :therian: mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Dragoneer, anger, capitalism

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

A chee in limb toobs! ๐Ÿ’œ #FursuitFriday

Photo by @Oppiz

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Jencen mastodon (AP)

ooooh. Good look!

Also.... Gives me an idea on how to hide the gap between my paws and arms on my suit! >.>

Leina mastodon (AP)
@Jencen I'm thinking the same! The bodysuit on mine doesn't fit so well anymore, so these would be handy for partials!
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@Bowsette @Jencen Arm warmers and stockings are fantastic for covering up your arms and legs when partialling too! โค
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@Jencen Thank ya! Is definitely a wonderful look! ^^
Shadow Cheetah mastodon (AP)
Five tubes, including the chee tube!
Shadow Cheetah mastodon (AP)
A cat tube is a you tube! So tubular!
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@shadowcheets I'm totally tubular! Feelin' extra 80s! XD
Pippin friendica
@Shadow Cheetah @Cheetah Obscura No tail toob though? Then there could be six toobs.
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@pippin @shadowcheets Ooooooh! A tail toob would be a lot of fun!

#Signal was warranted again, and as always they gave the only data they could give: time of registration in Unix miliseconds, and time of last connection in Unix miliseconds.

yet another reminder that you can't give away data you don't have in the first place.


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Kianga ๐Ÿ”œ EF mastodon (AP)

Sorry, this cat is still exhausted from all the catting on International Cat Day. Please come back later, preferably with a snack.

#FursuitFriday #Fursuit

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Colorful kitty beans! โค

aeva mastodon (AP)
petition to rename "width" to "widgth" for monospace consistency with "height" and "length"
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Pippin friendica
Is there a reason *not* to get smart meters installed (gas and electricity, UK)? I can't think of any, but I understand it's a one-way street, and you can't go back if you get them, so I'm trying to consider carefully before just going "yep, come and yank out my dumb meters and put smart ones in".
Pippin friendica

@Ghost The new house has very non-smart meters, presumably unchanged since the place was built in 1989. They are "digital" only in the sense that they have digits displayed on the frontโ€ฆ

I found images of, I think, the same models of meter. If not they are *very* close.

An English Electric type C31 B/M electricity meter.

An Actaris U6 gas meter.

Hmm, I think the risk from remote-off is probably negligible (unless someone was motivated enough to hack the things and turn it off maliciously, but that also seems very unlikely, unless they did so in bulk, indiscriminately). I'd guess the benefit of a slightly under-reading meter is probably offset by the benefit of being able to see your usage in real time, have time-of-day-variable tariffs, and things like that.

Ghost mastodon (AP)

yeah thatโ€™s an old school mechanical meter, and I tend to agree the risks are negligible as even malicious attacks would need to sign the command with 2 TLS certificates for the meter to acknowledge it (not that I entirely trust the opsec to keep the private keys secure).

I generally agree the advantages of a variable tariff are worth it over the under reading, but everyoneโ€™s mileage may vary there


Toasted Lynx mastodon (AP)

Whatcha thinking about?

Happy fursuit friday!


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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Very important things to be thinkin' 'bout! โค

I'm hoping this guy turns out like I imagine he might - is pretty difficult for me because I have aphantasia.
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Twig mastodon (AP)

me too! Was just chatting about this with other folks recently and itโ€™s impact (or lack of impact) on artistic ability. Putting my artistic/design process into words was a really interesting exercise.

In any case, RAT! squeee!

@twigmouse I actually learned about it at Furvana at one of the panels. I've known in my mind worked differently for like 20 years but I didn't know the name of it until the panel.
@twigmouse I do have this theory that while a aphantasia makes me a much worse artist, I think it makes me a better engineer because it's caused me to have to grow my spatial reasoning a lot more. I'm able to conceptualize complex systems software systems and their interactions pretty well.
Twig mastodon (AP)
I agree and I wrote about that very topic (with examples) in a local chat! Also, this video talks about how those of us with Aphantasia probably actually DO create mental images but donโ€™t have conscious experience of them like most people do. The โ€œrotated objectโ€ test is a cool way to demonstrate that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avI0KtmNpo8

Zack Labe mastodon (AP)

Ending the streak of record monthly warmth, July 2024 was in fact the 2nd hottest July on record globally. Some of the largest temperature anomalies, in terms of magnitude, were found over Antarctica.

Summary of the conditions: https://climate.copernicus.eu/surface-air-temperature-july-2024

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Paul Bassett Davies mastodon (AP)
Please note: the civil war in the UK has been cancelled owing to a massive display of human decency on one side and the other side not showing up.
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Runes hometown (AP)

Since I'm seeing a lot of "I have covid" posts, reminder that the WHO actually published a protocol for recovery after the illness to reduce the odds of Long Covid.


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Samael :therian: mastodon (AP)

Oh, even better, thank you! ๐Ÿ’™

And WOW, that thing is well produced. I was expecting ... well, good, but not THIS good.

Miakoda mastodon (AP)

You not sure how capitalism works?

Have you noticed a bunch of "whole body deo" ads, from quite a few brands recently?
Tell me, just how often have you thought "My god, that person's [body part that isn't arm pits] stinks!"
Probably rarely. Bathing usually does the job.
Capitalism made up the problem, makes you self conscious everyone can smell your ass and cooche with ads, and was right there with a solution for you! For a fee, of course.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Bennie mastodon (AP)

Anubis is texting...

Should I be worried what the god of death and judgement had to stop and text for?

Or should I be more worried about who Anubis would want to text?

Look at the sign. Is Anubis at the wrong meeting of the gods?

So many questions...

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TiChall ๐ŸฆŠ mastodon (AP)
Probably sending snarky texts to Bastet. You know how cats and dogs are with each other.
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