
Pippin friendica

I went for my first Spidey-walk around my new neighbourhood.

Several pretty nice encounters with locals. A group outside the local club wanted photos (although only one of them actually stood next to me to be photographed!), a couple wanted pictures to show a young relative who, apparently, would be astounded that they'd met the real Spidey. A family with two young boys was just getting into their car after after presumably visiting relatives and the family seemed to like seeing me, although the boys themselves seemed not bold enough to interact. A guy told me he'd just "walked out" of work (not sure if he'd quit or just left for the day) after his manager had sworn at him and said just seeing me lifted his mood and made his day.

And all this just from my first 30 minute, 1½ mile walk. Gotta spend a bit more time out in suit in this area! 🙂

(Below, eight selfies of me as classic Spider-Man with my web backpack, one indoors before I went out, the others taken on a path beside a green part way along my route.)

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Most welcome - always love seein' Spidey out and about!

Huh, it’s almost like stagnant wages plus price gouging creates an environment where retail and dining can’t succeed. Who’da thought???
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Pippin friendica

This is why, when I got home on the motorbike late in the evening recently, rather tired, I sat down on the driveway to pet the local cats when they appeared rather than rushing to get inside and get my heavy, exhausting gear off. It's also why, when I go for a walk in suit, I want to do better at pausing to greet people rather than just waving as I walk, to make it clearer I have time and to maximise the chances of something good happening.

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Some fiber providers are now talking about offering 50 gigabit to the home.

Mother fuckers, ZOMGWTFBBQ? I've been delivering FTTH since 2015, and I have the fucking bandwidth usage charts to prove this next statement: NO ONE NEEDS 50 FUCKING GIGABIT TO THEIR HOME!!!!!!

Instead of trying to go needlessly faster, how about we focus on actually delivering a good product worldwide? Lets just admit that 1 gigabit is good enough, and should be the goal everywhere. Let entities that actually need more bandwidth gets ELINE, or Dark Fiber, or whatever DIA solution can accommodate their need for 10, 25, 40, 100, etc gigabit.

Because this fucking arms race to deliver insane speeds to residences with 2-6 occupants is fucking wasteful as hell.

Oh wait, everything I just said would require us to re-examine our growth addicted economy. Yeah, cause that'll happen.

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Toroidal Core mastodon (AP)

@ret My parents have a 200/200 fiber package, and it works fine. Plenty fast enough, and the upload is great.

I'm on 500/20 cable, and running off-site backups is a pain.

Pippin friendica

I've just got the Openreach line at my new home configured with a 115/20 service, but I'm considering getting Swish to install a line here too and relegate the openwretch line to be a backup, because AFAICT Swish's services are all symmetric.

Why anyone would install a fibre access network with asymmetric capacity I don't know (unlike DOCSIS or DSL it'd have to be a deliberate choice, surely?), and if the access network is symmetric, why would they not offer symmetric services? Presumably only to be able to keep selling overpriced symmetric services as "enterprise solutions"!

(I want to be able to stick a small server rack in the garage for non-critical stuff to save a bit on datacentre costs, and some outbound capacity would help. Even for that I doubt I'll need 1Gbps. Heck, even my datacentre racks only have 1Gbps BGP uplinks and I've only recently been feeling it might be worth upgrading — and that's only because of the risks of DDoS attacks and/or a greedy 1Gbps+ home user saturating one of those uplinks…)

Playing a little tune at Scotiacon all the way back in Feb! #fursuiteveryday 🦊🌈🪗

📸 Taken by Arkie !

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AccordionBruce mastodon (AP)
🦊 🌈 🪗‼️

Everyone needs a hug from time to time 🫂

Comm for @/EterSky

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It's simple, Prime Minister: X is for people who think that Britain is about to lock up everyone who isn't woke, Bluesky is for people who think that sounds like a terrific idea, and Threads is for people who have no idea what either of the others are on about.

Truth Social is for people who think they run the Internet, Nostr is for people who think they should run the internet, and Mastodon is for people who actually do run the Internet.
& 4Chan people don’t care as long as they have big tits.

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I tried to connect but they needed letters from two psychiatrists and evidence that I’ve been using wifi for two years
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⚠️Iceshrimp.social shutting down⚠️
Iceshrimp.social has now been running for a whole year.
I've always enjoyed running the instance and providing a platform for those interested in Iceshrimp.

However, I've recently been going through a tough time with depression, and managing and financing the instance mostly on my own has become increasingly difficult for me.

After much thought, I’ve decided to close down Iceshrimp.social.
I'm sorry for this spontaneous notice and any inconvenience it may cause, but I just need to take a step back and focus on my mental health right now.

Therefore, please make sure to migrate your account to another Fediverse instance as soon as possible.

If you need any help with the migration or are facing issues, please feel free to drop me a message. I'm happy to help.

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you. I hope you all find a new home that feels just as welcoming.

Take care of yourselves, and I wish you all the best wherever you end up next ​:neocat_heart:

PS.: This does not affect iceshimp development in any way, since the instance was always independent of the development team.
The iceshrimp.social domain will be transferred to Zotan (the lead dev), as part of the shutdown process.

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I know this is a bit late, but I wanted to wait for the official photo.
I would like to thank everyone who stood by me and encouraged me and the judges for choosing me as the best of the many super dancers! To the host for giving everyone an enjoyable show!
This win only inspires me to be even better in the future!
Thank you all very much too! I love you all! ❤

📸: @Cartooncoon (Twitter)
Judges: @chipfoxx @AshCoyote @Emily_Creative (Twitter)
Host: @KanaMauMau (Twitter)

#furry #fursuit #fursuiter #Dancing #Dancecompetition

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"gifted child" to "please somebody hug me and tell me things are going to be okay" pipeline
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🆕 blog! “Psssst! Your date of birth can be a random number!”

For lots of online accounts, a date of birth is nothing more than a very weak second factor. The majority of places aren't checking your identity, cross-referencing your birthdate, and personalising your experience based on your Zodiac sign. At most, they'll wish you a happy birthday and / or let you rec…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/08/psssst-your-date-of-birth-can-be-a-random-number/

#CyberSecurity #opsec

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I've been reading vacuum cleaner reviews. The main takeaway is that they all suck, and that some suck more than others.

#pun #joke

#joke #pun
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Disabled people don't just "deserve" access to the world- we have a right to it.

Denying us the freedom to use a bathroom, enjoy a meal, or be a part of society is a denial of our human rights.

Until our rights are honoured, justice and equality remain empty promises.

#Disability #HumanRights #Poverty #Technology #Cinema #Accessibility #SDGs #Equity

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Free - small amount of water every time you buy a plastic bottle!!!!!!!!
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Pippin friendica
The disposable plastic bottle industry cosplaying as a provider of drinking water.

There are now 36 #Atari8bit computers games whose scores can be saved online using the #FujiNet device designed https://scores.irata.online/index-atari.html #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
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Pippin friendica

This rings so true.

(Actually this new house was left in a pretty good state and I'm not sure there's a huge amount to fix — one leaking shower drain isn't a huge deal and is kinda all we've come across so far. More than that are the upgrades I want to do. But still, my dad mentioned in response to this that he knows every inch of the old house, having lived there 50+ years and having done almost all the work on it over that time, while this new one is mostly an unknown quantity.)

When you buy a house you inherit all the poor decisions of everyone who lived there before. Ha ha ha ha ha oh gods everything costs so much money to fix.

When you buy a house you inherit all the poor decisions of everyone who lived there before. Ha ha ha ha ha oh gods everything costs so much money to fix.
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HEADLINE: "Heat claims more than 175,000 lives annually in Europe, latest data shows"

A staggering 175,000 people die from heat-related causes every year in Europe, and that figure is set to soar in line with our steadily warming planet. The UN World Health Organization says European countries are seeing temperatures rise at around twice the global average.

Meanwhile, Business As Usual proceeds uninterrupted.

LEARN MORE -- https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/08/1152766

#Europe #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Today I learned “massive DDOS attack” is clueless CEO speak for “fired our critical tech staff”
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This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Phase 1 testing to start within a year! The end of Covid is in sight! Thank God!
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Thank you, President Biden.

"BREAKING: Banks, credit card companies, and more will be required to let customers talk to a human by pressing a single button under a new Biden administration proposed rule.

The @CFPB rule is part of a campaign to crack down on customer service “doom loops.” -- More Perfect Union, non-profit newsroom #doomloops

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My ideal job would be to receive money without obligations. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Scientists at #Oxford Uni have developed a revolutionary approach which could generate #solar electricity without the need for #solarpanels. 💡 😎

Instead, their innovation works by coating a new power-generating material onto the surfaces of everyday objects such as rucksacks, cars, and mobile phones. 🎒 🚗 📲


#renewables #ClimateChange

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If you support folks on Patreon, make sure you start your subscription on the website rather than via the Patreon app, since in-app payments are subject to extra payment processing fees (it’s *especially* bad on iOS but Android does it too).

Better yet, don’t use dedicated apps for things that should be websites, and also consider using support platforms that care more about actually supporting folks, like ko-fi. Patreon ultimately only cares about how much money comes into Patreon.

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This is literally fedi

#artspam source

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A new rule for journalists.

End the interview on the first egregious lie.

Turn the lights out, switch off the recorder, get up and leave.

And your report should state clearly that this is why the interview was terminated.

It never should have been tolerated in the first place.

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Here's a thought I'm working on. It's said that #ActuallyAutistic people are slow to recognise their emotions, and that's kind of true for me. It's certainly true about my base state. Am I a happy person? A cheerful person? Sad? No idea.

Jump sideways: It was said of the late Terry Pratchett that he was continually angry at the state of the world. It was said to be surprising, I think, but by a friend who knew him well. Now, I *met* pTerry, and a more gentle, sweet man you could not imagine.

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Fucking FINALLY. Admin local DNS namespace! https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/08/dot_internal_ratified/
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My real hierarchy of needs.
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Heads up:

If you want to pledge to someone’s Patreon, don’t do it from the iOS app — because starting in November 2024, Apple is going to charge you a hefty extra for the privilege of doing so.

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Heads up, Apple users! Apparently, starting in November, using the iOS Patreon app means that 30% of the money you're trying to send to an artist (like me) would go to Apple instead. Just use Patreon through your browser, I assure you, you don't need the app!
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