
I'm not surprised by Cohost's shutting down; it seemed to me from the beginning that this was probably the trajectory of things. But it was clear that Cohost was a valuable place on the internet for many people and I think it's good and okay for people to mourn losing that. It's hard. Be nice to people on your timeline who are having a sad time pls.
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If you don't read anything from that link I posted yesterday, at least read this part.
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the nonbinary variant of godfather/godmother is godzilla
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A coworker of mine years ago once said of James Earl Jones’s voice, “When he says ‘This…is CNN,’ you think to yourself, ‘Oh my GOD, it is, why did I never think about that??!?”

There’s something I want you to about James Earl Jones: he was a person who stuttered.


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Paul Cantrell mastodon (AP)

This is James Earl frigging Jones. •The• voice. Stuttered. His whole life. Poetry and acting helped him speak.

We judge people impulsively and •incredibly• harshly by how they speak: a stutter, an accent, a dialect, how they make a certain sound, how they sound.

In honor of James Earl Jones, let’s all just try to find that judgement within ourselves, grab it with both hands, and yank it out. I know I’ll try.


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Paul Cantrell mastodon (AP)

P.S. Some quick advice if you’re talking to a person who stutters:

Relax. Be patient. Don’t rush them. Don’t be anxious for them. Don’t “help” them by completing their word for them. (It’s NOT helpful!) If a stutter starts, let them find their own way through it. Chill. You’re good. It’s all good. Show them you’re listening and attentive, and you don’t mind them taking the time they need. Give them your patience, your attention, and your acceptance.

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I would like to impress upon product managers that a code security review does not consist of me sitting down with the files in alphabetical order and reading each and every line exactly once in order and checking off whether it is or isn’t secure
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this is one of the reasons I started asking "when someone new joins the team how many weeks does it typically take them to get up to speed with it?", rather than "how many LoC?"

even when the answers are inaccurate, they are illuminating.

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abadidea mastodon (AP)
And if you’re wondering what it IS then, I would describe security review as more like mapping a cave system than reading a document.
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I said it before and I'll say it again:

"AI model learns, therefore it is intelligent" is like saying "computer programs run, therefore they have legs."

Metaphors like "program runs" or "model learns" are useful, but are just that: metaphors.

Drawing conclusions on their basis is folly.

Keep that in mind next time AI-hypers try to draw equivalences between a child going to a museum and then making their own art, and a LLM gobbling up terabytes of text and then generating word salad.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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A piece of documentation or writing that when you write it, you are certain nobody will ever read.

See also: extinct, #documentation, #software development, #confluence

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Also, the irony of making people say things like "unalive" while showing absolute vile ads
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I've been looking on Amazon for things to replace in my room and I'm absolutely astonished at how it devolved into a confusing mess with products by weird keysmash companies
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Content warning: long fediblock related rant

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This decision took me far far too long to reach.
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🆎 mastodon (AP)

The final straw was in whatever stupid mode it got itself into, we could not even FORCE the boiler to make hot water, by pushing what is meant to be a manual override button. And my wife wanted to go for a shower.

So, that's the end of that shitty chapter. I'm glad that at least it wasn't a long chapter.

Disrecommend Hive.

If you move into a new house, don't try and fucking take over an old system. Rip it out.

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🆎 mastodon (AP)

Remember when programmer timers... didn't require and app, which required an email address, mobile number, etc etc etc? Remember those days?

This ordeal started with "hmm I really should figure out the hot water scheduling, as, frankly, it hasn't been reliable and we've been using boost a lot".

And ended with, "this is unusable trash".

Genuinely may temporarily put this in its place :

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Extreme Electronics mastodon (AP)

I bought an even simpler one, works brilliantly even with no internet.

I had a similar experience with a hive. Plus i didn't trust upnp to something I have zero control over.

Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@Extelec Is it the usual 433MHz simple RF protocol style, or something a little fancier e.g. Zigbee?
I think the Hive is meant to be Zigbee but they stuck some proprietary nonsense on top.
Chris Burton mastodon (AP)
good choice we made a label mod to make it easier to use (it's in a charity holiday home) but other than that it's been working well for years 🤣 .
Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@burtyb You just can't beat simplicity!

When a service shuts down due to funding a lot of people say they can do it better for cheaper who seemingly aren't doing it better for cheaper
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Found a channel full of vintage computing furries, invite someone I know there that works at the local particle accelerator because he has access to some cool, old tech. Fairly niche. A discussion starts in the channel only for another furry who works at a particle accelerator across the country to begin sharing their work, too.

The fandom is amazing.

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you ever think about how we could have a much better society if we didn't allow the most greedy and ruthless among us to make the rules?
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Hey remember what I was saying about how Cohost was going to announce they were closing and only THEN start work on export tools for people's posts, which I guarantee they will not do because as of today they're already no longer paying themselves, and there's no way they're going to work on the site that hard when they find other jobs?

Yeah, this is just the start of the ride. Keep watching what happens from here.

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🪐 We've been on Mastodon for many years, but I'm gonna go ahead and post this old Xenia drawing anyways, in case any of our followers from Cohost are checking these tags

#hicohost #artistsoncohost #cohost #heycohost

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Crash Bandicoot's 28th birthday!!! Tell him happy birthday! ❤️🎉

#crashbandicoot #toony #fanart

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animating is less a of skill and more of a psychological disorder
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Content warning: cohost shutdown

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I did nothing interesting and messed up my knee again. Other people do athletic stuff and get injured, I change a lightbulb and then limp.
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Bitslingers-R-Us akkoma (AP)
Reminds me of this. The mailbox part happened to my brother not long ago, and the getting hit by a car part happened to me more than once as a teenager. I doubt I'd fare so well now.
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My childhood neighbor would hand his kid a circular thing with "TUIT" written on it, so the kid would "get a[round] [to it]".

My adhd meds are round. They are literally round tuits

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I'm going for a walk; would you like to come along with me?

🧵 Fursuit made by @lupesuits

#furry #furries #furryfandom #fursona #fursuit #fursuits #fursuiting #fursuiter #LupeSuits

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If Labour had any sense they would’ve got Ed Miliband to make a move to immediately reform the electricity market so that wholesale prices aren’t largely determined by the price of gas fired generation. A bold but long overdue move would potentially halve the domestic unit rate, with an immediate win for inflation, and render the whole question of the winter payment moot. That would’ve been smart joined up strategy benefitting everyone. Doesn’t look like they’re capable of that.
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"There's virtually nothing that the average person can do (to protect their privacy)."
Chris Gilliard.


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I bet shutting down all the AI data centers would probably make being carbon neutral a lot easier.
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Gads but I owe @SimonTesla for letting me know you can include a terminal comma in a list in both Javascript and C#. It's saved me *so* much needless fussing.
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Kay Ohtie, Bat-Yote! mastodon (AP)
being able to regex find/replace and have a trailing comma be okay is always excellent
@KayOhtie Everything is just *so* much *easier*.

Yoooooo! Still #MacroMonday !
Get sum hips, lil'! 😋🎉
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Jake The Fox mastodon (AP)
Big tails are nice, I remember when I wore a small tail because I couldn't find anything better, those were dark times.
Draki mastodon (AP)
@jakethefox Awwwwhrhrhr, yay!
There's always a bigger tail and that's awesome!
*rly likes all type of tails* ☺️🥰
*Wanna see yours! 😸

How are you all because I am this
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Have you *any fucking idea* how *utterly impossible* it is for me as a 60+ year/old to follow your *fuckingly stupid animated gif crap documentation video* which wizzes by at an speed impossible to follow for anybody over the age of 8?

Why can't you bloodywell give us a chance and *write a few fucking sentences*?!?!!

Actually, what I wanted to say was "no, thanks, I won't use your project. Have a lovely day."

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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“Smart” technology
Spend way more money for basically the same damn thing
Won’t work when you lose internet
Is actually less convenient than what it replaced
Is likely spying on you
Can’t even sell it when you’re done with the fucking thing
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No, I don't want to work at a "fast growing company", I want to work for a slow rolling company that has carved itself a comfortable niche where the owners aren't gunning for a big exit.
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Someone just called the CyberTruck a “Deplorean”. Chuckling.
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The danger was never giving SkyNet the nuclear launch codes. The danger was giving it the keys to every single car on Earth then pulling the plug. https://restofworld.org/2024/ev-company-shutdowns-china/
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Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)

Some of this stuff is a risk for all cars as we head towards an ever more computerized future. Not only that, but imagine millions of vehicles with outdated firmware, collecting data on us for years and becoming more and more vulnerable to hacking as they age.

The future is a Black Mirror episode, and it sucks.

Pippin friendica
Octopus person heading this way to replace my meters!
Pippin friendica
The doorbell rang just as I posted that. We are currently without electricity. 😮
Pippin friendica
All done, phew. Now I can get on with things again! Imminent appointments always make it hard to do anything else.

Rusty Corgi mastodon (AP)

As much as I like that computers have gotten a lot more accessible to people, I still wish that people on the whole had gotten more computer literate and tech savvy instead of computing becoming what it is now. Computers making things easier for users often comes with vendor lock-in and things "that just work" all only just working because they're from the same manufacturer.

Also people seem pretty incapable of learning new tech and different workflows now which is... frustrating. We used to use raw HTML on our MySpace pages. :blobfoxdizzy:

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Taur Rhew mastodon (AP)
I shall teach my spawn how to do everything in the command line first.
Their first OS will be Alpine Linux and no GUI till they learn to install the GUI themselves

Jan Rosenow mastodon (AP)


The EU now generates more electricity from wind and solar than from fossil fuels.

Graph from Nat Bullard and data from Ember.

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