
I keep circling back to a thought:

That over the past twenty years we've invented a whole bunch of technologies that I thought would be cool when I was a teenager reading science fiction, but which in almost every case are fundamentally compromised because the only companies vast enough to be able to build them are - by their sheer size - companies that cannot be trusted to control them.

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#GretaThunberg :
"We are never going back to normal again because ‘normal’ was already a crisis.

What we refer to as normal is an extreme system built on the exploitation of people and the planet.

It is a system defined by colonialism, imperialism, oppression and genocide by the so-called global North to accumulate wealth that still shapes our current world order.

If economic growth is our only priority, then what we are experiencing now should be exactly what we should be expecting.”

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"Supermarkets need to chill on the Christmas stuff in September" ... Nah. Normalise eating Stollen, mince pies and iced fruitcake year-round, I say.
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Azakir mastodon (AP)
I'll take less "Merry Christmas" in September but mince pies all year round please.
Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@azakir That sounds like a delicious compromise! Though it does mean less stocking up on cheap mince pies on Boxing Day.

Before you go out without a mask during this COVID-19 wave, look at what it takes to get disability allowance in your country,
and compare the small amount
that usually takes years to get
to what it costs to live.

Oh, and you're usually not allowed to have savings.

Not even for your child's education.

Not to save up for a wheelchair or other mobility aids.

Disabled people don't have marriage equality.

Immigration? Forget it.

Masks are nice.

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⚠️Why should customers bail out #water💧 companies for their mistakes? THEY built up £60 billion in debt rewarding banks & investors, & now want us to fix their problem. Sign the #petition and tell Ofwat: no bill hikes to bail them out! 😤 👇

@TheWelshLeftAlliance https://38d.gs/ra4v

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Wanted to watch Aliens, the disc plays OK but makes a horrible grinding sound. "OK fine," thinks I, "I'll watch it via other means," well my friends the other means are really really bad

"Oh cool there was a remaster this year" yeah they overexposed it and washed it all out, and as if that wasn't enough they AI'd it and everyone's got weird plastic skin

"Well butts, how about the blu-ray release from the early 2010's," well they didn't AI it yet but they did bollocks up the colours and made it all green because that was a thing in the 2010's

Rip your own DVDs folks 'cause if that DVD starts having problems you might not be able to find a copy amid a sea of gradually deteriorating versions

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I want a "pay what the fucking sign says" bill for America:
- Tax is included, ALWAYS, everywhere. Local, national, everything
- NO expected tips. NO tip workflows, for ANYTHING. Ban even ASKING for or suggesting one.
- No junk fees, no blah blah, one price, and ONE shipping fee if it's online. And you show me BEFORE checkout or you're shut the fuck down.

Sick of this. Just show me the fucking price! FUCK.

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Spud mastodon (AP)
time to take cheee on some walkies! :revblobfoxaww:

Silly dragons will be silly. #flamedramon
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doing numbers on mastodon is wild because it's like lighting a fuse on a string of firecrackers but there's these long segments of fuse between clusters of them. one person on a tiny instance boosts something you posted two months ago because they only just now saw it on their federated timeline and then their four followers who are each on huge instances see it and suddenly your notifications start blowing up again out of nowhere, and you can watch it percolate onto servers out in space
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wanna give a shout out to one of the most useful websites in the world: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com

gotta be one of my favorite genders

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It's very useful for generating an inexhaustible list of server and workstation hostnames in whatever naming scheme you use.
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Finished the second round of watercolors this week! This one is for @thumper!

#furryart #watercolor

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Pippin friendica
I watched Frozen tonight for the first time in a many years. Olaf is such a lovely little bean. I'm sure he annoyed the heck out of me when I first saw it, but he's just good and innocent now. He just wants to be helpful and a friend and loved. How did that happen.

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While reading German folk tales, I am repeatedly struck by the notion that "random encounters" in typical #dnd -type #ttrpg settings are assumed to be _combat_ encounters. While direct attacks by supernatural creatures _do_ occur in folk tales, it is far more common for them to appear, frighten the bejeezus out of a witness, and then vanish again without lasting harm.

Yes, that huge cat with the glowing eyes is scary, but as long as you don't attack it, it won't bother you. A headless horseman might travel along the road, but that doesn't mean he will necessarily try to run you down. And if the Wild Hunt passes overhead, just throw yourself on the ground and you will be safe. And that "little grey man" might shout "Heh! Heh!" and then simply scuttle off into the undergrowth.

This goes even more for more "natural" creatures. Attacking a full party of armored adventurers is a decidedly odd action, if you think about it - creatures who have co-existed with humans will usually have learned to be careful around them, or go extinct. Even if they _do_ attack humans for food, it's more likely they will go after lone stragglers than an entire group of people. So if they attack an adventuring party, they must either be _really_ confident about their success, or too aggressive or stupid to care about their odds.

So if a predator comes across an adventuring party, it needs a reason to attack them outright. If it is defending its territory, it will likely make some threat displays first, since combat is always risky. If it is hunting for food, it will likely follow the party for some time and observe if there is any specimen that might get separated from the herd - but it might give up if the party shows no obvious weaknesses.

So what I am trying to say is: Some random monster charging the PCs in the wilderness is an option, but it should be less common the monster observing or passing by the PCs without actual violence.

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Might have to hand some of these out at #emfcamp in 2026

From: @best_of_mltshp

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PSA: if you're not regularly reading the alt text people put on images here, you should!

I say this in part because I see a lot of folks asking questions that are already answered by the OP's alt text, but also because folks tend to put interesting details or context in there that you'd otherwise miss.

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I've seen the Ursula K LeGuin quote about capitalism going around, but to really appreciate it you have to know the context. The year is 2014. She has been given a lifetime achievement award from the National Book Awards. Neil Gaiman puts it on her neck in front of a crowd of booksellers who bankrolled the event, and it’s time to make a standard “thank you for this award, insert story here, something about diversity, blah blah blah” speech. She starts off doing just that, thanking her friends and fellow authors. Allis well. Then this old lady from Oregon looks her audience of executives dead inthe eye, and says “Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue is not the same thing as responsible book publishing or authorship* She rails against the reduction of her art to a commodity produced only for profit. She denounces publishers who overcharge libraries for their products and censor writers in favor of something “more profitable®. She specifically denounces Amazon and its business practices, knowing full well that her audience is filled with Amazon employees. And to cap it off, she warns them: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words” Ursula K LeGuin got up in front of an audience of some of the most powerful people in publishing, was expected to give a trite and politically safe argument about literature, and instead told them directly “Your empire willfall. And | wil help it along"

#writer #LeGuin

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To some extent, but change came from outside.

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Happy Fursuit Friday! Otter wiggles caught on film! 🎥 🦦

8mm color, shot on a Kodak Brownie II

📸 @fanosaurus.bsky.social
🧵 @poeproductions

#FursuitFriday #Fursuit #Furry #Otter

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ALL major cities should have a parking lot around them. If you’re driving to a city, you have to leave your car at the outskirts and then get on public transportation.

Cities should be car free zones.

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Whyrl mastodon (AP)
The parking lots are usually referred to as “freeways”.
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Random fursuit photo from the archives.

It’s @Swifty on the dancefloor during ConFuzzled 2022.

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kieran mastodon (AP)
great shot!

what if sisyphus got a coin every time he rolled the boulder up the hill and then he could spend his coins in the shop to level up his pushing ability but each time he leveled up the boulder also got heavier so the challenge remains the same despite feeling like progression has been made. and what if he was able to unlock sisyphus minions that could roll the boulder up the hill while he was away. also every time he starts a new roll an ad plays. and also he can choose to watch an ad every time he drops the boulder to receive 2x coins for that round. and also you can buy fun skins for the boulder through microtransactions
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WTF stands for *wags tail furiously*
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Content warning: medical fact, not gory, but creepy.

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Odoben mastodon (AP)
I've learned in uni that it works through CO2 receptors, yet I just haven't thought about the case where there's no oxygen and no CO2 :blobfoxterrified:
Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
@odoben Yeah, that's how I understood it worked too. I just didn't realize it only worked in the presence of CO2. That's the thing that really got me. o.O

'In a country with £15 trillion of financial wealth of course there is money available to fund the NHS.
And cuts are not needed.
Nor is privatisation required.
All that is necessary is sufficient financial imagination to permit the raising of the NHS to make good the shortfall the Tories left.'

The NHS need not die: Rachel Reeves just has to permit more government borrowing and we could have the health service we need https://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2024/09/12/the-nhs-need-not-die-rachel-reeves-just-has-to-permit-more-government-borrowing-and-we-could-have-the-health-service-we-need/

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AI is \*not\* just a tool. It is a pea and thimble game in which a few, very rich people steal our entire cultural and intellectual history, and use it in a way that forever depletes it. It is a way of enclosing the commons. And it's taking us all, the demos, too long to get our collective heads around it because, like the climate, it is so strange to think of it being steal-able that the idea doesn't stick, it doesn't have language to describe and discuss it. 1/3 #AI
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We are in the same kind of situation as First Nations people being offered beads for land, and not actually comprehending the terms of the deal because the idea of country being privatised was too, too wierd to comprehend. There is a huge and accelerating cultural shift going on, in which \*everything\* we have thought of as natural, given, the water we swim in, is being taken, used, turned into private wealth. 2/3
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None of us can take our little share of the air and say, no, you're not allowed to run this through your private jet and spit out the polluted, depleted remains. And it's the same with our cultural heritage. To me it's akin to the Taliban blowing up the Buddhas of Bamiyan, or Rio Tinto and Juukan Gorge, or Exxon and climate. 3/3
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Pippin friendica

When someone addresses "chat" outside the context of a livestream, I'm assuming the intent is that they're breaking the fourth wall and addressing the audience - saying a thing while explicitly *not* directing it at anyone present. Or am I overthinking this? :p

Just witnessed an Australian MP say in Parliament “chat, is this prime minister serious?” and then follow up by saying “sometimes I feel like he’s the CEO of Ohio”

Heading to
#eurofurence in a few days. First international convention. I'm anxious as heck, but if you see me, say hi!
Cyber Wolf mask made by Gates of Eden Project
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Arakin mastodon (AP)
loving the cyberwolf mask 😀 hope you have an awesome time at EF

Politics and voting doesn't work like standing at the edge of the road and just hailing a taxi, instead it's more like getting the bus that goes closest to the location you want to be; except that in the United Kingdom the bus has been privatised, the wheels have been stolen by the Tories and it also is on fire.
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A killer feature cohost had compared to every other social media site I've been using is rich webpage embeds. Any webpage you linked to, it had a high chance of embedding a usable, readable, etc. copy of whatever is at the site. It wasn't just OpenGraph previews, but a richer embed of the site's actual content much of the time. Means there was less of a culture of sharing inaccessible screenshots, and more just pasting links.
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Shado-Pan Pro 🐼

Lines+flats commission for ArtifexHam on Twitter! :3

#Pandaren #ShadoPan #WorldOfWarcraft #Furry #FurryArt #FurryArtist #MastoArt #Commission #ArtCommission

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#WritingPrompt #WorldBuilding

What has been erased from the official history of your world? By whom?

#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #writing #dnd #ttrpg #authodons

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