
The Ghoulson mastodon (AP)

Build new things.

Change the world.

Be slow, fix things.

Deliberate action toward improvement.

Let others claw at the dirt… keep your eyes ever starward.

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If you say you don't want kids three times in a row a middle aged soccer mom will appear out of nowhere to explain how some day you might change your mind.
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Pippin friendica

I love being a faceless biker/mook/robot/thing.

(Edit: I should point out there are 6 pics attached to this post; see post on original instance if you don't see them all!)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Looking really good - thank you for sharing!

Now I know to check the original post when you've got four pix to see if there's more :)

Pippin friendica
@Ysengrin Blackpaw 🔜 WPAFW Yes, I must remember to mention when I add more than 4 pics. Interestingly, Tusky doesn't give me any indication that there are more than 4 pictures, but once I've tapped to expand one to fill screen it will then let me scroll through all 6.

Pippin friendica

I find it very hard to understand how anyone gets away with this in America. The way it *should* work is surely how it worked for me here in the UK: I registered to vote when I was about 16 or 17 (it then activates on your 18th birthday), and I don't think I even had to remember, I think the local council sent an automatic letter (presumably due to birth records from 16/17 years prior) and we probably just had to confirm my details were correct and I was registered.

And that's it. That one registration lasts for life.

I did have to re-register once, a week or two ago, due to moving house. This automatically cancels my registration in my old area and lets me vote in my new home constituency.

The only other thing I've done is, back at the start of the pandemic, changed from voting in person to postal voting. This also lasts until you cancel it, or until you re-register in a new area.

This is how it should work. America, stop tolerating whoever the hell is periodically taking away your right to vote and forcing you to do pointless work to get it back. For a purported democracy, that is unacceptable.

Also, why in heck are political parties involved in voter registration over there!? They should be kept at a *very* great distance from that. Voter registration must be done by an organisation with no vested interest, as should everything to do with holding elections.

Just saw an Ohio voter comment elsewhere that they'd been purged and had to get that fixed. So if you haven't voted in like the last six weeks for a primary?

Maybe check to make sure you are on your state's rolls as a voter.

And battleground folks--we'd better keep checking.

Kat Kimbriel VOTED mastodon (AP)

Agreed. But the problem here is, there are the people who never get over their griefs, and people who are willing to work for our government neutrally, for the benefit of all.

It only takes a few--generally very rich people--to mess with this. It's actually one of the gifts of computers/the Internet. It's possible to keep voting info & votes off in a secure place, tabulate them, & announce them.

This is unfettered Capitalism. It's not pretty. We claw more back each time. But. :(


pzmyers 🦑 mastodon (AP)

I might have to include this illustration in my lab courses.


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RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
wow, false origin is really bad on that.

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Jen Gentleman mastodon (AP)
Makes me laugh whenever I see this 😂
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Helen Czerski mastodon (AP)

I get excited whenever the carbon intensity of the UK electricity grid is below ~100g of CO2 per kilowatt hour of electricity.

The 2023 average was 162g gCO2/kWh

But just look at this figure - in 2009 it was regularly ~600. We ARE making big changes. Hooray!

Source: https://tinyurl.com/48dwzz33

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A map of Every European City

➡️ credit: Malachi Ray Rempen

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Saki mastodon (AP)
Rawr. At reading pride. This time, fully shiny! :3
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Jencen mastodon (AP)
Who's a good Drgn... YOU! You are! ❤
Saki mastodon (AP)
@Jencen mrawwrrr, gosh! 💙

🌸 mastodon (AP)
thinkin about this
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Viking wind farm and subsea cable boosts UK clean energy from Shetland

The Shetland Isles have been connected to mainland Britain’s grid for the first time and this coincides with the switch-on of a 443MW onshore wind farm there. As the most northerly land in the UK (next stop: The Faroes and then Iceland) Shetland is ideally placed to get very high utilisation from its new turbines.


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This doesn't look good:

Eight locations experienced temperatures of 50C + this year, most of them in the Tropic of cancer.

Hotest spot was Death Valley, USA, 7/7/24 - 53.9

the rest in deciding order, all 50C + peak:

Jahra, Kuwait
Sindh, Pakistan
Sanbao, China
Tepache, Mexico
Abadan, Iran
Churu, India
Agadir, Morocco
Hassi Messaaod, Algeria
Arafat, Saudi Arabia.

Moreover, the impact of these peaks has been intensified by high humidity.

climate change is here!

h/t Nikkei Asia/WMO

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Halfy! mastodon (AP)

Content warning: pups, pride

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myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)

In my day we had buttons.
We had switches! Sliders!
And what do we have now? Glass rounded rectangles of various sizes.

"We can make it do haptic feedback."

No just put me out of my misery. Send me to the farm upstate. Your haptic feedback is a mockery of the elegance of the latching switches and potentiometers I have known.

Robotics is hard. Mechanical engineering is hard. The glass rounded rectangles are magical, yes, and lovely, but they also prisons for the imagination.

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What's not to like:

community owned wind farm;

profits recycled into tree planting;

local management of project(s).

Yes, things can be done differently - quite apart from the local details, this focus on recycling surplus into the area is a great example of what might be the future the green transition.... or at least part of it.

#energy #economics


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Spotti in new @/Mofumofufursuit tiger. Stretch fur, sewn stripes, form fitting, flexible. At #Megaplex2024 (head @/magpiebones, pic @Saigon)
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leeb mastodon (AP)
Wow, pretty sure I've never seen this feature in any other language...
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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)
@wawik The LEO computer had an entire subsystem of hardware devoted to converting LSD to decimal and back again. To see it in software, and in PL/I of all things!!
leeb mastodon (AP)
@TundraWolf @wawik Found some similar facilities in COBOL from around the same time. Seems weird these days, but I guess back in the 60s it was required functionality for data processing in the UK. Imagine spending a bunch of money on this stuff only for the government to pull the rug re: decimalisation only a few years later. So it goes I guess.
TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

@wawik That would make sense, even the British need to do some sort of business eventually.

I am really glad that we decimalised! I've tried working in the older currency (my employer has a long history) and it is needlessly complicated. Now, if only we could stop using idiotic measures and metricate.

Ken Shirriff mastodon (AP)
The IBM 1401 computer had optional support for math with pounds/shillings/pence in hardware, back when there were 12 pence in a shilling and 20 shillings in a pound. Of course there were two incompatible standards, so the computer had a knob on the front panel to select the standard.
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

At the chirp, the time will be cuddle o'clock.



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David Ho mastodon (AP)

Psst…You want to know about the NASA website that spells out your name in Landsat imagery.


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Hornet mastodon (AP)
Just being very demure, very proper.
(10 likes and I’ll post a follow up)
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Hornet mastodon (AP)

Content warning: #FursuitFriday Fursuits & Underwear

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Re the ongoing Rust/C schism:

- I see many people who know C, know Rust, and prefer Rust.

- I see a handful of people who know C, don't know Rust, and hate Rust.
- I see almost nobody who knows C, knows Rust, and prefers C.

There's an article I like that predates this flame war. It's by someone in the third camp: https://www.sqlite.org/whyc.html . What you will notice: Hipp understands what Rust programmers are claiming. He responds to them with correct information.

The criticism I'm seeing right now does not meet that bar. I'm seeing C programmers saying Rust programmers are bad and annoying people. Some are using catchphrases from the culture war. (Did you know that Rust is a religion now?)

I know these people on my timeline are smart. But this is how stupid people think. It has no place in a technical conversation. Address the damn technology or get off the stage.

To the extent that they do engage with the technology, they are usually wrong. They're criticizing std:: for exposing kernel-incompatible APIs -- but no one is trying to put std:: in the kernel!

C is, at worst, the 2nd best choice for this project. C fans could defend their position better, and I'm sure some will.

But not the guys who are posting now. Every bad post makes them less credible, and the only posts that they make are bad.

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Tursilion mastodon (AP)

Give us poor C programmers a little slack for being bitter, we were subjected to 25 years of C"++" ;)

More seriously, I do mean to look into Rust soon as I have a free project for it.

Use of singular "they" in English predates the US's existence by at least 400 years.

I think if people can learn new non-gendered terms like "libtard", or "snowflake", then they should be able to pick up this shiny new usage of "they" (and it only has half the syllables of the other two I mentioned).


#TheyLive #LGBTQ #English #Language

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Content warning: trans stuff

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Content warning: trans stuff

Loimu The Fox mastodon (AP)
I can't help having an ironic appreciation for all the brand drip around nowadays, so when I saw this bandana for sale I had to get it for #fursuit use! #fursuitfriday #furry
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Glitch 💻😺 mastodon (AP)
This cat is very interested in what you're talking about. #FursuitFriday
📷: @sheriffraccoon
🧵: https://roofur.com
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
I'm talkin' about cat stuff!

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Ary / Rinn mastodon (AP)

Dancing in this suit is so much harder than in VR =p

#Avali #FursuitFriday #ANW2024

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AeroFox mastodon (AP)
I made a friend at #ttfc2024
#fursuitfriday #furry
📸: @lizexploresfun
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Cat Sebastian: A Tragedy in 4 Acts. #Fursuit #FursuitFriday
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sergeanthax mastodon (AP)

Happy #FursuitFriday! Monkey see, monkey do.

Character: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sergeanthax
🧵: https://twitter.com/C_F_Studios

#fursuit #goat #dragon #hoof #hooves #longtail #horns #hybrid #max #anthro #sfw #furry

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Yukon mastodon (AP)

Let's get ready for the Suitwalk at @Lakesidefurs with @dancrescentwolf

🪡: @DireCreatures
📸: @nilsding

#Fursuit #FursuitFriday #Lakesidefurs

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Finally the weekend is here. Time to party :neofox_happy_blep:

📷: @FloekeWusky on Twitter

#FursuitFriday #furry #furryfandom #fursuit #fursuiter #fursuiting

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A good way to educate non-technical people on just how bad mandated government back doors are to encrypted services is this analogy:

"Imagine the government mandated that everyone keep a spare key for their front door in a specific location, but don't worry, they'll make it illegal for anyone but law enforcement to use it so it's OK."

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Kyreeth mastodon (AP)
@kyhwana Haha, how outlandish, no one would mandate a key be kept in a knox box near the front door
Kyreeth mastodon (AP)
@kyhwana Srsly tho, I think acceptance would be a lot different if the mandated location were centralized, rather than being co-located with the building.

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Toasted Lynx mastodon (AP)

Happy fursuit friday!

#FursuitFriday #fursuit

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Hacker News mastodon (AP)
UK researchers find Alzheimer's-like brain changes in long Covid patients
L: https://uknow.uky.edu/research/uk-researchers-find-alzheimer-s-brain-changes-long-covid-patients
C: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41404748
posted on 2024.08.30 at 17:38:08 (c=0, p=3)
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