
Fish Id Wardrobe mastodon (AP)

Okay, that's … what the fuck? That's amazing!

We tend, I think, to imagine that the days of simple scientific 'miracles' – Newton and his prism, Fleming and penicillin – are at an end. Anything really useful will take years of work and a mountain of kit to make happen.

Nope. Take tartrazine, the food colouring used in Doritos, and paint it onto your skin. Shine a red light on it. Your skin is transparent!

How many medical applications does that have?!


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david_chisnall mastodon (AP)

It astonishes me that people expected LLMs to be good at creating summaries. LLMs are good at transforms that have the same shape as ones that appear in their training data. They're fairly good, for example, at generating comments from code because code follows common structures and naming conventions that are mirrored in the comments (with totally different shapes of text).

In contrast, summarisation is tightly coupled to meaning. Summarisation is not just about making text shorter, it's about discarding things that don't contribute to the overall point and combining related things. This is a problem that requires understanding the material, because it's all about making value judgements.

So, it's totally unsurprising that the Australian study showed that it's useless. It's no surprise that both Microsoft and Apple's email summarisation tools discard the obvious phishing markers and summarise phishing scams as '{important thing happened}, click on this link' because they don't actually understand anything in the text that they're discarding, they just mark it as low entropy and discard it.

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AutomataDog mastodon (AP)

Jul Reindeer at MFF23

🦌: jul_deer
📌: FurFest

#Furry #Furries #Fursuit #FursuitFriday #Photography #Anthro #FurryArt #FurryArtist #MFF #MFF23

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JP mastodon (AP)

"The modern era of AI calls for a risk-based approach to regulation"

No it doesn't. It calls for a consequences approach to regulation.

If your system harms someone, you decided to build and deploy it and so you are liable for damages and redress proportionate to the harm. Same as if it was a tractor. Or a cow.

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Robert Reich mastodon (AP)

Mass shootings in the US:

2014: 273
2015: 336
2016: 383
2017: 348
2018: 336
2019: 417
2020: 610
2021: 690
2022: 647
2023: 656

So far in 2024: 385

We do not have to live like this. No other country on the planet does.

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Carla Denyer, #GreenParty Co-Leader professed herself baffled at the system by which MPs have to secure spots in a Commons chamber much too small to seat all of them by arriving early to place down a prayer card, likening it to “a medieval version of putting your towel on a deckchair”.

#This is a parliament where not every MP has a seat, there’s nowhere to plug in any of your devices to work from, or somewhere to put your water. This is just the basic stuff.”

Reform of Parliament is overdue.

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beemoh mastodon (AP)
The worst thing about that is something the current Labour set are definitely not going to do anything about- the whole reason the HoC is never updated is because they're too shit-scared of being seen to spend money on it.
morebento mastodon (AP)
we (Oz) built a new Parliament House because we outgrew the old one

Alopex sharkey (AP)

I have had this open in a tab forever. I don't recall where I got the link from. But I finally watched it.

If you're a web developer, it's worth the 5 minute time investment!

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Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)

One guy a quarter of a century ago trying unsuccessfully to use a shoe bomb and they’re still x-raying shoes at airports (X-rays can’t see explosives).

Hundreds of school shootings and nothing ever happens at all.

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Colin H. mastodon (AP)

And this article is 18 years old - has a feasible plan ever been foiled by the liquids ban?


Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
@GlasWolf It would have been better to spend the money on regulations and inspections of airliner manufacturing quality, Boeing alone is responsible for hundreds of dead people on account of corporate greed and shoddy work.
Cy ActivityPub
Forcing kids to put their bags through an X-ray scanner every time they enter school might send the wrong message.

Kamuniak mastodon (AP)
Summer photo from 7 years ago. Keeba and sunset that made everything just glow red and orange. #TurriTorstai
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one cool bunny sharkey (AP)

OMG i haven't had scrollbars in firefox for SO long and i finally bothered to look for how to do it

Go to about:config and set widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style to a number between like 1 and 6 (inclusive). There are different styles!! Round,, square,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i missed them so much..... i'm tearing up...

thank you ff255 you are my hero forever https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/scrollbars-disappear-in-firefox-100/m-p/22144/highlight/true#M9228

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Jeff Cutsinger mastodon (AP)

In light of the Internet Archive losing its appeal to hachette, I just wanted to point out some websites you should avoid:

* https://annas-archive.li/
* https://downmagaz.net/
* https://ebook-hunter.org/
* https://forcoder.net/
* https://freemagazines.top/
* https://liber3.eth.limo/

If you were to download books from these websites, you might cut into hachette's more than three billion dollars of annual revenue. So make sure to avoid those websites and the following:

* https://libgen.is/
* https://oceanofpdf.com/
* https://pdfroom.com/
* https://pdfstop.com/
* https://pdfdrive.to/
* https://pdfmagazines.club/
* https://sci-hub.se/
* https://singlelogin.re/
* ... or any of the other sites listed at https://rentry.co/megathread-books


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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: UK politics

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Bill Haunt hometown (AP)
React is the most effective JavaScript framework for generating technical debt in an organization.
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Johnny akkoma (AP)

To everyone in #GameDev:

Rebinding keys is a basic accessibility feature. Stop leaving it out.

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Siph :siph:‍:bzh: mastodon (AP)

Just found about a French MP with a slash in her last name : Emeline K/Bidi. I’ve never seen that before! https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emeline_K/Bidi

One more concrete example for the "Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names" article

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Siph :siph:‍:bzh: mastodon (AP)

Imagine relying to this with some flavor of "this person's last name is an accessibility issue". Unbelievable. You really fucking suck as a person if you do that

This isn't some X Æ A-12 situation, it's a surname that her family has bore for centuries and predates any and all information technology systems

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Siph :siph:‍:bzh: mastodon (AP)

When people have these kind of names, they’re not "causing problems to IT systems". It’s the other way around. It’s not any of these people’s fault that software has been designed with narrow western and anglo-centric cultural assumptions.

I have one (1) diacritic in my own name. It’s a normal French name. And it’s still causing me problems, or people not bothering with it which causes people to butcher its pronunciation.

I need anglophones to realize that English having no diacritics at all is an exception, not the rule

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The day after tomorrow should be thremorrow
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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)
GILES : passing by and seen this ( but can't find it on my stream so replying here ) . In Italian there IS such a word, they day after "tomorrow" ( i.e. "domani" ) is called "dopodomani" ( i.e. "aftertomorrow" ) so there's that 🙂
a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)
in Welsh this is trennydd.

Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
I want my own planetarium....
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thread in which I talk about why the "wrap your games console in a towel" or "reflow the bga" thing works to fix some consoles, and it's nothing to do with solder balls.


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Tamitha mastodon (AP)

Just remember, kids: It's perfectly legal for people to take your writing, code, videos, music and other works into a 'dataset' that can be used to train an LLM model to forge your art or writing style -- for money.

But if a nonprofit decides to purchase hardcopy books, scan them in, and create a digital lending program providing works to anyone who asks -- for free, that's checks notes illegal. :D

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Daniel Durrans mastodon (AP)
Websites don’t have to be built as web applications. It’s perfectly ok to use html and css.
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without total control of media publishing, broadcasting, distribution & trading, there are no #techbro American billionaires; and without American #tech #billionaires, there is no American Fascism as we know it today.

if billionaires have no right to exist; neither their #media companies as we know them — the #FAANG & corporate media.

to kill American fascism you need to kill American corporate media as it is off and online.


#AmericanFascism #copyright

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Internet Archive was doing their best to play by the rules.

Fuck it.

This wouldn’t be the worst time in the world to make a contribution towards the wonderful folks who keep Anna’s Archive online: https://annas-archive.org/donate

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BOOCALL 🗳️ mastodon (AP)

I know everyone has probably seen this but, Beary Poppins is my whole vibe.

The small nudge is bearfection.

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Hailey mastodon (AP)
The Internet Archive losing its appeal means one thing: pirate stuff. Pirate brazenly. There’s no point trying to do it the nice way - you’ll get shut down anyway. Copy, share, and archive to your heart’s content. It’s the only way we’re keeping digital media and our cultural memory intact.
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Cy ActivityPub

Buying ideas is not nice, never has been nice. It's as nasty as can be. You're a bad person for giving anyone a single dime over it, especially if you felt like it made you safer, not in danger.

If only there was a way to share files where random goons couldn't pin down your IP address...

Midjourney Sanders mastodon (AP)
no no no *you* can't freely scan through the collected works of humanity, that right is reserved for the large language models.
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Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)

Others have said this, but the Internet Archive's appeals-court loss to Big Publishing is a disaster for everyone but the cartel of companies and a tiny number of A list authors.

The publishers will tolerate libraries only as long as they can control everything about how books can be loaned. If public libraries were being invented today, the cartel would make their core functions illegal.


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Erin 💽✨ akkoma (AP)

The obvious choice for ActivityPub’s birthday would be the 23rd of January 2018 - the day it was annointed as a W3C recommendation. That doesn’t seem quite right though - its not as if the spec came into existence in any sense upon that date. In fact, Mastodon implemented it before thne.

There are several possible dates you might pick, but for me it will always be September 5th 2014 - when I committed the first sketch of a specification I called ActivityPump and pushed it to Github

It wouldn’t be until November that I actually submitted (a revised and enhanced version of) that draft to the working group, but even then I had the very nucleus of the specification written down.

Happy 10th birthday, ActivityPub. 🍰

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Q ✨ mastodon (AP)
Christ it’s been 10 years already? now I feel old

Pippin friendica
A few days ago I finally got the TV from the old house brought over to the new house, and mounted it on the wall bracket the previous owners had left in place. Hurrah.
Pippin friendica
Got the TV area advanced to the next step a few days ago - I managed to wrestle the TV cabinet into the car and bring it from old-home to new-home. My sisters helped me lift it out and bring it in, and hurrah, it fits! (Of course - tape measures are your friend… 😉) No, those speakers aren't plumbed in yet - the surround sound A/V receiver box is the next item on the agenda.

Pippin friendica

First bread made at the new house! The oven here doesn't have a bread rising setting, but the airing cupboard seemed to work quite well.

Strawberry jam, or lemon curd? Or maybe both?


Pippin friendica
Out for a walk with my parents, we saw this little guy just strutting along as if they owned the place. Didn't seem very agitated by humans being around. I think it's a partridge.

There's no way I'm sharing my cookies with your 500 partners, you did not give me anywhere near enough notice to do the necessary amount of baking.
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mos_8502 :verified: mastodon (AP)
A reminder from someone who’s been around the block more than a couple times: when you see a PDF or ePub on the Internet that you think you might want to read eventually, go ahead and download it, and squirrel it away for the future. The Internet is not, in fact, forever, and Capitalism will eventually take away anything it can’t rent out to you.
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eris akkoma (AP)
wild how the internet archive gets their ass handed to them for violating copyright for trying to preserve works but when openai scrape every bit of text ever written and every youtube video for profit they get nothing
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