
A conservative says,
“If it hasn't happened to me, I don't care."

A liberal says,
"This should never happen to anyone, and that's why I care."

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Jasper 🍉 mastodon (AP)
so is Biden gonna put a naval blockade on Israel yet?
Henry Edward Hardy mastodon (AP)

A liberal says, "This could hurt profits."

Liberalism IS capitalism.


In the future, digital archaeologists will comb ancient storage media for remnants of information that has survived the ages.

They'll take scraps of HTML, with frames, some ASP code and fragments of an Access database, and give them to descendants of the Kennis brothers who will ponder what they know of similar data architectures of the time, and then flesh out what they think a likely web page from that code might have looked like.

Articles will be written, documentaries produced, and schoolchildren will gawk at the rendering on museum field trips.

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Ysegrim mastodon (AP)
…and we laugh about people who print out web pages…
Alopex mastodon (AP)
@ysegrim Even that is difficult these days! Good luck getting any printout of a web page to look like what you see on the screen!

Watched “Inside Out 2” tonight. The depiction of anxiety at the climax of the movie was a masterpiece. Brought me to tears. Anyone who has ever had a panic attack will feel that scene to their core. What a piece of art. I’m blown away.
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prompted by recent News™ about the British Indian Ocean Territory you can now use https://has-the-sun-set-on-the-british-empire.uk to see where the Sun is over the British Empire
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Happy International Maned Wolf Day to all the leggies out there! ^^
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wiki finds

The print version of the Encyclopaedia Britanica is another common data volume metric. It contains approximately 300 million characters, so two copies would fit onto a CD-ROM and still have 50 megabytes (or about 11 bibles) left over.
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It's almost time again for Ha Ha Pepe
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Urban is a very snuggly AWD! 💜 #FursuitFriday
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Another shot from Wild North for #FursuitFriday, with me standing ready to protect the gentle cows of Featherstone Castle. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!

(I mean, that gate looks kind of awkward to negotiate and I'm not sure how it opens. For my part you can just ask politely)

📷,⚔️ Evelyn

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it's #fursuitfriday and I'm emerging from my container to greet you all

📸 @halfy at ConFuzzled

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random discovery: .eu exists as a TLD because the EU passed a law saying it should, without really asking ICANN first
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Computing is full of acronyms, and often the same one has two meanings – sometimes close enough in subject area to confuse.

My usual example is in compilers: DFA and CFG mean "Deterministic Finite Automaton" and "Context-Free Grammar" at the lexing/parsing end, but "Data Flow Analysis" and "Control Flow Graph" in optimisation and code generation.

One I just learned today: DMA doesn't always mean "Direct Memory Access" by peripherals. Sometimes it means "Dynamic Memory Allocation", i.e. malloc!

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
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Philipp Riederer mastodon (AP)

It's even nicer when you are doing computing embedded into some industry. In a previous work-place doing things for wind-turbines, we had:

IPC - Industrial PC
IPC - Inter-Process Communication
IPC - Individual Pitch Control (where the blades of a wind turbine are not all pitched the same)
IPC - Instructions per Cycle

Lalufu mastodon (AP)
Networking has OSPF (a routing protocol) and OSFP (a form of network module). While not the same, they're easily confused.

Dis my BESTEST friend!!!

Jencen with his fecking GIANT Toothless plushie for #FursuitFriday

Photo by @bearskunk

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omg so big, I love it!

meanwhile I have smol derpy toothless. (Makeship stitched his nose crooked but they shipped a fixed one)

Jencen mastodon (AP)
@thibaultmol Mine arrived the other day.
I need to get pictures with all my Toothless plushies >.>

Gameplay of Q.B. Fox, #Atari8bit computers game for ABBUC Software Contest 2024 https://youtu.be/YxhANXUVhxA #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
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Content warning: Why are the pyramids in Egypt?

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Steve Scott mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Why are the pyramids in Egypt?

XanSteel mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Why are the pyramids in Egypt?

Last weekend I was at Wild North and it was such a wonderful time. A small con with a huge heart and a strong cosy community vibe. I made a lot of friends, and it felt restorative in a way that larger hotel-based cons don't usually tend to. Massive thanks to everyone who made it possible. ❤

📷 Me, @azakir x3

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It was! The convention was about 60 people, and the location is a castle/manor house made to look like a castle. And rather than just being like a hotel con, they just gave us free run of the kitchen and event rooms so everybody attending kind of pitches in to make the thing work. Really helps build a neat sense of community around the whole thing.

They announced at the closing ceremony that next year they're moving to a new venue, also a restored castle but this one is a four star hotel, so while the conditions will be less rustic it may change the feel of the whole thing a bit. I'm still hopeful for it being a really fun time, but does feel like it will mark a change and I'm really glad I got to the con this year before it did change.

Gracious Anthracite mastodon (AP)
That sounds like a blast! Hope they can keep the vibe good next year.

Pippin friendica

I should probably post my bread. Maybe if I use hashtags something interesting will happen.

#breadPost #baking #bread #breadmaking #bakersOfMastodon #breadiverse #breadstodon

Aatheus mastodon (AP)
Aha! Someone who is meeting Bernd das Brot for the first time, sounds like
Pippin friendica
@Aatheus Yep, never seen that before! Wikipedia knows all, though. :)

Pippin friendica
I found this in the small loft above the utility room in the new house. It was in a bit of a poor state, the top half didn't want to stay attached to the bottom half and the lights and tinsel were in disarray. My sister spent a few minutes (that's all it took) to sort it out a couple of days ago, and we are now ready for December! 😛
Samael :therian: mastodon (AP)
Put the tree out. That'll scare a number of the parents.

Pippin friendica

We are still using up these little packets of jam that my parents bought a catering pack of many years ago for their self-catering rental house (back when they started they used to leave a full cooked meal ready for guests when they arrived, later on it was just milk, bread, butter, and some cereals and jams).

They are now quite a few years out of date and thus getting a bit rubbery, but my dad won't throw them away. But every time I look at them I remember the old "Fly Fishing by J R Hartley" Yellow Pages TV advert (which I see they have since updated and remade).

Pippin friendica

Can anyone confirm what this is? It's attached inside the fitting for a 6-foot fluourescent light tube in my garage. I thought it was the starter at first, but all the starters I've been able to find are much much smaller and have a bayonet fitting at the end. The marking saying "8·4 µF" leads me to think it may just be a *very* chunky capacitor, and the ballast (which is very identifiable because it says "S.R.S. ballast for 1x 6ft. 85 watt tube" on its label) might be a type that doesn't need a separate starter, perhaps.

Not that it really matters now; I've since decided, rather than trying to replace the starter (which doesn't seem to exist) I'm going to replace both whole light fittings and their delicate and malfunctioning fluourescent tubes with four LED light fixtures. Going to add another light switch next to the garage's side door too, because when it's dark it's annoying to have to stumble through the whole garage to/from the only switch which is next to the front doors.

Samael :therian: mastodon (AP)
Does appear to resemble a chonky capacitor. Ruggedized or waterproof, maybe? Are those wires sealed?
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Pippin friendica

Several days ago my sister sent me a text suggesting I look outside and north to see the aurora in action. She said she's barely been able to see it, but a photo made it quite visible. I wasn't able to get much at all, just a vaguely redish or greenish tinge to the sky. In the end I had more fun doing long exposure photos of the road to get those "streaky" car light trails! (Pics 4, 5 and 6 below.)

I did get a fairly decent picture of ursa major though (pics 2 and 3 below) without much camera shake, even.

I've noticed over the last couple years a bit of a disturbing trend. As Chrome has dominated the browser market, web developers have increasingly developed their tools exclusively for use with Chrome.
The issue here is 2 fold. First, the more this happens, the more it locks people OUT of using the few remaining alternatives.
Second, Google Chrome by design sends virtually every bit of data that goes through it to Google. So it seems like this makes anything on it inherently insecure.
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If he gets copyright protections then everyone Midjourney ripped off should too. It's only fair.

Famous AI Artist Says He’s Losing Millions of Dollars From People Stealing His Work
The guy who used Midjourney to create an award-winning piece of AI art demands copyright protections.


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Content warning: Uh oh, mildly kinky! Pup hood and harness, my god!

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We're ONE MONTH AWAY from Extra Life 2024!!!

Seattle: Furs For Life is planning a 24+ hour marathon of gaming goodness, goofs, and surprises, all to support the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals!

✨❤️Nov 2-3❤️✨

Save the date, and save our page+stream to support!

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
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Hamburg by night
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antimu0n ex cohost mastodon (AP)
unforgivable pinecones are only supposed to be sent by FAX

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Amanita Muscaria?

Having a fun Raccoon Appreciation Day in the forest!

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There is no quest so relentless as collecting things you don't even know you need until you see them, and you know you need more somehow even if you don't know what it is.

Let's appreciate our raccoon friends on this International Raccoon Appreciation Day!!

Acrylics over a curated an important cardboard from a very cheap pizza place in New York City. It traveled two countries to be painted!

And it's coming back to the country of its origin if I exhibit it at the MFF's Art Show.

You can see some pictures of the process of this piece on the first comment of my Telegram art channel: https://t.me/panda_paco

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Shooting film for still shots is a bit more expensive than shooting digital obviously for the cost of the film and developing. Even if you get the stuff and develop / scan yourself.
But motion picture film is in a whole different realm of cost. Like even the least expensive option, Super 8 is like $50 for a 50' roll (about 3 minutes of shooting time) and another $40-$50 for development and scanning.
So around $100 per 3 minutes.
Nostalgia is expensive there.
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It's the first of the month.

The Orange Site will be posting an assload of job openings.

There are tools in the "whoishiring" OP to filter all the "hybrid" and onsite jobs.

Even if you're ultimately not interested or even qualified, it'd be funny if a lot of people told them "yeah onsite/hybrid isn't an option for me, are you open to remote?"

Because, let's be real, recruiters hear back from very few people that aren't interested, so they're going to collect data on that. And if they hear 10 or so people say "remote only or bust" (regardless of your actual qualifications or interest), that will get circulated up to HR.

Which means they'll have to make the case for allowing remote employees.

And if they succeed, then the barrier to entry to the tech industry gets lowered for folks living outside of a big tech city.

So, I'm not saying we should do a little trolling.

I'm not saying that.

But if your conscience is? We'll, I don't blame it.

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Sovy mastodon (AP)

I'm going to do my part.

Worst that can happen is I get a new remote job.

I dig this. I know what I'm doing in my spare time now tee hee

September 30th vs. October 1st
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It’s very rare to hear of any positive world-leading policy from round here these days, but the UK’s now the first country to bin off coal power in favour of renewables. And they did it when they said they would too!

I’m not one for feelings of national pride at all. But for all the shit over the last decade, it’s good to see something nice for once.


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Rezz just chillin'... 💜

Arts by Khamisu (https://khamisu.carrd.co/)

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Kye Fox mastodon (AP)
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@Kye Fluffy derg for sure! 💜
What a cute, romantic and seductive dragon ❤️ :neocat_flop__w:

some dragon 🐾
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"You have found my darkest secret," the dragon said. "You can never reveal it."

"I will not," said the knight, "but why is it such a horrible secret?"

"It's my one vulnerability."


The knight scritched between the dragon's horns.

"Mmm," it purred.

"This is nice."


#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Oh come on!! You can't just go around spilling our secrets like that!! :dragnangry:

Pippin friendica
Is it just me, or does the vehicle checker at https://www.askmid.com/ just not work at all? I've tried it several times over the course of several weeks and it has yet to give me anything other than a generic "something went wrong, maybe you hit a rate limit" message. Does it work for anyone else?
Pippin friendica

@Darkhorse WinterWolf 🇪🇺 I just thought to turn off wifi on my phone and tried it from there over mobile internet (should have thought to try that before)… and it worked. Then connected to wifi again… and it still worked. Still doesn't work on my laptop on wifi. I wonder if they just don't like desktop firefox! Oh well, done now. Thanks.

For some reason at first they showed my bike as uninsured, then when I tried again it showed up as insured. That inspires confidence. 🙄

It's so good to know the systems works perfectly! ;-)

Eveyone: "US customary units are BS."

USA: "We went to the moon on customary units."

France and UK: "Son, we went to New York and back three times a day, every day, for thirty years, at Mach 2.1, eating canapés and drinking champagne, on SI units."

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Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
@TundraWolf Except that's not true for most people. Most people would say "we went to the moon on imperial" and the rest of the world says "you didn't even get that sentence right!"
I'm surprised that I don't see anyone having mentioned this already, but... The Apollo guidance computer internally used SI units, which were converted for display purposes. Someone even dug out the conversion constants in the guidance software source code which is published on GitHub somewhere.

Gotta remember that even a small amount of exercise is exercise. A 30-minute walk isn't much but is 30 minutes better than no walk at all.
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