
Please stop promoting `curl -s https://blah | sudo bash` as the method to install your software. Specially if you are InfoSec space. This is simply bad security hygine.
If anything, you should promote "against" it.
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Hannah mastodon (AP)

Small life improvement: I have changed the domain name of my private network from ".lan" to the now standardized ".internal". So when I type <hostname>.<internal-domain> Firefox will actually access the host instead of making an internet search.


#DNS #Networking #Firefox #LAN

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ThomSPARC IIIi mastodon (AP)

The EU enacted a new law a while ago that all bottle caps should remain attached to the bottle, to combat plastic trash.

All the bottle and packaging makers, from massive multinationals like Coca Cola and fucking Nestlรฉ to small local producers invested in the development of new caps, changing their production lines, and shipping the new caps. Today, a month before the law goes into effect, it's basically impossible to find a bottle without an attached cap.

I don't know, I thought this story was weirdly relevant right now with Apple being a whiny bitch. Imagine being worse than Coca Cola and motherfucking Nestlรฉ.

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muesli mastodon (AP)

"YouTube confirms crackdown on VPN users accessing cheaper Premium plans"

No, listen, you just don't understand.

If Google pays taxes in a random country to cheat the system and save money, that's because "Globalism".

If you do it, you get banned though.

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Talik mastodon (AP)

Fursuit arrived, trying it on for my first #FursuitFriday! This is pretty amazing!

๐Ÿชก Sarahcat Fursuits

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Thiro mastodon (AP)

Wroommm wrooommm Let's drive super fast into the weekend and have a good time!
#FurryCommunity #fursuitfriday

It was super fun to drive these cars in the fursuit, but unfortunately with limited speed. We were allowed to drive it unlimited without the fursuit. That was great, because the electrically powered cars had great acceleration.

๐Ÿ“ท Akai_the_white_guardian (Telegram)
๐Ÿงต @Areksim

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Murrpy mastodon (AP)

Sometimes you meet furs you never thought you would at convention, like in 2018 when I met @crash_azarel for the first time at EF then MFF. And I had the pleasure to see him again last NFC alongside the handsome @Tsumef4n ๐Ÿฅฐ #FursuitFriday

๐Ÿ“ธ by @lisansnowtiger

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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Content warning: UK politics, grumbling about the electoral system

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Content warning: re: UK politics, grumbling about the electoral system

Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: re: UK politics, grumbling about the electoral system

Can the EU please decide whether they want to be pro-privacy or pro-surveillance-state
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elle mastodon (AP)

David Tennant. Always supporting Pride and trans people. Just a wonderful human being โ™ฅ๏ธ

(photo by Georgia Tennant. posted on her insta)

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Kiaun mastodon (AP)

Another commission of the cyber-deer!

This time showing off his energy-tech powers, he's supposed to be something like Mass Effect Sentinel.

Had fun with this one, I enjoy drawing energy and comic-like action shots, and it's always fun to draw some cyber parts ๐Ÿ˜Ž

#FurryArt #MastoArt #Commission

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:cheetah: Shetani mastodon (AP)

The summer solstice is upon us, and I've got it made in the shade. Hope you're staying cool out there!

#FursuitFriday #fursuit

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GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
Happy winter solstice!

finally, intel outside
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Matt Gray mastodon (AP)

The American road system baffles me for many reasons. The main one being:

๐Ÿ”ด Traffic light red:
You can turn right.
There will be no pedestrians crossing. You have right of way.

๐ŸŸข Traffic light green:
You can turn right.
There will be pedestrians crossing in front of you. You do not have right of way.

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Matt Gray mastodon (AP)

Iโ€™m getting confused replies.
In the UK red means stop, green means go, no exceptions.

UK Pedestrian crossings are only green when it is safe to cross because no traffic is even attempting to drive in your direction.

In most of America that Iโ€™ve visited, all 4-way intersections have the pedestrian phase at the same time and same direction as the vehicular traffic. This means when you cross, turning traffic can be attempting to drive down the road youโ€™re crossing.

Alex, Oasis Keeper mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Flippant about the dangers of crossing American roads

I think in America the concept of "pedestrian safety" does not exist.
Matt Gray mastodon (AP)

As a driver in America this means that turning left/right on green means there could be pedestrians directed to cross the road, wonderfully obscured by your carโ€™s frame.

In most of America that Iโ€™ve driven except NYC and Washington DC IIRC, you are allowed to drive right if the traffic light is red, if there are no cars coming.There may be pedestrians crossing in front where easily visible but theyโ€™re not being told to cross around the corner where theyโ€™re not visible.

Matt Gray mastodon (AP)
And donโ€™t get me started on seven lane high streets
Nick Poole mastodon (AP)
America loves a stroad
C.S.Strowbridge mastodon (AP)
And we know these massive streets don't work. We've known about this for decades, but Americans (and sadly Canadians) would rather build more roads and roads with more lanes than have more public transit.
Chloรฉ Raccoon mastodon (AP)
Surely to start on a 7 lane high street you turn on the ignition like starting anywhere else? *runs!*
Matt Gray mastodon (AP)

These days there are very few things I believe the UK does well, but road safety is one of them.

Pedestrians have right of way over all else. Eg. Drivers should stop if there is a pedestrian waiting to cross.

All other road users have right of way over those bigger than them.

Doesnโ€™t always work like that in practice especially in bigger cities where there are more bellends. And London specifically where I suspect there are more drivers who learned abroad. But still.

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Chloรฉ Raccoon mastodon (AP)
I tend to find traffic in London is "better" then where I live, but I suspect it's more down to the traffic moving a little slower on average then driver actions.
Matt Gray mastodon (AP)
Today I saw a bidirectional cycle lane in a central reservation with no protection and at least two lanes of traffic on either side.
Matt Gray mastodon (AP)

Oh god Iโ€™ve started. Donโ€™t put a public transit and cycling infrastructure enthusiast in the city known for its design for cars over everything else.

Here, have all the things I can think of that I like about American road infrastructure:

Road names are almost always clearly signed at every junction.


Positive things about US roads:

Lanes are a bit wider, so I'm less worried about trading paint with other motorists.

The roads usually get swept more often than in the UK, where the assorted detritus and rubber particulate has piled up at the side into an 8"-high berm

Fewer diesel vehicles, so the air quality isn't as god awful as it is in the UK.

Traffic laws actually get enforced (problems with discrimination and fatal interactions aside), whereas in the UK the police don't have the resources to go out and ticket people for stuff.

Matt Gray mastodon (AP)
Sorry Iโ€™m grumpy because Iโ€™ve got a hurty tummy and nearly got hit by a car while crossing the road when the light told me to cross.
wb x64 mastodon (AP)

ooh ooh ooh

If you like LOTS OF LANES and a consistent motorway system that spans a huge continent then you've come to the right place

If you want to not die, I'm sorry but America is the wrong place

Ti Nguyen mastodon (AP)

Next door in Nevada (and Utah, I think?), their custom is to attach a road name sign to a bridge or viaduct if it is flying overhead, even if there's no junction from one road to another. Also apparently applies for trail systems, which often cross underneath highways.

I enjoy navigating via landmarks and natural features -- aviation people call it pilotage? -- so identifying roads overhead when on foot is fun for me.

coldclimate mastodon (AP)
that sounds horrifying
Alister Bulman mastodon (AP)
"... and even when we put all those cycle lanes in, no one uses them".
Nickoli mastodon (AP)
I don't even think we do road safety well - it's just that most of the world is even worse. America is wierd because it's so over-designed and heavily regulated but with dangerous design built in. It feels deliberately dangerous where other places just seem to have not tried.
Paul Martin mastodon (AP)

The squishability hierarchy in the UK Highway Code (the H clauses) introduced a couple of years ago were not well communicated to road users.

In the UK, only Northern Ireland has a jaywalking law, IIRC.

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wb x64 mastodon (AP)
this is a huge issue and seems to be an even bigger issue in walkable areas / my current area. It would even be fine if the pedestrian signal was advanced by a few seconds so they had a head start before the cars were told to start, but it happens at the same time and so yes at many intersections they're literally hidden behind my A-pillar until I'm exposed as an asshole driver. I have to physically lean my head left and right to check that blind spot when downtown and I'm scared

France and most European places I've visited are kinda in-between. Pedestrians can cross at the same time as cars in the same direction, like in America, but there's no authorization to turn right when it's red. (there's a sign that allows bikes to turn right but it's pretty rare)

UK is definitely the safest, and makes sense especially for a busy intersection. I think the French one is still reasonable for low traffic areas.

don mastodon (AP)
In Germany we have regular fatalities from turning traffic. Sometimes there might be a separate phase for pedestrians, but that's not guaranteed and I don't know if it's even common. Can't remember how it is in the rest of Europe.
Erin mastodon (AP)
this is part of why I frequently prefer to jaywalk. There are too many times that I've had scares with turning traffic. Crossing away from intersections means I'm more visible, probably centered in the windshield instead of hidden behind the A pillar airbag.
wait, how exactly does this work? Do all crossings have separate straight and turn traffic lights for cars? Or are there three phases, cars one direction, cars other direction, pedestrians all directions?
mausmalone mastodon (AP)

This is correct in most of the US. There are /some/ intersections with dedicated pedestrian phases but they are very rare.

The previous post is more dependent on local law.

It's helpful to remember that the US is more like the EU than the UK. It's not quite as loosely-federated, but it's a better analogy.

Matthew Walton mastodon (AP)
eh what now? Who came up with that bit of absolute insanity?
Cassie mastodon (AP)

This is how it works in my neighborhood of Chicago, IL, USA. If I'm walking north and south, it's safer to cross on a "DONT WALK" than on a "WALK" signal because traffic will be going straight, looking at me, and driving on a side road with a 25mph speed limit. If I crossed on a "WALK" signal, traffic would be going 35mph, turning, and unable to see me until they turned.

The solution to this is to look all 4 ways before you cross, see who has a green light (or red, they'll make a rolling stop to turn right) then run like hell, and mostly ignore the crosswalk signal. I've got CFS so my "run like hell" is more of a "jog like heck" but I haven't got hit yet.

elle mastodon (AP)
listen, I think we need to hear this guy out
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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Dgar mastodon (AP)
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Vrimj mastodon (AP)
I think I remember Dolly Parton talking about why she kept all her publishing rights and saying something like ...
I was in my 20s and I didn't know much at all about the music business but by then I had learned a thing or two about men and I realized I needed to be in charge of anything a certain kind of man told me "don't worry your pretty little head about that" and that has served me well over the years
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@Jaru and Ysengrin, Friday afternoon at #Anthrohio

#FursuitFriday #Werewolf

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Steve Streza mastodon (AP)

This is the framing Apple wants to sell for their decision to withhold features from the EU, and blogs are parroting it.

In reality, Apple is purposefully withholding these features from the EU, either because Apple are being retaliatory against EU customers for the existence of the DMA, or because Apple (with full knowledge of the DMA for years) refused to build these features in compliance with it.

Apple chose to harm their products in the EU. The DMA didn't. This framing is marketing.

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@cy thatโ€™s all you can come up with? That is not sufficient. You donโ€™t have the answers! You know shit!
Cy ActivityPub
Oh no, my genius idea is shit. And amazingly enough, you really do have the choice to use rsync and ssh, yet you choose not to. But does it matter? What matters is if there's a good solution, not more choices.

One day I'll get more art for my komodo dragon taur character as it's been a while since anything more than a sketch has been done of him. He has such a great design that I need to do more with, but it always gets knocked down on the priority list

Art by AgroPuer

#furry #dragon #taur

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Cheryl Morgan mastodon (AP)

The Post Office Horizon scandal resulted in the deaths by suicide of four adults. It is rightly seen as a national disgrace.

We now have credible evidence that, since Dec. 2020, 16 trans children have died by suicide while under NHS care. Thatโ€™s compared to 1 in the 7 years previous. Government policies on trans healthcare are having a real and tragic effect. Labour has promised, if elected, to continue those policies.

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Kivuli mastodon (AP)
Big cuddles this #FursuitFriday
ft. @coltofox & @shujjafolf
๐Ÿ“ธ @yapsfox
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QWalf mastodon (AP)
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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)

Andrew Stroehlein mastodon (AP)

"All we have to do is punish that group of powerless people, and weโ€™ll be happier."

- rough translation of much political speech these days

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Pippin friendica
If I worry that my writing isn't very good, all I have to do is look at something at random on Archive Of Our Own and I feel okay about myself again.

I stare into the Abyss, and I know it stares back at me. Slowly, hesitantly, I reach out, and the Abyss reaches out to me.

It pets me.

It is neither warm nor cold, both firm and soft, and very, very comforting.

"Thank you," I say.

Faintly, I hear: "You'd do the same for me."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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That's lovely! Is it okay if I boost it?
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
Joe Groove mastodon (AP)
of course, boosts are greatly appreciated. Thank you ^^

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I donโ€™t know how many people will see this, but you all seemed to be a fan of Foster Dad, so I was thinkingโ€ฆ

What if he had an occasional video series where he talked to viewers and answered audience questions, offered life advice/wisdom and general dad-wolf thoughts?

Would anyone be excited for that?

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Leina mastodon (AP)
I'd certainly tune in. If your posts are anything to go by he has a lot of wisdom to share. :)
Nidonemo mastodon (AP)
Please do this.

Is AI exhausting your power grid?

Have you tried turning it off and not back on again?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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Pippin friendica
Time to go and stand in front of the aircon for a while. (Wish there was an indoor unit installed in a room where I actually spend most of my dayโ€ฆ!)
Pippin friendica
Amazingly enough, even with the aircon running and all my computer and network stuff going, and parents watching Tivo stuff, we're still exporting a few watts to the grid. Solar panels ftw. Our hot water cylinder is at max temperature too, thanks to the little controller that pushes our excess generation through the immersion heater.

An okapi-taur! Yesterday's cooldown.
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Gabe Ortรญz mastodon (AP)

Excuse me while I go ugly-cry: โ€œGileadโ€™s experimental twice-yearly medicine to prevent HIV was 100% effective in a late-stage trial, the company said Thursday.โ€


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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
made by Dyson who is a total scam artist and a Brexity crackpot.

forgot I had saved this and now you have to see it too :3

:blobfoxhyper: :blobfoxhyper:

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timb mastodon (AP)

ME: Hello computer! Please show me what I was doing recently

COMPUTER IN THE 1980's: l cease to exist when I am powered off. Please start whatever you were doing from scratch

COMPUTER IN THE 2000's: Yep here you go champ

COMPUTER IN THE 2020's: I stored 10,000 identical copies of what you were doing in 500 different global datacentres at a carbon footprint equivalent to leaving a semi-trailer idling 24/7 and also sent a copy to the FBI just to be safe. Let me know which one you want and I'll do my best to figure it out. By the way here are 10 things which are similar to what you were doing and 9 of them are ads. Do you like this? Please select "I love this very much" or "I'll be in love with this later" to continue

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Dr Alice Violett mastodon (AP)
When someone calls/Teamses me without any/sufficient warning, especially in the morning.
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there might be owls mastodon (AP)
Everyone should work for a deranged old money millionaire at some point in their life. I briefly worked for someone who paid me to come out every day and pull the dead leaves off her rose bushes so she didn't have to see them. It really demystifies them, you can't tell yourself they're only at that point with money because they're doing something right because they are so unhinged that it's breathtaking
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