
Worst part of updating my talk: looking up how fucking many more Starlink satellites there were than last time I gave a version of this talk. 200 more than a month ago. Fuck.

There are now 6,209 Starlinks in orbit, fully 62% of the 10,009 active satellites in orbit.

All of these "fully demisable" Starlinks are planned to burn up and deposit their metal in Earth's atmosphere. I just saw multiple 100-pound pieces of another SpaceX "fully demisable" rocket, so I'm sure it'll be just fine.

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Content warning: dear FastMail

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It took so many years to develop effective birth control for men but I'm so glad the cybertruck finally arrived
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What mischief we gettin’ into today?😎🔥

#furry #furries #fursuit #fursuits

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Be the reason people still believe in gentle hearts, with genuine intentions, with compassionate souls.
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Omg that's amazing!
Someone made a tool for windows that makes it appear as if your pc is a malware research pc. So a lot of viruses won't even run when they are tricked into thinking they're on a research pc, cause they don't want to get caught.

It creates blank processes that don't do anything but just have the names of common research tools and such


This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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Look, ith thunny again!

📷 @keeya


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Meet Chinese sports shooter Zhāng Shān, the reason skeet shooting is sex segregated. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, she dominated the then integrated skeet shooting competition winning Gold, defeating the men. The International Shooting Union banned women for the 1996 Olympics.
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Yeah…nothing new here, but this cannot be said enough.


Alt Text: Hyacinth Bucket on the phone saying ‘No…I know it’s written Farage, but it’s pronounced Fascist’

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Somehow in our 24hr news churn, this story about #Farage and Sandy Hook has been lost today.

‘The Reform UK leader was interviewed by Alex Jones on his Infowars platform in 2018, just after the parents began legal action against the radio show host for claiming that the massacre was faked. Farage did not dispute Jones’s assertion that he was being targeted by “frauds”.’


wlf_warren mastodon (AP)

Had a girl ( a friend NOT GF)

ICU nurse Emergency room at Hospital (CRASH RN)

night shifts were a nightmare.. then

Weekends 10x worse.
Lunatics on full moon nights, they kept track lookout her comes the crazies 😟🤪🤪🤪🤪

First responder have their moments as well, just ER. it's ALL the time

unruly patients... got so bad that have the LAWS ( statures) posted to deter harassment in the Hospital

( it is a felony!) -they got so fed up they started *prosecuting* like airlines

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
b9AcE mastodon (AP)
Farage → far-age = very reactionary.

Netflix can now serve 100Gbit/s of video (so something like 12,500 individual 4K streams) with an appliance using 100 watts of power. That’s 8 milliwatts for each 4K stream.

Remember that number the next time someone tells you that watching a Netflix show is as bad as driving an SUV or some shit.


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☀️🐕 Reminder for all creatures whose hemisphere is summer and have a feral animal companion who needs regular walks:

:pawx30_hand: 🕐 Before your companion goes outside with you, go outside alone and place your bare hand or paw on the ground for five seconds where sunlight falls directly, especially asphalt or stone.

🔥 :pawr1_hand: 🔥If your hand or paw burns, definitely any other paw will. So you two will have to walk strictly in the shade or wait for the sun to go down if that is not possible. :blobfoxuwu:

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This is SUCH a good reminder!! 💙💙💙💙💙

if the government hears that so many people are doing DIY HRT, the response should be "why does the existing system not serve them?", and not "all of that is illegal, we need to crack down on that"
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Posted as a response to someone on Bluesky, figured that meant I should share it here as well. The thread was "reply with something wintery from your portfolio"

#Werewolf #Fursuit #Wintry

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Instafops.net is now IPv6 enabled!

Well it already was able to connect to other servers over IPv6, but now users can also access Instafops.net over an IPv6 only connection.

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I still can’t get over that “HTML-first” is a thing now after shouting this into the abyss for the last 15 years.

My theory is that Big Tech came up with frameworks like React and “best practices” and whatnot and worked hard to open source and devrel’d them—to make it really hard for anyone to create competiting products by drowning developers in bullshit.

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People: "Free/Open Source software can't be used for making professional content on the internet."

Me: [looks up from making popular YouTube videos with FOSS] "what?"

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Content warning: UK, Politics

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Halfy! mastodon (AP)

Content warning: re: UK, Politics

Source: learningsuccessblog.com

(Ironically, too much text to fit the alt tag, will post in a reply.)


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The Gneech mastodon (AP)
@Kyresti Quite often, yes. (Honestly, that's generally where I am when I say "You didn't have to call me out like this.")
Guardian Lion mastodon (AP)
This is probably the best I've ever seen this articulated. I don't match everything it describes, but I feel seen.

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Declan mastodon (AP)

@einalex Yeah, here is Scotland what is devolved has meaningful differences to UK policy, and is generally progressive in a way I’m happy to contribute towards. It’s just the rest is a bit… shit

Had heard about that new tax in Massachusetts and it seems great. Who knew good policy was a good idea!?

"When is straight pride month then?" - I've stopped saying "every month" to this and started proudly saying "never".
1 1

"linux is free if you don't value your time"

"uh huh", i say as i watch teams freeze and the entire windows audio driver crash and disappear because i joined a meeting and it failed to switch my headset to hands free mode, forcing me to reboot my computer and wait several minutes until everything opened back up

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if you get chronic high blood pressure you should consider installing a blood pressure release value
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Good morning to everyone except this bastard round thing in the sky
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If we secretly swapped wine words and audiophile words I think it’d take them a while to notice
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Here’s a short poem about the inadvisability of spoiling ballot papers.
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The Belgian version of chat control is nothing but mass surveillance. It’s what the Going Dark initiative call “setting the right narrative”. But the consequences are the same. It’s client-side scanning (state spyware in your phone) of European citizens’ private communication.

Chat control is a corrupt proposal pushed forward through undemocratic methods. The Belgian version is no different. The European Council should follow the European Parliament’s lead and reject it


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"Oops: child died" is definitely the most Victorian error message of all time.
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I'm barely on FB but opted out of Meta's using my content to train their generative AI.

You have until June 26 to do so.

This 11-step process by Deborah Copaken, is a godsend.

Because of course Meta makes the opt out process intentionally obtuse + hostile in the hopes you quit from attrition.

Including burying the lede, the links, and even adding non-mandatory steps in the process to confuse you into thinking you need them.

It quite reminded me of Douglas Adams.

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The hotel security was curious why I’m taking photos of hidden stairwell placards.

“This engraving font is named Gorton and is well over 100 years old! It was originally made for camera lenses in the U.K. It’s everywhere around you, usually in places like these.”

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A reminder:

the only dangerous minority are the rich.

#inequality #politics

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Then there is that little issue of ‘tax avoidance’…they invariably pay proportionally less tax on their income that say a teacher, nurse or construction worker will pay. Why is that?

I don’l mind paying my taxes. I don’t want a tax cut.

I just want the richest to pay their fair share instead of paying advisors handsomely to discover tax loopholes for them.


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Epistatacadam mastodon (AP)
@JugglingWithEggs Indeed if they did pay their share they might reduce their production of CO2 towards that more closely aligned to the poorest. That might improve the global economy and reduce the risks of drought and starvation.

Pippin friendica

Oven repairman has come, taken it apart, and advised that it'll cost half what a new one would cost to repair. He also advised that, with it being 15 years old, other parts are likely to break soon if we keep using it, and new parts aren't made any more. We've decided to not repair and just keep using it as-is for now - it still works well enough for most things.

Dishwasher repair is still in progress (waiting for the next replacement part to arrive...)

So much broken.

fun fact: the landing zone on a hard disk platter has a special surface texture that reduces stiction. the rest of the surface is so smooth the head would get stuck if it landed on it.
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The next time you hear mainstream media tell you the story of the inevitable rise of the far right, remember that they'll keep that story going despite the fact that the far right lost power in Poland last year and is about to collapse in Great Britain.

It's one of those stories that seem fact resistant.

This is not inevitable. Could we please include all the regular setbacks and collapses as well?

#Politics #Media #FarRight

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

The right-wing #Tory vote is set to collapse…that is born out by all the polls of the last 12 months in the UK.

But when far-right populist, #Farage put his hat in the ring support for his #Reform party surged, knocking both Tories and #Labour.

The far-right is sadly far from being a spent force in this country. The fact that the mainstream media won’t crucify Farage over his love in with Trump or Putin says all you need to know about how the UK ticks.

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if you think infodumping is cute wait until she coredumps on you
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