
My response is always, What do you need (by u/fbkthrowaway)
(AI Alt-Text)
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the gifted kid to traumatized queer burned out adult pipeline
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I love Ukrainians.

The Ukrainian Security Service blurred a cat's face. THEY BLURRED A CAT'S FACE.

(from @UA_Nationall on the foul place)

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hey so @fastmail, union busting tactics are a great way to lose your credibility among your target audience, including long term paying customers like me. it's been great so far, please don't screw this up. https://union.place/@fastmailunited/112672408714595554

Hello everyone!

We have some unfortunate news. @fastmail has made the decision to lay off 60% of our bargaining unit, including our bargaining committee, in a surprise restructure while we were in the middle of contract negotiations. Fortunately, we were able to negotiate for a much better severance package than we would have gotten had we not unionized when we did. We are grateful for the work that the Communication Workers of America put in on our behalf to get us the best deal they could.

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Worth grepping your source code for "polyfill.io" and taking urgent measures to remove that code if you're linking it into your site - the domain name apparently now intermittently serves malicious JavaScript

My notes here: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jun/25/polyfill-supply-chain-attack/ - or read this article https://sansec.io/research/polyfill-supply-chain-attack

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This was bound to happen. This is from the era where the Frontend Industrial Complex was convincing people to trust 3rd party cdns in their production sites for the sake of "convenience".

I wish I could say that I raised the appropriate alarm bells during that period. I don't think I did. Eventually I got nervous about it and stopped doing it personally as better options arose. But we let a lot of people be led astray.

Worth grepping your source code for "polyfill.io" and taking urgent measures to remove that code if you're linking it into your site - the domain name apparently now intermittently serves malicious JavaScript

My notes here: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jun/25/polyfill-supply-chain-attack/ - or read this article https://sansec.io/research/polyfill-supply-chain-attack

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3AM and I'm still awake due to anxiety related to my job, while the actual decision-makers are blissfully unaware of the absolute chaos they're wreaking on their own company. I need to claim my life back.
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Man, another bleak but good Kurzgesagt video. Fight TB! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFLb5h2O2Ww
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Here is the Autumn Dragon 🍂🍁🍂
#furry #fursuit #kemono
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It has been a while but I think its time! I'll be opening Friday for quotes 2 suit slots to be completed by the end of the year. I'm looking to prioritize planti or digi style suits and would love to do something toony, though I'm open to look at other concepts!
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The Fuzz Factory mastodon (AP)
If you want to know more, make sure to check out my website to see other examples of works and basic pricing! thefuzzfactory.com
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The Pac-Man rule is: “When standing as a group of people, always leave room for one person to join your group.”

The Pac-Man rule provides the actual physical space for someone to join a conversation, and it also sends a strong visual signal that *you are welcome here.*


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Oh, look! Prolife legislation turned out to be pro-death all along.

Following state legislation passed in 2021 that essentially banned abortion in Texas, the rate of infant deaths rose by almost 13%, compared to a much smaller 1.8% rise nationwide.


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Apparently it's International Hug a Deer Day, so time to hug an Incog! ❤
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A quick reminder that the slopes of Mt. Everest are littered with the bodies of what were once "highly-motivated people".

Find your level that your comfortable with in everything, be that work, play or activism.

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Deezburry mastodon (AP)

As they used to say "Eagles may fly high, but weasels dont get sucked into jet engines"*

*We used to say that, till this one weasel got careless.

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Sweden has lowered the age at which you can change your legal gender from 18 to 16 and eliminated the need for a gender dysphoria diagnosis. #ShareGoodNewsToo https://fixthenews.com/r/1217559f?m=d62c57a4-125a-4b9d-b04d-bdfd23b8627c
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It makes no sense how well DOOM runs on this camera from 1999 (Kodak DC265).

It actually plays surprisingly well too, the d-pad is responsive, shooting and opening doors is done with the zoom lever.

#retrocomputing #retrogaming #doom #digitalcamera

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I keep saying #AI is the latest scam from Big Tech. And too many SAAS, businesses, and tools are being conned into investing in it.

1)The expense to run AI LLMs is astronomical! And it has yet to turn a profit

2) That cost is going to significantly damage all but the largest businesses implementing AI tools

3) It’s being downplayed, but AI can LIE. The industry calls it “hallucinations,” but it’s a marketing label for LIES. You just can’t trust results generated by AI. That means the onus falls on the user to fact check and perform due diligence. That’s yet another layer of responsibility and labor.

And the environmental impact of the server requirements and power needed to run these models is alarming.

My prediction is the AI bubble is going to burst soon.

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More of Taz'rir showing off their suit at the start of ConFuzzled! Looks like everyone had a great time!
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We live in a low-trust environment. We live in a low-trust environment because based on the evidence of the last 20 odd years I have come to the conclusion that I just cannot trust corporations not to grift. So no..I don't trust corporations and I never will.
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I don’t go to cons, I don’t own a fursuit, I don’t have much art, I don’t do VR. But I’m a furry, and anyone who says otherwise is a gatekeeping fuck.
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Light/386 2.1 mastodon (AP)

You are as long as you want to say you are. It's such a very loose term for so many folk with varying degrees of interest in anthro stuff.

And at the end of the day, really isn't anyone else's business.

Pippin friendica
A furry (fan) is someone who like furries (anthropomorphic animals), and it's perfectly possible to like something without any visible evidence, so yeah, that kind of gatekeeping is stupid and wrong.

We promise to determine if the core of the moon is made of Gouda (or if it's Swiss cheese all the way through) and do these other things, not because they are easy, but because I'm hungry and never cared much for Swiss cheese.
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Roundhay Garden Scene (1888) (earliest known film)

The oldest surviving film in the world, and possibly the first film ever made. It lasts just a few seconds, is shot at 7 frames per second and shows people in a garden at Oakwood Grange in Roundhay, Leeds, England on the 14th of October 1888. It was made by the French film pioneer Louis Le Prince on a camera of his own invention, and it is his son that we see walking across the garden. In a bizarre real life unsolved mystery, Le Prince disappeared in unexplained circumstances a couple of years after the film was made.

There were earlier forms of animated pictures, and earlier experiments with capturing movement on multiple single-frame cameras, but this was the first known film in the modern sense of using a single camera to create a series of continuous frames.

You can fnd out more on its Wikipedia page at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roundhay_Garden_Scene, and you might also want to check out the 2016 feature-length documentary "The First Film" at https://www.guerilla-films.com/the-first-film.

This film is now in the public domain.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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The bar is pretty low, but Labour manage to limbo under it every time. No chance of them getting my tactical vote now. And look at Rowling following the extremist textbook: as soon as she gets the meeting she wants, she demands that all her transphobe friends should get them as well.
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AI was all so predictable - even 40 years ago
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So the Japanese Emperor is a a big fan of the River Thames and on his stage visit to the UK asked to see the Thames Barrier.

It is indeed an impressive feat of engineering, but the sad truth is it needs massively upgrading if it to continue to protect London in the near future.

It’s not designed to be used 50 times a year, but that is already happening. It could wear out by 2030 at the current rate. To upgrade it to last till 2100 will cost at least £16 billion. But politicians are asleep 💤

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

And it seems the mainstream media are asleep too…why don’t they want to acknowledge that this impressive work of engineering designed in the 70’s is at the end of its life?

With sea levels set to seriously rise, where are the plans for a new barrier, barrage or potentially dam…because that is what we’ll need very soon.

Does #Starmer understand the story of Canute?


Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Because not a week passes without another scientific acknowledgment that #ClimateBreakdown is happening…it’s happening faster than previously predicted and we are running out of time to adapt.

This is today’s story about glaciers melting with relatively low temperature increases…and it leads to tipping points and feedback loops that we cannot comprehend.


Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

So if we don’t want Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament, the City and all it’s diverse inhabitants to be flooded…we have to act now.

The UK government has to spend money on adaptation. They don’t have a choice. Leave it later and it will cost far more and potentially be too late.

#Labour may say it can’t afford £28 billion on green projects…but are they really going to abandon the capital?

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BoneHouseWasps 🔶 mastodon (AP)
1400 world temperature records broken in a week., https://www.semafor.com/article/06/23/2024/world-breaks-1400-temperature-records-heat-waves-sweep-globe
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Nini mastodon (AP)
If you're going to protect one part of the UK, probably would be the one with all the money and rich people right?
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


Look, I’d love them to save us all…I’d love to see real action taking place in East Anglia which is flat and suffers from coastal erosion because it’s equally vulnerable. But volume of people (of all incomes), assets and prestige of being an internationally renowned capital city means surely if there is going to be meaningful adaptation it’s in London…but if not, there really is no plan.

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
what it boils down to though, really, is that those with the power to do something don’t really believe that anything is going to happen. It’s just theoretical to them. It’s so unimaginable that London could be under water in their lifetime - it’s science fiction. Why spend money on that?
Tony Wells mastodon (AP)
It used to be news when it was raised !

"We were the first companion," the dog said, "the first ally and friend."

"Well done you," the cat said.

"After us, the humans befriended cows, sheep, goats, and pigs."

"Humans domesticated so many animals."

"And you."

"Us?" the cat said. "We only domesticated one. Humans."

#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

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cats and humans is not so much a case of domestication, and more one of one species crashing on another's couch for what was supposed to maybe be a week
Neil mastodon (AP)
insight and knowledge, for instance, you might be surprised, or get a sense of 'aaaahhh, so now that makes more sense'.

Content warning: Interviewing people for jobs

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Content warning: Interviewing people for jobs

Joanna Holman mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Interviewing people for jobs


I don't know what marketer needs to hear this, but every time you promote a new "#AI" feature it drives me *away* from your product.

A tool I haven't used? Hard pass.

A tool I've used and loved for years? Perhaps it's time to reevaluate our relationship.

Sure, I'm one person, but I'm certainly not alone.

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"Newly identified tipping point for ice sheets could mean greater sea level rise"


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Furries have spent years complaining about Telegram's "one account per phone number" feature: "oh no, my dad got Telegram and saw my sexy furry profile". And now Telegram is enshittifying, what's the reaction? "Let's move to another system that has the same feature!" 🤦‍♂️

Privacy doesn't just mean encryption, and it doesn't just mean messaging someone without them seeing your phone number. It means keeping your work, hobbies, and family life separate. For most of us, breaking that separation is a funny meme, but for some, it might mean losing their home or their job. That's why furries should be migrating to Matrix.

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This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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I hereby declare today National Eepy Day.
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Jencen mastodon (AP)
*curls on and eepys with*

An AI thing I'm watching play out at another org:

1: Expert A, with a deep understanding of a nuanced and difficult problem answers a question they've been given, offering several options.

2: Director B, recipient, uses an AI to summarize it and then runs it up to leadership saying, "A says this." That generated summary is subtly and very wrong.

3: A is now being held responsible for plans made based on B's AI-generated and very wrong rewriting of his recommendations.

Fun times.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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Other countries acknowledge the needs of young kids - great examples here being Finland, Japan, Czech Republic and Switzerland. They want their families to be able to travel them on public transport because this is cheaper and greener for all. In making provision for kids, they no doubt make the journey experience better for all.

But here in the UK we’re making do with plans to have buggies unfolded in a compartment…this is progress I guess!


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In the Coyotic Justice System, the yappers are represented by two separate, yet equally important groups. The yotes who create all the mischief, and the public defenders that shield them from prosecution. These are their stories.

*Gavel noise*

#furry #furryfandom #fursuit #fursuiter #fursuitphotography #fursuiteveryday

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“Today, I am making a genuine and direct appeal to Sir Keir Starmer to think again and commit again to £28bn of investment to achieve green growth and reach net zero.

We believe that anything that falls below that level of ambition and investment will fail to meet the scale of this challenge and fail to grasp the opportunity of the emerging green economy.”

John Swinney, leader of SNP

Whatever the political games being played here, this is also a truthful acknowledgment of what needs to happen

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Pippin friendica

I keep wanting this. It's definitely a feature I've wanted (needed) plenty of times. Just a few days ago I had to pick an upcoming stop, guess how long the bus would take to get there and use that to plan the rest of my route.

this time on “software gaelan wished existed”: a public transit route planner that lets you set your starting location as “on this moving bus/train”

this time on “software gaelan wished existed”: a public transit route planner that lets you set your starting location as “on this moving bus/train”
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