
Okay, so when I donate to your organization, I do not want to be immediately signed up for your mailing lists without warning. I just want to give you some money so you can keep doing the things I like. Immediately turning around and doing something I dislike is a good way to keep me from donating any more. I should not feel justified in giving fake information to an organization whose core values include “respect” and “civility”.
1 2

Banning masks has nothing to do with preventing crime. Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and everyone there wears a mask regularly.
1 1

I want fat scrollbars. Stop making scrollbars so thin. >:(
2 2
Joby (chaotic good) mastodon (AP)
I also want them to be reasonably high contrast, so that I can once again tell at a glance the overall length of what I'm looking at and my position in it.
1 1
Log 🪵 mastodon (AP)
Yes. Very visible and grabbable position marker, please.
1 1

I’m told it’s #626day, so here’s something appropriate.

I’m told the suiter’s name is Wolftail.

Pic taken at Midwest FurFest 2017.

1 2
Pippin friendica

I don't know if this is the same Wolftail I remember from online in the 1990s. That Wolftail made probably some of the earliest animatronic tails. Would be interesting to know if he's still around, haven't heard of him in ages.

*bit of searching later* Aha, yes, it is he, Wolfgang Tail, aka Wolftronix! His Stitch suit is on his web site so it is the same guy. :)

Content warning: Comic | Species HRT | Slow TF

1 2

LCM is dead

and to no ones surprise
livingcomputers.org is gone

will they be nuking the github projects too?
git clone while you can

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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1 2

Ya stimky, go take a shower right meow!
1 2

1 2

Content warning: UKpol, UKGE, trans+gay rights

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Pippin friendica

Content warning: UKpol, UKGE, trans+gay rights

Pippin friendica

Content warning: UKpol, UKGE, trans+gay rights

4 1

Pippin friendica

More interesting brain stuff that's probably come too late for my mum's Alzheimers', but will hopefully lead to better treatments in the future.

Pippin friendica
@Twig @Sam Bowne :donor: Huh, I wonder if there's any connection with photosensitive epilepsy. Could 40Hz be a significant frequency in that too, I wonder. Hmm.
Twig mastodon (AP)
@sambowne interesting idea. A quick google brings up results in the 10-30Hz range, but it does go as high as 60Hz. So there’s some overlap but hard to guess at whether the mechanisms are related.

The brain makes lots of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes : Shots - Health News : NPR https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/06/26/g-s1-6177/brain-waste-removal-system-amyloid-alzheimer-toxins
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Give cat ear rubs for maximum purr factor. #tiger #furry #furryart #marker #traditionalmedia #anthro #MastoArt #fediart
1 2

Fuck off with your tone policing, trans bashing bandwagon jumping, Starmer. He was perfectly respectful (as if that even matters when the government is conducting a trans genocide and the #RedTories plan on continuing to do the same). Grow a spine, you're an embarrassment. "David Tennant should have been more respectful when criticising Badenoch over LGBT views", says Starmer – UK election live https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2024/jun/26/uk-general-election-live-updates-tories-labour-betting-scandal?CMP=share_btn_url&page=with%3Ablock-667c22848f0839bc2f003d58#block-667c22848f0839bc2f003d58
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
You said it better than I could. Sadly he's far from the only person I've met with that kind of mindset, and it needs to go die in the pits of Hades.
Of course he wouldn't have engaged as David did. Tennant has honour and is willing to stand up for what is right. Starmer's just right wing and will roll over for whatever bigoted scum might give him some money or votes. #TransRightsAreHumanRights #GE2024 #ukpol

On the Polyfill supply-chain attack:

Interestingly, whoever controls the official Polyfill Twitter account claims defamation - but their "we have no supply chain risks because all content is statically cached" seems like wilfull misunderstanding of the question.


This does appear to be the official Twitter account, since they commited this validation link to their GitHub README a few hours ago (well, or at least the same entity has current control of both):


The original breakdown looks pretty incriminating:


@simon has great coverage here, including noting that the original author said months ago that people should move off it immediately, that that author works at Fastly, and that they have a drop-in replacement:


May have been traced to a single actor across multiple platforms:


Namecheap suspended their domain, but they have returned as .com (but may have also then been taken down):


News coverage:


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Content warning: ukpol, Keir Starmer (again)

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1 3

How heat works:

16–25°C: nice
26–30°C: too warm
30+°C: danger zone

How the radio thinks heat works:

16–20°C: chilly
21–25°C: good weather
26–30°C: better weather
30+°C while crops wither and people collapse in the streets: "summer is here and the weather is lovely, sunshine all around, not a cloud or raindrop in sight to ruin your day"

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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“If I'm honest I'm a little depressed by the fact that acknowledging that everyone has the right to be who they want to be and live their life how they want to live it as long as they're not hurting anyone else should merit any kind of special award or special mention, because it's common sense, isn't it?"

David Tennant


1 1
Thunderstrike mastodon (AP)
Are they seriously going after David Tennant now? Do they not understand how unwise that is? David Tennant?
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


It’s hard to tell if the Badenoch / Sunak response to Tennant is:

a) a desperate last minute stirring of the pot to galvanise their base to come out and vote for them

b) a considered strategic move to make anyone famous think twice about standing up as an ally to non-binary / trans people

I think it will backfire spectacularly on the #Tories because they have massively over played their hand, misread the situation and the national mood.

1 4

If you run a website that changes the title to something like "zzz" or "We miss you 🥺" if the tab has been in the background for some minutes, know that this is the express route right into my shitlist.
1 1
Jencen mastodon (AP)
or worse. The on mouse popup "please don't leave us" things >.<
King Calyo Delphi mastodon (AP)
I fucking hate those "Please don't leave us!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺" and "Have you signed up for our newsletter???? 😁" modals. I wish browsers could start blocking modal popups. 😒

1 2

The fact that Microsoft Teams 🤮 contains a feature called "Teams" where actual teams can create a Team, and at Microsoft the teams working on that feature probably have a Team to discuss the Teams feature, suggests that there exists a Microsoft Microsoft Teams Teams Teams' Microsoft Teams Team.
2 2

from @/nicegaydogclub on twitter

He has a lot of really cute art but only seems to be on twitter, I couldn't find him anywhere else :(


1 1
Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
That's a very respectable username!

Pippin friendica

I'd do this too if my flippin' ballot papers would arrive!

We had some Lib Dem canvassers call just now and I asked if not getting postal voting papers was a common problem. She said yes, quite a problem around the whole country, because the post office didn't know the election would be happening at this time of year, or something. But they had as much warning as everyone else, surely? She suggested handing in the completed ballot in person, which is kinda what I'm planning to do anyway if it doesn't arrive *very* soon.

Dear Every Dog Owner:

I am way more upset at you yelling at the dog to stop barking at me, than I am about the dog barking at me.

1 1
trpeal mastodon (AP)
Dogs bark, man, that's what THEY DO. I'm stunned so many dog owners don't seem to recognize this.
The Gneech mastodon (AP)
@trpeal Srsly! And the pattern repeats EVERY SINGLE TIME

‘Rishi #Sunak most unpopular Prime Minister with Ipsos *ever* at this stage of campaign’

‘72% say they dislike the #Conservatives (a *record* high), their worst score, and 78% think it is time for a change’

‘83% are dissatisfied with the way the government is running the country (nc from early June). This is the *worst* score for a government in Ipsos’ records at this stage of a campaign going back to 1979’

1 1
I see Dud people! mastodon (AP)
Remember what happened in 1979? It's when all this shit started!! 😡

1 2

1 2

I'm off to find a small child...
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Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
@patterfloof to be fair, if you have jam, you can normally a) have a small child find you, and b) will happily deal with getting the blob of jam on themselves. All you really need in this situation, to my mind, is the jam...
1 1

It’s been feasible for decades, the problem is all the corrupt governments kept afloat by huge donations and back handers haven’t got the desire to do it 

#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #costofliving #Sunak #toryracists #BrexitBenefits #rishisunak #inflation #election #Election2024 #GeneralElection #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #nigelfarage #farage #ReformUK #tax #TaxTheRich
1 2

Happy Stitch Day and Pride Month. There's no better time to be true to yourself and to those you love.
Also no better time of year in the north for beach activities with your favorite Hawai'ian gremblin!


1 2

cats all have autism

dogs all have ADHD

and foxes have both

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Content warning: Silly sex

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Apparently my phone thinks one of my friends is our pet
1 1
Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)
Is it wrong? :blobfoxlaugh:

When the #Tories are not getting their funds from racist and misogynistic donors like Frank Hester (more than £15 million to date) they get it from those who are rich on the back of fossil fuels. 40% of donations to Tories in first week of election campaign linked to #BigOil.

#Reform is no different.


1 2
Steve mastodon (AP)
This definitely needs to be talked about more. Funding and lobbying have to be transparent as they try to bypass the democratic process.
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


I think this is what this article tries to get at. It’s not always #BigOil who give donations directly, it’s large shareholders and shell companies.

We need the Mainstream media to unpick this and make it apparent to voters.

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


I remember talking to my brother (history and politics teacher) about the current A level Politics curriculum and being suprised that lobbying doesn’t come into it.

I don’t see how you can properly understand modern politics without looking at lobbying.

Steve mastodon (AP)
Definitely a case for MPs wearing sponsor logos like F1 drivers. Vested interests have held back progress in many areas.
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


But presumably they still use some of those donations to their company to print flyers and pay for activists to be shipped to different constituencies?

UK Government Borrowing...

Combined total: 0000-2010: £1tn.
Tories only: 2010-2024: £1.7tn.

In 14 years, the Tories have borrowed more than every government in history, combined, for 2000 years...

...& we'll be paying for it for decades to come.

1 2

This whole Polyfill business is unfortunate but I remain a little unsettled at just how many people casually use “Chinese company” and “Chinese IP” like their country of origin is especially relevant.
1 2
gadgetoid mastodon (AP)

They keep going.

Here’s some free ones for ya:

“Polyfill bought by third party, serves malware.”
“Polyfill bought by unscrupulous company.”
“Polyfill now slightly less malicious than React.”
“Polyfill changed hands, used in supply chain attack”

1 1

To put it in the most simple words:

Capitalism is cancer, that lives at the core of our society.

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