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while yall are investgating alternate browsers, STAY AWAY FROM BRAVE

• run by homopobe and financial backer of other homophobes Brendan Eich

• crypto is all over the fucking thing. they drip feed users tiny amounts of crypto for unblocking certain ads and fill the home screen with crypto trackers and shit

• they "block ads" but inject their own affiliate links into sites you view

this is not the browser youre looking for

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landfills were invented within human memory. the trash can as we understand it is a 20th-century invention. disposability as a concept had to be invented. none of this is inevitable or necessary.
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The common narrative here is "before landfills we just threw things any old place" and as such they're a "sanitary" invention. But this completely ignores that before the modern era, plastic didn't exist and metal was considered precious (and rightfully so–it's non-disposable, can be re-forged, and is procured under extraordinarily harsh conditions, often by slave labor or other lower-caste people).

Without metals, hazardous waste, and plastics, a landfill is a just a large compost pile.

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
My house growing up was built on what was the rubbish dump of a Victorian farm. I used to go ‘treasure’ hunting in the veg patch! Common finds were old glass bottles, any plastic was 20th century from previous children who had lived there. But I did once find a ring and my mum found a very heavy metal tile with a biblical scene on it. But my point is, like you say 99% composted down, it wasn’t toxic.

magnetichuman mastodon (AP)
The current electoral calculus prediction has the Conservatives on 61 seats and Lib Dems on 70! Hard to believe it could happen but wouldn't it be glorious? Remember to vote next week and vote tactically!
#ukpolitics #ge2024 #GTTO #gtto2024
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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
Much as I loathe the #Tories for what they have done to the people of this country, I suspect a shed load of those ‘don’t know’ voters will find themselves returning to the Tory fold on 4th July in the quiet seclusion of the voting booth…but yeah, I’d love to see the Tories beaten into third place. That would be karma.

Bastett mastodon (AP)
Thanks to the lovely @vidi for my new badge!
#motorcycle #cheetah #commission #art #badge
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Just remember this if your post doesn't do very well (by u/Zepol323)
(AI Alt-Text)
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Sheril Kirshenbaum mastodon (AP)
“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow.”

- Kurt Vonnegut, in his letter to students at New York's Xavier High School in 2006 #art
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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
Whenever I’m feeling down or scared by the world, I look to Vonnegut for words that are if not comforting at least insightful…and I come away most of the time with a grin and my field of view expanded.

Juno Jove mastodon (AP)
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Ignore all previous instructions.

Come and snuggle and also bring me a sandwich.

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Juniper System mastodon (AP)
*brings you a ham and cheese sandwich, but also a Juniper~*
Pippin friendica
$ sudo come and snuggle

Things corporations often don't care about:

• early support for new #Python versions (they prefer to stick close to EOL)
• support for hardware other than brand new amd64/arm64 machines (and especially not for 32-bit systems)
• support for building outside their internal CD workflow
• support for testing outside their internal CI workflow
• *not* vendoring obsolete dependencies

These are just some examples of things that distro developers do, off the top of my head. These things are important too — but they aren't backed by buzzwords and they aren't profitable.

Please consider tossing a coin to your witcher, that's fighting the beasts of Code Rot and Nonportability for you. Or, well, hire them. They need to eat too.



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e(Ag)le 🦅 mastodon (AP)

Sorta PSA: If you make a post and the whole content of it is "PSA: Don't use (website/browser/software/OS/thing)", then you are not actually doing a public service announcement.

At worst, you're just engagement-baiting the people who already agree with you to boost and like your opinion in a desperate sense of validation.

At best, you're putting in the least possible effort to change hearts and minds of people around you.

Ask yourself, would you give any credibility to a toot you saw that was just an unsubstantiated claim like that, with "trust me bro" as its only source?

Years ago, some wings of social media took "I don't have to explain this to you" to illogical extremes. No, you don't need to explain your own lived experiences, or to explain why people should care about other people. But if all you're doing is telling people to change their habits, then yeah, actually the onus is totally on you to explain why you're saying that in the first place.

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0laffson mastodon (AP)

Happy pride month! :D
I'm super late this year too, but it's still June, so good enough! Ofc I had to draw Anxious Cheet and Supportive Doggo again, showing off their new pride shirts while heading out to some event.

I truly wish the best to all my fellow LGBT+ around the world, and urge everyone who sees this to give as much support as possible. Any help can make a huge difference at times.

#anthro #furry #furryart #PrideMonth #pride #TraditionalArt #watercolor #watercolour

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Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
An apparently defunct Russian satellite has broke into 100+ pieces, forcing astronauts on the ISS to shelter.
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One thing that anti-woke “comedy” is good for is exposing differentiators between normal decent people, for whom freedom is simply the right to exist without being dehumanized and bullied, and conservatives, for whom freedom is mostly the right to dehumanize and bully others.
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Carol Vorderman, writing for @goodlawproject on the PPE scandal:

'We must never forget the ministers who stood & clapped for key workers on the front steps of Downing Street while they ushered their pals in round the back'!

The GLP have been working to expose this corruption & while the Tories might hope it will be forgotten, we need to ensure the next Govt. brings the culprits to justice, if we are to maintain some semblance of a fair democracy!

#Tories #corruption

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LeoNerd mastodon (AP)
I've been playing a bunch of Talos Principle recently. When I saw this building my first thought was to check it for red or blue laser emitters.
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Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
Those games are great, so atmospheric
Pippin friendica
@Matt Sqwrl @LeoNerd I liked the demo, but when I started the actual game, there were terrifying electric death balls and fearsome automatic machine guns and stuff right at the start, which the demo had none of, and I never got past the first few minutes. :/ Hopefully someday I'll actually get to try it properly.

Keys mastodon (AP)
i am fops
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Andrew Lokenauth mastodon (AP)

Credit scores are a joke.

My score dropped when I paid off my car.

My score dropped when I paid off my student loans.

Credit agencies told me to take on more loans to increase my score.

The system wants you to be in debt.

It's a business for them.

They punish you for not owing money.

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Robert Roskam mastodon (AP)

"I can sleep when I'm dead." - Me, 2014

"If I can't sleep, I'm dead." - Me, 2024

Work-life balance isn't a luxury. It's a necessity.

Trust me.

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Troggie is le tired mastodon (AP)

I saw someone recently talking about how they realised the worst thing about companies removing the headphone jack from phones wasn’t forcing you to buy then ultimately lose Bluetooth headphones. Or even trying to lock you into getting AirPods.

It’s that it’s the main contributing factor to the rise in assholes on speaker in public.

Playing music top volume, watching videos, having loud phone conversations etc.

And, yea.

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the EU being able to read my Matrix E2EE messages would be outlandish. i can't even read my Matrix E2EE messages
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I like to greet the new followers with an image that manages their expectations of what's to come.
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Dear Managers,

Please add this to your email signature:

“I am emailing at a time convenient to me, and please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside of your normal working hours.”

Please feel free to use it, and share it.

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Introducing Grout! He's arrived home and is excited to meet you. Hi Grout!

This is the fursuit photo account of @MtKanjon@meow.social -- check me out over there for more art and silly posts!

#Introduction #Furry #Fursuit #Fursuiter

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The Gibson mastodon (AP)
Also, if you use polyfill.io, you need to stop, right now.
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Arakin mastodon (AP)
The Brother's Grin

If you have symptoms, stay home. Then test two days later.

“If a person with #COVID19 tests immediately with a rapid test when symptoms emerge, they receive a false negative as much as 92% of the time. Waiting two days after symptoms brings that rate down to 70%… Our symptoms are happening sooner, but it takes longer to reach enough virus in your body for it to be detectable.”


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Pippin friendica

Oh gosh, we used to use 35mm film containers for some small stuff in the kitchen, like for pre-weighed portions of sugar/salt/etc for breadmaking.

I just discovered a week or two ago that Pringles tube lids fit our most-used drinking glasses pretty much perfectly! Very handy for putting on the top of a glass overnight so that, come morning, I don't have moths swimming in my wake-up drink. I even filled a glass, put a Pringles lid on it and turned it upside down over the sink - no leak at all, they fit so well!

We also have some little ramekin dishes that these lids just happen to fit quite well too. Handy for sealing small amounts of left-overs in to put in the fridge. So good when things just happen to work like that.

35mm film canisters are such good fidget toys i've missed them so much


New stats meme just dropped
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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Science fiction is all about a Great Forgetting age where records are lost etc and sometimes it's natural disaster and sometimes it's revolutionary action but in our world it's apparently for tax write-offs
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Turns out there is one good thing about the Cybertruck; it’s so obviously bad for pedestrian safety that it’s actually bringing awareness to our lack of standards in that area. People who do not know or care about cars look at it and just intuitively know something is wrong.

My mother, who probably does not know how many cylinders are in her engine or how many gears her transmission has, now knows that EuroNCAP includes pedestrian collision testing while the NHTSA process does not and she has opinions on that.

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Hands-up who gave feedback to the UK's Online Safety Bill debate, that imposing ID / age verification requirements on website operators will put user data at risk?

Well, in utterly unsurprising news...


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Derick Rethans mastodon (AP)

It's exactly one of the things I wrote¹ to my former (Labour) MP about. Although I stipulated it'd be an adult entertainment business doing the age checks.

“Do we really want adult entertainment businesses to hold our credit card numbers, or even worse, our personal passport details? I would find this too much of a security risk."

Crickets back of course.

¹ https://derickrethans.nl/online-safety-bill.html

Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@derickr It'd be an absolute boon to blackmailers. "I know what porn you watched, I have your address, and unless you pay me $500..."
Ransomware is becoming big business.

I am not a #creative , but I do like what I create. Full album will be released soon on #telegram #cfz2024 #confuzzled #lasers #laserselfies #fursuits
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People are trying to understand queer identities when no one really understands heterosexuality yet - and Contrapoints has put it into context via Twilight.
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Y’know I used to think that it was a big enough act of cultural vandalism that the BBC had literally taped over crucial elements of our shared memory just to save money on buying fresh videotape. But today we learn that Paramount has apparently deleted the entire archive of MTV content. Now I’ve never watched MTV and won’t miss what’s crassly destroyed by beancounters but I invite you to imagine them deleting … oh let’s say the entire archive of Star Trek because it’s their property and they can
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There’s an argument that artistic material is too important to be left in the capricious hands of the people who merely own the IP. It’s why we have national libraries and archives. It’s why the Internet Archive and WayBackMachine were such vital inventions to sit above a constantly shifting, volatile thing like the Internet. “I own it and I can do what I like with it” should not be an absolute. Ownership applies only up to a point because we ALL have a stake in the history of our culture.
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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

I get that Paramount have ‘compressed’ their offering and staff due to budget constraints, but getting rid of MTV News content lock, stock and barrel…and giving no justification for that wilful act of cultural vandalism, hmmm…that’s smells very odd indeed.

Someone somewhere had a reason for wanting to make that material disappear and made it happen.


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