
An Adorable Sergal mastodon (AP)
If elected Benevolent Dictator-For-Life, I will ban the tech company practice of only temporarily declining a feature with "Maybe Later"
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Fourth of 5 Prime Ministers in 8 years

Shortest ever term as PM

PM who oversaw the Queen's funeral

First former PM to lose seat since 1935

Produced biggest ever Tory to Labour swing in an election

I sort of begrudgingly admire Liz Truss's efforts to achieve immortality via pub quiz questions

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Sitting pretty for #FursuitFriday!
Am I doing this right?

πŸ“Έ @khaleta.bsky.social

#furry #fursuit #shenanigans

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harley! mastodon (AP)

waff at pride in london! πŸΊπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

πŸ“Έ messedthoughts.bsky.social

#fursuitfriday #fursuit

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Rusty Corgi mastodon (AP)

Content warning: TikTok and Twitter Rant

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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)

Content warning: re: seemingly single-purpose electronics

Rusty Corgi mastodon (AP)

Content warning: re: seemingly single-purpose electronics

#FursuitFriday with @TeryxC, because you gotta rep blue dragons (the best dragons, per dragon.best/color)

Photo by Exodus

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Kianga @ EF mastodon (AP)

What is this cat up to? Nobody knows.

Not even him.

πŸ“· @keeya

#FursuitFriday #Fursuit

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Keys mastodon (AP)

It's #fursuitfriday and I have a new tune for you! >:D

Barren Rock of Aden! A fun Scottish tune I learned the other day :3 πŸͺ—πŸ¦Š

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

So much noise about #Reform today…it just shows you the nasty right-wing bias of our media.

Labour won by a stonking landslide and have a majority currently of 174 - that’s more than TWICE Johnson’s majority in 2019. It’s huge.

But not only that, Lib Dems got the most seats they’ve had since 1923 - 71.

Green Party quadrupled their number of MPs to 4.

This election was won resoundingly by progressives. Let’s celebrate πŸŽ‰

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Geeden_Of_Arden mastodon (AP)
A bit off topic, but, for my edification: I had seen through headlines that Labor would do well, but would you say they under- or out-performed expectations, both of the public, and of the presentation in the media? Asking for a friend ;)
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)


The rightwing media deliberately talked up a potential Labour β€˜super-majority’. This was to encourage rightwing voters to come out and to make any result look smaller than they expected.

As it was, the Labour landslide was very real.

Did it match public expectation? I think we’d been lulled into thinking even Sunak as PM could lose his seat by the end. That it didn’t happen was perhaps a disappointment to some, but that expectation was driven by rightwing media.

Geeden_Of_Arden mastodon (AP)
Thank you! Very helpful. I'm looking at how trump followed brexit, and comparing it to now, when it seems to me there is potential for a clear left majority in both houses of Congress over Roe, etc. I'm curious how that will play out where election fiddling will be less intense than in the presidential.
MostlyTato mastodon (AP)
It also shows that too many UK citizens are ignorant, gullible, racist reactionaries. Reform presents an interesting situation, especially with an expected push from minority parties towards PR (lol Conservatives).
This election's vote split shows, imo, the division inherent in a collapsing system. The media will concentrate on Reform over the Greens most likely, but...I can't help but feel the winners here are the LibDems. If nothing else they had a great time campaigning.

Florian mastodon (AP)
You know those "uhm... well ... actually..." people you always encounter in social media comments, trying to be pedantic and set the record straight because it's not quite specific or nuanced enough for their liking? A lot of people find these annoying but I have an idea.
Give these people a job; give them a fancy acronym like the UWA brigade and stick them in political debates around the world with one job: Interrupt whoever is speaking with one of those comments every, single, time they are lying, misrepresenting, exaggerating or embellishing events. Without fail, every single time. Maybe that way people will actually run countries rather than turn it into a 3rd-rate reality show each and every time #grump
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tiddy roosevelt mastodon (AP)
Sorry to everyone who just got elected but the only position that actually matters in the UK government is taken by Larry.
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tiddy roosevelt mastodon (AP)
Although I do respect that the helicopter-dodging sentient bollock contingent getting representation in parliament is probably gratifying to some, it will just never be as important as a cat.
tiddy roosevelt mastodon (AP)
Now that's a statesman.
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Paris Marx mastodon (AP)

Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools.

Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.


#ai #tech #datacenter #generativeai #climate #climatechange

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David Ho mastodon (AP)
Say what you will about the UK, but the quick transition of power and the lack of election denial are refreshing to see.
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Yogthos mastodon (AP)

how to browse the web in 2024

1. open site
2. close email subscription pop up
3. close push notifications
4. dismiss cookies pop up
5. dismiss the request for your location
6. close the "did you find what your were looking for?" dialog
7. apologize to those around you for the loud swearing
8. try to remember why you opened the site in the first place

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Fibre Kitty mastodon (AP)

I don't even know what's come over me
My new form makes me feel more...saucy >///>

πŸ“· @DuskPanda
#FursuitFriday #fursuit #furry @DuskPanda

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Leina mastodon (AP)
And still you look so very snuggly, cuddlekitty. πŸ’œ
heck kitty!! 🐯🐾🌟😺

Paco Panda mastodon (AP)

Back to Anthrocon! Let's ride the AnthroCoaster!! The blue raccoons insisted to seat at the very front.

Paco, Stitches, Bissy and Meisarrg

Digital. Procreate
You can see the time-lapse process video on the first comment on this post of my Telegram channel: https://t.me/panda_paco
Or to see the full video of the process at supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pandapaco

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Gareth mastodon (AP)
Anyone who says #voting doesn't matter...
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This week on #FursuitFriday: FRICKIN' LASER BEAMS ❀

Some amazing shots taken by the Confuzzled team during the Dead Dog party on the last night, who had this great photo setup with the dance floor as the backdrop. Some of my favourite fursuit photos I've ever gotten. ^^

πŸͺ‘ @selkiesuits
πŸ‘“ FursuitGlasses.com
⛓️ Crunchycurl.com

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Leaf mastodon (AP)
dang! looking great!
Thanks so much! ❀ I love these photos so ridiculously much. ^,,^

NewsThump mastodon (AP)
Nation hands massive majority to leader who got fewer votes than Jeremy Corbyn https://newsthump.com/2024/07/05/nation-hands-massive-majority-to-leader-who-got-fewer-votes-than-jeremy-corbyn/
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Content warning: Ukpol, rant

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Bag of mostly water mastodon (AP)

So, the Greens have got as many seats as Reform with a fraction of the media coverage.

Stop platforming the racist gobshites

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Daniela Schreiter mastodon (AP)

Happy #DisabilityPrideMonth! 🌈
Invisible disabilities are of course included ❀️.

#MastoArt #ComicArt #Illustration

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Alexis mastodon (AP)

periodic reminder:

the economy is made of people,

and money is something people invented.

neither of these things is a supernatural force, a requirement for life to persist, a deity, or any other immutable-by-mortals facet of reality.


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xanna mastodon (AP)
Not got much to say about the UK election, but FOUR Green MPs, FOUR! And Greens keeping their deposit all over the shop :da_bounce:
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Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)
if only it had been ten Green MPs, they could have taken a publicity photo all sitting on a wall, and given everyone an earworm.
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nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
The First Rule of Sysadmin β€”Don’t Tell Anyone You’re Good at It. Computer experts face a constant barrage of help requests; β€˜run the other way’
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Leina mastodon (AP)

Content warning: UK politics

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Madame Aronow mastodon (AP)
Well now this is living in my mind rent free forever :blobfoxdeadinside:
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Fantastic news that the #Greens won all 4 of their target seats!

Same number of seats as Reform UK, but only one of those parties achieved that through good old-fashioned grass-roots campaigning, while being largely ignored by the media instead of being bigged up by them at every turn, and without dirty Russian money backing them.

I know which I find more impressive.

#GE2024 #ToryDeathParty #UKElection

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Jon Worth mastodon (AP)

That the less evil big party won #ge2024 shouldn’t mask the problem: this result is a democratic scandal. More so than general elections before.

It’s going to be the lowest vote share for a single party government ever.

Turnout overall likely down as well.

Greens + Reform that together will be 20% of votes will have just 1.2% of seats.

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Reform have come second in 98 seats. In Britain you’re never more than six feet from a racist.
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Joe C mastodon (AP)


Labour has won an overall majority with the lowest vote share ever recorded in the UK.

#ukpol #UKElection #Election2024 #StateOfTheParties

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
This will not go unnoticed by people who voted in large numbers for the first time for parties that are to the right and left of Labour/Tories.

#Democracy won in the UK! ... ?

... "Democracy won" is generally code for "our side won", or even "we replaced something bad with something somewhat better"

The third ranked party, with 14% of the votes got 1% of the seats, green, with their 7% got 1%, while libdems with 12%, got 11% of the seats.


"So, would you prefer that Reform UK go<interrupt here>" - no but democracy isn't about my preference. Nor do we even know WHAT the percentage could be if people were not given the "we better vote labor, or else..." gun to their head.

There really should be massive demonstrations...

Based on the % votes, I assume a labour / libdem / green coalition government. Many peeps worry "this would give green too much power" but that would be all up to labour. Pushed too far, they could say "nah, you insist that, we'll step down and you rule try to rule with conservatives instead". Small parties "unfair power positions" is generally nothing more than blocker for "abusive changes from larger parties".


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@yesterzine I learned about the FPTP setup in the UK several years back, the fact that "other parties are represented" had made me assume it had to be PR, so it was a tad surprising to learn (unlike where for the US, where it is out in the open obvious). So these things come as no surprise, but we NEED to keep addressing them.

UK/US pol matters outside their borders, so their peoples voices matter to us outside.

"What can we do to increase voter turnout", they ask - WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK????

Scandinavian countries keep topping all sorta "good indexes" and people point and say "that is because of... and... and..."

And you look at democracy index scores and no one even match scandinavian countries, but no one stop to think "hey, maybe there is a connection?"

The best way to fight fascism is to make everyone feel like they are included and their voice matters.

I dread to think what Reform UK can get next election if labour keep making people feel they don't really matter because "well, only safe vote"...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)




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Jenny List mastodon (AP)

It's great that we Brits have had a change of government, and that our new one is likely to be a lot better for people at the bottom of the pile.

But the Labour party are still institutionally captured by transphobes, and we're still being excluded from healthcare. As far as I am concerned then, they're just the same as the Conservatives.

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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
You're not alone in that opinion, Labour's position on that is what cost them my vote.
I'm in a safe seat so it didn't really matter, but I wanted to put my one tick in the "you will not divide us" box.
gadgetoid mastodon (AP)
genuinely believe the only thing Labour are going to accomplish that anyone will remember or care about is not winning the next general election 😐😫

Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)

Content warning: ukpol

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I Shot JR Hartley mastodon (AP)

Starmer starts with β€œWe Did It!”

No mate, THEY fucked it.

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

This is the best news to wake up to!

4 Green Party MPs elected…including Adrian Ramsay and Carla Denyer who are the party!s co-leaders.



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Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ₯Ή
JanPV mastodon (AP)
πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

Well what a night. I am exhausted.

For most of my adult life the Conservatives have been disappointing me. I look forward to Labour finally being given the opportunity to disappoint me instead.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Rick mastodon (AP)
Been there before, sadly. Just once I'd like a government not to turn out disappointing or downright depressing....

Eric Stein οΏ½ mastodon (AP)
N95s are not about privacy or avoiding law enforcement. They're about health. Don't get it twisted. The people who want to ban masks want to make it about law enforcement, but they're wrong. Facial recognition works fine with a mask on. Don't give the people who want to end public health the ammunition.
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Eric Stein οΏ½ mastodon (AP)
To be extremely clear here, yes you should wear a respirator at your large outdoor political gathering, because COVID is still here and it can indeed spread outdoors. That's the reason you should wear one, not because you think nobody will identify you with it on.
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