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Kyreeth mastodon (AP)
@ikani Pasta a la single-mode

Cursed Silicon mastodon (AP)
I saw this meme going around so I fixed it
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Daniela Schreiter mastodon (AP)

We all need some me time ❤️.

#MastoArt #CuteArt #HappyArt

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Nicco Kunzmann mastodon (AP)

Thank you for the beautiful twist! I deeply appreciate the way you speak and portray love in these comics.

I resonate with voicing of the sadness that comes with disappointment as a way forward in relationships to nurture a gentle, safe and vulnerable path towards healing with each other. That sadness often hides behind the anger. But one cannot change people with anger and respect their autonomy! This comic speaks for me about how to hold and lift eachother up! 💛

Jigme Datse mastodon (AP)
So true...

Content warning: UK, Politics, Press

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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)

Content warning: UK, Politics, Press

Washu Private message mastodon (AP)

Content warning: re: UK, Politics, Press

Aral Balkan mastodon (AP)

Technology is political.

If your project or organisation has a “no politics” clause, you’re saying you’re happy to exclude people whose very existence is political in our societies.

It’s only defensible if you’re coming from a place of privilege where the dominant politics are to your advantage so you can take them as given.

There is no such thing as “no politics”; there is only “no politics other than the politics of the status quo that I benefit from, which I’ve internalised as normal.”

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Marko Vujnovic mastodon (AP)

Female hair is either long or political. Sexual orientation is either heterosexual or political. Gender identity is either cis or political. Clothing is either gender stereotyped and boring or political. City infrastructure is either car-focused or political. Energy is either fossil fuels or political. Education is either white christian propaganda or political.

Everything follows the same pattern, tech included.

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Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)

A piece of "motivational CSS" that I sometimes include in web pages I haven't finished writing yet:

background: rgb(160,0,0);
color: rgb(0,255,0);
font-weight: bold;
font-family: "Comic Sans MS";

That way, when I write something like

<span class="FIXME">come back and add a link to xyz</span>

in the body text, I'm _really_ motivated to make that horrible thing go away.

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Oliver Vanderb mastodon (AP)
Why a span and not marquee :bc_adorable:
tuban_muzuru mastodon (AP)

Many years ago, my boss called me up, which he never did - and asked me about a comment in my code:

// monkey

It was my current-work pointer. I'd set it when I'd stop work, so I could pick up where I left by grepping for monkey.

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When I think about the security of a computer system, I have a specific scale I rate it on:

1. The US government can crack it *OR* the government of China can crack it (equivalent)
2. The government of Israel can crack it
3. My friend Kristin could crack it
4. The government of Russia can crack it
5. A nation-state not listed above can crack it
6. A well-qualified single infosec professional could crack it
7. I could crack it

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Glyph mastodon (AP)
My father told me a story about APL being one of the first widely-available REPLs to exist. Since it was contemporary with teletypes, something like ">>>" would literally waste ink, so apparently the convention for the interactive prompt was six spaces, and "space over six" was slang for "interactively prompt the user for code to execute", which is a great bit of slang to have, and much better than "triple greater than" or whatever.
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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

The strong increase in support for the Lib Dems and the Green party, both of which have much stronger environmental policies than Labour, should give Keir Starmer a warning.
“He should take note of the Green surge and the new ‘Orange Wall’ in the south. He may have achieved a historic victory but there is a lot of appetite for much bolder climate action, fairer taxes for the wealthy elite and the kind of investment needed to deliver the real change he is promising,”

Georgia Whitaker, Greenpeace

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

One can hope we are moving into an era where the political narrative isn’t written from Tufton Street and greater credence is given to organisations like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth who have long been aware of the shift in the political tectonic plates…will the producers of Politics Live and Question Time make new entries in their contacts book though?



RolloTreadway mastodon (AP)

Content warning: UK politics

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teledyn 𓂀 mastodon (AP)
Plus you can often make new friends who actually know stuff about stuff you like to know about. Having mailed back more than a few papers in my time, I can also attest the feeling goes both ways! 😌
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teledyn 𓂀 mastodon (AP)
Later I said, hey, I could run httpd on our utility Irix server and post what I could as these newfangled pdf files. The impact on citations was almost immediate!
Rusty Bertrand mastodon (AP)

I guess its time to change Internet channels. This one sucks.

Anything can be deleted. I mean the WHOLE Stephen Colbert show was, or is soon to be deleted. (The satirical Comedy Central program The Colbert Report that ran from 2005 to 2014.)

Vice deleted whole archives when it was bought.

Dark ages.

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petersuber mastodon (AP)

Yes but...

If a reader asks for an email copy of one of your paywalled articles, by all means send one. But at the same time, deposit a copy in an #OpenAccess #repository (#GreenOA). That will help all who need access, not just the tiny subset willing to hunt you down, write, and ask.

Not all authors have the rights to do this. But many authors have them without realizing it, and in principle all authors could have them going forward.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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It's finally happened: I have encountered a website that throws a "No ad-blockers!" blocker when I try to access it WITHOUT an ad blocker, and the only way I can get past the ad-blocker blocker is with an ad-blocker.
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Osamu mastodon (AP)

"Off the charts:" Solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade | RenewEconomy

#solar #renewables #climate

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Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)

The Rwanda deportation scam had a fixed cost of £370M, plus an extra £20,000 per person, plus £12K in air fares, plus an extra £120M after 300 people were deported.

So it would cost well over £1M/refugee deported to Rwanda. Absolute madness (and clearly corrupt deals for cronies).

As it is, only 5 people were (illegally!) deported, at a cost of tens of millions per person.

Really, it'd have been beyond astonishing if Starmer *hadn't* cancelled the scheme.

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(is kissed)

"...so...uh...what was that all about?"

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Jason Thorne mastodon (AP)

A new “continuous sidewalk” in #Kitchener. The design differs from regular sidewalks in that it doesn’t dip down to road level at intersections. It continues at an uninterrupted height. This slows cars turning onto the street + reinforces pedestrian priority through the intersections. Same at the driveways, so you don’t get the up-down “roller coaster effect” when you’re #walking, #cycling or using a wheelchair.

#safestreets #urbanism #accessibility

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mhoye mastodon (AP)

Numeronyms are fun, but they have one major problem: namespace collision.

What is a11y? Is it accessibility? Associatively? Axiomatically? Autobiography?

This is obviously a problem that needs solving.

My solution? SHAsum hashing.

We can avoid the ambiguity of "a11y" with this unique, cryptographically sound alternative:

Accessibility? a884a5f3609f2cca635fed56d4ec5795da56fb970y

Axiomatically? a20c4bcee8f977a3f5a3b6b499d52d7dd32584771y

Simple, easy to visually distinguish, everyone wins.

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mhoye mastodon (AP)

I was actually racking my brain for 'starts with a, ends in y, same length' words to make this dumb joke but then I remembered that /usr/share/dict has _huge_ flat-file lists of words of many languages in it, so I could just get them from that?

Ninety seconds of grep, awk and sort later, there it is. For future reference there's 223 of them, alphabetically going from abdominoscopy to axiomatically.

Y'all these computers have so much in them already. _So much_. But nobody knows.

mhoye mastodon (AP)
You know what an accessibility problem really looks like? It looks like thousands of people standing up web services and slapping ads on them that do exactly nothing that you couldn't do 1000x faster without ever leaving your machine, because nobody knows how to make their machines do those things.
mhoye mastodon (AP)

I joke but a note about language usage and open source _cultural_ accessibility: Numeronyms are bad.

There's no meaningful distinction between "a884a5f3609f2cca635fed56d4ec5795da56fb970y" and "a11y".

Neither is recognizable as "accessibility" to anyone new to the field - great work nerds, we've managed to give the word "accessibility" its very own accessibility problem - and I gotta tell you, "not typing out long words because they're long words" seems childish as hell to most people.

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Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)

This related joke I made while doing my tax return might tickle you:

Thanks to the "number substitution" abbreviations like i18n and a11y, I can no longer look at a P11D form without thinking that particleboard must be a taxable benefit.


Fesshole 🧻 mastodon (AP)
Terminal cancer sufferer here. 6 months to live tops. My wife has been amazing through it all. So much so that I haven't mentioned that I know she is having an affair with a neighbour. He is actually a nice guy and the thought she won't be alone after I have gone makes me happy.
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Don't forget to tip your server...
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Server tipping is the urban form of cow-tipping. 💙💙💙💙

All those people who moan and complain about vaccines... I just had my latest flu one, and am SO HAPPY I live in a future where they're available.

Medical science is fucking awesome.

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velzie sharkey (AP)

i built a tiny fedi server entirely in bash!
somehow it works and you can federate with it

https://github.com/velzie/kiki if you want to install it for some reason

@colonthree@kiki.velzie.rip @mastodon@kiki.velzie.rip

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velzie sharkey (AP)
you guys are boosting this too much it's 502ing now apparently bash isn't great at handling web requests at scale
apparently bash isn't great at handling web requests at scale

sentence of the year


This needs to be drilled into a lot of people's heads.
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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)
Anyone still watching Flash Gordon should really have updated to HTML 5 Gordon by now.
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Jencen mastodon (AP)

Also.... If you are going to make your steam name a meme... FOR THE LOVE OF BISCUITS PUT SOMETHING IN YOUR STEAM BIO THAT TELLS PEOPLE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!!!!

Just scrubbed 3 people off my (quite small) friends list because they've all changed names since being added..... and now I don't know who they are!

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Steam can show you previous user names used on their Steam, there's a drop down arrow on the profile page next to their names, I always check through this list, except for the cases where it's blank because you can erase previous user names from your settings list, or if you've never changed it once.
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Jencen mastodon (AP)
@Alkaris yup. Went through and all blank. And I know the names have been changed.

Thinking about buying a partial………
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Is very cute!

Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
Oh damn, c/o Pattakrapow, I found a tool that lets you track arms and movement of body with a webcam! Kinda need 2 for VSeeFace; the facial tracking the app provides is severely lacking (or need a tool to provide multiple cameras to consume feeds from) but no need for a leap motion or such with it to have arm movement for a Vtuber ^^ https://booth.pm/en/items/4275972
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"The problem with self-deprecating humour is that it caters to those who are comfortable deprecating you. Self-congratulatory humour caters to those who are comfortable praising you." (thecoolgooddoer)

after being charged with arrogance for my absurdist self-congratulatory humor, I'm doubling down on this. my opinion on the matter is the correct one as always

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Brilliant pay off!
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unrelatedwaffle mastodon (AP)
every time someone says anything about the constitution
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mos_8502 :verified: mastodon (AP)

This happened years ago at my old job.

Boss: “I noticed you’re still clocking in with your access card. Did you not get the email last night about switching to our new app?”

Me: “No respect intended, but if you want me to install your spyware corporate leash on a phone, it’ll be on a phone you paid for, and one that I only carry during work hours. This here phone? Yeah, I bought that for cash money, it’s mine, and nobody tells me what to do with my own stuff. Also, I only read work email during work hours, unless you want to start paying me 24/7 on call pay.”

The moral of the story is that boundaries matter.

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TwilightSaint mastodon (AP)

Rampage will be buzzin’ at the #Anthrocon Parade!🐝⚡️

#AC #AC2024 #Anthrocon2024 #furry #furries #fursuit #fursuits

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Seems legit!
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Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)
Have nothing in your home that you do not
• know to be useful
• believe to be beautiful
• feel unaccountable vague fondness for
• can imagine a hypothetical situation in which you'd *really* need it
• firmly intend to get round to doing something with one of these days
• can't remove because of all the other junk piled on top of it
• feel guilty about not dealing with something more important first
• fear throwing away in case you remember tomorrow why you bought it
• miscellaneous
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AccordionBruce mastodon (AP)

I’ve been calling my home decor style “low-key hoarder” for a while now

I’m not sure when I tick over into full-scale hoarder

The signs are there though


maybe we can all have a necessary life cleanse and donate all too a community #LibaryOfThings


🆎 mastodon (AP)
I am not a Starmer fan really. But watching his speech… it feels more like a serious adult is talking. For the first time in so fucking long.
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RiniDisc mastodon (AP)
I finally watched Helluva Boss
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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

Random fursuit photos from the archives.

@FlintFox runs into some trouble trying to fit in a phone box during ConFuzzled 2017.

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Fantastic Mr Flint mastodon (AP)
They just don't build them like they used to!

Caius Nocturne hometown (AP)

Learned about a really neat font that's designed for Dyslexic readers.

Unlike more traditional dyslexic fonts like OpenDyslexic or Comic Sans, this one was designed to be legible for dyslexics **and** compatible for professional design contexts.

It also has multiple character variants and 6(!!!) variable axes to enable people to fine tune the ways that letter forms can be distinguished from each other.


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