
Linksys routers are sending Wifi passwords to their servers in plain text 😬

#Infosec #Security


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stitch mastodon (AP)
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As more Internet infrastructure protocols get replaced with JSON queries over TLS, I reflect on how much more bandwidth and processing power is needed to do basic stuff, and feel a little bit like we are wandering further from the light.
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Ghost mastodon (AP)
JSON over packet radio is the most cursed thing I’ve seen so far this month, although it’s still early
Ysegrim mastodon (AP)
Minus all the extra processing power and maintenance that's currently needed to mitigate single-use parsers from the naughts for single-use case binary formats from the nineties?

Pippon mastodon (AP)
If life has repeatedly taught me anything:
Never trust management of any kind.
Never treat anyone who cc’s your management into every email to you as human.
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Pippin friendica

I just finished logging into eight different Twitter accounts (all of which had 2-factor of one kind or another on them, so were fairly safe anyway) and changing all their passwords. Including one account I created back in 2011 or something and have literally never got round to using. I'm not sure I can even remember what it was going to be for, now, although I'm sure I had a project in mind for the account name. I know, I should probably just delete them all, but I hate deleting stuff, probably for the same reason my living space is jammed full of stuff I haven't used yet (but absolutely definitely will someday). At least with fresh passwords they should be safe to leave alone for now.

if you somehow still have a twitter account make sure to change your password, and any shared passwords. they just got hacked

GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
@Jessica eh, until I see more evidence/proof, sounds like a scrape of previously already known about stuff and there's no passwords/MFA included: "The leaked data includes email addresses, names, and Twitter account details"
Pippin friendica
@GrumpSec Spottycat @Adderall girl grindset (Jes) True, although it may have included stuff they didn't mention. (Of course, if it included password hashes it may have also included TOTP secrets). Either way, not a bad thing to go through and check I still had access to them all. And refreshing passwords can't hurt.

if you somehow still have a twitter account make sure to change your password, and any shared passwords. they just got hacked
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Reyn Goldfur 🔞 mastodon (AP)

In this house, we don't kinkshame.

We kink-enable. 😏

Being a furry with lots of wonderful and varied friends means that (almost) no matter what degenerate filth crosses my timeline, I know somebody I can send it to, safe in the knowledge it'll give them an inappropriately timed boner. :3c Muehehehe~ #furry #kobold #phone #kink #teasing #comic

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The three act structure of storytelling:

1) Aw shucks do I have to?
2) Living the grindset and barely scraping by and shit keeps going wrong
3) Finally. Can I go home now?


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Tragedy edition:

Act I: I tried so hard
Act II: and got so far
Act III: but in the end, it doesn't really matter


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Hero's Journey edition:

Act I: Hey now,
Act II: You're a rock star, Get your show on
Act III: Get paid


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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

Hyena nubs.

Eurofurence 19 in 2013.

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TRON was released 42 years ago today. This film was so far ahead of its time.

Tron with Disc, Ektachrome continuous-tone transparency:

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Skye sharkey (AP)
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Taggart :donor: iceshrimp (AP)

We're all lonelier than we want to be, and we all think it's our fault.

It isn't.

Modernity has been optimized for labor, not for life. The result is the destruction of spaces and institutions in which you can make new connections as an adult.

And in a very real sense, this is what the owners want—if you are alone, you cannot organize resistance to inhumane conditions. Instead, you spend your time further optimizing yourself for labor, telling yourself (and others on LinkedIn) that you are living the dream. It's someone's dream, alright.

I don't have a master plan for how to reclaim a sense of local community, but I know that without it, we'll never be as united or as strong as we could be.

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laen mastodon (AP)

does anyone know / is anyone here a #UK solicitor? i need a wee thing: nothing serious at all, but i'm just wondering if it's possible to do it remotely and so would love to chat v briefly to someone about it and get it sorted if possible.

thank you!

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NewsThump mastodon (AP)
‘These days you’re only allowed to have an opinion if it’s woke’, insists man who spends every single day freely expressing non-woke opinions https://newsthump.com/2024/07/09/these-days-youre-only-allowed-to-have-an-opinion-if-its-woke-insists-man-who-spends-every-single-day-freely-expressing-non-woke-opinions-2/
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Halfy! mastodon (AP)

I think the most regrettable thing about AI is how the resource requirements quickly became abstracted behind datacenters.

It costs so much power (and therefore emissions) to run, but because we now fire these requests off to AWS / Google Cloud we don't see the damage we are doing.

Goes for regular workloads too, but x1000


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Halfy! mastodon (AP)

I deeply feel these things need regulation. You *should* pay for the emissions you create regardless of whether it's your GPU or some massive server farm.

The fact that it's so cheap to do this means we're going to kill the planet by scanning pictures of food and generating fake news.

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Delta Wye mastodon (AP)
Protecting the planet is WOKE

Damn, that happened so many times in my family when I was a child because of a lack of communication 😔
Milly mastodon (AP)
My parents used to do something similar; they used to argue loudly. But when you actually listened in on what they were saying they actually agreed to each other. Which of course resulted in them making up when they hade vented all their frustrations and realised this themselves.

Pippin friendica

I'm reasonably convinced that the only people who use AWS are not the ones having to pay for it.

the cost forecast for July was GREAT as well

Nik. mastodon (AP)
I guess it's time to create a blog for the obligatory "how my Amazon bill exploded" post
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Nik. mastodon (AP)
(no worries, I'm okay :D)
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Nik. mastodon (AP)
the cost forecast for July was GREAT as well
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Q ✨ mastodon (AP)


glad you're not out of pocket though

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kravietz 🦇 akkoma (AP)

Few things piss me off more than a huge, multi-billion IT corporation that suddenly sends me an email regarding an open-source project I’ve been running since 1990’s that I’ve recently shut down due to absolute lack of interest from its users… which happened to be telcos and large IT companies. Here’s what I replied:

Thank you for your email. As it’s often the case with open-source projects, their value to organisations is only noticed and appreciated when they go offline. I have maintained pam_tacplus for the last years and it had the call for sponsorship prominently displayed for most of the time specifically because it’s a legacy project that is difficult to maintain. None of the commercial companies that clearly do rely on it ever demonstrated any interest in even nominal donations, so it was archived. While it’s notable someone finally noticed it, I’m not the person to discuss any future development any more.

I did work in large companies and I do understand the sick logic that drives them, when it’s easier to get approval for annual spending of $50k for some office decorations than $100 for a mission-critical project which happens to be open-source and can be used for free for some time.

But it’s possible. If you’re working in such roles, please make every effort to get this $100 because otherwise it will become your responsibility to develop and maintain code that you always got for free.

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Max Böck mastodon (AP)

polyfill.io was crazy huh, we just let a third party run any JS without even checking integrity. lol

anyway please add this snippet for google tag manager, marketing needs it

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✨Lofi ych✨


#furry #ych #FurryArt #FurryArtwork #FurryFandom #furryartist

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kibty sharkey (AP)
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The Dog Also mastodon (AP)
Honestly the worst part about AI being The Hype Cycle is that it's really hard to be legitimately enthused about anything AI-tagged. Like, using "generative AI" to try & target binding proteins? Sure, not like we have a better strategy. "AI upscaling" of an old 480p musical recording? I'd love to be able to tolerate watching it on a modern screen! But because of The Hype Cycle I have to constantly question, "Are they just asking ChatGPT for sequences? Are there hallucinations in this musical now?" The overuse of "AI" as a label for a host of machine learning & predictive technologies (and those technologies' over-application in absurd places) spoils a lotta legitimately worthwhile stuff.
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cheetah_spottycat mastodon (AP)

Con Veteran pro tip: If your hotel room curtains don't close all the way and you always get woken up by the SUNBEAM OF DEATH in the morning, get a clothes hanger from the closet and do this to fix it:

#anthrocon #anthrocon2024 #furrycon

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TwilightSaint mastodon (AP)

If ya got buzzed by this guy at #Anthrocon & snapped a pic, please share!💙 I’d love to see ‘em!🐝⚡️

#AC #AC2024 #Anthrocon2024 #furry #furries #fursuit #fursuits

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TwilightSaint mastodon (AP)
@kootenay Ooooh these are awesome!💙 Thank you so much!
Kootenay mastodon (AP)
You're welcome!

Ellane W mastodon (AP)

Good move, Affinity! They're offering a 6-month no obligation free trial of their software.

Sounds like a perfect time to see if this is your chance to escape Adobe subscription lock-in!

I use Affinity Designer to create games, posters, book covers and more, and Affinity Publisher to create activity books, and a fully interactive planner for teachers. Very glad I made the switch from Adobe all those years ago.


#design #GraphicDesign #apps #adobe

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Gavin mastodon (AP)
Commission for a wiggle worm.
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Nicole Sullivan mastodon (AP)
If you use figma you are going to want to know this: next month it will start to use your designs to train AI. This feature will be *on by default* even for professional users. 🤯
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Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
Logic Gate.
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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)

Scrolling through a page on my phone and as I am away from my PC I noticed loads of ads. And I noticed a new little bit of country - below each ad there is a block of white space, and as you scroll each ad PAUSES at the top of the screen and you have to keep scrolling to make the successive text scroll up through the white space and eventually push the ad away.

What absolute cunt thought that little bit of shittiness up? Someone fucking coded that. I hope they never have a good vindaloo again.

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Richard W4\G7EIX mastodon (AP)
I have PiHole for the home network. And ublock on all browsers (Firefox) on all machines. When I leave the safety of my home network I sometimes forget that Chrome on Android will be the default system browser for opening links. Even though I've told it to use FF! Bloody annoying to get adverts on YT and other general browsing. Every YT link - no matter how unpopular has a bloody advert at the start. Sometimes I long for the days if dial up Demon Internet and Mozilla 1.0.
BlueTurtle mastodon (AP)
I can recommend the brave browser app. Blocks ads and tracking effectively.

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

Are you old enough to remember when the much-celebrated Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted back in 2015? Emissions, we were told then, would be reduced as soon as possible, down to “net zero” by the middle of the 21st century, which would limit the overall temperature increase to below 1.5C of global warming.

Hallelujah! We're saved!

Well, maybe not. Because it's now 2024, and...

The world has baked for 12 consecutive months in temperatures 1.5C (2.7F) greater than their average before the fossil fuel era. Temperatures between July 2023 and June 2024 were the highest on record, scientists have found, creating a year-long stretch in which the Earth was 1.64C [‼️] hotter than in pre-industrial times.

“Even if this specific streak of extremes ends at some point, we are bound to see new records being broken as the climate continues to warm,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, which analysed the data. “This is inevitable unless we stop adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and the oceans.”

Whether pumped out the chimney of a coal-burning power plant or ejected from the exhaust pipe of a passenger plane, each carbon molecule clogging the Earth’s atmosphere traps heat and warps weather. The hotter the planet gets, the less people and ecosystems can adapt.

FULL ARTICLE -- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/08/temperatures-1-point-5c-above-pre-industrial-era-average-for-12-months-data-shows

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

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AN/CRM-114 mastodon (AP)
Has nobody done this?
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Voter ID rule may have stopped 400,000 taking part in UK election, poll suggests"


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Colin mastodon (AP)
the disenfranchisement is working!
Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
@colinstu Labour saying they are not going to repeal the law. Lame.

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

‘While there is no evidence any of the candidates are fake, if that turned out to be true, it would be a serious electoral offence.

#Reform were keen to win as big a share of the national vote as possible, which is helped by a full slate of candidates. Some of the seemingly invisible candidates won several thousand votes.’

Hmmm…and suddenly it all becomes clear.


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dogzilla mastodon (AP)
I find it very difficult to believe that Nigel Farage would ever involve himself in anything dishonest. He’s one of the most trustworthy lying sacks of shit I’ve ever seen.
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

It’s not unreasonable I think for the Electoral Commission to request evidence that all of #Reform’s candidates really exist…I mean, we have to provide #VoterID to prove our existence as voters now, so surely candidates have to exist too or else it’s a complete mockery of democracy. Will the new Labour government ensure the Commission has teeth?

Also arguments for introducing PR based on vote share equally have to based on votes for candidates that really exist.

Helen Clayton mastodon (AP)
I can’t imagine voting for someone without seeing anything about them. The party already counts on ignorance to gain voters but that’s something else.
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

Potential crime #Reform may have committed:

‘False Statements in Nomination Papers: It is an offence to provide a statement on a nomination paper, which you know to be false. For example, if you know you are disqualified from election you must not sign the consent to nomination.’

But not ‘Personation’…that’s a voter crime.


Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

It seems a #Tory candidate was found guilty of electoral fraud last year for faking one of the 10 signatures of support required for him to stand as a candidate.

Which means if they check the legitimacy of supporting signatures…the Electoral Commission will surely check allegations of fake #Reform candidates very seriously indeed…one would hope.


rolltime mastodon (AP)

"the internet is a resilient network"

the internet when one cdn goes down:

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XKCD Bot mastodon (AP)

Content warning: #2956 Number Line Branch

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Json Doh mastodon (AP)
Wake me up when you create a merge request
ShawstinAu mastodon (AP)

Content warning: #2956 Number Line Branch

wanted to draw my little guy a little bit ago! 🧋💜

#projectXERO #MastoArt #Furry #DigitalArt #FurryArt #art #xero

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