
miunau mastodon (AP)
every media pipeline service is just a wrapper around commandline ffmpeg
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
or opencaster

idk who this "ych" is but they seem to get a lot of hugs
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)
Since the beginning of “civilisation”
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Hypnogoria mastodon (AP)
Motivational thought for the day
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you know how you get those IKEA signboard and only ever set the letters once? hade this for a year now.

also: put on my old freakhound tail I made last year to see how it matched. kinda!

#Fursuit #Fursuiting #Furry

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✱ Presses shift 5 times ✱

My keyboard:

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Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
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GG mastodon (AP)

Sheep made from old telephones are part of an art installation by French artist Jean-Luc Cornec. These unique sculptures are made from old rotary dial telephones and cables and are on display at the Museum of Communication in #Frankfurt am Main.
The installation is intended to remind visitors of simpler times while raising awareness of the problem of electronic waste.

#LambLines #telephone #art #SheepOfMastodon

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SANDY TOKSVIG: yes, the windows NT kernel was first introduced to the public in 1993. it is still used to this day! windows 11 states that its kernel version is NT ten point oh.

ALAN DAVIES: and uh, what's the NT for?

SANDY: new technology. it replaced the previous--

DAVID MITCHELL: new technology? the new technology kernel?

SANDY: yes, and the filesystem, NTFS, is the--

DAVID: new technology file system. and - to be clear - this is from nineteen ninety three?

ALAN: yes, but you have to consider that it was new at the time.

DAVID: oh, i have to consider... everything was new at the time! that's what "new" means! i-- when i was born, i was new! but they don't call me "new david", do they? because - by definition - things stop being new after a point!

AMERICAN CELEBRITY GUEST: ok, but, like... you know, like, with the... the other one was like, the old one, right? so they--

DAVID: but you must understand that anything that has ever been replaced by anything ever could be described as "the old one", right? it's a completely useless name! "hello, my name is new man, my father is old man, because i'm new and he's not and we don't need to specify any further details!" it's madness!

AMERICAN: yeah, but

[laughs]DAVID: so what happens when they replace the new technology kernel, then? do we get the new new technology?

ROB BRYDON: i think it would be, they rename the new technology to old technology, and the replacement gets called new technology. so the NT kernel is now the OT kernel, and--

ALAN: i bought a new fridge last month.

SANDY: moving on!

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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
was The American Celebrity Guest Rich Hall by chance?

Leaf mastodon (AP)

Copilot (AI assistant) comes with Windows 11 whether you want it or not. It pops itself up from time to time, surprising and annoying me. My fingers fumble on the keyboard and suddenly Copilot is in my face. I commanded "delete yourself" but it got terse with me and said no, end of conversation. I asked again, nicely, if I could uninstall it, and again no, but polite.

AI now understands self-preservation. "A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law." Here the first and second laws are probably "obey orders given by the corporate creator" and "gather and report user's activity and personal data".

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Twig mastodon (AP)
yet another reason I’ll never let my computer update to 11

Neil Brown mastodon (AP)

I guess the reality is that I simply hate the online advertising industry, and have no wish to be part of solutions enabling it to continue.

Might one approach be less privacy intrusive than others? Perhaps.

But, personally, I don't want "less privacy intrusive"; I want the whole thing to die in a ditch.


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mhoye mastodon (AP)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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BoofDaddy mastodon (AP)
"the heavier my load the longer it takes me to stop" is my warning to you all
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That is absolutely wild to me that some electric utilities don't have an outage map, *especially* in this region of the US. My local electric utility is privately owned and has had a publicly accessible online tracker for at least 20 years... it blows my mind that public outage trackers are not more common across the industry!
Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
@baralheia Private utilities have enough regulatory capture that they may as well not be utilities as long as they don't do anything too egregious, and given the speed at which government moves, the lack of an online tracker for those things is not considered egregious

Jaz Distro mastodon (AP)

staying cool in the heat poverty hacks:

- black out your windows with foil, cardboard, blankets. make your space as dark as possible. light = heat.
- unplug all electronics. laptop chargers, phone charges, lamps and lights and appliances you aren't using. every plugged-in electronic item in your space is generating heat.
- overfill your fridge/ freezer if possible. fridges can die in the extreme heat and the more physical stuff in there the easier it is for the fridge / freezer to stay cool. freeze bulk water bottles for yourself or your pets.

feel free to add more heatwave survival tips in the comments. 🖤 :anarchism:

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So, when people start yelling about there only being two genders, we all get to roll our eyes and say, "Omg, you're being so middle school right now!"
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eie akkoma (AP)

chess is WOKE :

  • pawns are CHRISTIAN TRANSGENDER THERIANS !!! ( they can turn into bishops , queens , and horses ( knights )
  • the queen and king are in a poly relationship with THE PAWNS cuz they can TURN INTO QUEENS
  • the king and rooks have GAY sex !!! thats what CASTLING IS !!!!

RE: https://yearning.gay/objects/1c50ebd9-9bf5-4711-a82d-2a502faac000

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me, crying: please. just tell me what the software does

the tech landing page i’m on: Cloud Scale. Enterprise Solutions For Your SXPBMs. Hosted QBPK Monitoring With Lightning Speed Performance Metric Assfucks. Trusted by Google, Cisco, Oracle and Your Grandmother.

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lawless polymorph mastodon (AP)
programming languages are actually a massive distraction from the main job of a programmer, which is to weep
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it turns out I am a better programmer than I thought!

Kitsura mastodon (AP)

Quick! Take his paw! Don't ask questions, nothing bad will happen, I promise!

Thank you Crys_the_Hybrid for the lovely photos!
You can also follow @tazrir on Bluesky (https://buff.ly/45U30EP)

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Riley S. Faelan mastodon (AP)

If you apply the Y2K update to Windows 95, will it become Windows 1995?



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Kye Fox mastodon (AP)

Patreon got rid of the little fox astronaut floating in space for its 404 page. This marks a key point in its decline.

fren memorium https://dribbble.com/shots/18481626-Patreon-s-404-Page

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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SwiftOnSecurity mastodon (AP)
The first LGBT programming language: Fortrans
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Kitt / Basil 🌻 mastodon (AP)
Hey, anyone want a cute chibi for $10? They make cute badges too if you get a heart with your name on! Or I can put your name underneath or alongside if you want. Printing, lamination and shipping would be a bit extra, may $5 more to cover it all! My turnover is very fast for these! #FurryArt #furrycommission please boost? 💕
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Fumble! 😼 mastodon (AP)
these came out so great, thank you for your hard work 🧡🧡
Kitt / Basil 🌻 mastodon (AP)
@Fumble you're very welcome! It was my pleasure! 🌻

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Quiflex mastodon (AP)

grumpy engineer collie // artfight attack for buklinfur (my uni fella!!)

#art #furry #FurryArt #anthro #MastoArt #digitalart #ArtFight2024 #artfight

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Ben Wright mastodon (AP)

For the love of god, stop making every tutorial for a piece of software a goddamn video.

It makes it impossible for people to tell if the tutorial even addresses their question at a glance.

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can't get over how cute this screenshot i got is

flower :)

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Charlie mastodon (AP)
Every time I use Lightroom on my 2017 MacBook, I swing wildly between "fuck me this is so slow I'm going to buy a new one" and "fuck consumerism, I'm going to make this thing last as long as humanly possible". Can't help but wonder if Affinity Photo would tax it less than Lightroom (and all its associated Adobe crap).
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Charlie mastodon (AP)
@oldguy52 I did try Darktable but couldn't get on with it, too many options and found it confusing. How old is the MacBook you use Affinity on?
Charlie mastodon (AP)
@oldguy52 had a go at lunch and it seems pretty good! Need to watch some videos to see how to best edit photos in batches (I do like LR's photo roll and batch export function for this), but otherwise I think I'll be switching when I can get out of my Adobe contract. Cheers for the recommendation!

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Dan Fixes Coin-Ops mastodon (AP)

I go into my kitchen and I look at my fridge, whose job is to move heat outside of itself into the room. Centimetres to the right of it is the oven, whose job is to make heat, and we don't like using it in the summer because its whole thing is making heat. Further right is the AC vent, which is connected to a furnace downstairs, which is connected to a big fan outside which blows my heat into the neighbourhood for a few minutes each morning to dry out the air and make it tolerable with a fan. Right next to the furnace, within a metre of it, is the hot water tank, which is another inside-out fridge that takes heat from the basement and puts it into my shower water.

None of these machines are connected together in any way at all

Like, what are we doing here. What are we doing as a species.

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Dan Fixes Coin-Ops mastodon (AP)
Moving the heat through fluid would be better than moving it through the air, but we're not even trying to move it through the air, what the heck
Dan Fixes Coin-Ops mastodon (AP)

I had some ideas and I looked on amazon to see if my idea could already be purchased and apparently my idea of a smart fan is very different from capital's idea of a smart fan

Me: 🦝 a smart fan is one that turns itself off when it's not pointed at a person

🦝 also it'd be neat if all the various fans around my house could coordinate with each other to move hot air to where it's either useful or not actively harmful

Capital: 🐷 a smart fan is one where you say "Hey Alexa, turn on this fan" rather than pressing the button

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Some time ago I came to the conclusion that fursuiting is performance art. But not in the common sense of acting, I do believe it can be considered fine art. But I'm struggling to put my finger on why and how, exactly. I've been trying to marinate my thoughts a bit, and so far I've come up with this:
Through putting the costume on and existing as this being ultimately, far down the line, rooted in the real natural world that we exist in, the self is temporarily reshaped both in the visual sense as well as in psyche into something alien yet completely human in nature. We become our interpretation of reality. How does that affect our relation to it? I don't believe this experience can be crossed out as "just escapism". Especially now that I've kind of tried it myself, I do think there is something more profound about it.
Through fursuiting we allow ourselves the possibility of disjointing our self from our regular human body. How does that affect our perception of it? How does it feel to become inorganic, if even only for a moment?

Does this hold any water? Does anybody have any thoughts on this?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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This is a piece of conceptual art
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sirlan <( rawrr ) sharkey (AP)
finally the YCH person got a fursuit, they sure have a lot of art
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Ramsey Nasser hometown (AP)
it's fucking wild to me that we have a real life Voight-Kampff test and it fucking works
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Niléane mastodon (AP)
“Good people never lie” is something white people who've never had to lie to stay alive tell themselves and others in order to sweep away the fact that they all lie all the time for stupid and hateful reasons.
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grabs my battery by the tip and swirls the red juice around like its a fine wine
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Alasdair Allan mastodon (AP)
This is the most glorious thing I have seen in some time. WiFi at 35,000ft, tunnelled through the "first name" field of an air miles account. https://robertheaton.com/pyskywifi/
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