
Ican The Fops mastodon (AP)

I'm enjoying this beautiful summer in the blooming meadows x3
Come and join me!

📷 vazulwolf
🧵 SilvenaHandmade

#Fursuit #furry #furryfandom #cesfur2024 #FursuitFriday #Fox

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It's always a good time to go looking for a cute derg to cuddle by the seaside. But maybe #FursuitFriday is extra good.

💛 @azakir
📷 Raymond Feesh
🌍 CabinCon 2019

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ZephyrFloofyDerg mastodon (AP)
have a wonderful day tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm busy tomorrow but hopefully it all goes smoothly for you two!
@ZephyrDerg sorry you won't be there, we'll miss you! 💙

Fantastic Mr Flint mastodon (AP)
Slowly approaching your general vicinity on this fine #FursuitFriday .
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Fantastic Mr Flint mastodon (AP)

Bonus #FursuitFriday, AC snapshot edition.

1) @coltofox , @AeroFox64 + friends
2) @codex + @MainMandarin
3) Double Deaths!
4) Mei!

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Pippin friendica
Every time I see a mention of that Aerofox, I think it's the Aerofox I know of from way way back, and then I realise it isn't. (Mainly when I look at their bio and see they're only 23.)

James Brown mastodon (AP)
Have you ever wondered how many strands are in one of these tat shop fibre optic wands?
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James Brown mastodon (AP)
I encapsulated the ends without breaking too many. Now I just need to pixel map them.
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DevteamLife mastodon (AP)

I needed those vacations.


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Hey #gamedev are you syncing game graphics settings via Steam Cloud? Please stop, it messes with playing on Steam Deck so often >_<
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Baloo Uriza mastodon (AP)
People who say processed foods shorten lifespans are conveniently ignoring that canning and pasteurization (aka, the basics of food processing) has lengthened lifespans more than anything else in food safety since humans figured out cooking in the first place.
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Cy ActivityPub

What I think they are fighting against, even if they don't realize it, is private corporations. There's private research, private techniques, private meetings, private committees, private trade secrets... it's not that processed food is dangerous. It's all these secrets being kept from us that is. Does anyone think that food corporations would hesitate to poison people, if it made a profit overall, and everything was private so there was no oversight, transparency, or regulation to get them in trouble for creating poisonous, addictive substances?

Canning is public knowledge, from public research. Pasteurization is public knowledge from public research. "Natural flavors" are... probably addictive and poisonous, but nobody, not even the government is allowed to know.


> spins up Fuzzball server to show the kobold around the MUCK sie made specifically for building with partners years ago
> gives her a wizbit so she can also do the building. 'I trust you not to break things too badly but if you do, I have years of incremental backups.'
> 'But are they /tested/ backups?'
> Laugh. 'You best start believin' in tested backups, Miss <name>. Yer in one."
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Juniper System mastodon (AP)
*giggles loudly*

Low Quality Facts mastodon (AP)
The next time you're worried that you're not doing great at your job, just remember that someone probably made six figures to change HBO to HBO Max to Max.
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Matthias Rex🦣 mastodon (AP)
How do I get into the boardroom descision racket? Because I already have a lot of practice making stupid decisions about absolutely trivial matters.
Dave :unverified: mastodon (AP)
... and someone paid $44000000000 to change :twitter: to X

Pippin friendica
I've never been in a school that's had an intercom/PA/whatever, and now I'm wondering if this is more likely a US vs UK difference or a 1980s vs more-recently difference.
Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
I was in school from 1982 to 1995 and never experienced a PA system. However, I know the local school has one now because it’s loud enough to hear from outside.

Zyro iceshrimp (AP)
Premium Intrusive thought:
A multiplayer video game that has a server room in it's environment, but if a player destroys a server in the server room, it abruptly disconnects all the players present with an "under maintenance" screen.
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People can be so helpful sometimes
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Ok, here's my photo album from Anthrocon 2024: https://fuzzyfox.io/photo/mo/sharing/X0EACuItV
I took most of my photos at a kemono photoshoot I stumbled into and at the parade, but I only got about halfway through the parade before I started having camera issues. Feel free to tag anybody you know! And here's a few of my favorites!
#Anthrocon #Anthrocon2024 #photos #fursuit #furry
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> Zed is a GPU-accelerated IDE written in Rust

ooh interesting. I actually quite like the idea of something that's engineered specifically to be super responsive and-

> Zed provides in-app integration with OpenAI’s ChatGPT

*closes tab*

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Fumi Bat mastodon (AP)
Hi Buddy! :03
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Queer Games Bundle mastodon (AP)

There are 24 hours left for this year's bundle. It's your last chance to take direct action to radically support queer artists this year, and get nearly 500 games, TTRPGs, comics, and more in return. It's $60, the prize of one AAA game. (Or just $10.)

⌛️ https://itch.io/b/2506/

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Toasted Lynx mastodon (AP)

Happy fursuit friday!

With doggies @KalTheDingo and Andy Vancee

#fursuitfriday #fursuit

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"Yes," the Fairy king said, "the stars in our sky are the same as yours. Our realm parallels your world, not any others."

"Then, graceful majesty," the astronomer said, "I ask permission to build an observatory in your realm."


"It is hard to see past our own lights."


#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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CaveDave mastodon (AP)
"also Starlink satalites pass by without our knowledge or consent and fuck up our entire data"
@engravecavedave It was thinking about starlink that inspired this story, but I figured the astronomer would have problems explaining that to the fairy court.

Les Orchard mastodon (AP)

Oh my god. Proxying internet traffic through a single editable text field on a website accessible through the paywall on airplane wifi.

Life uhh finds a way, the street finds its own uses, yadda yadda


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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TransActual mastodon (AP)

“Until I was almost 40 I didn’t know language existed that describes my gender. If non-binary gender identities had been acknowledged and spoken about it would have saved decades of dysphoria. If hormone blockers had been an option I would definitely have wanted them. The elation of discovering the validity of my gender identity is tainted by grieving for the adolescence I could have had.” Calley

#NonBinary #Trans #Transgender #LGBTQ #Queer

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Kitt / Basil 🌻 mastodon (AP)
seriously!!!! I would have been a much more comfortable person as a teenager/young adult and maybe been able to find more people like me instead of always feeling like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole and like kind of managing it but feeling awkward the whole time.

Nina Kalinina mastodon (AP)
That's all you need to know about "standardization" IRL
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Britain’s long awaited ‘new’ nuclear power station was given the green light to start construction in 2007. At that time it was promised to be ready in 2017. Now, in 2024, it won’t be ready until 2031, the cost will be £27Bn more than originally promised and the power will cost 2-3 times more than the electricity from renewables that can be built on budget in three years even out at sea. If you greenlit another Hinckley now it wouldn’t be ready till 2048. No more of this insanity.
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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

I’m no fan of nuclear power, I agree it will soon be obsolete, as renewables and battery storage will be quicker, cheaper and safer to build and have much less of a negative legacy.

But I was curious about the timings and ballooning costs and so came across this article by a nuclear power fan…



This went over well. :)

Art by BusinessWolf! Thanks so much BW!

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Honestly, we all know they aren't going away. Seriously. Don't fuck with Furries.

We've been getting shat on by normies over our "perversions" for years and years.

Besides, you're literally fucking with like two thirds of the LGBTQ community as most of us fall into the fandom somewhere along the lines or at least know a catgirl or three.

SiegedSec ain't done.

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Every time I read about this, I imagine the Heritage Foundation guy's words in the voice of the CEO of the rival network in Weird Al's "UHF", as played so brilliantly and sneeringly by Kevin McCarthy. :}

@KinkyTurtle I still wanna know how the head of cyber security broke the data breach to them.

"What do you mean a bunch of gay fucking foxes and cats hacked us? Furry...What the fuck is a FURRY?"

That image has had my tail wagging all day. lol

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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
Cars sold in post-Brexit UK will instead play a short rendition of “God Save The King” when the speed limit is exceeded. https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/11/speed_limiters_arrive_for_all/
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Joaquín Baldwin mastodon (AP)
A big fucking bear. With @HorribleBearBear
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Twig mastodon (AP)
@HorribleBearBear actual Lago/Banook size difference.

this is my brain right now meow. (i have literally drawn an art reaction for any situation).
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WarmasterPalak mastodon (AP)
Be mindful.
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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

Me with Theadore Rabbit back at JFTW 2018.

#ThrowbackThursday pics taken by Aurora Husky.

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Fantastic Mr Flint mastodon (AP)

I've written up some thoughts about AC, first time in years I've felt like doing a little "journal" post-con. In summary, it was a really magical experience, one of my all-time favourite cons and affirmed why I love this fandom so much.


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Tomáš hometown (AP)

web design is a fish eating its own tail

#meme #webdev

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nytpu mastodon (AP)

Just learned possibly the most cursed C fact IMO: array[i] is equivalent to *(array + i) per the spec, which means i[array] works exactly the same, since the + operator is commutative. It also works for multidimensional/nested arrays and the “outside” index doesn't even need to be a symbol, so you can even do things like 0[array]1, equivalent to array[0][1] and *(*(array + 0) + 1). This is a new level beyond pointer decay, which generally makes sense even if it's irritating

Per: gemini://foo.zone/gemfeed/2024-07-05-random-weird-things.gmi

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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
yeah it's one of those things where it's nuts that it works, but also I'd be sorta angry if it didn't because it would hide some important detail about array/pointer duality.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Pippin friendica

Even with the internet and all of you nice people, I still feel like this a lot of the time.

This is my childhood. up till I broke my knee, spent six weeks off school, no friend visited. When I was mobile again, I found myself outside of the group I'd tagged along with before. I had no friends from that day on.

Thank goodness for the internet.

Thank goodness for you.


This is my childhood. up till I broke my knee, spent six weeks off school, no friend visited. When I was mobile again, I found myself outside of the group I'd tagged along with before. I had no friends from that day on.

Thank goodness for the internet.

Thank goodness for you.

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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
Now you see the importance of the internet...join me in defending it from those who seek to destroy it.

Ólafur Waage mastodon (AP)

I just saw a forum post where someone didn't know something and the reply was "You're one of today's lucky 10,000." and then they had to also explain what that meant. How meta.

PS, if you don't know what that is, then you're one of today's lucky 10,000 - https://xkcd.com/1053/

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Covid Safe Furs mastodon (AP)

We have seen at least two dozen reports of people testing positive for Covid after Anthrocon. There are likely more people ill who have not tested, who have not spoken up, or whose reports we haven't seen.

A large convention, attended by people from all over the world, with low masking rates, during a major national trend of increasing transmission, poses a significant infection risk to its attendees. We urge conventions and their attendees to take this risk seriously.

There are steps we can take to lower the number of people who get sick after a convention.

There are steps YOU can take to reduce your risk of getting infected or infecting others.

There are tools we can use. But we have to choose to use them.

Just as you can wear a seatbelt or a helmet to reduce your chances of injury in a car or on a bike, you can wear a mask while at a convention.

Even if it's just while you're on the con floor, it's still better than nothing.

You don't have to leave it up to chance.

#Anthrocon2024 #anthrocon #AC2024

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