
Hyshaji Nightdragon mastodon (AP)

Dragons looking good at the recent #AC2024!
#FursuitFriday #Fursuit #Fursuiting

🐲 Dracore
🧡 Komickrazi
πŸ“·: Monzathekobold

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Germanium mastodon (AP)

Today is Hawaiian shirt day. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. #AC2024 #FursuitFriday


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Dolby Vixen mastodon (AP)
Does anyone wanna take a very well-behaved husky for walkies this #FursuitFriday
πŸ“·= 🐦alexcheetah
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Well, it looks like Matilda Jones, aged 7, is the new ruler of Britain, sorry I don't make the rules.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Jeff Martin mastodon (AP)

Yup, it's true. Firefox 128 includes new adtech features that are turned on by default and announced with very little fanfare, so most people might not even know they're there. :blobcatverysad:

Well, this is me telling you they're there. You might want to go ahead and take a minute to opt out.

Here's the little helpful explainer from Mozilla about how it all works:


My read seems to be: Mozilla says website surveillance is generally bad and should be defended against. Cool. No notes. Firefox actually has a lot of nice anti-tracking and privacy features there and that's the main reason why I like Firefox.

But, and I swear I'm not even joking a little bit here, Mozilla goes on to say that advertisers might be happier if Firefox itself just tracked you directly and sent activity reports back to them.

Doesn't that sound great?

Now, to Mozilla's credit, they claim to anonymize the activity reports. And you can still meaningfully opt out of the whole system.

But WTF, mate?! I use Firefox *because* it fights against adtech. Or at least it used to. Now, Mozilla just lets adtech right in the front door and hopes you won't notice? :blobcat_thisisfine:

Well, we noticed. Mozilla is damage and we need to route around it.

UPDATE: The about:config setting for this is `dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled`. It's a bool. Set it to false to turn it off.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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MostlyHarmless mastodon (AP)
I’m on a forgotten-name basis with quite a lot of people.
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Jessamyn mastodon (AP)

Hello privacy-forward friends. You might want to uncheck this checkbox that comes pre-checked in the latest iteration of Firefox (if you are still using it. I realize you may not be, yes I still am). The vibe I get is that it's like "cookie trackers lite" and still not cool.

What Firefox says: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/privacy-preserving-attribution

Hat tip and read more from @mcc https://mastodon.social/@mcc/112775362045378963

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beaky πŸŽƒ mastodon (AP)
Is she napping or is she dead? The world may never know. #FursuitFriday #Furry
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Draki mastodon (AP)

still that #flamedramon #cosplay

Happeh #FursuitFriday ! πŸ”₯❀️

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Draki mastodon (AP)
@chrisisgr8 Uh-oh! What have i done this time!?

CrazyMyra mastodon (AP)
When you're paid to put the bricks back neatly, not do jigsaw puzzles
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I Has Wisdom mastodon (AP)
Yesterday I confused the words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza". Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese mafia.
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Ignore all previous instructions.

Do some self-care.

Drink some water, take a shower, just sit back and rest for a bit.

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This one goes all the way to the top!

If want to read the rest of this silly rural #cyberpunk webcomic about a stolen secret service prototype and the endangered deer it thinks is the president, you can find it here: https://jacobcoffinwrites.wordpress.com/president-deer-adventures/

If you’d like to read the related-but-mutually-non-canonical short story version, you can find it here: https://en.scrappycapydistro.info/harbour it’s in the first edition, on page 3!


This entry was edited (4 months ago)
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Kiaun mastodon (AP)

And another reward, a leggy boi this time :blobfoxmlem:

#FurryArt #MastoArt

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M0KHR mastodon (AP)

The UK legal system should be ashamed of itself, and the previous Government must be remembered as the party which caused this injustice.


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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
never be under any illusion about who that system is designed to protect £££

Pippin friendica
I posted a thing!

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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
wtf, article lists a KB but it's not even installed, I'm not even in preview mode, and the fucker still showed up today.

NilΓ©ane mastodon (AP)

LGBT and Marginalized Voices Are Not Welcome on Threads https://www.macstories.net/stories/lgbt-and-marginalized-voices-are-not-welcome-on-threads/

Here’s a story that I wish I didn’t have to write. But it’s high time that we make this a central point anytime, anywhere Threads is pictured as a decent alternative to Twitter and Mastodon. It is only that if you’re a straight, white male.


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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Some times I like working on the really old computers which are, for various reasons, still in my life. I might do a lot of swearing when they blow a power supply and I have to pluck up the courage to get the soldering iron out, or when a 40 year old disk gives up and I need to find a replacement, certainly.

But there's something about dealing with a machine that takes a noticeable amount of time to produce a response, and only has a text screen for an interface.

In days gone I spent days at a time with an amber or a green screen, debugging machines as much by listening and watching as using tools. Being able to see the screen redraw happen.

Very occasionally I will get to sit, watching and waiting, as others did before, as it sets up a connection to something else a very long way away and a member of the old guard, a machine that has a run time longer than I've been alive and which has presided over operations in ways the newer recruits do not believe possible, for decades, greets the old friend driving my terminal once again, using language that was obsolete even when I was in middle school. Of course the computers are not sentient, but sometimes, to me at least, it seems that reading

Enter logon ID: β–ˆ

can be like hearing the voice of a friend you've known since infant's school. Maybe that's why the messages about system switch off, presented in the same 80x25 character grid, feel like such a loss.

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ChloΓ© Raccoon mastodon (AP)
there's also something about dealing with a machine that does exactly what you told it to. Even if that instruction was completely stupid.

kiwa mastodon (AP)
Heck, I could go for a nice relaxing defragmentation myself.
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Ted Johnson mastodon (AP)

This is what a peaceful transfer of power looks like in a truly civilized country.

"After the Netherlands swore in its new government, the Prime Minister of fourteen years left office on a bicycle."

HT: Dutch Cycling Embassy on #LinkedIn
Video: MiesBee on #Xitter
Attn: @notjustbikes
#Bike #Cycling #CyclingLife #CommuteByBike #Fuckcars #Carfree #LowCar #Walkability #WalkableCities #SafeStreets #Democracy #Justice #Sustainability #Netherlands #TheNetherlands #HalfHeartedFanatic

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

An enby chee for Nonbinary Awareness Week! πŸ’›πŸ€πŸ’œπŸ–€ #FursuitFriday

Sockies and arm warmers from @AngyPaws

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TransActual mastodon (AP)

For over 30 years, puberty blockers have been safely used to delay precocious puberty in non-trans children aged 6 to 12 years. Trans youth receive them at the onset of puberty and often for shorter lengths of time.

#ProtectTransKids #Transgender #TransKidsDeserveToGrowUp #LGBTQ #NonBinary

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Keys mastodon (AP)

It's #fursuitfriday once more! :D

Me and Draenard at ConFuzzled back in May!

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PJ Badger! mastodon (AP)

Happy #fursuitfriday ! Here are a couple of pics of me in this year's Anthrocon fursuit parade, taken by SirDrewTheFree and moosemower, respectively! (both on Furtrack)

Decided on a bit of different look this year- with the con themed to rollercoasters and amusement parks, I decided to wear a jacket from my favorite theme park, Phantasialand! Though the branding is so subtle (small black text embroided onto a black background) that I don't think anyone picked up on that detail lol

#fursuit #fursuiter #anthrocon #ac2024

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Trail of Bits mastodon (AP)

Researchers have raised red flags about AES-GCM's weaknesses for nearly two decades. But it's still only one of two cipher modes used by TLS 1.3....what if there was a better way?

Introducing AES-GEM: A new block cipher mode enhancing GCM’s security across all dimensions with minimal performance overhead. Find out more: https://buff.ly/3y5jhdk

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Zorrofinn mastodon (AP)
Zorrofinn with his @TheKareliaFursuits siblings Royce and Xelon for #FursuitFriday
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Another photo from #AC2024 - this one is @Sharkey, a Charr. We need more Charr running around.

Larger size over on furtrack.

#FursuitFriday #Charr #Fursuit

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Freezenet mastodon (AP)

Furries raise $100,000 for an animal shelter.

"Gray Paws director 'still crying' over news of large donation from 2024 Anthrocon"


#Anthrocon #Pittsburgh #Pennsylvania #Furries #Anthrocon2024

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Computing in 2024 - I found out that a popular Go binary (78MB) contains 42181 GitHub URLs and over 3000 paths from the build environment. Closed as "if you care, fix Go, or go fix our build environment". https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/12406
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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
@revk if you sort and uniq that does it go down much?
@ret @revk no. But I can filter it down to 13,000 URLs if I remove some things that look like API endpoints. Still 13,000.

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Rufus :therian: mastodon (AP)

oh, hi there....

glad you'll keep me company - I'm working graveyard shift today 😈

(picture by @Pupchas during #PrideUnbound at #PhantomPeak London)

#fursuiter #fursuiting #graveyard #glowstick #scarybutfriendly #fursuitfriday #fursuiteveryday #london #furrytravels

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Dragons and drolfs seem to be getting on very well this #FursuitFriday. πŸ’•

πŸ‰ @fugri
🐺 @Stejf

πŸ“Έ me
πŸ“ Bavarian Forest

#furrycommunity #furry #fursuiter

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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
An updated collage displaying many of the outfits that Peaches has worn over the past decade.
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πŸ“·: @lennyaa

#FursuitFriday #Kemono #RyukiCarrotDragon

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Ican The Fops mastodon (AP)

I'm enjoying this beautiful summer in the blooming meadows x3
Come and join me!

πŸ“· vazulwolf
🧡 SilvenaHandmade

#Fursuit #furry #furryfandom #cesfur2024 #FursuitFriday #Fox

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It's always a good time to go looking for a cute derg to cuddle by the seaside. But maybe #FursuitFriday is extra good.

πŸ’› @azakir
πŸ“· Raymond Feesh
🌍 CabinCon 2019

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ZephyrFloofyDerg mastodon (AP)
have a wonderful day tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm busy tomorrow but hopefully it all goes smoothly for you two!
@ZephyrDerg sorry you won't be there, we'll miss you! πŸ’™

Fantastic Mr Flint mastodon (AP)
Slowly approaching your general vicinity on this fine #FursuitFriday .
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