
So I just watched #TVNZ news go from a report on Trump shooting, concluding there's no place for political violence in US, to a story about Israel killing more than 90 innocent #Palestinian civilians sheltering in a designated 'safe zone' in an attack allegedly targeting 2 Hamas military leaders. I hope #NZMedia isn't blind to their blatant political hypocrisy.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Latex meow meow

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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Latex meow meow

Spud mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Latex meow meow

I'm really really really not interested in computers getting more powerful.
I am super interested in them being more repairable and modifiable, drawing less power, lasting and being supported for way longer etc. That stuff still gets me excited
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Alex P. πŸ‘Ή mastodon (AP)
the whole country's gonna get soooo many lectures about "political violence" from the people who think all of society will crumble if the cops don't beat the shit out of black teens and homeless people every day of the week
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Kita (she/they) sharkey (AP)

personally I think the MONA thing is hilarious, especially in the context of the Discourse.

for non-Australians, the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Tasmania had an area called the Ladies Lounge, where men were not allowed. They hung several fake Picassos, an antique mink rug that was actually polyester, and a bunch of fake tribal spears. The idea was that it was a criticism of the general idea of the patriarchy where men typically have a lot more opportunities for... pick a thing. Even when women were allowed in, what was actually inside were cheap replicas devoid of any amount of authenticity. It's ripping on token inclusion.

In an eye-watering display of self-awareness deficiency, a man then sued MONA for not being allowed in, claiming discrimination due to being a man. He claimed that as he had paid admission to the whole of MONA but was not permitted to this specific exhibit due to his gender, he was being discriminated against.

The Tasmanian Civil Tribunal agreed, and MONA was directed to admit men into a women's-only area. The irony is thick enough that you could cut it with a knife.

MONA, in response, dismantled the exhibit except for the fake Picassos. All the bathrooms at MONA are single-occupancy all-gender, but it turns out having a women's bathroom from which men are excluded *isn't* discriminatory, so they converted one into a women's bathroom and hung the fake Picassos in there, an exhibit of itself.

The art exhibit was basically a criticism of "turns out the only safe space for women away from men is a bathroom, and people will still claim that you're getting special rights because you get to see something nobody else can. Even if what you're seeing is a cheap replica, someone somewhere will claim that you have it good because you're getting something they don't."

Picasso's estate, however, took a rather dim view of unauthorised replicas being displayed in an art gallery in Tasmania, even though it was literally years between putting up the artwork and someone noticing. They've since been taken down with no further action.

MONA has declared that the Ladies Lounge will return as something where S26 of the Sex Discrimination Act doesn't apply, such as a church or boutique glamping experience.

They've also expressly stated that the Ladies Lounge includes ALL women, not just cis ones.

I love everything about this story. Fucking classic stuff coming out of the art world.

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Transgender World mastodon (AP)

Wes Streeting: β€œThis ban [on puberty blockers] brings the private sector in line with the NHS. We are committed to providing young people with the evidence-led care that they deserve”. Evidence shows that blockers are of great help.


#transgender #lgbt

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Love love love candid fursuit photos, this one from last week turned out particularly well :3
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Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP)

This 2018 article from the Guardian lives rent-free in my head. I think about it often.

Michell Baker: ”if we have Stem education without the humanities, or without ethics, or without understanding human behavior, then we are intentionally building the next generation of technologists who have not even the framework or the education or vocabulary to think about the relationship of Stem to society or humans or life.”

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/12/tech-humanities-misinformation-philosophy-psychology-graduates-mozilla-head-mitchell-baker?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other https://phpc.social/@ramsey/112780443425702602

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Jen Sorensen mastodon (AP)
Latest comic: A second Revolution?
#uspol #elections #fascism #authoritarianism #democracy #election2024
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πŸ†Ž mastodon (AP)

TIL that in the UK political system the two following statements are both true :

1) in order to vote for a candidate in a general election, you must provide photo ID.

2) in order to stand as a candidate in a constituency, to hopefully receive votes cast by those people mentioned in #1, you are *not* required to provide any photo ID.

The UK is insane.

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ι™³ε…‹εΈ† mastodon (AP)
On their trip home my Taiwanese colleague was shocked that #UK border officer that #BRP will expire at the end of this year; they told me and I said "yeah I knew but I have not heard anything or get any notification"....we both emailed our HR and HR said "oh HomeOffice told us this website for the new #evisa please try it and let us know". We went and did it just like that....HR and us are both relieved...all along we thought why no one from HO announced this 🀬? Many thanks for our HR though
#UK #brp #evisa
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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ι™³ε…‹εΈ† mastodon (AP)
For fellow #immigrants and what is worth, this is the website: https://www.gov.uk/get-access-evisa
Get it done before we become victim if #windrushscandal
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I must admit to finding it mighty coincidental that the advertising industry is suddenly collaborating with browser vendors to add new ad measurement features that don't use cookies after laws were passed prohibiting the use of tracking cookies without consent.
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Ben Hutchings mastodon (AP)
So far as I'm aware GDPR is technology neutral so tracking users through any mechanism would also require consent.
The Firefox thing sounds like it's intended to avoid collection of PII, so that it would be GDPR compliant.

Figures that ads got there. Ads creep into everything, turning things that were or could've been good (not the case with touchscreen-only car consoles, though) into shit
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"But with ads these devices can be cheaper"
I don't see the prices going down far enough to make ads bearable, do you? ​:ablobfoxdundundun:​
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Porgles mastodon (AP)

Ads aren’t a means to offset costs as much as they try to push it.
They’re just a means to make *even more* money.

Hate this timeline of trying to monetize every waking second.

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Dare Obasanjo mastodon (AP)

It’s amazing to me how quickly OpenAI speed ran the cycle from β€œwe’re just a bunch of nerds building cool tech to change the world” to β€œwe’re at war with our employees who think we’re a soulless for-profit corporation”.

It took Google decades to run through what’s taken OpenAI months


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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)
@pippin When they said that AI would speed up workflows, they weren't kidding!

rabbit mastodon (AP)
I’m annoyed that we’ve found a way to spend 100 times more electricity over standard search to have computers confidently provide wrong answers to questions.
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Jake Williams mastodon (AP)

Every time someone says "Snowflake should have enforced better security" I like to remind them that if Snowflake wasn't trivially easy to use, you wouldn't know the name Snowflake.

Real talk: security is friction and friction doesn't attract customers.

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Flaki mastodon (AP)

A #degooglification lesson, AKA "centralization is bad" even when the Good Guysβ„’ do it because it makes you less resilient:

One of the key piece of many (but not all) degooglified Android systems is a tool called "microG". It basically "pretends" to apps that you have Google Services installed, emulating the many system APIs basically all apps depend on.

One of these APIs are Location. In fact, you used to be able to install "add-ons", download a CSV of cell-towers and run mobile cell tower-based approximate geolocation fully locally. Well…


> Note that microG has stopped supporting UnifiedNlp backends with 0.2.28.


> The new location stack does not support UnifiedNlp modules anymore. This was a step necessary to take to get locations properly working on latest Android versions. […] For now, the new locations stack is relying exclusively on Mozilla Location Service for network based location.

You know what comes next? :brows:

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Flaki mastodon (AP)

Mozilla shuts down its location services because of a patent troll : :ablobdundundun:


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Flaki mastodon (AP)
Every time you reduce diversity and increase centralization you introduce choke points, bottlenecks and single points of failures that *will* come back to haunt you.
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Brent Toderian mastodon (AP)

β€œOne mile on a bike is a $.42 economic gain to society, one mile driving is a $.20 loss.”

β€œWhich means that Copenhagen, a city of 1.2 million people, saves $357 million a year on health costs because something like 80% of its population commutes by bicycle, even in winter.”

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Content warning: ukpol, transphobic policy

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Simon Willison mastodon (AP)

It turns out Google Chrome ships a default, hidden extension that allows code on `*.google.com` access to private APIs, including your current CPU usage

You can test it out by pasting the following into your Chrome DevTools console on any Google page:

{ method: "cpu.getInfo" },
(response) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

More notes here: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jul/9/hangout_servicesthunkjs/

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Jamie Gaskins mastodon (AP)

Today I had β€œthe talk” with my partner.

No, not that one, the one about how cloud infrastructure is operated by furries.

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Adam Dalliance mastodon (AP)

So I turned off the new Firefox advertiser-friendly stuff.

But somehow I feel this isn't enough. I want to do more than just turn the feature off, I would prefer to submit poisoned and false data to it continually.

Anyone know a plugin that will flood this bullshit system with fake AI lies or anything like that?

In the page explaining why they silently forced this bullshit on me they say "Attribution is very important to advertisers"

Fuck advertisers. Fuck them. You get that Firefox? It is not your job to be kind to advertisers, it is your job to fuck them on my behalf.

#firefox #adverts #tracking

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Pippin friendica

Hopefully my MP shouldn't need much, if any, prodding to do the right things: https://lgbt.libdems.org.uk/resources/trans-educational-resources/trans-101

So Labour are pushing for a permanent ban on puberty blockers.

You’re going to go and write to your MP about this, right?

You’re going to write to your MP about this, right?

You understand that we voted in an overtly transphobic party who want to kill trans people into a government who have succeeded in doing so (kids! 16 kids so far!), as they were the least worst alternative, but you’re going to help us change their minds right?

My good friend? My favourite cis ally? You’re going to help us, right? :)

You’re opening Microsoft Office right now to work on the first draft of your email, to your MP, asking them to stop killing us, right?

I can hear you typing! Excellent! I look forward to your persistent help on this :)


james is on a break mastodon (AP)

Content warning: transphobia, cis people who vote Labour read this, ukpol

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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How police will enforce a mask ban with a "health exception"
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so many people didn't know nonbinary awareness week is a thing i think we have to declare a nonbinary awareness week awareness week
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Heh. Some cheeky sausage in Britain is running around putting penis enlargement offers on big gas guzzler SUVs and the owners aren't happy.
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Colto Fox @ WAFF mastodon (AP)

Arrived back safely from #Anthrocon2024 as of yesterday. Back in the cool Winter weather of Sydney πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί. Happy #FursuitFriday and have a great weekend!

βœ‚οΈ @lupesuits
πŸ“· AscariFennec

#furry #fursuit #LupeSuits #FoxFursuit #anthrocon #FursuitPhoto #FoxFurry #AustralianFurry #CuteFursuit #FurryConvention #FurCon

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Aatheus mastodon (AP)
I think it's a first that I've seem Australia as "cooler"!

Hyshaji Nightdragon mastodon (AP)

Dragons looking good at the recent #AC2024!
#FursuitFriday #Fursuit #Fursuiting

🐲 Dracore
🧡 Komickrazi
πŸ“·: Monzathekobold

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Germanium mastodon (AP)

Today is Hawaiian shirt day. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. #AC2024 #FursuitFriday


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Dolby Vixen mastodon (AP)
Does anyone wanna take a very well-behaved husky for walkies this #FursuitFriday
πŸ“·= 🐦alexcheetah
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Well, it looks like Matilda Jones, aged 7, is the new ruler of Britain, sorry I don't make the rules.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Jeff Martin mastodon (AP)

Yup, it's true. Firefox 128 includes new adtech features that are turned on by default and announced with very little fanfare, so most people might not even know they're there. :blobcatverysad:

Well, this is me telling you they're there. You might want to go ahead and take a minute to opt out.

Here's the little helpful explainer from Mozilla about how it all works:


My read seems to be: Mozilla says website surveillance is generally bad and should be defended against. Cool. No notes. Firefox actually has a lot of nice anti-tracking and privacy features there and that's the main reason why I like Firefox.

But, and I swear I'm not even joking a little bit here, Mozilla goes on to say that advertisers might be happier if Firefox itself just tracked you directly and sent activity reports back to them.

Doesn't that sound great?

Now, to Mozilla's credit, they claim to anonymize the activity reports. And you can still meaningfully opt out of the whole system.

But WTF, mate?! I use Firefox *because* it fights against adtech. Or at least it used to. Now, Mozilla just lets adtech right in the front door and hopes you won't notice? :blobcat_thisisfine:

Well, we noticed. Mozilla is damage and we need to route around it.

UPDATE: The about:config setting for this is `dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled`. It's a bool. Set it to false to turn it off.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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MostlyHarmless mastodon (AP)
I’m on a forgotten-name basis with quite a lot of people.
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Jessamyn mastodon (AP)

Hello privacy-forward friends. You might want to uncheck this checkbox that comes pre-checked in the latest iteration of Firefox (if you are still using it. I realize you may not be, yes I still am). The vibe I get is that it's like "cookie trackers lite" and still not cool.

What Firefox says: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/privacy-preserving-attribution

Hat tip and read more from @mcc https://mastodon.social/@mcc/112775362045378963

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beaky πŸŽƒ mastodon (AP)
Is she napping or is she dead? The world may never know. #FursuitFriday #Furry
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Draki mastodon (AP)

still that #flamedramon #cosplay

Happeh #FursuitFriday ! πŸ”₯❀️

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Draki mastodon (AP)
@chrisisgr8 Uh-oh! What have i done this time!?

CrazyMyra mastodon (AP)
When you're paid to put the bricks back neatly, not do jigsaw puzzles
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