
Pippin friendica

Eh, I spend years not-quite-finishing the scripts I'm writing by being slow and careful and deliberate. Sometimes it would be nice to actually complete a project.

We desperately need to start a Slow Software movement. High quality, intentionally designed, low defect software done at a quarter of the pace for the same price. Because we've been destroying the mental health of developers for the last quarter century, and what do we have to show for it but a giant mess?

Kate Kirby mastodon (AP)
We desperately need to start a Slow Software movement. High quality, intentionally designed, low defect software done at a quarter of the pace for the same price. Because we've been destroying the mental health of developers for the last quarter century, and what do we have to show for it but a giant mess?
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Nuclear here. This is how we do it, but it's not cheap, not least because competent ADA programmers are hard to come by.

Interviewing Employer: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Me: In a hermit's hovel in the woods near the mountains, as far away from humanity as I can possibly get. Birdsong will be my alarm, and the chirping of crickets will be my bedtime lullaby. While completely nude I will bathe in crisp spring lakes and hunt with the wolves, dance with the fireflies and run free with the wind at my back.

Interviewing Employer: ...

Me: ...

Interviewing Employer: ... Are you hiring?


(I hope this brought you a smile! If you're looking for a job currently, good luck!! I'm cheering for you!!)

#Silly #FediHire #GetFediHired #microfiction #MicroFic

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Nick's world mastodon (AP)
If i could be any animal, I'd love to be a Sloth or a monkey. Yes, I'm looking for a job. I'd love to live in a nice forest where I could know I had friends who'd want to hang with me.
B. Snakebite mastodon (AP)

sounds a bit like my job as night manager of the lower realms of the cooler side of hell:

A cave at the side of a very active volcano, the sweet sound of crows and ravens, bathing in acidic hot water from deep underground. Playing with all the fluffy bats and running with all the fiery (literally) wolves.

It’s so romantic down here 🖤🥰😈

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Manchuck mastodon (AP)
If I can play #DnD with friends in three different states across two time zones, I’m pretty sure programmers can work remotely
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your occasional reminder that Mastodon doesn't just broadcast ActivityPub but also RSS

if you or someone you know prefers RSS feeds for whatever reason, you can subscribe to any Mastodon user by simply adding .rss to their username

e.g: https://mastodon.derg.nz/@anthropy.rss

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“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
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Aral Balkan mastodon (AP)

Dear designers and developers,

The opposite of “Yes” is “No”, never “Maybe later.”

#consent #dontBeCreepy #yes #no #maybeLater

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Content warning: A European's perspective on US gun violence

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David Ho mastodon (AP)
Streets aren’t for cars; streets are for people.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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I got distracted
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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Football (Soccer) Politics

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Paired Hairstyle
Artfight attack for Ilpion and Reysi!
#furry #furryart #artfight2024 #artfight #art
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Jan Rosenow mastodon (AP)


More money is now going into solar PV than all other electricity generation technologies combined says International Energy Agency (IEA).


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Monsters have a sensitive side! (by u/BullTerrierMomm)
(AI Alt-Text)
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Sarah Brown friendica (via ActivityPub)
Remember how the Brexit referendum was won days after a politician on the remain side was assassinated by someone supporting leave, and the whole thing was apparently just forgotten about?
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Here is a little blast from the past for all you synthesizer fans out there. Mark Isham - Never Cry Wolf. Fantastic movie with an amazing soundtrack, which often reminds a little of blade runner.


#music #synthesizer

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That was very pretty. The youtube video had some great visuals from the movie, which was great because I've never seen it and now I want to! Thank you for the cool recommendation! :3 💙💙💙💙

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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

Random fursuit photo from the archives.

A fursuiter waves up towards an onlooker as the Londonfurs party boat passes under Tower Bridge.
Londonfurs summer Weekender 2016.

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Tom Cook mastodon (AP)
This is what they took away from us https://defrag98.com/
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:nonbinary_flag: Happy non-binary people's day.
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gasman mastodon (AP)

Finally made my first demo with Slipstream!

@Violet 's monitor got damaged on the way to the Black Valley @demoparty_no party, so in a life-giving-you-lemons exercise, I decided to make it into a one-of-a-kind custom demo platform using the remaining pixels. One soundtrack from @vurpo later and we were in business...


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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Happy International Nonbinary People's Day! 💛🤍💜🖤
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ahhAWaterslideAhhh mastodon (AP)
those clothes are so cool, you ate NGL, love the goggles

Augie Ray mastodon (AP)

A guy on Facebook reported one of my #COVID19 posts as misinformation, saying that masks have been proven to be ineffective at preventing infections. If you are laboring under the same delusion:

Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn’t - Scientific American

Masks are, if correctly and consistently worn, effective in reducing transmission of respiratory diseases and show a dose-response effect. - Recent research study

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Pippin friendica

When I was young I *really* wanted a pen plotter, but we never got one. Maybe someday I'll see if I can get hold of one to play with.

Making #penplotter progress. I had to stop it while it was making the title text because it was doing this weird thing where it kept lifting and dropping the pen making the curves, but all the other line work and text came out great!



Could an ADHD person do… THIS?!

*does nothing at all and is really frustrated about it*

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Charlie mastodon (AP)
Had a lovely time at Bristol Pride yesterday! Suffering a bit today after all the post-parade beers...
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Houl Floof mastodon (AP)

unlocked booploader (open for boops)

:blobfoxboopfloof: :blobfoxboopfloof: :blobfoxboopfloof:

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How to not leak customer data:

- Don’t collect them

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Delta Wye mastodon (AP)
I really enjoy seeing people doing cool stuff, making cool stuff, and frankly just being cool, on Mastodon.
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My #Anthrocon photos are now up on @Furtrack #ac2024


Sadly I didn't take as many photos outside my paid shoots as I'd have liked due to being exhausted and friends missing the con.

But if I got a photo of you that you enjoyed consider tossing a ko-fi my way!


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CandyK mastodon (AP)
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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
I got stickers printed! ^^
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Tragulon mastodon (AP)
Aw, a contained cutie. Hehe :3c
I neeeed someee

Human 3500 hometown (AP)

What a fantastic way to describe gas vs #solar electric for transportation.

“If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150 pickup,” says Carson. “Which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”

The entire article is here https://billmckibben.substack.com/p/forty-acres-and-a-sense-of-hope

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)

You cannot buy your way to happiness

“the key to a longer, healthier life is no mystery”. Research has long shown that it comes down to five fundamental lifestyle behaviours: exercising regularly, eating sensibly, limiting alcohol, skipping cigarettes and “nurturing meaningful relationships”. This stuff is simple, “somewhat boring” and, crucially, harder to make money from than “trendy supplements, complex-sounding theories and new gadgets”.

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