
OSNews mastodon (AP)

NVIDIA transitions fully towards open-source GPU Linux kernel modules

It's a bit of a Linux news day today - it happens - but this one is good news we can all be happy about. After earning a bad reputation for mishandling its Linux graphics drivers for years, almost decades, NVIDIA has been turning the ship around these past two years, and today they made a major annou



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tomocibo message gotosocial (AP)
really just have nothing going on in life right now so im here mining an entire post-1.18 minecraft chunk
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Pippin friendica
Oh gosh I've done that a few times. It's a very big time-sink and a very good way to avoid doing whatever I'm meant to be doing…

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

“Young people don’t take well to bigoted leaders who attack LGBTQ+ rights, outlaw abortion, cozy up to gun manufacturers + oil execs, and support a rapist for President."

"If you want to be cool so badly, try giving a damn about other people beyond yourself. Might open a few doors."

AOC responding to #Republican attempts to make voting for them appear radical to students.

This should be the #Democrat message on repeat. Appeal to the future, not the past.

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stefan b mastodon (AP)

I just wrote to my MP expressing my concern about the 5 year sentence given to Roger Hallam (and co) of Just Stop Oil and I implore you to do the same.


#environment #uk

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Veronica Explains mastodon (AP)
Move slow and fix things.
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Dodges mastodon (AP)
#furry #fursuit Me and Rune
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Quartz mastodon (AP)

You are SO fucked!
You've caught the ire of these two absolute powerhouses...Best start beggin'

Featuring Chevelle ( @ChevellesGarage ) as my sister in crime
Photography by Khepri ( @klaxo_hime )

#hyena #yeen #thicc #curvy #dommymommy #dom #bully #fursuit #furry #fursuiter #lombax #anthrocon #anthrocon24 #anthrocon2024

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Did you know it's this 🌈 puppy's birthday today? What treats did you get her? Both my suit and my IRL birthday today ;3 #fursuit #kidfur #kidcore
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Twig mastodon (AP)
CurlCon NW when?

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

I dream that one day this travesty of justice will be avenged. Non-violent protest to alert others to #ClimateBreakdown should not be punished with 5 year prison sentences.

It will be the CEOs and boards of #BigOil companies in the dock for knowingly polluting and frying our planet and in the process killing untold numbers of humans, animals and other life forms.


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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

“Today is a dark day for peaceful environmental protest. This sentence should shock the conscience of any member of the public. It should also put all of us on high alert on the state of civic rights and freedoms in the United Kingdom.”

Michel Forst, the UN’s special rapporteur on environmental defenders, who attended part of the trial.


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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

“What sort of country locks people away for years for planning a peaceful demonstration, let alone for talking about it on a Zoom call? We’re giving a free hand to the polluting elite robbing us of a habitable planet while jailing those who’re trying to stop them – it makes no sense.”

Greenpeace UK’s programme director, Amy Cameron

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

If it’s possible to hold #FossilFuel companies to legal account for their role in #ClimateBreakdown and extreme weather in France…then why not the UK?



Alavi | علوی mastodon (AP)
There is no democracy. Only illusion of freedom and democracy.
All countries are dictatorships, just in different skins and ways.

Foxelifox mastodon (AP)
Fox hiding in a rose bush
Photo @kamuniak
Head made by @MelissaMendelsonArt
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Adam Dalliance mastodon (AP)

Five years in jail for a climate protest when the jails are literally so full that they are early-releasing murderers and robbers.

This is not justice, this is state oppression.


#justice #climate

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Content warning: UK, climate change, potential miscarriage of justice

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Rick mastodon (AP)

Content warning: UK, climate change, potential miscarriage of justice

Jeff Geerling mastodon (AP)
To anyone who disables paste on a 'confirm password' field... that makes the experience of using a secure, random-generated password on mobile a horrendous experience.
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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

Random fursuit photos from the archives.

A group of MadeFurYou suiters on a bridge in Berlin during Eurofurence in 2022.
These pics were somewhat hampered by the very bland overcast sky. I tried to photoshop a better sky in but it didn’t look natural so I abandoned the idea.

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NEW: A researcher found traffic light controllers on the internet with no authentication at all, potentially allowing hackers to create traffic jams by messing with the lights.

The researcher says that company who make the devices (Q-Free) threatened legal action instead of working to fix the bugs.

It's unclear how widespread these devices are, and how many of them have no authentication. But this research shows that some parts of our critical infrastructure are still poorly protected.


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Aday mastodon (AP)

This is why you shouldn’t overuse emojis in social media.

🔗 Taken from the UK’s Royal National Institute of Blind People https://www.rnib.org.uk/

#Accessibility #RNIB

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Pippin friendica
It took me quite a long time to train myself to be able to read these kind of posts without constantly tripping over the emojis, even when just reading it in my head! Accessibility helps so many more people than you'd expect.
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So true. 😒
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Terrence the Fox iceshrimp (AP)
Just noticed that BT have sat on a refund to me for FOUR MONTHS. WTF. Love that they have a DD for taking money off me nice and quick, but giving it back after service ending? Nope.
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
How else would they make a profit? 🙄

Molly Skyfire mastodon (AP)

Content warning: comic processing trauma from bullying, verbal abuse, queer slurs

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Stop being fixated on trying to do nothing wrong.

Just focus on doing something good, even if it's one thing.

You will fuck up. You will make mistakes. That is life.

But if you at least try to do good, you will do good

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Ewoud mastodon (AP)

SCHiM is out now! 👀

Embark on a playful journey in SCHiM and get ready to jump from shadow to shadow 🌇

#indiegame #indiedev

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#Waterfox is a pretty groovy #Firefox fork. Doesn't have the AI bullshit, or the advertising bullshit. Has a matching android browser too.

Project is also working on their own privacy respecting search engine.

They are here on the fediverse too. @Waterfox

#Mozilla #MozillaFirefox

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Science Scholar mastodon (AP)
Your Poop Schedule Says a Lot About Your Overall Health, Study Suggests https://www.sciencealert.com/your-poop-schedule-says-a-lot-about-your-overall-health-study-suggests #science
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Transgender World mastodon (AP)

There is a pro-transgender Labour revolt against health secretary Wes Streeting. You can sign the letter.


#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

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Aral Balkan mastodon (AP)
Once we add AI to your Linux distribution, it will tell you whether you should use useradd or adduser with 50% accuracy.
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nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-transitions-fully-towards-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules/ #linux
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GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
*checks temperature of hell*
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The Matrix.org Foundation joins the FOSS community and advocates of digital sovereignty in calling on the European Commission to sustain its funding for the Next Generation Internet program.

The European Union must keep funding free software: https://matrix.org/blog/2024/07/17/ngi-open-letter/

#Advocacy #Policy #EU #FOSS #OpenSource

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Carina C. Zona mastodon (AP)
Drastic budget cuts for FOSS, by the EU, and the explanation given is that "because lots of budget are allocated to AI, there is not much left for Internet infrastructure". https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/17/foss_funding_vanishes_from_eus/ So here is one more way that the fever over "AI" bullshit does real harm. Infra projects that protect security, privacy, and other vital needs will be underfunded so that more money can be thrown into the "AI" black hole. Sigh.
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)

“As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you, and climate change is one of those exceptions.”

– Al Gore

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Captain ACAB mastodon (AP)
Make The Onion Satire Again
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Labour must ramp up renewable energy to meet 2030 climate vows, says watchdog"


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Tango mastodon (AP)

Colorado Furries:
The 6th Annual Blue Sky Picnic and Sunset Grill Day is coming Saturday, July 27 (weather permitting) and we'd love to see you there!

Details and RSVP via https://forms.gle/35MKDxBLgfT4wNaW7

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snapdragon X elite added DRM to actual drivers.

It needs a signed proprietary blob in a specific place to use the gpu or else it'll enter a "protected" mode

basically, no gpu if linux.

come. the fuck. on


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The urge to please others is very strong in a lot of folks, #fediverse, particularly those who are survivors of abuse. It's a survival tactic that develops to avoid offending anyone, but it also results in diminishing the person to the point of non-existence.

Don't get me wrong, it's ok to want to do nice things for people now and then. But if you find yourself doing things you don't really want to do just to make other people happy, that's usually a bad sign. Setting boundaries can feel like you're being selfish sometimes, but it's so important for your own well-being. You're worth it! 😊❤️

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David Chartier mastodon (AP)

The Data Is In: Return-to-Office Mandates Aren’t Worth the Talent Risks

Highlighted points:
- Nearly three-quarters of executives say return-to-office (RTO) mandates are a source of leadership conflict.
- Lack of work-life balance ranks among the top five reasons employees quit.

Of course, to most of us, this is “yeah, duh” stuff. But here is yet more data to back it up. #RTO #WFH https://www.gartner.com/en/articles/the-data-is-in-return-to-office-mandates-aren-t-worth-the-talent-risks

#wfh #rto
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It mildly terrifies me that a lot of things we think are natural are just things that were invented by American advertising agencies in the 40s and 50s

The nuclear family, diamond engagement rings, owning a motor car, etc are all works of fiction that we have subsumed into being part of our culture, instead of it being astroturfed by a bunch of skilled marketers

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@CynAq @Len0w0ThinkBad its always depressing to watch when people take the "challenge all your preconceptions" logic, completely miss the point, and then instead of applying it to their own wield it like a hammer against others to justify some pretty fucked up shit.
@CynAq @Len0w0ThinkBad the fact that they do , and do so with ease, also kinda makes my point for me though, as fucked up as it is. its all fuckin arbitrary. they realize that some of it is, basically anything they don't agree with, but not that their own, because then they might have to confront themselves and their past actions and feelings. surely the things they believe cant be just as arbitrary right?
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