
Adam Honse mastodon (AP)
While not exactly the same, remember that what is happening with #CrowdStrike could also easily happen with kernel level #anticheat software. Giving proprietary software vendors permission to insert whatever they please into your kernel, especially with the ability to auto update it, means giving up all control of your system to that software vendor. One day CrowdStrike, the next Riot Vanguard. Don't let this garbage into your system! A game is not worth losing your system or your data over.
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Blue mastodon (AP)
Villians better watch out, there’s a Hero in town
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Axel! 💙 mastodon (AP)
Myriaderoc mastodon (AP)

Are you going to inflate the villains so big and round that they cannot carry out any more of their dastardly deeds? If yes, then I think it's time to change my alignment to evil and give mischief a try! ;-)

Great arts! Very expressive and sharp!

Alopex mastodon (AP)

Can we make it a counter-movement for Zoomers and Millennials to wear showy bandages in support of classmates who have been injured or killed in school shootings?

That would totally drive the MAGA crowd nuts!

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László @EF28 mastodon (AP)
These are probably the same people who so adamantly refused to mask up...

ncl mastodon (AP)
shoutout to the elderly lady with a strong Slavic accent on the train who spotted the patch on my bag, asked me "are you really service dog?" and was absolutely delighted when I barked at her
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Ahab mastodon (AP)

authorities have determined the cause of today's massive cloudstrike outage that has crippled the internet, but have declined to press charges because he's too cute

🎨: @BlurTheFur

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Plonq mastodon (AP)

My work PC is currently caught in a cycle of blue-screen-reboot death.

I checked webmail from my Surface, and they have instructions to call the help desk if the problem doesn't resolve itself.

If only they hadn't disabled all of our company phones in favour of Teams...

I'd use my company-issued cell phone to call the Help desk -- if they'd issued me one...

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Dave Anderson mastodon (AP)

Okay so you know, bunch of shitposting and all that, but a serious interlude:

Someone pushed the button to start this rollout. They are probably having a _really_ bad time right now.

If someone at Crowdstrike knows who that is, please go and check on them, give them a hug, tell them it's not their fault, that it's going to be okay. No matter what the company line is on blameless culture whatever, the lizard brain is in charge right now and needs reassurance.

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Dave Anderson mastodon (AP)
Also, quick note for crowdstrike execs: everyone can see you looking over at that bus, considering your options, limbering up your throwing arm... Just a note that the people you probably want to hire are watching reeeally closely how you're going to handle this, and are taking notes. The shareholders may be into human sacrifices, but the people you need to run your business aren't. Choose wisely.
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Missing The Point mastodon (AP)
Breaking: Crowdstrike introduces new “Touch Grass Fridays” update.
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Jonathan Kamens mastodon (AP)
The thing I hope is alarming people about today's #CrowdStrike outage is that if the company can take out that much of America's tech infrastructure by accident with a single buggy update, our adversaries can do the same on purpose with a supply-chain attack against CrowdStrike, and that one probably wouldn't be as quick to recover from. #infosec
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Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
Here’s a simple (nontechie) explanation of what Crowdstrike is and why a problem with it has caused so much havoc. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/microsoft-it-outage-crowdstrike-explained-b2582491.html
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yeah, matty, again mastodon (AP)

Remember how on Battlestar Galactica none of the systems were wired into each other and everything was done via sheets of hexagonal paper?

Not a bad idea really

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Charlie mastodon (AP)
also the wearing of two vests at a time - stylish AND warm

Ami Angelwings mastodon (AP)
is the internet dead, are we finally free
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Mara mastodon (AP)
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Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Crowdstrike breakage

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Chris Northwood mastodon (AP)
Crowdstrike saying it's not a security incident... "Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability" is probably the most widely understood model of security and under that definition, it most definitely is.
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If it can happen by accident, it can happen on purpose

Greg Egan mastodon (AP)
Crowdstrike have advised that the world will be reverted to its last valid backup set, dated 7 Jan 2014, within the next 30 minutes. Please make paper notes of anything important to you from the intervening period, and tape them to your refrigerator door in a prominent position.
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beeps :therian: mastodon (AP)
Today's a good day for Linux on the server, huh? #Crowdstrike
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Kris :v_bi: mastodon (AP)
happy for them :heart_trans:
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Try dialling 01189998819991197253


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alyx iceshrimp (AP)
Tip for software companies. Your stock price can't crash when you release a bad update if your update manyages to take out the stock exchanges
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Eibriel mastodon (AP)
I don't see many "Global South" countries listed as affected. Being poor and not able to pay for security software saved us? 😅
morganist mastodon (AP)
holy shit this is crazy! nice work all the contributors

Keys mastodon (AP)
Playing a very 🥥 Coconut Flavoured 🥥 dance tune today for #fursuitfriday ! 🦊🪗
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Steffo 🐲 mastodon (AP)

*nom* (Happy Fursuit Friday!)

*nom nom!* (Now let me keep nomming!)

🧵 @Oshamy
📷 @SamyoFox
📌 Koblenz

#Furry #FursuitFriday #Fursuit #Koblenz #FursuitPhoto

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benjojo ActivityPub
I would like to congratulate Crowdstrike for nearly instantly popping up on every regulator radar by adopting their new "Do away with computers" strategy in their kernel mode driver
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Thank you Crowdstrike for helping to illustrate that Open Source is not the problem.
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Notice from the Admiralty

We are aware that some battlemech pilots engage in so-called "dance-offs" in their spare time. We have allowed this as harmless fun.

However, after seeing the viral clip of Jaeger-845D and Jaeger-922H do the tango we must make a public statement:


#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

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m'ughes mastodon (AP)
horny admiralty is the future diversifying the military industrial complex is building towards
TeflonTrout mastodon (AP)

I bet Eldonius Rex is on it.

Tex Talks Battletech has lots of great artists work on their videos, and feature such great works as:

The pinwheeling, double-armed Marauder melee slapfight

The Urbie Derby

A Charger in a track and field number jersey being chased by a police Urbanmech, which is keeping pace by virtue of wearing stomped-in police cars as rollerskates

Oh my god, Porter Robinson is giving out clothes to fans in LA and someone showed in fursuit. LOVE IT LOL

#furry #fursuit #EDM #furryEDM

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Now's a good time to do that risky IT maintenance or downtime requiring work. You can just blame it on of many other outages going on
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abadidea mastodon (AP)
I see the infosec industry has finally achieved security once and for all by shutting down every workstation connected to the internet
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Dave Anderson mastodon (AP)

If you're mad about Google killing short links all over the Internet, and are saying things like "let's scrape it all before it goes down", I suggest checking out https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior. Some chaotic good people are well ahead of you in terms of planning, and have a VM image you can run to lend some compute and bandwidth to the effort. It's like SETI of old, but for praxis against internet vandals like Google.

(context: https://developers.googleblog.com/en/google-url-shortener-links-will-no-longer-be-available/)

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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Six million people at risk from extreme heat in England, campaign group warns"


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Colto Fox @ WAFF mastodon (AP)

FloofTube is accepting new signups for furries/scalies of the Internet to publish floofy content!

There was a minor glitch with the signups that was preventing new users. That has now been fixed.

Join today!

#furry #PeerTube

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Geri ™️ mastodon (AP)


"I want to remind the court once more that my reasons for taking action were not beliefs or opinions. Earth’s life-support systems are breaking down due to human activities, whether we believe it or not." - Cressida Gethin, court statement

She was sentenced to four years in jail.

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Platforms die, open standards survive and evolve. I smell a revival of The Web the way it should be. Decentralised. Open. Fun. The Internet Of People. Without trackers, respecting privacy and data ownership.

#Facebook #Twitter #X #TikTok #Instagram #Youtube

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RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)

I think NAT is to blame for a lot of the internet being the way it is. Without NAT (which I have been able to avoid, myself) one can tinker with running a small web site at home, for fun. If nothing else it helps understand it all. Even something totally silly like my weather station here at https://yfenni.cymru

(Yes, missing a few days, it needed new batteries :-)

So IPv6 may save us yet.

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AutomataDog mastodon (AP)

KTqtpi, Aurorius, CD, and Mira at FWA24

🦊: nogonip
🦊🦌🐺🐉: iamAurorius
🐉: CanadianDerg
🐕: Mirasheppy
📌: FurryWeekend

#Furry #Furries #Fursuit #FursuitFriday #Photography #Anthro #FurryArt #FurryArtist #FWA #FWA24

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Odoben mastodon (AP)
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Mehndi mastodon (AP)
Todays’ art fight was an attack that’s friendly fire but look at this yote. >.> #yote #coyote #marker #copic #ohuhu #traditionalmedia #furry #furryart #nature #animalart #mastoart #fediart #artfight #artfight2024
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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
bless this yote ❤

Jonathan Corbet akkoma (AP)

Ah joy ... Google is turning off its URL shortener and breaking every link that ever used it:


A quick search on lore.kernel.org:


...turns up about 19,000 messages with affected links. That's a lot of history that is going to become harder (or impossible) to find.

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