
Sometimes the colours just coordinate themselves!

#FursuitFriday ft Draks by @PascalFarful at Cabincon last week

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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
this is so cuuuuute! ^^

Isolectra :therian: mastodon (AP)
Skunky fursuit friday! Sigma was blessed with excellent weather at the recent event! #fursuit #furry #skunk #FursuitFriday Suit Clockwork Creature Photo @kamuniak
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Don't think I've ever seen the full suit before! Looks fantastic!

Tanzureir mastodon (AP)

Happy #FursuitFriday from two fluffy doggos!

Left: @akaruwolf.bsky.social
Right: me
📸: @Jraxal

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Loimu The Fox mastodon (AP)

Behold, the most random prop I've gotten, a common brick (plushie)! Had to show it off for the #FursuitFriday

#fursuit #furry

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hanno mastodon (AP)
Let's cut the bullshit and spell out a few things. The IT security industry is about as trustworthy as the food supplement and vitamin industry, but somehow they escaped the same reputation. Their products are overwhelmingly based on flawed ideas, and the quality of their software is exceptionally bad. And while not everyone will agree with the harshness of my words, I'll say this: Essentially everyone in IT security who knows anything in principle knows this.
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Chris Swan mastodon (AP)
this was all summed up perfectly 16y ago by Ian Grigg in 'The Market for Silver Bullets' https://iang.org/papers/market_for_silver_bullets.html
@cpswan And more recently by Ian Levy, who was the techincal director of NCSC at the time. Security vendors have been allowed to dominate the market and control the narrative. Everyone is worried about APTs, but the things most likely to bite you are script kiddies and common garden variety cockups. What we need is the basics like adequate governance. What we're getting is AI-powered bullshit.

Jaycie mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol, this election, actionable advice

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Zack Whittaker mastodon (AP)

U.S. cybersecurity agency CISA has acknowledged that while the CrowdStrike outage is *not* a cyberattack, it has observed malicious actors "taking advantage" of the s(h)ituation for "phishing and other malicious activity" and warned organizations to "avoid clicking on phishing emails or suspicious links."

More: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/alerts/2024/07/19/widespread-it-outage-due-crowdstrike-update

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you know how matpat brought the pope a copy of undertale?
could someone bring him a copy of linux or something?
I want to get the Pope into open source, so that he can petition god to open source humans. I got a lot of patches I need to make
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Humans are already open source. Anyone can cut a human open and see what's inside. Problem is no one can understand the source code.

Also, Big Government™ says disassembling someone just to study their insides is "murder" and won't let you do it.

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Landa :graz: mastodon (AP)
i hope he doesn’t forget to also open source all the proprietary symbionts in our guts and on our skin.

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Channel 4 News, in talking about today's #Microsoft #CrowdStrike fuckup, stated that the expected Y2K effect was imaginary.

No! No! NO!

We* did a massive amount of work to update and ensure systems would keep on working. And more importantly WE TESTED EVERYTHING FULLY BEFORE GOING LIVE.

(* As in everyone responsable for operating computer systems around the world!)
(added note: Channel 4 is a UK national television station, not local)

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Yeah, they were retrospective calculations that went bad only after loans written in the new millennium started to mature. It really pushed home how many instances of the problem had existed, to have such a long tail years "after."
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David Ho mastodon (AP)
TBH, this seems worse than having the road blocked by climate activists for a few minutes, much less talk about doing so on a Zoom call.
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calsnoboarder mastodon (AP)
No. The shitstains that prevent normal working folks from getting to work, or school, or to doctor's appointments are far worse than whatever climate catastrophe they're protesting to prevent. I'm a big supporter of being as green as you can (hell I don't even own a car and take mass transit everywhere I go), but to say the "minor" inconvenience of a bunch of shitty people making themselves a nuisance for the greater good is ok proves that most of these shit piles have more in common with the corporate ass lickers that are doing the earth dirty. You want to camp out in front of a senators house or have a sit in in their office, or chain yourself to a tree in a forest, feel free... but when you start impacting hard working folks from living their lives, you're worse than the corporate shitbags that are destroying the environment.
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Ikani mastodon (AP)
@calsnoboarder worse than oil execs who's documented plans already kill millions, and will likely kill billions if left unchecked? Okay then.
Keep in mind, no disruption happened. There was discussion of doing so on a zoom call, and for just discussing it, the group was sentenced to 5 years.

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Pippin friendica

It occurred to me while reading today's Suitor Armor this morning (which, incidentally, was being very nicely trans-positive today!) that many of the fictional characters I most like are, in fact, AIs (or a fantasy equivalent):

- Modeus from Suitor Armor
- Rambley from Indigo Park
- Wall-E and EVE
- Astro from Astro Boy
- SecUnit from The Murderbot Diaries
- Ronb1n5cat5co from Ron's Gone Wrong
- R Daneel Olivaw from an awful lot of Isaac Asimov's books
- Baymax from Big Hero Six
- Bender from Futurama
- 9 from… well, 9
- Alpha 5 from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Chappie
- Chip from the Not Quite Human book series
- D.A.R.Y.L.
- etc.

And I realised a little while ago when I remembered to actually write this post, that the reason for this may be that AIs are probably most likely to be Ace.

Like me.


Pippin friendica
Later on during my run I took another pic, this time showing some old gasometers (not sure if they're even still in use, but I suspect not) with dramatic sunlight. This one should be titled something like "Solar Eclipses Gas" or "Solar Leaves Gas in the Shade".
Aatheus mastodon (AP)

Tom Scott did a video on this (of course he did!)

The buildings actually rose and fell within the frame as they filled up with gas...and then emptied as it was burned. Very simple mechanical system, replaced by pressurized pipelines

Pippin friendica
@Aatheus Yep, they are basically like a bell jar upside down in a circular trough of liquid, to seal it. The weight of the jar maintains the pressure in the gas pipes.

Pippin friendica

I went for a run earlier this week and actually paused long enough to take some photos. These are the local tower cranes being used to build some new tower blocks (in an area where there are no tall buildings, so they'll stick out like a sore thumb, but anyway). When I see them at night, I mentally refer to them as the eyes of Sauron, because of the red lights on the top.

I took these pics because the light was pretty good. First pic I tried to get all the cranes in the frame and yeah, that worked, but it looks bland. Second pic doesn't really show the cranes properly, but the dramatic lighting works!

you do your eyes a disservice.

Pippin friendica

I wonder if I'm odd for being an experienced computer-and-network person who hadn't even heard of CrowdStrike until today.

I started seeing advertising for 'em a couple of months ago - but I'm certainly well off their prospective customer ideal.

Lisa mastodon (AP)
stolen from reddit #crowdstrike
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Hyshaji Nightdragon mastodon (AP)
In honor of everything IT breaking today, I went outside & touched grass 😂
#fursuitfriday #fursuit #fursuiting
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Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Crowdstrike breakage

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Dolby Vixen mastodon (AP)
Husky + Fennec = Fennsky?
🦊= 🐦☁️Lumunix
📷= 🐦☁️SvenFennec
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fediverse be like: ode to a small lump of gender i found in my federated posts one midsummer morning
Arch :arch: mastodon (AP)
going to want to get that checked out

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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

All in green at the Maritim.

Me at Eurofurence 19 back in 2013, photographed by @cinnamonvector


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Content warning: crowdstrike

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I can understand many of them, but not the various "patient health monitors". Why the hell are things like that running a general purpose operating system at all, much less Windows? (I guess something buildroot Linux based I wouldn't count as general purpose if trimmed properly)
P J Evans mastodon (AP)
I wonder what it was like this morning where I worked. (When I retired, my group had barely moved to Win7. They have to test all the specialized software with the OS to make sure it will still work. It's the specialized stuff that we really needed.)

Beeton_Nukicoon mastodon (AP)

Good morning!


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Phi mastodon (AP)
It's #FursuitFriday! Take this umbrella, it looks like rain! #LillithFox
📷: Anthony J Hill, Facebook
🪡: SeaBunnyStudios
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Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)
Silly fox, that umbrella looks nothing like rain!

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It’s #STFUfriday!

When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:

- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.

- Am I free to leave?

- I am not answering any questions.

- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."

- I want to speak to a lawyer.

It's hard to say no to someone in authority. Practice makes perfect. "No, I don't want to answer questions. I want a lawyer." STFU.

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Cy ActivityPub

I feel bad for the police officers. They're the stooges being set up to incriminate innocents, under huge pressure to lie, cheat, and steal to get a confession. None of what you say should be admissible in court, and instead it is considered incontrovertible evidence. The lawmakers wrote it that talking to police can be used against you, while talking to a lawyer can give you some modicum of protection against that. It prevents cops from solving crime, and leaves them nothing to be but crazed inquisitors, torturing confessions out of bystanders.

I mean I feel "bad" in the sense that I still want the one who wilfully tortured out confessions to be pulled out of his cozy retirement and hung somewhere by his nipples for a few weeks. But the system is rigged against any cops who aren't trying to do that, too.

jenny (phire) hometown (AP)
lord the only thing I ask of you is for someone to discover and report that the bsod crowdstrike update was developed using copilot or otherwise had some jank-ass AI integration, that shit would be the funniest thing in the world
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To err is human, but to royally fuck up, you need automation.
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It's great how in the endless sequence of fascists coming for various groups of ppl, every person when their group comes up will say "first they came for [my group], you could be next!" while all the members of the previous groups look on like "if you didn't notice them coming for anyone before you, what makes you think anyone next in line is going to care about them coming for you?"
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Leigh Honeywell hometown (AP)
Any sufficiently bad software update is indistinguishable from a cyberattack…
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SwiftOnSecurity mastodon (AP)

Henry – I'm sorry to cut you off but we're going live to CrowdStrike headquarters, where they are demonstrating a new process for testing product updates.

Uh, oh, customers are now reporting a blue screen in their eyes.

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
I have an idea to make your day better - clear your calendar and snuggle up to a cuddly Chee instead! 🤗💜 #FursuitFriday
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Zen_Fox.tar.gz mastodon (AP)
looking super cuddly!! Would so ask if I could join for snuggles :3
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@ThatGeekZen Thank ya! Come on over here! 🤗

Too funny: In 2010 McAffe caused a global IT meltdown due to a faulty update. CTO at this time was George Kurtz. Now he is CEO of #crowdstrike


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~n mastodon (AP)

Thoughts and prayers go out to all those experts who have to explain the background of today's clownstrike oopsie to the befuddled press.

It takes some non-trivial mental contortion to explain the whole "people installing a backdoor on their computers for some company to execute privileged code, written in an unsafe language, in order to make their computers more secure" thing.

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Alan mastodon (AP)
With all these computers crashing, did anyone remember to check if the raptor fences were still up?
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Adam Honse mastodon (AP)
While not exactly the same, remember that what is happening with #CrowdStrike could also easily happen with kernel level #anticheat software. Giving proprietary software vendors permission to insert whatever they please into your kernel, especially with the ability to auto update it, means giving up all control of your system to that software vendor. One day CrowdStrike, the next Riot Vanguard. Don't let this garbage into your system! A game is not worth losing your system or your data over.
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