
i am once again asking FPGA vendors to please use the brightness/current chart while calculating resistor values
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even the power LED (the small blue dot on the left) is painful to look directly at
Toble Miner | tsys mastodon (AP)
Blue LEDs should be banned for use as power indicators
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Dalite Fur 🦊 mastodon (AP)

In less than 24 hours I'll be on my way to Seattle 🛫🇺🇲

Later this week I'll start a road trip from there all the way down to San Francisco. So excited to share all the beautiful views of the coastal highway ✨

And if you're nearby don't feel afraid to say hi :3

#furry #fursuit #travel

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The trouble with craft shows is that I can't really sell some of the signs that I want to. You can still get them on etsy though, so have a look at http://Lewiswork.etsy.com if you have a lethal workshop and need something suitably offensive to deter visitors.

*Boosts appreciated, as always.

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Steve Silberman mastodon (AP)
OK, now we can stop talking about how icky it is that people get old and focus on the fact that the GOP candidate is a rapist and Russian dupe who fantasizes about screwing his daughter, mass deportations, and Hannibal Lecter, and should already be dying in prison for high crimes including treason.
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Pippin friendica

Content warning: CW: US and UK elections

Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

Content warning: re: CW: US and UK elections


Content warning: CW: US and UK elections


Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"All new MPs given panic alarms amid safety fears"


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Aatheus mastodon (AP)

New #bat, who dis? #fursuit

Made by the lovely @ArtySilvers of Fenworks Studios (open for comms)

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KT mastodon (AP)
Now you can fight crime!
Aatheus mastodon (AP)
@kinkyturtle They shall fear my flapflaps

bfaliszek mastodon (AP)
CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed https://www.neowin.net/news/crowdstrike-broke-debian-and-rocky-linux-months-ago-but-no-one-noticed/
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Rod Hilton mastodon (AP)
This November, you have the power to make Elon Musk waste 180 million dollars.
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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
Tech bros including Musk think they can pick their guy for President on the cheap. But every headline saying they are dropping a ‘big’ wad here and there towards Trump and Vance, ensures another million women put their hands in their pocket for Harris. And each of those women will vote. This election won’t be won on X, it’s already been determined by the decisions of a Republican packed Supreme Court and the criminal and misogynistic behaviour of Trump.

Everyone needs good friends (by u/Material_Science3864)
(AI Alt-Text)
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Robert Reich mastodon (AP)

Trump is now the oldest POTUS candidate ever nominated by a major party.

He has repeatedly confused Biden with Obama and Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He fell asleep at his criminal trial.

Will the media scrutinize his age & mental decline with the fervor it focused on Biden?

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Can we at least try the bit where strange women in ponds hand out swords??
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trekkie1701c mastodon (AP)

One thing I haven't seen mentioned with Crowdstrike is that, although this isn't malicious, a company has just shown off that it has kernel level access to a bunch of critical systems around the world and is willing to just run code with that access on everyone's computers without even giving it a once-over glance.

So if you wanted to get a bunch of backdoors into things because you're a nation state cybersecurity team/hacker group/bored troublemaker who wants to see the world burn/etc they've just shown themselves to be a great firm to do so with.

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_ mastodon (AP)

And "PIN Number" stands for

Put In your Number Number

Mr. Bruno :verified: mastodon (AP)
It's not "All The Money"?

Xavier Ashe :donor: mastodon (AP)
Hey @foone ... And old post of yours getting some love over on imgur...
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fun! Thanks for letting me know.

Gratuitous boobs, casual racism, smoking indoors, mocking fat people. Yep, it's the 1980s. #monsterdon
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just found out that Qi wireless charging involves X.509 somehow
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why are elliptic curves involved in my charging standard. stop. what are you doing. you're all on drugs
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oh they got inspired by usb. motherfucker
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printing and framing my SSL certificate ... what, you aren't proud of yours?
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AutomataDog mastodon (AP)

Scout at FWA24

🐕: cobycatz
📌: FurryWeekend

#Furry #Furries #Fursuit #FursuitFriday #Photography #Anthro #FurryArt #FurryArtist #FWA #FWA24

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John Carlos Baez mastodon (AP)


What's more orange than orange? Hyperbolic orange! To see this weird color, stare at the blue-green dot for about a minute and then look at the the orange square. You'll see a dot that's even more orange.

How does it work? The complementary color of orange is blue-green, or more precisely 'cyan'. Staring at a cyan dot for a long time tires out your cone cells: it wears out their response to cyan light. When you look at something white, you then see an orange afterimage. But if you look at something orange, you see an orange color stronger than ordinarily possible.

Like Stygian blue, which I showed you yesterday, hyperbolic orange is a 'chimerical color': a color that's not possible in the usual simplified theory of color vision, which only becomes possible when some of your cones are fatigued. These were discussed here:

• Paul Churchland, Chimerical colors: some phenomenological predictions from cognitive neuroscience, Philosophical Psychology 18 (2005), 527-560.

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Matti Aleve mastodon (AP)
😂 there is always a Simpson’s episode.
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Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)

Biden has seen that it was best for the USA if he stepped down.

Ask yourself if Trump would have done the same.

Now you know who puts America first.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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The Gneech mastodon (AP)
IN OTHER NEWS: Why "Lord of the Rings" Feels Like Tolkien, Even When It Doesn't https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOAkx7WlTgE
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Content warning: Nonbinary coming of age, and all that baggage TW

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Chris Trottier akkoma (AP)

I’m not an American, but my advice to American progressives is simply this:

Now’s your chance. If you don’t help elect the first African American woman to the Presidency, you’re full of shit.

That woman is your only chance to save American democracy, so you better get behind her.

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Kianga @ EF mastodon (AP)



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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
A most wonderful view! 🐾💜

Dare Obasanjo mastodon (AP)

There is a weirdly racist trend where people blame hypothetical minorities when systems fail because management cuts corners. We saw it with the Boeing door collapse and now with the Crowdstrike crash.

There is no mythical "DEI engineer" doing sloppy work at these companies.

It's down to leadership cutting corners to make a buck. A software update causing a crash that takes down all of your customers is due to inadequate testing. It's not because some anonymous minority wrote the code.

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Sharkie mastodon (AP)

OMG, please tell me that they're not ... oh, nope, they are.

I am so absolutely done with these bigots.


d a t green mastodon (AP)

US Democrats are fretting in July about getting a candidate for a November election in respect of taking office in January.

We would have had five Conservative Prime Ministers in the same time period.

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Jesse Baer 🔥 mastodon (AP)
The speed at which I reversed my car when I saw these ladies modding their yard sign
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Hey, you. Yes, you.

Remember this:

👉 You are deserving of love. 👈

Every day, just for being alive. Down days. Up days. In the gutter days. On the moon days.

Every ding dang day.

You are deserving of love.


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Colm mastodon (AP)
Wow maybe they are onto something!
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The Gneech mastodon (AP)
Your friendly reminder that “Furry Raiders,” “Burned Furs” and the like are not okay and will turn your community to crap if you don’t keep them out.
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PlasmaGryphon mastodon (AP)

I remember having run-ins with raiders before, and them trying to teach young furs how to commit tax fraud. When I said something I got reported to admins. Then I got anonymous threats to me and presumably my hypothetical employer (except they didn't seem to know who I actually worked for).

That was 10+ years ago though and I haven't seen them around as much, but I also don't live near them either.

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yuubi mastodon (AP)
i vaguely remember a "soaked furs" sticker on someone's badge at furry spring break, which was a response to that

Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)

Random fursuit photos from the archive.

Rosie Collie invites you to join her by the sea, 2021.

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loud beeping will continue until power is restored
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Matt Gray mastodon (AP)
UPS or a protest with everyone on liberated Lime bikes

LeoBurr mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US Pol (-)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US Pol (-)

Forrest Tanaka mastodon (AP)

#GeorgeTakei #media #fascism

My dad and his family were among them as well.

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