
... god damnit.
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qdot mastodon (AP)
@foone humor for an EXTREMELY specific type of nerd. :|
1 1

Why are they called 'fact checkers' and not 'defibillators'?
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oh cool so figuring out how to transfer issues between repos in different github orgs is just like reading the solutions for early 90s sierra adventure game puzzles

i trained for this

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the cheat code is "Ifnkovhgroghprm"

#Iceland was testing drill bits in volcanoes to see if they can frack deep sea hydrothermal vents.
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every third-person PC game needs to let me put my own model in it and play as my fursona otherwise what's the point
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Data chunks were not meant to be given names
Wanted to know where your chunk of data starts anyway? We had a tool for that, it's called A TAPE COUNTER
"Yes, please fragment my information and scatter it randomly about the surface of a spinning platter" - statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
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@revk I'm a bit young but I got a VIC-20 in 2012 or 2013 with a datasette drive and no floppy drive; so I got to experience this firsthand :)
RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
yeh, young, I was TRS-80

Why are sentences for violent disorder lower than those for peaceful protest?

The criminal justice system should not treat rioters less harshly than demonstrators

By me, at Prospect


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If you're an audio engineer, or in networking, this might be the carpet from hell
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Did my first 3d printed head for an upcoming cosplay. Over 100 hours of printing here and I’m super excited about how it’s looking! #cosplay #helluvaboss
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Twig mastodon (AP)
really exciting to see more people trying out this method. I really want to give it a shot for the next fursuit head I build. Seems lighter, tougher, more breathable, and more precise, and like it would produce less waste than carving foam.

Voting is not a love letter to a candidate. It is a chess move for the world you want to live in.
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PSA: if you have an autistic friend that you're making any sort of arrangement with, PLEASE for all that is holy, give them *clear fucking answers!* Solid. Direct. Answers. I mean "yes," "no" "that won't work," etc. Solid. Fucking. Answers. Clear cut. Direct. Concrete. If you can't give one say "I need more time to decide," followed by actually following up with aforementioned solid answers.

I can't tell you how much it tears me apart getting "maybe" or "that could work," or "I'm not sure" and never getting a concrete "yes" or "no." An important fact about autism is that we often can't or struggle greatly to read between the lines and these slippery non-answers leave me and I'd wager many other autistic people guessing. Yet so often it would be less painful to rip my own fucking teeth out than it would be to get solid answers out of anybody these days and it makes me wanna scream! I'm begging you all, PLEASE give us solid answers... #autism #actuallyautistic

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Zebras are nature's punks. 🎵🦓

Art by Tauseko.

#mlp #MyLittlePony #furryart #zebra #furry

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important Luxembourg news: the trams have eduroam and little jingles for every stop
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TIL that eduroam isn't just a UK thing.

#artfight attack for Blanc-Author!
I wasn't quite happy with my original drawing so I started to paint over it... then I had to paint the whole cat ... then I added a painted background..
I'm happy with how it looks now but oh boy that was a lot of time spend on this tiny friendly fire :'D

#artfight2024 #art #AnimalArt

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PSA for UK folks (especially supportive parents of trans kids and/or folks using GenderGP

Susie Green has co-founded a new healthcare service for trans folk of all ages in the UK called Anne Health :TransHeart:

It went live officially from the date of Trans Pride Brighton (20th July 2024), from what we've been told :TransPrideFlag:

Unlike GenderGP, which has sadly fired a lot of staff and replaced them with "AI" chatbots, Anne Health has commited to hiring qualified individuals who care and are knowledgeable about the best trans healthcare practices possible :BlahajWavingTransFlag:

Anne Health is planning to operating as a non-profit, and will take donations to help offer services to those who cannot afford the fees, so you can donate to them.

And they're open to shared care agreements with any trans friendly GPs willing to work with them.

Boosts very much welcomed :BoostsOKPrideSymbol: and please do share the word with family, friends, and loved ones :TransButterfly:

#trans #transgender #transgenderUK #transition #TransFem #TransMasc #enby #NonBinary #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #2spirit #queer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+ #TransHealthcare #NHS #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransYouthAreLoved #TransKidsDeserveBetter #TransKidsDeserveToGrowUp

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If you hurt an introvert, they don't retaliate, they just drift away. Missed texts, unanswered calls, cancelled plans. They don't want conflict. No stress. No headaches. They just want peace. And they have absolutely no intention of hurting you. They just go away. Quietly.
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This entry was edited (5 months ago)
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Because someone asked.....


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Foxarc mastodon (AP)
You're a real legend!

Before the Internet, if you wanted to update your Debian install, you’d have to drag your computer all the way here. Linux users have it so easy these days
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Signal is blocked in several countries but you can set up a proxy server to help people access Signal no matter where they live. Here’s how:


Thank you for helping keep Signal available for everyone who needs it.

To share your proxies use #SignalProxy

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local public library is temporarily closed because a protected bat colony was found in the building. unexpected consequence: my toddler now thinks “full of bats” is a common reason not to go somewhere, and has variously claimed his bed, bath, grandparents’ house, etc, are full of bats
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Proposal for a new Linux special file:

It's like /dev/zero, but it's endless stream of the letter 'a', with an occasional capital 'A' at a random frequency.

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they call it printf even though it prints all of the other letters too
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This is actually a misconception! printf is actually short for printfox, referring to the tiny fox :neofox: in memory that prepares your string before printing it for you
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My "Dad Joke A Day" calendar is anti-colonialist today
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oh wow. Just learned that Ms. Pac-Man uses the same random number generation routine as Pac-Man, but it generates different numbers.

The reason? it uses the first 2kb of its own ROM as the entropy for the randomness, and the two games have slightly different code in the first 2kb, thus different random numbers

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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)

didn't everyone just used to read bits of ROM for RNG back in the 8-bit days?

Nobody would notice in your daft Vic 20 game that the RNG was skewed towards 6502 opcodes so it was perfectly good enough!

Piers Cawley mastodon (AP)
@llamasoft_ox okay, how many Llamasoft Games used this trick?
Angela mastodon (AP)
not only that but it used a memory refresh counter register for some pseudo randomness.

the ironic thing is that the pharmacy giant CVS has always kept their source code in subversion
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Log 🪵 mastodon (AP)
I am old enough to get this joke.
tekhedd mastodon (AP)
srsly? git outta here!

commission for zekasderg(twitter)!!
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Seeing so many people wearing masks at #Defcon32 makes me want to go even more 💚

To everyone wearing a mask right now I want to tell you:

I think you look cool, kind, and punk af :heart_cyber:😷🤘✨

#WearAMask #BeKind

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mkj mastodon (AP)

@dalias I guess a fursuit doesn't count as a mask.

🤣 🤣 🤣

@soatok @Em0nM4stodon

PlasmaGryphon mastodon (AP)
@dalias @mkj @soatok not an N95, but once we were able to get real masks in spring 2020, I found out our diy masks fit on top of my fursuit head and had a similar theme.
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I am not sure what to make of the query from a correspondent in Eisenhorn, MN who wants to know if the Scottish Lochs can be opened with Florida Keys.
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Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
Have to be careful trying it, in case Wisconsin has the Bolt...

I ❤️ the Crypto & Privacy Village
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This happens every day.

Both my cat and I both prefer the big comfy office chair. If my cat gets to it first, I end up sitting on a tiny stool because I'm unwilling to disturb my cat.

However, my cat prefers my lap over the chair, so he inevitably jumps onto my lap.

Now, I can't stand and neither of us get the comfy chair, even though I would prefer it for comfort, and my cat would prefer to be in a higher spot on my lap.

In game theory, this is known as a Nash equilibrium, where no player benefits from changing things, resulting in everyone locked in place (even if there's a better overall strategy that benefits everyone).


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lol. Also, kick him out of the big chair, you know what's better for both of you! :P
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Pet cat andgently pick up out of the big chair. Sit in big chair, placing cat in lap. Pet cat more. Win-win! X3

My friend @rinzy/@rinzy.art is 100% correct. Whether you prefer Fedi or BlueSky, neither of these platforms look attractive for artists to switch focus to if you're still interacting with them on Twitter.
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"Terrible things are happening outside. At any time of night and day, poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes... Families are torn apart: men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find their parents have disappeared.”

- Anne Frank

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People who create desktop apps that steal mouse focus should be forced to wear a badge that says “Please snatch anything I’m reading or looking at out of my hands, any time, anywhere”
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This battle was lost a long time ago. There is no going back to sane defaults. Data collection is now the primary goal of paid and free products. You don’t own anything, and you will be happy. Of course, you can still use privacy-enabled products at home, but those options are limited, and not all your apps will be available. https://bsky.app/profile/ahhmandah.bsky.social/post/3kzambh5yhk2z
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Phone is like:

"Hey! We notice you're not backing your stuff (photos and documents and stuff) up to Google Drive / Google Photos...."

And I'm like:


1 1
Verizon be like "I'm not asking"
Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)


"Here..have cop on desktop" is where we're heading.

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