
Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)

A shift is happening:
•Biden has cancelled his meeting with Netanyahu
•Harris will skip Netanyahu's speech to Congress
•Harris will meet with Netanyahu to tell him to stop bombing Palestinian civilians
•Seven major unions just sent a joint letter to Biden calling on him to "immediately halt all military aid to Israel" ahead of Netanyahu’s DC visit:

Don't let up. Keep the pressure on until US stops funding genocide & starts rebuilding Palestine. Let's go.

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Sarah Brown friendica (via ActivityPub)

Content warning: Long form - on transphobia and trans women as basilisks

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transphobia rots the brain in a seemingly unique way. I've also been thinking for a while that there's a dearth of research on it.

One name that wasn't mentioned here: Notch. He was actually cool about trans people once upon a time, and then he became a billionaire and basically melted his mind on twitter becoming a transphobe. Bizarre how people will commit to being unlikable.

Riley S. Faelan mastodon (AP)
Oh, and for people who are not fluent in That Weird-looking European Language With Its Own Alphas and Betas, βασίλισσα ('basilissa') is the Greek word for 'queen'. Two alphas, a single beta, and a whopping three sigmas! What a mighty and beautiful word.

Veronica Explains mastodon (AP)

The rise of ChatGPT-style "AI tools" is a climate change issue. Advertising them is, by extension, an attempt at disengaging our sense of alarm.

Therefore, "you need to adapt and learn these 'tools'" is an anti-climate stance. Companies that engage in marketing these tools *are* engaging in the politics of climate change, even if they don't know it yet.

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Brian Merchant mastodon (AP)

Did a long investigation for WIRED looking at how studios are already using AI to degrade and kill jobs in the video game industry


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Shannon Prickett hometown (AP)

Everybody in a UBI study could spend it all on drugs & I would still support UBI.

Stop asking virtue of the poor which you don’t of the rich.

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Glen Turner mastodon (AP)

The thing is though, we know from the doubling of JobSeeker during the COVID emergency that they won't spend the money on drugs. People will spend the money on housing and food. We've already run that experiment, we've already got the answers.


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technically we got this answer in the US during the Nixon admin. Alaska still has a UBI from this time period for crying out loud (tho it is small and essentially meaningless). We've known for nearly 70 years that UBI works.
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i don’t even need to hear from the EFF to have a good argument why adshit shouldn’t run on my computers

the argument is: it’s my computer

no seriously. are they paying me for the use of my computer to run their adshit? no? then it doesn’t need to run on my computer.

that shit is for me, not doubleclick or whatever the bloody thing is called now. if it ain’t making me happy or bringing me money, it’s out

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Sharkie mastodon (AP)

@rameshgupta @tauon @silly The internet existed before corporations used it as an ad platform. They are not innocently developing cool services with ads as a monetization strategy, they're developing services as a way to force people to view their ad network content.

Ads were not inevitable, but viewpoints like yours allowed them to become ubiquitous.

Privacy should be the default. It's very simple.


⬆️ @sekka @tauon @ariadne @silly

>>Ads were not inevitable, but viewpoints like yours allowed them to become ubiquitous.

You either did not read my viewpoint or did not understand it.

I say the same thing — email and web existed before ad monetization.

I have resisted ad monetization with good results. I wonder why others failed, why they whine, and put blame on anti-ad people like me.

Don’t eat free candy without giving up something else. Pay for services using money or your data. Simple.

Intel are taking a break from having problems caused by the bits of the CPU that try to predict the future, to instead *checks notes* have problems caused by the other bits of the CPU that try to predict the future.
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EMF info desk gotosocial (AP)

By happy coincidence, Alexei Sayle was recording an episode of “Strangers on a Train” from London to Hereford just as people were arriving for EMF. It’s live on the radio at 10.30am this coming Saturday, and will be available to listen/download after the broadcast.


#emf #emf2024 #emfcamp

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It seems very unfair that if you sleep for five hours, wake up briefly, and then sleep for another three hours, you wake up feeling as though you only slept for three hours. :|
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evacide mastodon (AP)
I don't know who first said "Walk into a room like you are a punishment sent by God," but I think about it a lot before stepping into a certain kind of meeting.
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Opening with the line "Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. In this case, me."

G (space monkey) mastodon (AP)
Mostly just a self reminder but maybe it’ll help you too.
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Draki mastodon (AP)

The lost files are found!
Hrhrhrhr, awesome shots from an #EAST far far in the past by fella Dakoru appearing! 💜💖
There'll be more!

Featuring Heyz worn by Cabro 🧡🤍🖤,
I wonder how they is, havn't heard from for ages!
Can someone help?


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ijo Stella mastodon (AP)

this is a good policy

edit: this post got big and im gonna turn off notifications for it now
if you enjoyed this screenshot, may i interest you in giving me money? :3 https://ko-fi.com/stellacat

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this might be the coolest description of anyone in wikipedia
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Amber sharkey (AP)
eventually computer touchers reach a point in which all computers around them will display weird characteristics that are specific to them and they just end up with super specific issues only they encounter
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Cyberspice mastodon (AP)
I keep seeing posts about Turing inventing the computer. Turing was a mathematician and theoretician. He came up with the concepts of the Turing machine. He proposed the BOM (which isn’t a computer) and others built it. Tommy Flowers, a telephone engineer, actually designed and built Colossus during WW2. Gordon Welchman, another genius mathematician. invented traffic analysis (network analysis) which actually did a lot of the heavy lifting at Bletchley Park. He went on to teach the first programming course at MIT. Because of his shitty treatment after the war Turing is often the one highlighted but others get ignored! It was a group effort!
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"Tory conference could be like a wake as business stays away"


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Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)

Email received a few days ago: "We need to know which version of SSH is installed on the server, as we want to ensure it is not vulnerable to external attacks." My response: "Don’t worry, SSH is accessible ONLY via VPN, and I am the only one with access to that VPN—activated only when needed—so there is no way for there to be any issues, regardless of the version used."

Email received this morning: "We’re not interested; you must provide the SSH version installed and, if it's not the latest, ensure us of the update date."
My response: "Sorry, could you explain the rationale? SSH is not exposed, it’s not listening on any public IP."
Their reply: "Provide the version."
My response: "OpenSSH_9.7, LibreSSL 3.9.0, on OpenBSD."
Their reply: "This is not considered secure. It must be OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3."
My response: "It’s not Debian; it’s OpenBSD."
Their reply: "So the systems are insecure."

And they claim to be a cybersecurity company...

#CyberSecurity #SSH #VPN #ITSecurity #SysAdmin #TechSupport #OpenBSD #Debian

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Hisham mastodon (AP)
I felt like sounding off in the YouTube comments section.
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JohnW mastodon (AP)

I've talked to a few friends today. Construction contractors & similar for political issues. This is the first time I've ventured into it because people in the blue collar industry around here tend to be more Republican.

They are non-social media and don't think about politics the way we do. They think in terms of common sense resolutions that will help both them and the country, and don't put political labels on them.

They thought Trump is an idiot who can't string more than a few sentences together and don't believe him capable of anything.

They were disgusted by the entire process and worried that Biden was following along that same track.

They said Harris is kind of a relief, seeing someone finally capable of stepping up and running the country the way a president should. And they will be voting for her.

I wanted to relay this because much of the time we only see Social Media feedback so some real world examples helps get a better perspective.

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Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)

It's vital, over the next few weeks, to remember that Republicans, foreign powers, and extremists will be working to make Democrats and people who vote for them angry with each other.

The goal will be to create turmoil in the party and its followers, and to disrupt the Harris campaign before it gets going.

Do not be fooled by bots and extremists that try to make you hate your allies.

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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Fursuit/partial & light shibari

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Arkaz Azuma mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Fursuit/partial & light shibari

TK Wolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Fursuit/partial & light shibari

In the newly-formed parliament in France, the youngest member, far-right MP Flavien Termet, was given the task of welcoming the deputies. Most of the deputies did not shake his hand.

(Extra credit to the Rock, Paper, Scissors guy!)

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Arcturax 🦇 mastodon (AP)

From https://bsky.app/profile/caymanwent.bsky.social

If your win10 install is pushing Copilot on you:

1. Run PowerShell as Administrator
2. Paste: Get-AppxPackage *CoPilot* -AllUsers | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers
3. Press Enter (There will not be any output if it is successfully removed)
4. Reboot

Repost to save a life

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I did some searching but couldn't find the original source of this graphic but it's just too good not to share. My apologies for swiping this without credit.


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Paco Panda mastodon (AP)

This chubby otter, Sveni, is about to enjoy his favorite food: sushi. But not before his eyes first take in the delight before him.

Patreon reward for Sveni

Digital. Procreate.

Short time lapse process video on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/panda_paco
Or get access to the full time lapse video, full resolution and newer submissions before anyone else at supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pandapaco

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LobitoWorks mastodon (AP)

Whoah lookit that! Our fursuit commission form is LIVE!
--> https://rb.gy/08k9sw <--

Will keep it open around a week depending on response volume!

Reposts always appreciated!

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Mark Wyner :vm: mastodon (AP)

A really cool and interesting thing just happened in space. NASA’s Mars Rover drove over a rock that cracked open, revealing pure sulfur.

This is a first on Mars. It’s also unexpected given the characteristics of its surroundings.


#NASA #Space #PlanetaryGeology #Mars #Rover #Astronomy

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King Calyo Delphi mastodon (AP)

It's always so refreshing to see more rubber and gear kink peeps who are also massive nerds who're into some of the same engineery shit I'm into, because it makes me feel like less of an oddball.

It makes me feel normal. Like there is absolutely a niche community for weird exotics like me. 💙

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Saki (oh, possum!) mastodon (AP)
this is why I have follow requests on xD
@Saki I just went with a big toot explaining that I post lewds sometimes
King Calyo Delphi mastodon (AP)
I'm 100% laissez faire about it. If someone's willing to keep following me here in spite of the overt kink and horny, then they are, at the minimum, Okay With It™, if not secretly into it themselves but unwilling to openly admit it here. 😘
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@Saki I enjoy the fact that I can push your buttons and then follow it up with a nuclear reactor joke that has an elaborate setup
Maxwell (it/its) mastodon (AP)
@tryst @Saki "Sometimes." Not that there's a problem with being pervasively lewd.
@Saki @maxissakitsune Your university years are the time to be as weird as you like because there's basically zero consequences. After that, there's the constant anxiety of "employability".

Botch Frivarg mastodon (AP)

Even a big wolf looks tiny in the wide expanse of nature

Fursuit by: Sarah Cat Fursuit ( https://www.sarahcatfursuits.com/ )

#SarahCatSunday #Fursuit #Furry #Photography

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Rare photo of a roundabout reproducing through mitosis
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Cy ActivityPub
So that's how those things are getting all over the place!

I admin a local "pantry" group on Facebook, for food sharing. Basically, if you have food (or other stuff, but mostly food) that you don't want for whatever reason you can post it in the group and give it away. It stops good being thrown out and wasted, and helps people who might be going hungry otherwise.

Tonight a woman put up a post talking about how she's a young mum with two small boys, and that they were out of food until Thursday. She talked about how she was embarrassed to ask but really needed help.

Two women answered the post, offering food. The OP explained that she didn't drive and would it be ok of people dropped things at her place, so I offered to drive around and collect the things people were giving and drop them at her place. I don't have spare food I can help with, but I have a car and I have time.

The second woman I collected from was someone I actually met at the beginning of the year, when she posted in the group and asked for help with cleaning supplies.. I gave her a bunch of things I had tucked away under the sink and didn't use.

She had told me then about how her partner had just been diagnosed with cancer. She told me tonight how she'd stayed in the group because she was waiting for the opportunity to help someone else because we'd helped her so much. She's doing better now, and it made her feel happy she could help someone else.

When I dropped the food these two women had given to the OP, she talked to me about how her partner had died suddenly the year before, leaving her with two young boys.. both with autism and ADHD. She said she's 31 and doesn't have her life together yet. I told her I'm 50 and mines a mess too. I told her that one of the women who had offered food was someone the group had helped previously, and how happy she'd been to be able to help as well. We talked about how community means not only helping people, but also being helped. We talked about how this means that our communities are stronger and prosper together. She's looking forward to being able to help someone else too.

This is how mutual aid works. No matter how dark things get, we can find hope in community.

#MutualAid #Indigenous #Aboriginal #CommunityCare #CommunityNotCops #RegionalAustralia

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ZephyrFloofyDerg mastodon (AP)

It's wild how many views my Leeds Furmeet videos are getting so far, over 4,800 views already! Thank you so much for watching. Here's a GIF of Nebraxas being awesome


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This is an incredible story and had I been born in a different generation might have been my story as an academic. I'm so grateful to the women that came before me in academia, allowing me to be able to have both a family and my academic career. Congratulations Dr Fowler, so very overdue and so very well deserved. https://www.theguardian.com/science/article/2024/jul/22/physicist-rosemary-fowler-honoured-doctorate-75-years-after-discovery
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Digger the BateDog mastodon (AP)
that tracks lol

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Petrichor Squirrel mastodon (AP)
what a cutie! 💖

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

THIS should be front-page news every day.

THIS should be the primary focus of every major world leader.

But it's not.

Instead, all we get is month after month of more Business As Usual.

‼️ 🚨 ‼️ 🚨 ‼️ 🚨 ‼️ 🚨 ‼️ 🚨 ‼️

Dr. Robert Rohde (@RARohde) delivers the latest update on our global climate emergency:

"The last 12 months were each at least 1.5°C (2.7°F) warmer than Berkeley Earth's 1850-1900 baseline. This brings the 12-month moving average of Earth's global temperature to a record high of +1.68°C (+3.02°F) above the 1850-1900 baseline, far surpassing previous short-term warming events."

See ➡️ https://fediscience.org/@RARohde/112824106977970378
Learn more ➡️ https://berkeleyearth.org/june-2024-temperature-update/

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

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