
Xe :verified: mastodon (AP)
"When received by the sensor and loaded into the Content Interpreter, problematic content in Channel File 291 resulted in an out-of-bounds memory read triggering an exception. This unexpected exception could not be gracefully handled, resulting in a Windows operating system crash (BSOD)."


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of course it was

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Vee mastodon (AP)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Rusty Corgi mastodon (AP)


You can check Vote.gov for voting requirements and deadlines in your area. :pupper_wag: Do it!!!

#USPol #USPolitics #Vote #Voting #RegisterToVote #VoteBlue

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A new drug described as “the closest we have ever been to an HIV vaccine” could be sold for $40 a year and still make 30% profit, but is currently being sold by pharma companies for $42,250. Absolutely criminal.


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I'm in this comic and I'm...
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daverage mastodon (AP)
a kobold of many faces
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Chris Webster sums up how many of us think about those poor ignored Brexiters:

'Those who voted leave because they wanted to leave the EU have no reason to feel ignored because they got what they wanted. The UK has left the EU, and both main parties refuse to admit or address the damage done'!

And, if you voted Leave to achieve something else which hasn't come to pass, well you voted for the wrong thing, didn't you.


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Girl on the Net mastodon (AP)

“Services like this rely on a basic level of human decency and trust"

Just the British Museum there, lecturing people about theft.

The British Museum.

Lecturing people about theft.

Well done to this artist who has well and truly made his point 😂


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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
Conceptual art with a real message that doesn’t commit a crime, gets the masses talking about art, history and British imperialism while winding up the Establishment…can’t wait to see this guy’s PhD work…and no my tongue is not in my cheek, I used to work with research students in an art college.

CheRosach mastodon (AP)

It’s getting hotter wherever people live

According to #Copernicus, Sunday 21st July 2024 was the hottest day ever recorded globally in 100,000 years. Yet there are still people saying that because they are having a cloudy day global warming doesn't exist. #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

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Just to be clear - any party telling you who you're not allowed to love, what bathroom you're not allowed to use, which states you're not allowed to travel to, which books you're not allowed to read, which prayers you're not allowed to pray, what neighborhoods you're not allowed to live in, or which things you're not allowed to do with your own body, doesn't give two shits about freedom.
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Wuffpet mastodon (AP)

Gonna try and reuse this platform again after a few requests to do so….

Please explain this lock?? Puffy tiger needs to know why!

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Jonly mastodon (AP)
so the puffy tiger doesn't become the deflated tiger of course
Leina mastodon (AP)
So you can be my tiger forevermore. ;)

Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)

"UK government to prevent MPs taking on lobbying jobs"



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Rick mastodon (AP)
Needs to hit work as programme presenters off the air, too...

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no no, not a teams meeting, it's a meet meeting. on google meet. it might be called duo for you? i sent you a hangouts to the drive link on messages. no no not your gmail inbox, it's under "all mail", not every email goes to the inbox, haha. or if you're using the classic mode it might be under meetups or promotions. yeah where the chats used to be, before they made google voice an RCS thing. have you got it from google play? no not the green one, the new one with the multicoloured icon. you can only use the green one with legacy members. ok so the problem is you're on workspace for business, it's under google one basic now. did you try quick sharing it? no see you can't use it on a tablet, only a phone or laptop, unless you want the plus features, that only works on phones of course. honestly the easiest way from here is through the docs plugin, unless you wanna family share if you can do vowifi
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kill the “when I learn [software] I will do [project]” in your head and replace it with “I will learn [software] by doing [project]”
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A trillion is hard to wrap your head around!

A million seconds was 11 days ago.

A billion seconds ago was 1993.

A trillion seconds ago? 29,600 B.C.

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Bill Hunt hometown (AP)

The absolute darkest UI pattern that is used everywhere is the no-reply email address blackhole that every service uses. I'm struggling to think of anything more anti-user than "here's some information - now talk to the hand."

Make it easy for people to talk to a real human. If that's not cost-effective for you, you're prioritizing the wrong things in your service.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Joelle mastodon (AP)

Here’s what parenting can look like.

When I told my dad I was trans, my dad’s response was, “Oh! I can send you jewelry now!” (He was retired and made jewelry as a hobby).

Two days latter, I had a letter in the mail addressed to Joelle, the first time “Joelle” ever got mail, with a necklace in it. Later he made me this one. He told me, “I hope I got the colors right, I looked it up online.”

You don’t have to mourn a child transitioning. You can be the first to do so many affirming things.

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TFW you have a WIP you need to provide feedback on, and you are excited about it and all, but you're not really excited about the 'offering feedback' part, so you keep it open on your PC and just kind of stare at it every once in awhile and then go back to other things.
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Pippin friendica
Oh christ, I made a commission a couple(?) of years ago now (only commission I've ever asked for apart from one badge back in the early 2000s) and three initial sketch alternatives arrived a few days later and I still haven't been able to articulate what I'm not keen on about them and get back to the artist. I wonder whether they even remember now. I'm mostly considering the payment I made for character design and reference sheet a donation at this point.

Pippin friendica

Well this (attached link) is annoying.

I have my kind-of "beta-mode", kind-of production (but not for a huge number of sites, because of being kinda beta) web proxy/front end setup which I spent ages writing and still need to fully finish off, turn into a cluster rather than a SPoF, and write a control panel for, so that there's a configuration UI other than SQL.

One feature I specifically built into the certificate management was that it was to always *always* staple OCSP, so that no (modern) client should ever have to contact an OCSP responder itself, and it will switch to a backup certificate if an OCSP response expires and it can't get a valid replacement.

I guess I'm going to have to do yet more work on it to make it recognise certificates without an OCSP responder URL and ignore all the OCSP stapling logic for such certs and tolerate them not having OCSP responses to staple.

Oh well, I suppose the internet keeps changing and I should have known something would soon render all my work obsolete. Doesn't stop it being annoying.

Tanzureir mastodon (AP)

A smug blue yote blocks your way in a stylish latex catsuit and a pair of shiny platform boots. Wyd?

Excellent art drawn by @krd 💙 🖤 ✨

#latex #rubber #latexfur #rubberfur

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Pippin friendica
I'd assume the toll is payable in hugs?

The whole problem with Microsoft in general is that they want to be Apple. They want their own hardware & software ecosystem that they rule over with absolute power. But culturally they're not Apple, they're a child that needs 24/7 adult supervision. They can't and won't do security, their track record of handling all types of incidents is abysmal, and they're absolutely terrified of making any changes that might mildly inconvenience enterprise customers. They want all the benefits of controlling their own ecosystem, but will take on exactly zero of the responsibilities. They literally cannot be trusted to secure their own ecosystem and the EU for sure knew this.
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Rem mastodon (AP)

fox in a suit!

#art #anthro

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doesnt that also risk the chance the battery explodes or breaks or something?

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

All that bad news you saw from me yesterday, along with so much more bad news today — it all adds up to this.

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

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Rua mastodon (AP)

I love it when people take their plushies with them on trips, and post photos of them visiting nice places! Is there an established hashtag for those kinds of photos? If not, maybe someone should think of one.

Update: I'm declaring #PlushieTravels to be the one and only canonical totally official proposed hashtag for it. :blobfoxbongo:

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Morton Fox mastodon (AP)
I've done that a lot too in the past. I still start new photo series with new characters every now and then. Here's one from years ago of Plush Husky visiting Socrates in Astoria, NY. #PlushieTravels

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes mastodon (AP)

Changing tracts for a moment; scientists have made an incredible discovery that alters not only how we understand the deep ocean, but also may alter what we know about the Earth's supply of the very oxygen we breathe - and unsurprisingly, capitalists are already working on fucking that up without the slightest care in the world for the harm it may cause our biosphere.


Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean

"About half the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. But, before this discovery, it was understood that it was made by marine plants photosynthesizing - something that requires sunlight.

Here, at depths of 5km, where no sunlight can penetrate, the oxygen appears to be produced by naturally occurring metallic “nodules” which split seawater - H2O - into hydrogen and oxygen."

The article goes on to describe how we discovered these deep sea nodules which may take millions of years to form, what it means that oxygen is being produced without marine plant photosynthesis, and how this probably changes our understanding of deep sea life that likely depends on that oxygen (fish need oxygen, they just get it differently than we do.) Science lovers are encourage to read the whole piece.

What I want to focus on here however, is the fact that immediately after we've discovered this natural wonder, deep sea mining companies and resource-hungry capitalists are looking to literally rip these metallic nodules from the sea floor with virtually no concern for how that might affect our oceans, or even life on Earth.

"And because these nodules contain metals like lithium, cobalt and copper - all of which are needed to make batteries - many mining companies are developing technology to collect them and bring them to the surface.

But Prof Sweetman says the dark oxygen they make could also support life on the seafloor. And his discovery, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, raises new concerns about the risks of proposed deep-sea mining ventures."

Are life-giving, water oxygenating metallic nodules our only source of lithium, cobalt, and copper? Nope. Have deep sea mining companies studied the potential harm harvesting these nodules might cause? Nope. Might ripping them out of the water affect the delicate balance of not only ocean life but potentially how the oxygen we breath is distributed across multiple ecosystems and even the whole planet? Yeap. Does capitalism give a shit about any of that? Apparently not. The simple truth here is that we don't know how important these nodules are, and if the capitalists have their way we're going to start destroying them to make batteries before we even find out.

Look you can call me an alarmist if it'll make you feel better, but this story is merely a microcosm of the entire reason you're living on a boiling planet, facing down a mass extinction event that may well wipe out billions of people and destroy a habitable biosphere for countless other species as well.

We live in an extractivist culture, driven by the capitalist profit motive, where time and time again the need to keep stacking money for incomprehensibly rich ghouls is prioritized over not only nature, but the very survival of the human species. Capitalism is killing us, and literally nobody in the wealthy ruling classes, or the governments they've bought lock stock and barrel is doing anything about it, or shows any signs of even *trying* to do anything about it.

I don't know if tearing metallic nodules that produce dark oxygen from the ocean floor to make more Tesla batteries will compromise the planet's supply of the precious air we all breathe or not. But neither do the rich bastards that want to do it anyway. And you and I both know that if even if they did know, they wouldn't care.

At some point the human species is going to have to get serious about prioritizing life on Earth over the material demands of capitalists and rich people, or we're going to run out of life to commodify; or you know, the very air necessary to sustain our own existence as animals on a planet uniquely capable of supporting that life. One thing I *can* tell you is that after hundreds of years of capitalist predation of our shared biosphere, it is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that neither the capitalists, nor the states they own, are going to make the right choices to ensure our survival, for us.

#ClimateCrisis #DarkOxygen #Capitalism #OceanLife

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Weyoun 6 mastodon (AP)

@KayOhtie I thought it was good, and informative. There's 6 min clip on tiktok to get the shape of the coverage:


Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
@weyoun6 I'd offer to link that through proxitok but it never caches vids so it's kinda of garbo. If you don't mind proxying the full video through an Invidious instance though https://farside.link/Invidious/ will send you to a random instance and that can oft bypass those geo walls (may require setting a preference checkbox to proxy the video through the instance, if it's in the right region)

Andrew Helwer mastodon (AP)

A wide ask here so please boost: my grandfather is trying to get rid of an old business computer, and I was wondering whether any vintage computer people might want it. It was purchased for $50k from The Ultimate Corporation in the early 80s. This ran the Pick operating system, and my best guess is the hardware was originally manufactured by GE or Honeywell. It's about the size of a half-rack and currently lives in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. It has sat covered in plastic in a chemical warehouse for the past 35 years. Where do people usually post stuff like this other than here? Thanks!


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MOKANCAN.org mastodon (AP)
Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source https://www.zdnet.com/article/switzerland-now-requires-all-government-software-to-be-open-source/ #foss #opensource
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Just texted with my super pessimistic kid who now actually has hope for the future. They said young people are “extremely animated” and that there would be "massive turnout if the momentum keeps up." They said they had great hopes for down ballot candidates. The other twin said he’d never been politically optimistic in his adulthood before. They’re 29.
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Don't roll your own crypto.

I guess a blog post coming in the future.

*Angry fox noises*

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GrumpSec Spottycat Private message mastodon (AP)
i'm sure @soatok will like this one
GrumpSec Spottycat Private message mastodon (AP)
@soatok https://www.dx-world.net/super-fox-mode/ (I'm sure you're curious about what the "signature" algorithm/method is....)

Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)

A shift is happening:
•Biden has cancelled his meeting with Netanyahu
•Harris will skip Netanyahu's speech to Congress
•Harris will meet with Netanyahu to tell him to stop bombing Palestinian civilians
•Seven major unions just sent a joint letter to Biden calling on him to "immediately halt all military aid to Israel" ahead of Netanyahu’s DC visit:

Don't let up. Keep the pressure on until US stops funding genocide & starts rebuilding Palestine. Let's go.

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Sarah Brown friendica (via ActivityPub)

Content warning: Long form - on transphobia and trans women as basilisks

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transphobia rots the brain in a seemingly unique way. I've also been thinking for a while that there's a dearth of research on it.

One name that wasn't mentioned here: Notch. He was actually cool about trans people once upon a time, and then he became a billionaire and basically melted his mind on twitter becoming a transphobe. Bizarre how people will commit to being unlikable.

Riley S. Faelan mastodon (AP)
Oh, and for people who are not fluent in That Weird-looking European Language With Its Own Alphas and Betas, βασίλισσα ('basilissa') is the Greek word for 'queen'. Two alphas, a single beta, and a whopping three sigmas! What a mighty and beautiful word.

Veronica Explains mastodon (AP)

The rise of ChatGPT-style "AI tools" is a climate change issue. Advertising them is, by extension, an attempt at disengaging our sense of alarm.

Therefore, "you need to adapt and learn these 'tools'" is an anti-climate stance. Companies that engage in marketing these tools *are* engaging in the politics of climate change, even if they don't know it yet.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Brian Merchant mastodon (AP)

Did a long investigation for WIRED looking at how studios are already using AI to degrade and kill jobs in the video game industry


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