
This "AI is ruining the internet" is funny, infuriatingly and depressingly correct.

Well, except for one (actually) tiny detail, ALL the "tech" people I follow are strongly and loudly worried about AI's dangers to human society, etc. The people described as "tech" people are just AIdolizers with AIdiotic public stances that may genuinely wreck everything, starting with the poorest and otherwise most vulnerable people.

1 1

Also, all the progress that we may have been, or intended to be, doing regarding decreasing energy consumption to save our livable habitat from being eradicated by climate change,
is currently being entirely wiped out by the new AI-farm server halls with VASTLY increased electricity consumption that recently have and will soon be built, to the point that they build entirely new power plants dedicated to just a server hall each because the general power grids can't handle their demands.

So yeah, it's not just the killing of art and trust in any remote human-to-human communication, experiences and education, but there's also pure survival as a species.
Cool, huh?

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Google and Microsoft now consume more electricity than >100 countries
So that's about half. There are 193 UN member States.

AI, AI aiii, climate change is accelerating. Not intelligent at all.

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
I never get tired of this POV... 💜
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Spud mastodon (AP)
POV you wake up as your fursona :ablobfoxdundundunowo:
Aatheus mastodon (AP)
Pfoten ja

Republicans want to ban sex, but only if it's fun sex

What year is it

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
When my mum finally came out to me as an atheist (having been educated in convents) she said the purpose of the Bible was a survival guide for keeping a small population alive in a desert 2000 years ago. Despite Republicans doing their best to transform the planet to an arid, unliveable dry husk that’s not quite where most of us find ourselves in 2024. So why vote for a party that denies fun, bodily autonomy and anything outside of heterosexuality?
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a stinky ox 🐂 mastodon (AP)

TIL about the design spec for the Citroen 2CV.

It had to:

- transport two farmers
- have enough headroom for those farmers to wear hats
- have controls laid out so it could be driven while wearing clogs
- carry 100kg of potatoes and a cask of wine
- two adult rams 🐏🐏 or three goats 🐐🐐🐐
- transport a basket of eggs across a ploughed field without breaking any
- being capable of travelling at 50kph using 3L of fuel per 100km.

1 1
Martin Hamilton mastodon (AP)
As a <farmer> I want to <wear my hat and clogs> so that I can <drive across a ploughed field with two rams or three goats and a basket full of eggs>
wilbert kraan mastodon (AP)
and all of that within the confines of 2 chevaux vapeur, because those two steamy tax horses were the difference between affordable for an average French peasant or not.
The CV calculation is complex, but 2CV effectively describes a modest commuter motorcycle engine.

“you’re a replicant and everything you remember about your childhood is fake implanted memories”

normal person: [existential crisis]
trans person: “oh thank fuck. That’s a load off”

1 1
yeah that would make a lot of sense.
some fool at the replicant center accidentally gave me boy-child memories, which don't at all make sense given my adult memories.

A super fun concept traditional pencil test I did a while ago for a long-finished project.
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a few things on this board make me smile every time I look at it
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every PCB I make has "trans rights" on them. Happy to see they're in good company

Well , if you ever wanted to know the type of people who would rally to Hitler in the 1930's, I guess that's the republicans who all shook hands with Netanyahu today. Those who cheer him.

Except unlike the Germans of that time, almost none of which knew of death camps, these republicans are aware of the genocide in Gaza already.

This is not naiveté. This is the acceptance of evil. The transition from protofascism to full fascism has been completed.

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violetmadder mastodon (AP)

There's a whole podcast with some therapists discussing this stuff, and it's awesome:


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"The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the reverse." ~Herman E. Daly

Economics without ecology is just stamp collection.

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Via Dave McCandless (who I don’t think is on here), this label is great: including why an ingredient is used and its source is a very smart thing
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Lazy summer days are the best ❤

An artistic liberty sketch for Argent ^^

#UnasArt #furry #furryart #furryartist #furryartwork #UnaPanthera #commission #illustration #characterillustration

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Http needs a status code for grudging acceptance. We have 202 Accepted. We need 222 Tolerated.

For when the client is doing it wrong, but you've decided to be the bigger person and deal with it anyway.

1 🥴 1 4
224 no content for you personally
Aaron gotosocial (AP)
433 F*** This Request In Particular
1 1

adblock is an essential security tool for every modern browser
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"The repeatedly applause for #Netanyahu from the right as he seeks to justify with lies & distortions the brutality in Gaza is nauseating. It as if they're cheering for genocide -slaughter of children -starvation of 100s of 1000s. It's repugnant, humanity at its worst."
D Rothkopf

"History will judge us poorly for welcoming Netanyahu to Congress with open arms as he commits war crimes in Gaza."
S Lee

"Netanyahu should be standing in front of a criminal tribunal -not Congress."
J Castro


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up in the clouds
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Honestly, people these days.

A Telegram group was having a chat involving odd bicycle like things from British TV and no-one brought up Supergran.

What's the world coming to?

... Does this make me old?

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I mean it's Domino's. I don't even want one slice.

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Correction: Monday was Earth's hottest day in all recorded history, beating out the previous record of Sunday


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Via Birdsite & YouTube. (Sorry!)

I've wondered how long it would be before someone combined wide-angle cameras with VR to see the world from different perspectives! This is a pretty slick implementation.

Can I get one in Jackalope form, please?

My biggest complaint about the design is neck strain. All the computer hardware is cantilevered off the wearer's face. Ugh! Put that in a backpack or something, or at least mount it to the back of the head for counterbalance.


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Pippin friendica

Also I suspect that, unlike when Google et al started crawling the web, most sites just aren't linked to, or link to, other sites. We used to get around the whole web with links, which is how the web was designed, and now… no links. All the big sites rely on search because they wouldn't be caught dead actually *linking* to other sites - theirs is *obviously* the only site anyone would want to ever go to, after all. Why should they give their traffic to some other, undeserving site? 🙄

last boost:

An undertold story is the monopoly on search engine *scrapers*. Thanks to DDOS hardcoding, it's essentially impossible to create a new webcrawler. All there is is google, bing, and one or two (forget exactly) chinese bots. It is literally not possible to create a new search engine because it's not possible to scrape the web.

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last boost:

An undertold story is the monopoly on search engine *scrapers*. Thanks to DDOS hardcoding, it's essentially impossible to create a new webcrawler. All there is is google, bing, and one or two (forget exactly) chinese bots. It is literally not possible to create a new search engine because it's not possible to scrape the web.

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Content warning: tech news, ai, reddit

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Content warning: tech news, ai, reddit

I don't believe in gatekeeping knowledge, especially not knowledge that forms part of our intangible cultural heritage.

Drystone built some of the very first structures on our planet. As useful now as it was then.

So, here's a beginner's guide.


#UNESCO #Drystone #Knowledge #Skills #TraditionalCrafts #Perthshire #Scotland

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Learn to host your own services now. Because in the future you might not be able to discover how.
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We need to regulate them. And we need to produce our own alternatives, just like we used to before they existed and stole that from us.
Cy ActivityPub
And by regulate that means shut down, break up, coopt, repossess, and jail everyone involved in making our lives miserable for profit.

Lmao so the answer to "why crowdstrike broke" is that they literally have no staging deployment for the cloud based updates, and somebody deployed a thing without testing it at all because the offline content validation said it was fine. (See: https://www.crowdstrike.com/falcon-content-update-remediation-and-guidance-hub/)
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Random fursuit photos from the archives.

Rakule as Yeet the dinosaur.

Midwest FurFest 2018.

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Oh gods it's true it's so fucking true :dragncrysmile:
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Cy ActivityPub
I just tell them I'm a renegade librarian.

idea: what if we put a self driving car that can fit multiple people on some sort of track so that we wouldn't need to cool down a datacenter with potable drinking water during a climate crisis to automatically drive the single person vehicle

i bet nobody has thought of this before


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Stephen Collins mastodon (AP)
@Taco_lad an outrageous concept!
Ikani mastodon (AP)
This is a good idea, but we're not even using those datacenters to drive people around. All that processing has to be local because the single person vehicles can't rely on internet connectivity.
All the datacenter level stuff is just so coders can have bad code halucinated for them and my dad can ask about a book that never existed.
No, using the power and water of a small country isn't even useful for driving badly. It's that much of a waste.
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Hehehe. It's like Scooby Doo taking off a suspect's mask.
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I'm hanging around at a random Bus- stop in Berlin. :3

Thanks to an art- project that is called "Du bist am Zug" ("It's your turn!"). People could send in pictures to have them displayed on different advertisement -spaces.

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"When received by the sensor and loaded into the Content Interpreter, problematic content in Channel File 291 resulted in an out-of-bounds memory read triggering an exception. This unexpected exception could not be gracefully handled, resulting in a Windows operating system crash (BSOD)."


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of course it was

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You can check Vote.gov for voting requirements and deadlines in your area. :pupper_wag: Do it!!!

#USPol #USPolitics #Vote #Voting #RegisterToVote #VoteBlue

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