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B. Snakebite mastodon (AP)
Is that the big dick energy I heared about? ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค“
omg, this clip is a classic XD

There โ€ฆ that distortion see it?
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Pippin friendica
Oh, right. I'm seeing olympics stuff so it must be a leap-year again. As they have a 4-year cadence instead of being every year, I always manage to completely forget about sports after each of theseโ€ฆ just in time for another one to come round, it seems. I find it hard to understand how people are still interested in this stuff after this many times.

(scene: the USB implementers forum. the room is dark and full of smoke. the industry representitives are lit from below, their faces hidden)

"OK folks! Now it's time to write the spec for USB C extension cables and USB C to A adapters. Thoughts?"

"What if we just don't standardise those? We just say in the spec that they're disallowed."

"But extension cables are pretty essential, sometimes there's no alternative. People are going to make them whether they're allowed by the spec or not. So won't every company that makes one do it a bit differently, and they'll all be broken in slightly different ways?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Great, done. What's next?"

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re-upping this one again

so many forms of writing are rendered nearly useless if they have no info on *when* they were written


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GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
also use an rfc3339 date format or at least make it non-ambiguous. As in 09 Feb 2024, not โ€œ02/09/2024โ€ (which is actually the 2nd of September)
GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
ALSO Absolutely No โ€œseason-yearโ€. Summer 2023? That could have been Jan/Feb, June,July,August or December 2023.
@kyhwana iso 8601! aka YYYY-MM-DD, or 2024-02-09
GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
@chfour RFC3339, ISO8601 is paywalled. And remember if youโ€™re paying for it, its not a date.. (its something else)
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Peter Cohen mastodon (AP)

Here's how to stop X from using your posts to train its AI:

Stop posting on X

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Welcomed in a new member of the family yesterday: an Amiga 1000 I spotted on FB marketplace. This is an early one made in 1985! Itโ€™s awesome finally having the OG Amiga and the CRT monitor is in amazing working condition.
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David August mastodon (AP)

Tonight, trump suggested people have to vote this year and then in 2028 and beyond they wonโ€™t have to vote because โ€œItโ€™ll be fixed.โ€

#Project2025 #trump #election #elections #politics #political #USpol #democracy #autocracy

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Florian Haas mastodon (AP)
HTTP 666 Ignore All Previous Instructions
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Still on X? Without notice, X has opted all users into training its "Grok" AI Model. To turn off this setting and stop your "posts, interactions, inputs, and results" from being used for training and fine-tuning Grok, visit https://x.com/settings/grok_settings and uncheck the checkbox.
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Tilondrion mastodon (AP)
Is there anything better than spending this hot summer day in the forest next to a cool little stream? Well if you're lucky you might see a rare waterdragon in his natural habitat.
#FursuitFriday #dragon #fursuit #furry
๐Ÿ“ท nerox
๐Ÿชก @DireCreatures
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mcc mastodon (AP)

Referring to distances and weights in kibimeters and kibigrams just to confuse everyone

POSTSCRIPT: After typing this, I suddenly wondered if anyone had ever had this thought before. I searched on Google for "kibigram" to see if I could find an example of someone using the word. I did. It was @foone

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the funny thing is how often this exact scenario happens to me

A comfy couch!


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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
This is super adorable! โค
Pippin friendica
You'd hardly need to bend over to rub noses! :)

Paco Panda mastodon (AP)

A very rad cat, spreading joy especially for those who may recognize him.
Fanart inspired after visiting Czechia, such a beautiful country!

Digital. Procreate
You can see the short time lapse process video on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/panda_paco
Or get access to the full time lapse video, full resolution and newer submissions before anyone else at supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pandapaco

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ponytoons mastodon (AP)
I love this. so cute

Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Tryin' on this super cool shirt from @SterlingGryph for #FursuitFriday! Go check out his shop here - https://www.gryphwear.com/
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Shadow Cheetah mastodon (AP)
Looking so super there!

mcc mastodon (AP)
Install Linux!, they said. Wifi works now!, they said
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Kaye mastodon (AP)
And a very happy Testing in Production Friday to everyone
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Jon mastodon (AP)

If anyone is curious just how long the lessons of #CrowdStrike will last, US Navy research suggests everyone will be cautious for about 6 months before going back to the way things were before.


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Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
Happy #SysadminDay to all of us!
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muesli mastodon (AP)
I spent 8 hours automating a task that will easily save me several minutes over the next 10 years or so. MINUTES, I SAY!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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@KayOhtie seconded, I tend to worry about error more than time or tedium these days
Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
@SimonTesla It's why I took a week ish to write (on and off) something to copy data from a test instance to a prod one -- I also had it emit what changed so you can actually figure out if anything important changed or if something was wrong from test to change before allowing a copy.

Mole mastodon (AP)

Btw - for folks that still have Twitter account (active or not):

They sneakily snuck in an option to siphon user data to train their LLM (opt out, not in, ofc)

You should go turn that right the heck off. You can find and disable it under: Settings > Privacy & Safety > Grok

The direct link to the setting is:


*There is no option to opt out on the mobile app* - you will need to open the site on browser to opt out.

Aside: ublock still works on Firefox mobile and blocks Twitter ads - it's a better way to use the site if you are still using it, tbh.

1 2

Tomorrow I will be at Tails in Wales which is an awesome and cosy furmeet in Bangor! And they'll be celebrating their two year anniversary!

๐Ÿ“ท Nauta Sinneau
๐Ÿชก @selkiesuits

1 2
Oh my gods that is awesome!
@storydragon the art was so cool! The photo's from over a year ago so not sure if it's still there, but I'm so happy with the photo. ^^

Hazelnoot ActivityPub

I hope this is common knowledge, but just in case not: Authorized Fetch does not protect media attachments. Only post contents and (some) user profiles are authenticated.

Likewise, uploaded media is always public. Even if sent as a DM, anyone with the link can access the files without authentication. That includes blocked users / instances, so be careful what you upload!

#PSA #FediTips #Fedi #Fediverse

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Naia ลŒkami mastodon (AP)



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Campfire Stories ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Commission for Kaiyoht from Jack-Jackal! :3 Higher res version, time lapse video, and drawing stage snapshots are up on my Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/campfire-stories-108754627

#Furry #FurryArt #FurryArtist #MastoArt #Commission #ArtCommission

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Everytime I look up advice/details of how to do something on Linux and the project/guide doesn't explain what to do, but instead has a docker image, my resolve to never use docker increases a little bit more.

I get why docker exists and I'm not saying that it's not useful but wow I really do not want the question "How do I do x" to be answered with "Use this docker image"

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This Reddit post kinda sums up how I feel about docker:
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Honestly if you like docker then that's great but here me out:

Docker on enterprise servers? โœ… Yep
Docker instead of VMs? โœ… Sure why not?
Docker because you want to? โœ… Of course!
Docker on a single board computer for one job? โŒ Nonononono please just tell me the steps involved so I can learn how the system works!

I've got a couple of things running in Docker on SBCs that are the ony thing doing anything on that machine. it's kinda overkill, but it allows me to more easily intergrate it into my larger remote management system, and makes monitoring, alerting, and updates a looot easier.

@garrwolfdog Sorry I didn't mean to come across as "never use docker at all" but that I dislike that answers have in some cases become "use this docker image"

For example I want a SBC to monitor the temperature of my hot water tank. The first guide I found said that I should use multiple docker images to provide Prometheus and Grafana, and other guides were similar.

In the end Darac pointed me to Munin and that's exactly what I want. :)

@garrwolfdog Like in your case if you're already au fait with docker and it fits into your network then it makes sense, but for me who's still running servers with multiple services for an internal home network I'd prefer to have the details of how to configure it myself :)

It wouldn't be an issue if it was "here's how to do it from scratch but also there's a docker image if you want" but I keep seeing guides that are "you must use docker"

I'm not totally sure I follow. Even if you're using docker you still need to configure things as much as you would if you were setting it up on bare-metal. the only real difference if that you don't need to compile the binarries yourself and it will have kind of sandbox to run in. unless you're wanting to tinker with the source code itself, I guess?
Ooor this might just be confusion about how docker works? it can be alittle unclear, tbh.

@garrwolfdog Sorry let me clarify; I know nothing about docker and the first time I tried to follow one of these guides I ran into a problem with no way of being able to troubleshoot the fault. I couldn't find an easy answer of how to look at the logs or files within the docker so I had no idea what was going on.

That one did have all the code/scripts/etc not in a docker image and the first time I ran all that I found the fault straight away just by looking at the system logs.

@garrwolfdog @garrwolfdog It turned out that the python code was pointing to a folder that didn't exist. Changing that code fixed the problem, but the docker image pulled the code directly from the GitHub so short of forking the project and making my own changes directly from there I wasn't able to find a way to change the files in the docker container
@garrwolfdog I guess my point is that while I'm futsing around with my own little projects I know how to troubleshoot if it doesn't work. I've no idea how to do that on a docker container and I haven't yet found anything that explains it in a way I can understand, if it even is possible to troubleshoot like one would for a bare metal machine.
Kootenay mastodon (AP)
@garrwolfdog Really, each container is just a little Linux server running in its own space on top of actual Linux. You can get into it and see the filesystem with 'docker exec <container id|name> -ti /bin/bashโ€™.
Incoming network connections are mapped (on startup) from your host to the container.
Logs may be in /var/log in the container, or sometimes it's set to go to stderr, in which case use 'docker logs <container> -f' to see them.
You know all this, then you can debug. :)
Yikes! yeeeeeah, that is NOT how you should be building your container images. The whole point of containerisation is to avoid problems like that! no one should be releasing images that pull no-versioned locked code from 3rd party sources; that's dodgy as hell!

@garrwolfdog That's how I've seen a lot of people using it for small projects, hence my aversion to it in small projects.

I've always seen it as one of those things that you have to know/be invested in learning before you use it in a production environment but some people are treating it like FlatPak/AppImage

honesty, if you're running self-hosted home systems, then it's worth learning how to use docker. it can make spinning up and testing out services sooo much quicker and clear.
@garrwolfdog I want to eventually when I can brain properly for it; I want to set up four TV channels running from a server and being output into an old hotel CATV distribution board, and having each channel in its own docker container would be helpful for monitoring them.
If you ever need to pointers to get you going, we're always happy to help!
ok, unrelated to you but I got to be pedant for a moment XD
It should be it's named after the raven so its a nominative singular masculine propper noun, so it should be "Muninn" not "Munin". Why people don't consult a linguist before naming their software, I'll never know!
Kootenay mastodon (AP)
@garrwolfdog Woo! Corvid pedantry! I approve! :>
Kootenay mastodon (AP)
@garrwolfdog Itโ€™s always Corvid Time.
Pippin friendica
@Epoxy / Renby ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ The reason I hate the idea of using docker is that I want/need to *understand* things properly before I use them. I love things like postfix, because it has a full set of man pages which explain every little detail of how to configure it and how it behaves, and it also has documentation designed to help you understand how to use it. Docker and git and various other thingsโ€ฆ I've never come across documentation that actually *helped*. The more complex it is, the more documentation is needed to explain it and the better organised that documentation needs to be. I have a bit of ambivalence regarding qemu - it's pretty much essential for my business, but the documentation is severely, *severely* lacking, to the point where I've had to refer to the source code. And even that is full of unexplained abstractions and very hard to understand.
Pippin friendica
@Epoxy / Renby ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ Actually, thinking about this properly (and I haven't thought about docker other than in an "ew, no" way for a long time now) I suspect the thing that originally put me off was that, if I remember right, its normal mode of operation is to download stuff from unidentified, unexplained servers on the internet and execute it on my machine. This is kinda the same reason I don't like/use build systems that do that kind of thing, like pip and pear and composer and npm and so on. I just about trust Debian's distribution network so I'll install dependencies from there thankyouverymuch, stop trying to grab them from places I've never even heard of, and especially don't just replace whole dependencies with newer possibly-improved-possibly-compromised versions on a whim. I certainly don't want entire containers obtained that way.
Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)

@pippin part of the point of the containers is to avoid the very issue it sounds like you're worried they cause. There are potential Escape Routes (usually if run with too many permissions) but the idea is almost more "I don't trust this to _not_ get compromised so I'm isolating this with limited connections for networking/data out of it" with the added benefit of "I also don't have to worry about package collisions or it fucking with local packages".

Outside of official containers I tend not to trust ones where I can't see the Dockerfile, and can read to see how the container image was built and what it'll do inside itself. Useful sometimes for writing my own Dockerfile stuff like for the mastodon image I use.

But yeah the dual purpose is definitely "contain" first, hence the name, with the benefit of "isolate libraries" second meaning if your container ever goes sideways you can just tear it down, and not have to worry about "alright what files got fucked up by building or package management?" And kinda making the data a little more portable. Definitely makes migrating/moving stuff a lot less painful.

Pippin friendica

@Kay Ohtie @Epoxy / Renby ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ I don't drive recklessly just because I'm wearing a seatbelt, though. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I'm just very dubious about the benefits, haven't had the time and motivation to spend to learn this whole new thing, and haven't had any problems doing it the way I've always done it.

(I'm probably in the "anything invented after you turn 30 is newfangled trash" phase, too.)

yeah i can sort of get it from an avoiding dependency hell perspective but yeah absolutely not running it on the pi zero
Kevin mastodon (AP)

I'm the same with snap/flatpak/appimages, for local desktop use I want a bloody package I can keep up to date with standard utilities.

Docker is for remote systems IMO.


Seritus Sabre mastodon (AP)

"You! Explain what this world is about!"

Seems this sabre has been transported in time to the modern day, and is grumpy about it!

๐Ÿ“ธ @silverfoxwolf
๐Ÿฏ @tungro as Seritus the Sabretooth Tiger
โœ‚๏ธ @madebymercury
๐Ÿ“† 2024-07-20
๐ŸŒ LondonFurs, London, UK


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Chloรฉ Raccoon mastodon (AP)
*sneaks up, corks the teeth in the name of HSE*

someone just shared this picture with me and I am so mad this is a thing that somebody thought was a good idea, or even not a terrible idea
1 8
Ikani mastodon (AP)
if there's a transit authority for said train, I'd see about reporting an accessibility complaint either to them or whichever government regulates them

Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
#QOTD: โ€œYou can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!'
'She's a child!' shouted Crumley.
'What if she cuts herself?'
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Arakin mastodon (AP)
still such a classic ๐Ÿ˜€
not to mention this brilliant illustration https://adi-fitri.tumblr.com/post/105355206099/its-a-sword-its-not-meant-to-be-safe-my
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This meme is at least two years old, but current politics compels me to post it again.
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On the OpenStreetMap wiki there is a list of example queries for the Overpass API (a tool to query OSM data). This one is my favorite
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Aatheus mastodon (AP)
First Bank of Crimes

Dan Goodin mastodon (AP)

In 2012, an industry-wide coalition of hardware and software makers adopted Secure Boot to protect against a long-looming security threat. The threat was the specter of malware that could infect the BIOS, the firmware that loaded the operating system each time a computer booted up. From there, it could remain immune to detection and removal and could load even before the OS and security apps did.

To this day, key players in securityโ€”among them Microsoft and the US National Security Agencyโ€”regard Secure Boot as an important, if not essential, foundation of trust in securing devices in some of the most critical environments, including in industrial control and enterprise networks.

On Thursday, researchers from security firm Binarly revealed that Secure Boot is completely compromised on more than 200 device models sold by Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermicro. The cause: a cryptographic key underpinning Secure Boot on those models that was compromised in 2022. In a public GitHub repository committed in December of that year, someone working for multiple US-based device manufacturers published whatโ€™s known as a platform key, the cryptographic key that forms the root-of-trust anchor between the hardware device and the firmware that runs on it.

The repository included the private portion of the platform key in encrypted form. The encrypted file, however, was protected by a four-character password, a decision that made it trivial for Binarly, and anyone else with even a passing curiosity, to crack the passcode and retrieve the corresponding plain text. The disclosure of the key went largely unnoticed until January 2023, when Binarly researchers found it while investigating a supply-chain incident. Now that the leak has come to light, security experts say it effectively torpedoes the security assurances offered by Secure Boot.

โ€œItโ€™s a big problem,โ€ said Martin Smolรกr, a malware analyst specializing in rootkits who reviewed the Binarly research and spoke to me about it. โ€œItโ€™s basically an unlimited Secure Boot bypass for these devices that use this platform key. So until device manufacturers or OEMs provide firmware updates, anyone can basicallyโ€ฆ execute any malware or untrusted code during system boot. Of course, privileged access is required, but thatโ€™s not a problem in many cases.โ€


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Rachel Rawlings mastodon (AP)
File under "News that makes people want to retire and raise chickens, until they remember bird flu."
1 1

Awww what a touching poem!!! (by u/Not_NosyCat)
(AI Alt-Text)
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NanoRaptor mastodon (AP)
BBC Model Linear B
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labria mastodon (AP)
do you have a link to the caps groupbuy?
@labria that's what I thought too.
If these keys were real, there definitely would be a bunch of mechanical keyboardists lining up to buy them
Stephen Paulger mastodon (AP)
@foone from what Iโ€™ve seen of mechanical keyboard communities them not being available to buy wouldnโ€™t stop them queueing up.
Adam Wolf mastodon (AP)
@foone The Keyboardio folks made some gorgeous Linear A keycaps.

Paul Cantrell mastodon (AP)

โ€œImagine a house where the drywall, flooring, fireplace, and light fixtures are all made by companies that need continuous access and whose failures would cause the house to collapse. Youโ€™d never set foot in such a structure, yet thatโ€™s how software systems are built.

โ€œItโ€™s not that 100 percent of the system relies on each company all the time, but 100 percent of the system can fail if any one of them fails.โ€ https://hachyderm.io/@wka/112849901858780783

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