
account inactive mastodon (AP)

can i present a concept to yall that had invaded my head recently

open source music.

so like, as someone who is a musician, i listen to tons of music as well, and i often find sounds or samples or techniques that i like in certain artists' songs and want to replicate in my musical style

but there's no information on how they did it or what DAWs/instruments they used

so like, hear me out. what if we kept some sort of "how i produced this track" type of log for everyone to see

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Blogs are still a thing, and blogs have always been a thing. They didn't go anywhere. My technical blog is thriving.

People come back to old posts constantly.

Something I posted 10 months ago is still my top performing post. Social media posts are ephemeral & if something happens to your content - it's gone.

Host your own blog, control your content. My social media posts may max out at 500-1000 views but my page views have a consistent baseline of 30k/a month. And I haven't posted in a bit.

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Kharos mastodon (AP)
Woah! Hope I get to pet the giant kitty.
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Many giant kitties enjoy pets!

Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
One snuggly leashchee for #FursuitFriday! Also paws... :3
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Leina mastodon (AP)
*tugs you right into my lap!* 💜
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
*curls up on your lap and purrs* 💜

Oh hi I'm a JavaScript project you haven't touched in 2 weeks. There are fourteen billion deprecated dependencies, and you will never get me to work again!
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doskel akkoma (AP)
we shouldn't give children phones not for safety reasons but so they don't have to endure the cringe they created five years later
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Toasted Lynx mastodon (AP)

Happy fursuit friday!

#fursuit #FursuitFriday

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Dodges mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Fursuit butt

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Content warning: Fursuit butt

Shadow Cheetah mastodon (AP)

I don't think anyone in history has ever calmed down when told "calm down."

Yet, for some reason, this is still the first thing everyone says.

I find people confusing.

(To clarify: nothing's happening to me - I'm just people watching XD)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Thumper mastodon (AP)
Calm down!!

Researchers at Univ Suffolk say "a reservoir of disease" is being created after discovering #bacteria naturally occur in #rivers are becoming resistant to #antibiotics due to the impact of #sewage. The university's team has isolated and analysed 500 strains of bacteria and found significant levels of #antibioticresistance.
"We're needlessly adding #pathogenic and virulence genes to bacteria found in the environment, and that could be creating a reservoir of #disease."
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LAUREN mastodon (AP)
Normalize raising the corporate tax rate to cover the cost of all public programs. That is true trickle down economics.
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Asbjørn Ulsberg mastodon (AP)

"You get more conservative when you get older" only really worked for the generations that got RICHER as they got older.

The real truth was always just "You get more selfish the more money you have".

#conservative #conservatives #conservatism #economics #economy #politics

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lynn / clarissa mastodon (AP)

In all our public spaces you shouldn't have to go more than a few blocks to

  • get water
  • use the bathroom
  • throw away trash
  • sit
  • charge your phone
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Baloo Uriza mastodon (AP)
I'm watching Tulsa repeat Portland's Bad Old Days of the 90s... which is funny because I'm watching Portland repeat Portalnd's bad old days of the 1970s with fucking two-way cycleways with just a single island curb, which being concrete on asphalt means a city bike hitting it at an angle will push the fucking curb out of place...
Baloo Uriza mastodon (AP)
Or, Texas Dots (the 1970s version of Armadillos, basically a bott's dot the size of an army helmet) seperating a two-way cycleway from a 4-lane stroad, resulting in a salmon lane and some very extremely unusual turning patterns at cross streets.

Skintight Chee mastodon (AP)
Happy Spider-Man Day!
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

Happy Spider-Man Day! ^^

Arts by @leggy2fast

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Flits mastodon (AP)
SpiderChee is a good look for you!

Pippin friendica

The bottom of the linked-to page has a good list of recommendations for encryption stuff.

(If I had some tool or place to remember links, I'd add this one. Unfortunately I don't have any such place - for some reason I never bookmark stuff in my browser, and even if I did I'd never remember to look at those bookmarks when I wanted to remember something. Oh well.)


Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

Which side are you on in the war?

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Economics #Capitalism

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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yakkoj 🦊 mastodon (AP)

Not only is this design cool, it refreshingly lacks any "anti-homeless" shit


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Ah, no wonder, it's not in America.
Oh cool, it's a book!

Forget discovery and algorithms -- for 30%, Steam should do your entire marketing campaign for you. At 30% they're in fucking publisher territory
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but free money! They just provide some downloads and get a third of your sales.

Joseph Cox mastodon (AP)
I'll be speaking at #DEFCON about FBI's secretly backdoored encrypted chat app that it used to wiretap the world. I'll show never-before-published images of the FBI's dashboard for reading the millions of intercepted messages; network infrastructure, more https://defcon.org/html/defcon-32/dc-32-speakers.html#54493
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Amazon should do a deal with @TechConnectify where you can buy one get one discounted so that you can always buy two of devices, and take one apart.
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ManMachine mastodon (AP)
“The Magic Of Buying Two Of Them” ™

Content warning: uspol, furries, kink, Elon Musk, the world is a joke

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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rabbit mastodon (AP)
Cloudflare is the only company that has ever given literal nazis my mother's phone number, so my opinion of them is slightly worse than my opinion of hot garbage.
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rabbit mastodon (AP)
@foone It's truly amazing that a company with a reputation this bad continues to be such a big part of the internet.
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I try to stop it at every company I work at!

Matrix11 mastodon (AP)
"I like people regardless of their degrees of freedom"
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The more you work with governments and multinational enterprises internationally, the more you realise that the ‘deep state’ and most popular conspiracy theories couldn’t possibly be true because most people are just incompetent.

Like *sure* they have the resources, but have you met half the people working at these levels?

And they can’t operate without staff, and people would just leak it all, not even intentionally.

I think of the idea of the Illuminati or some other underground network controlling the world, then I log into Azure DevOps and look at 1000 people’s efforts to deliver a fucking web service and I’m reassured that I’m correct, without a shadow of a doubt.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Kay Ohtie mastodon (AP)
It really seems like most conspiracy theories are built around the idea that there's a lot less chaos to the world and existence than there really is. Things must have some sort of orchestration or underpinning "plan", they can't just be the reality that no one knows what the hell they're doing. They need to feel like SOMEONE knows what they're doing, even if it's doing something the conspiracy theorist dislikes.
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Jonty Wareing mastodon (AP)

TFL took away the bus stop countdown sign.

So we installed our own.

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Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
Could it have enhanced data for the approaching bus? Seat moistness? Overall odour? Abandoned kebab count?
Jonty Wareing mastodon (AP)
@yagfox It just constantly says that the bus is wet, smelly, and has takeaway boxes under some seats. It is correct 90% of the time.

curtosis mastodon (AP)
Every. Single. Time. UBI. Is. Tested.
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Baldur Bjarnason mastodon (AP)

“Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI”


> When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions

Like I've been saying, we don't need the term "slop". Consumers have decided that "AI" in its entirety is bullshit. And, honestly, they’re right.

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“don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from” is genuinely such a good mindset to have
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European Commission mastodon (AP)

Today is #EarthOvershootDay – the day we've exhausted all the natural resources that the Earth can produce for 2024.

We would need 1.7 Earths to sustain our current rate of consumption.

This is why our #EUGreenDeal aims to give more back to nature than we take away from it.

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in an age of performative cruelty, kindness is punk as fuck. be punk as fuck
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Alopex mastodon (AP)
You know you've been away from social media too long when you are scrolling to catch up and the feed stops loading before you get through the all new posts.
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The Gneech mastodon (AP)
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
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Technically not having ADHD, I was a cm from a diagnosis (Dr's own words).
Monte Freeman mastodon (AP)

Every one of those things was said about me as a child/teen. Every. One. Of. Those. Things.

And at 56, I still haven’t completely recovered from the damage that those words caused.

“Words can’t hurt you IS A DAMNED LIE!”
Sorry. I’ll go back to my corner now.

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I wonder just what kind of talking to I'd get if, for my company's observance of National Pet Day, I submitted a photo of me in a company shirt with a 'pup' sitting next to me...
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Todo list:
1. Make Todo list app
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My Blåhaj is getting a washing today so I was searching up at what temperature and such to wash him at...

...Second result I got was for my own blog post from last year when I washed him. I completely forgot I had written the exact washing instructions I had used previously there, but thanks to younger me for doing that.

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kittynunu mastodon (AP)
hehehe, I saw that your blåhaj were quite yellow-y when I visited you :P
@kittynunu He's gotten lots of cuddles. :blobhaj_cat:
kittynunu mastodon (AP)
I bet he got more cuddles than me... 🥺
kittynunu mastodon (AP)
I want more cuddles!
Lockpick Extreme mastodon (AP)
I look up my instructions for smoking salmon every damn time.

Pup Tobby mastodon (AP)
That is soooo sweet! 💞
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