
PinballsWizard mastodon (AP)
the other one is underpaw
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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
This is a really nicely drawn pose! ^^

Ronnie Noodles mastodon (AP)

🐉 I'm just a noodle, wigglin' and noodlin' everywhere I go 🎶🏃‍♂️

📸 Aldoril1975 (Furtrack) #FursuitFriday

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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
best noodle ♥️

rixx mastodon (AP)

The officially best news of the $interval:

World of Goo 2 is now out (and you can buy it directly from the publisher, DRM free):


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Matt Gray mastodon (AP)

I just watched Matt Denton’s video making his scaled-up Lego motorbike, which I got to ride at @emf

I really like the way the couple of necessary bits of metal support have been disguised!

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Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
A lego bike sounds like the transport for a real stud... *gets coat*
Aatheus mastodon (AP)
hi Matt! Glad to meet you on Fedi. That bike looks like a riot to ride

Una Panthera mastodon (AP)

An illustration for Latharn of them enjoying a quiet day of reading at their local park ^^

#UnasArt #furry #furryart #furryartist #furryartwork #UnaPanthera #commission #illustration #characterillustration

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Piper Thunstrom mastodon (AP)

I will remind the world yet again: the Luddites were a labor movement, concerned with workers' safety and lifestyle, they were not anti technology.

They are the literal heroes of that story.

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Rocky Arokaii mastodon (AP)

Today is both #fursuitfriday and Jeetix’s birthday! 😋

Pic by KaisunDerg

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Jessica mastodon (AP)
They only think "weird" is an insult because they think "normal" is a real thing
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Nekaī mastodon (AP)

I just re-watched some of @breakingtaps videos and it gave me the motivation to really push on with my own projects. To see someone build their own fricking microchip semiconductors and still sometimes make oopsies that could have (in hindsight) easily been prevented makes me more confident about making mistakes.

We generally see only the finished projects and a straight path to the end result when other people present their hobby projects. However, i am completely sure that each and everyone, even the most skilled, cannot have their projects succeed in one single try. _Especially_ when those projects push against the boundaries of their skill set and knowledge.

Go ahead and be proud of your mistakes, it means that you learned something. Write bad code, make mistakes in your PCBs, blow up some transistors, get the polarity wrong on ICs. It does not make you bad at what you do!!! I dont know who needs to hear this but I certainly do.

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FCLC mastodon (AP)

Really, really cool video around building a micron pitch lithography machine in your garage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuVS7MsQk4Y

video by @breakingtaps !

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Pippin friendica
Hmm. Any recommendations for UK energy billing providers, or any to stay the heck away from? (From the small amount of searching I've done so far, Octopus Energy seems a reasonable choice and I'd like to sanity-check that. My parents have always used British Gas, but I don't see any particular reason to go with that choice just because "it's always been that way"!)
Pippin friendica
@Ghost Yep, I had two emails from them this morning, one a reminder I'm having the meters replaced with smart ones on Monday, the other saying I have 50 quid credit! Looks like they finally took the first payment, which is apparently what that was waiting for. 😊
Ghost mastodon (AP)
superb! Hopefully the smart meter upgrade goes well and it actually connects, which can be a rarity

BRB, making some asbestoast
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@eniko I felt this comment in my soul.
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lawless polymorph mastodon (AP)
TCP/IP stands for "trademarks, copyright, patents / intellectual property"
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Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
This whole AI tech bubble really reminds me of the time when game developer executives were getting really excited about putting NFTs in games, while zero gamers were excited about it.
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Codeberg.org mastodon (AP)

If Codeberg is trying to "compete" against GitHub and GitLab, why does it refuse to take a look at AI assistants? Apart from infringing on authors' rights and questionable output quality, we think that the current hype wave led by major companies will leave a climate disaster in its wake: https://disconnect.blog/generative-ai-is-a-climate-disaster/

Other _sustainable_ (and cheaper!) ways for increasing efficiency in software development exist: In-project communication, powerful automation pipelines and reducing boilerplate.

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Wildfox mastodon (AP)
Just like Lemonbrat sisters on this #FursuitFriday! Featuring TigerPaw as Peachy!
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Leina mastodon (AP)
Awwww, you're both adorable! 💜

If you're in computing, read this. https://harihareswara.net/posts/2024/a-story-about-jessica-by-swiftonsecurity/
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Content warning: "After careful consideration, we have decided to proceed with other candidates whose qualifications more closely align with the specific needs of the role at this time" :boost_ok:

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Toy Dragon gotosocial (AP)
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Wondering what exactly happened to my lovely beach weather this #FursuitFriday...

📷 Oracle Sage
🪡 @selkiesuits

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This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.

To be successful, a European citizens' initiative has to reach one million statements of support as well as minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries.

telegram link:

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d.rift mastodon (AP)
Lessons learned on fedi: Following cryptography furries will give you nightmare fuel about _every_ chat protocol. Come for the cute ears, stay for the math fears.
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Gallen 🔜 EF mastodon (AP)
Woot hung up some reflective foil and the room is sooo much cooler in the afternoon sun.
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Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)
Is it actual window foil or did you just tape kitchen foil to your window? I've only ever seen reflective window foil on office blocks before

Paul Asadoorian mastodon (AP)
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bit101 mastodon (AP)
I have to admit, AI has saved me a lot of time. Every time I start reading about some interesting new app or service or product and see that it has "AI", I immediately stop reading and don't waste any more time on that thing.
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Pippin friendica

This is why, when posts come round saying a particular person should be ignored or banned, or no one should do business with a particular artist, or a server ought to be defederated, or a company should be boycotted, or whatever else, even if there are links to "receipts" (which are usually very inconclusive and would require me to know the people involved or at least the community they interact with to know what's "normal" there), it's often entirely meaningless to me. But it sometimes takes up a fair bit of my personal bandwidth to figure out that it's something I can't make a call on while I'm scrolling through my timeline.

one party will make a long and detailed callout in public, accusing the other of abuse or something
then the other, hurt, will feel the need to defend themselves and respond with their own callout and accusations
who's right? no one knows! chances are it's a very shitty situation and the responsibility is simultaneously shared and inexistent

but here's the problem: I don't know you, as an outsider I cannot judge the situation and it is none of my business anyway
but this kind of public shit flinging is basically asking complete strangers to be the judges
this isn't how you resolve a conflict, if anything that's escalation towards more irreparable damage


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Do I hear "90s Boyband CD album" cover?
No!? Okay, it's just #fursuitfriday then.

/w @/courgus
/w @/Midas_Qu
📸 @HypiTheFox
🪡 @Areksim (Vino Studios)

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Calling the fascists weird isn't ruining weird. Weird can be a compliment if you don't happen to be an insecure chest-puffing man-child. The fact that they are so triggered by it is the point. It makes weird even better.
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Janis mastodon (AP)

I'm thinkin' they don't want to be brought "down" to what they think is our level.

We are all weird. Some of us just really don't want to believe it.

Yes, there is absolutely healthy weird and toxic weird (just like everything else).

Cy ActivityPub

Yeah, that's the thing. They're weird, just like us. That is the one thing a fascist cannot under any circumstances admit, that they share something in common with everyone else. If they could not delude themselves into thinking they are different from their pawns, then they'd have to admit that being fascist is a really fucking bad idea. It's all about dehumanizing us, so that we're not people, we're just useful tools to them, and machines.

CC: @theropologist@beige.party

Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
Me with Sylvester the Cat during Scotiacon 2017.
Pic taken during the official photoshoot.
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Mark Newton mastodon (AP)

In 2008, when Senator Conroy was trying to fuck over the Internet, Geordie wanted to show the absurdity of the “Refused Classification” category.

It was already illegal to publish RC material in Australia, but hardly anyone knew what what it meant. So he illustrated it. Literally.

One of the criteria for RC is “publications which are intended to instruct in the commission of a crime against the Commonwealth.” Obviously intended by wowsers to censor information about how to cook meth or whatever, but people who wrote the rules weren’t very precise and they cast an absolutist net.

In his various travels, Geordie had discovered that it’s a Commonwealth crime to graze livestock on the Parliament House lawns in Canberra.

So he commissioned an artist to draw a cartoon which provided step by step instructions to teach the reader how to transport a herd of giraffe to the ACT, tether them on the roof of APH, and induce them to eat.

He published the giraffe cartoon on one of his blogs and publicly dared ACMA to issue a takedown notice, which they declined to do, proving that ACMA was arbitrarily and selectively enforcing a very clear cut online content regulation, perhaps making them poor custodians of the power to determine whether the Christian lobby could successfully ban abortion information.

He LOVED finding weird loopholes like this. We’d spend ages on the phone cackling about how to exploit the most absurdly obscure regs to humiliate the regulator. Top shelf.

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morph mastodon (AP)
CI/CD (Continuous Irritation / Continuous Disappointment)
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things as a treat mastodon (AP)
Debian Maintainers can have some poorly maintained code, as a treat
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Keys mastodon (AP)
With friendos at ConFuzzled under the sea this #fursuitfriday :3
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I make my own fidget toys. My favourite is this MASSIVE NUT you can spin on your fingers.

If you want one, the files are on thingiverse: https://thingiverse.com/thing:6143237

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