
Tioh mastodon (AP)
#FursuitFriday at Connichi 2006
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Steve Easterbrook mastodon (AP)
Two years ago, I experienced Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL), and am now almost completely deaf in one ear. This year, one of my colleagues had the same thing. Now I see there's a study out showing a strong correlation between COVID and SSNHL.
I guess that explains a lot. But, shit.
BTW If you find you suddenly lose hearing in one ear, get yourself to a specialist *immediately*. You have a 24-36 hour window to save your hearing before it becomes permanent.
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Paul Cantrell mastodon (AP)

Dahlia Lithwick writes of “years of doomerism and nihilism…foisted on the country by a determined and omnipresent sense that MAGA was not just inevitable but undefeatable (even in defeat)”

“Experts on authoritarianism have been warning for years that fostering hopelessness, powerlessness, and political depression is a deliberate tactic of most totalitarian leaders”

☝️☝️ THIS ☝️☝️

I keep saying: Despair is surrender. Cynicism is surrender. Nihilism is surrender. 🧵


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Cy ActivityPub
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Tom Stepleton mastodon (AP)
Someone found some old Twiggy disks previously owned by an Apple employee. One of them has detailed troubleshooting and repair info for an Apple Lisa video board. Printing now to scan... (transfer to modern formats is hard!)
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
I'm sure I've seen an ESC/P2 (Epson control codes) to PDF or bitmap converter - and grabbing the print data should be easy with a serial cable or an Arduino.
All that aside - I love the sheer absurdity (and simplicity) of printing it out and scanning it back into a newer system!

Seba Raccoon mastodon (AP)

Fresh and hot Pizza to take away! 🍕😋


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Twig mastodon (AP)
*orders one with mushrooms, pepperoni, and black olives*

John Kennedy mastodon (AP)

Happy 50th Birthday to CP/M!



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Ekko 🎈 mastodon (AP)

It's my birthday today! 🦊💙

Come celebrate with me, you can play with my balloons too! 🤗🎈

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Most welcome - hope you are having a great one!

Lime Bar mastodon (AP)

Dear aging US-ians.

This is stupid but 100% true. Keep this on your radar as you get older.

"Even if you do not retire at age 65, you may need to sign up for Medicare within 3 months of your 65th birthday to avoid a lifetime late enrollment penalty."

It is significant. And LIFETIME. No do-overs.

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Ken Shirriff mastodon (AP)
The Space Shuttle had a 59-pound printer on board, known as the Interim Teleprinter. Putting this heavy printer in orbit cost $1.5 million per flight, but it was a key piece of flight hardware,
providing the astronauts with mission plans, weather reports, and other documents from Mission Control. Let's take a look inside... 1/12
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Ken Shirriff mastodon (AP)
The Shuttle printer uses a spinning metal drum with raised characters. 80 hammers, one for each column, fire at the exact moments to hit the ribbon and paper against a character on the drum as it spins by. 2/12

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hey dont tell people "holy shit your phone is old you should get a new one, the security issues!!!!"

do you really think i am happy that my phone that ive only had for six years doesnt get security updates despite working fine?

do you think i can afford to replace it?

"well then you should get a dumb phone and use your laptop for other things"

are you fucking kidding me? really? 1) my laptop is even older, it's 17", and takes like 5 minutes to start up, im not carrying that everywhere and 2) MOST THINGS DONT HAVE FUNCTIONAL WEBSITES ANYMORE

and really, do you think i should have to afford to replace it?

there is no reason my Pixel 3, which runs apps PERFECTLY FINE, should be abandoned to the ages. it's also one of the few Pixel models that cant even be given a new OS, since no one has worked out all the model-specific issues with it.

there is no reason i shouldnt still be getting updates, and no reason i shouldnt be able to easily switch to GrapheneOS or something else.

stop calling me a bad user for being 1) poor and 2) unwilling to give in to manipulative capitalist planned obsolesence. yell at the people making these decisions. my phone is intact after six years. im proud of that and i will use this until it goes spicy pillow.

PS give us back battery replacing, SD cards, and headphone jacks

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you know what else? the charging port should be an easily replaced standard module.

we dont have to go full modular phone, that hasnt worked the last few times people tried but like, things like charging port and screen should be standard, easily replaced parts by now since those are the parts that break the most

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Chloé Raccoon mastodon (AP)
*eyes @dh
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God forbid a man has hobbies
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Sofia ☭🇧🇷☭ mastodon (AP)
This is fascinating. There were trans and intersex athletes competing at the Olympics in the early years, but everything changed during/after the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, when the Nazis decided to go after Zdeněk Koubek, a trans man competing for Czechoslovakia
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Jan Adriaenssens mastodon (AP)

Toilets that signal *what* the infrastructure is, rather than *who* can enter.

📍: Bruges, Belgium

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Chris Northwood mastodon (AP)
Trans Pride Manchester was wonderful
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Ben Tasker mastodon (AP)



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Pippin friendica

Ah, so login prompts are illegal.

As is keeping a computer in a private home, where the front door hinders the public's access to it.

Or putting a web site into maintenance mode.

Hmm, would accidentally deleting a vital OS file while trying to cargo-cult a fix for something else count as recklessly imparing the operation of a computer?

CheRosach mastodon (AP)
Don’t know who did this but it is genius and it would work with Trump, Putin, Orban, Le Pen and other populist power seekers
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)
@theparson probably, or possible that yours is set high - ingenuity can be present in many things

RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)

Sold another ASR33 controller board, with a free answer back drum...

Imagine trying to explain to someone in 1963 when these were the best way to store 20 bytes in the ASR33, the complexity of the computers doing the 3D modelling and slicing to drive a 3D printer to make this, and the terabyte SSD in the machine that did it.

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RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
@dysfun 20 bytes of storage…

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NeonSnake mastodon (AP)

A group in the UK that I'm hugely interested in are Library Of Things.

At a very basic level, they offer products such as power tools for rental rather than ownership.

But it's a little bit more than that:

They have a very clear vision, which is centred around *everybody* in a neighbourhood having access to quality tools, toys and technologies, reducing waste, and also *repairing* tools rather than landfilling them and buying new ones.

On top of that: they run workshops on how to use the tools etc; this is not a profit-driven venture.

I don't think they're on Mastodon, so I'm going to take this opportunity, given everything I've been talking about this morning, to give them a little shout-out.

If you're in a position to promote them, that would be great.


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Radical Graffiti mastodon (AP)
"Can't afford food? Blame billionaires, not immigrants"
Poster spotted in Toronto
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Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
I just found my old periodic table shoes after being missing for about ten years and the disappointed look on my husband's face implies he's the one who hid them.
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Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
While we're on the subject of nerdy accessories, I also have a TV test pattern scarf.
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lproven mastodon (AP)

"A rare photo of a telecoms engineer hatching. He still has part of the eggshell on his head."

HT @isotopp & @schnedan

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4 8 15 16 23 42 mastodon (AP)
the essay portion of the Olympics gender test is what trips a lot of people up
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4 8 15 16 23 42 mastodon (AP)
that recurring nightmare where you show up at the Olympics for your gender test and realize you forgot to study
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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

Rezz in a synthwave world! 💜

Wonderful arts by Kobold Kurios (https://koboldkurios.carrd.co/) inspired in part by Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.

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Jeff mastodon (AP)

I used "crowdstrike" as a verb at work today, to paraphrase: "CI is broken because github crowdstruck us with a bad rust compiler update". AKA: usable any time an automatic update from a vendor breaks your infrastructure.

All I'm saying is, if they didn't want this neologism, they shouldn't have ruined my flight home from Italy.


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congusbongusgames mastodon (AP)

In my spare time I maintain osgameclones.com, a curated listing of over 1000 #OpenSource game clones and remakes. I usually see projects fall off and get abandoned, but recently I learned that OpenSA, a remake of the obscure 1999 🇦🇺 #RTS Swarm Assault, was completed shortly after being added in 2021!


It's great to see open source games reach the finish line, especially those showcasing odd gems like this. Made with the #OpenRA engine, pretty cool!

#GameDev #RetroGames

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Sham 🏳️‍🌈 mastodon (AP)
okay, I made an actual blog post about something I dislike a lot. https://shamme.rs/posts/puzzles-as-a-service/
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Kivuli mastodon (AP)
I met a big scawy wolf
🐺 @zet_soku
📸 @Spaxe
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Belly is warm but back is cold >w<
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Frank T mastodon (AP)

Elon Musk is running a fake voter registration website that tricks US voters into thinking they have registered to vote.

I think if anywhere there are #infosec security experts here on Mastodon who know how to confuse and overwhelm Musk's website trickery.


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Johnny B. 𓅇 mastodon (AP)
TL;DR: if you want to register to vote or check your status go to the official site https://vote.gov
Don't fall for cheap imitations 🙃
#PSA #uspol
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陳克帆 mastodon (AP)
For those who think biological human sex is clear cut, worth reading this figure from the 2017 #ScientificAmerican again 🙏 #nonbinary
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Snowshadow mastodon (AP)

“Pivotal moment:” Wind and solar overtake coal in China in historic first

"China is, by some distance now, the biggest greenhouse gas polluter in the world because of its population and the scale of its industry, and what happens in its grid, and how quickly it can reach peak emissions is critical for the course of climate change action. Some believe it may already have reached that peak."

#News #ClimateChange #Energy

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Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)
small changes make a BIG difference (C)
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Kila mastodon (AP)
PSA for #gaming friends: Stray is on sale for $17.99 for PC until August 12. I still cannot afford it, but hopefully someday!
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Peter Gleick mastodon (AP)

Even for those of us who have worked on, and warned about, climate risks for decades, this news is extremely disturbing.



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Kyle Taylor mastodon (AP)

Scary. My advisor in graduate school used to say "I probably won't live long enough to see it, but geoengineering projects will be a thing. They'll fail, because there is no bandaid we can put on climate change. And when you see them talked about seriously in public, know that it's because we've failed at addressing the root cause of climate change and climate scientists are throwing in the towel."



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