
David Ho mastodon (AP)
From the bad place.
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Sure, it's a joke about the IT dept. being furries. But legit:

I've been at companies where we had to draw straws to see who stayed on-call for the con.

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Sharkie mastodon (AP)
Yup. Super common, honestly.

Computer Facts mastodon (AP)
they put kids in jail for downloading metalica in the 90s but the incels who scraped the internet to make a regurgitation machine are held up as our new gods because laws are just threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation
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Jan Rosenow mastodon (AP)

After years and years of media reports that coal is having a comeback in the UK the last coal plant will go offline in just 2 weeks.

Coal in the UK is no more.

Credit for graph to @ketan

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TwilightSaint mastodon (AP)

When the goin’ gets tough, the tough…get creative!💪🔥

#furry #furries #fursuits #fursuit

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DarkRat mastodon (AP)

Meet "Breakpoint":
My "defective #protogen" #fursuit

📷 @NikTheDusky

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Sometimes learning to love yourself can be frustratingly difficult.

But sometimes it’s blissfully easy.

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Leina mastodon (AP)

Awwww, that's adorable. 💜 💙

Learning to love myself is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I still struggle with it. I feel like I'm closer to achieving it now than I have been for years, though.

@Bowsette I was always bad at it, but Croc has really been a breakthrough way for me to appreciate myself, now I’m trying to extend that care to the human that I’ve always looked down on.
Giles Goat mastodon (AP)
I always thought "there's something quite strange" ( or at very least they don't know what they are missing out ) about adults/people that don't like plushies .. "Everyone should have at least one favourite plushie" 🥰

Ret mastodon (AP)

Disabled Copilot for markdown files because I just cannot take seriously the attempts to ad-lib high level documentation or summaries of functionality.

Machine, shut the fuck up. The sentients are talking.

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…and it was on #FursuitFriday!

Made by Nuke Creations

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Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
Super cuuuuuuuute! ❤
TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
so cuuuuuuute! ^^

TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: GB politics

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Vex for Harris & Wallz has moved friendica (via ActivityPub)

I'm OK

This song has just been stuck in my head for a while.


Remember, there is help.

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Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
Something I wrote a couple years ago. Sorry the scan isn't the best. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45798881/

Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
The other night I saw someone on here refer to the Tesla Cybertruck as the "Deplorean" and I've been laughing every time that's popped into my mind.
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@rotopenguin I low key love that Tesla wrote into the sales contract that people couldn't get rid of them, until they finally gave up on that... it's just that good huh

Una Panthera mastodon (AP)

He's ready to show you where all the cool cats go to party ;3

#UnasArt #furry #furryart #furryartist #furryartwork #UnaPanthera #badge #commission #characterbadge #illustration #characterillustration

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Zelda 👑 mastodon (AP)

When you ask your sysadmin a question

#funny #tech #webdev #developer #programmer

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Periapt Games mastodon (AP)

"mysterious caves and tunnels always have luminous fungi, strangely bright crystals or at a pinch merely an eldritch glow in the air, just in case a human hero comes in and needs to see in the dark."

- Men at Arms, Terry Pratchett

In some ways more elegant than handing out Darkvision like candy.

#Discworld #DND

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Kartik Agaram hometown (AP)

Interactively zooming into the Mandelbrot set on a touch screen

Surprisingly delightful considering how many times I've built this and watched videos of it. It's a different experience deciding for yourself where to zoom in or out.

A bare script to render a single frame is 40 lines. Interactive touch support takes another 120 lines. Reducing detail during touches to make the UI responsive takes 10 lines.

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The acceptable number of people getting SARS at any given event should be zero. Not ten. Not one hundred. Zero.

SARS-CoV-2 causes chronic disease in 10-30% of infections. That means for every 10 people who are infected, for 1-3 of them that will be a life-altering experience. Some will eventually recover. Others may not.

As reports of people getting infected with SARS at RustConf roll in, it’s hard not to think of those whose life will inevitably change because of this.

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The cumulative number of SARS-CoV-2 infections in all RustConf events prior to this event was zero. That was possible by having basic precautions in place.

RustConf 2024, newly organized by the Rust Foundation, is the first event to break that streak.

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This is just a plain awesome idea!
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Content warning: Reverse Fedi Meta

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Xavoto mastodon (AP)
Eurofurence right on the corner, who we gonna see there 👀
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Justiz mastodon (AP)
First-ever mRNA vaccine halts pancreatic cancer in its tracks https://flip.it/hcWGKV #science
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Draki mastodon (AP)
*still silly
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Fated Snowfox mastodon (AP)
You are stunning, you know? ❤

July 2023 quick draw for Noble!

'Quick draw' portraits are a monthly art reward for Glazed Donut members of my Patreon! 🍩

made in #krita

#MastoArt #ArtWithOpenSource

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Still the best meme.
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TwilightSaint mastodon (AP)

Happy #SkyproSunday from Bedhead! 💙 Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Seize every opportunity and make the most of it!💪🔥

#fursuit #fursuits #furry #furries

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Pippin friendica

My new squishies for my headphones came today. Headphones feel a lot nicer with new squishies on. :>

I hadn't realised how flat the old ones were - I only ordered new because the surface of the old ones was flaking and falling apart. Definitely needed it.

Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
never heard them called squishies before!
Pippin friendica
@Yag Fox It wasn't all that long ago I last saw Finding Nemo. "I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy."

genuinely don't get the lab grown gemstone hate. We grew a pretty rock in a lab. We grew a fucking rock. In a lab. A shiny pretty rock. Was grown in a lab. That's so cool what do you mean it's lazy and "not real", it's a mineral grown in a damn lab. That is literally cool. Grow up
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Baldur Bjarnason mastodon (AP)

“‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman”


> Regions where people most often reach 100-110 years old are the ones where there’s the most pressure to commit pension fraud, and they also have the worst records.

I'm surprised. This is my surprised face.

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Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)

One thing that is vitally important as a moderator is being able to identify what I think of as "plausible deniability techniques."

These are patterns of behavior that give the speaker some degree of plausible deniability while allowing them to threaten or demean someone else. It's a variant of the JAQoffs and in just as poor faith.

I have numerous examples from decades of moderation experience, and it all follows about the same patterns.


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Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)

On a forum I moderated we'd have people who knew exactly where the line was and walk right up to it.

Repeatedly. With the exact same people. Over and over and over again.

If you didn't correct it as a moderator you'd lose the person they were targeting as a member and then you'd end up ultimately having to ban the troll anyways.

As a moderator this is the sort of thing that you have to watch for. As a team of moderators this is the sort of thing that you have to analyze.


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Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)

This sort of thing is also why dense rulebooks tend not to work, but having standards and consensus among your moderation staff is critical.

But if you blithely ignore that this is a technique you will lose to the bullies every single time. Your moderation will break down and, what's worse:

You probably won't know it until it is too late to fix the damage that has been caused. It will continue to get worse and it will continue to escalate until you stop it.

You have to learn to see it.


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Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)

I've slept, so some concrete examples:

* Having identified that talking about killing a pig is upsetting, the bully talks about bacon, makes Lord of the Flies references, and uses emoji—seemingly randomly—like 🔪🐷

* A poster followed around another poster and always commented, on everything, "serious business." The meaning isn't known to the moderators, but the target knows.

* Everyone puts 🐸 (or Deplorable) in their name and make innocuous comments whenever someone posts.

LiquidParasyte mastodon (AP)
I fear I have also seen your first example, in the field 😓
Eupeptic mastodon (AP)

I wish I could get the moderators of an online space I left in early 2024 to read this.

Their "off topic" and "general chat" areas were just starting to get messages from the kind of trolls that apparently are now the norm starting about a year before a US election.

A few of the regular users reported the troll messages to the mods, but the mods apparently didn't realize the technique you describe was in play.

Result: trolls stayed, regular users left the space (and one pulled their Patreon support), whole space got a little crappier.

@Eupeptic a popular UK car detailing forum was infested with fash - mods only took action after the forum was sold to Verticalscape (probably because their corporate HQ put pressure on them) and when one of them started openly stanning Hitler in a WW II discussion. What was more concerning is the fash weren't simple trolls but also regular contributors to the forum, so were tolerated for months in the name of "free speech and debate". >>
@Eupeptic whilst the fash did get yeeted, a lot of others simply stopped contributing to the forum in protest that "free speech was censored" and that forum has not recovered since (they are constantly moaning that they don't get the same quality of new members and everyones gone to corporate social media)

Rob Haines mastodon (AP)

I keep circling back to a thought:

That over the past twenty years we've invented a whole bunch of technologies that I thought would be cool when I was a teenager reading science fiction, but which in almost every case are fundamentally compromised because the only companies vast enough to be able to build them are - by their sheer size - companies that cannot be trusted to control them.

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#GretaThunberg :
"We are never going back to normal again because ‘normal’ was already a crisis.

What we refer to as normal is an extreme system built on the exploitation of people and the planet.

It is a system defined by colonialism, imperialism, oppression and genocide by the so-called global North to accumulate wealth that still shapes our current world order.

If economic growth is our only priority, then what we are experiencing now should be exactly what we should be expecting.”

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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
"Supermarkets need to chill on the Christmas stuff in September" ... Nah. Normalise eating Stollen, mince pies and iced fruitcake year-round, I say.
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Azakir mastodon (AP)
I'll take less "Merry Christmas" in September but mince pies all year round please.
Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@azakir That sounds like a delicious compromise! Though it does mean less stocking up on cheap mince pies on Boxing Day.

Before you go out without a mask during this COVID-19 wave, look at what it takes to get disability allowance in your country,
and compare the small amount
that usually takes years to get
to what it costs to live.

Oh, and you're usually not allowed to have savings.

Not even for your child's education.

Not to save up for a wheelchair or other mobility aids.

Disabled people don't have marriage equality.

Immigration? Forget it.

Masks are nice.

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⚠️Why should customers bail out #water💧 companies for their mistakes? THEY built up £60 billion in debt rewarding banks & investors, & now want us to fix their problem. Sign the #petition and tell Ofwat: no bill hikes to bail them out! 😤 👇

@TheWelshLeftAlliance https://38d.gs/ra4v

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Dan Fixes Coin-Ops mastodon (AP)


Wanted to watch Aliens, the disc plays OK but makes a horrible grinding sound. "OK fine," thinks I, "I'll watch it via other means," well my friends the other means are really really bad

"Oh cool there was a remaster this year" yeah they overexposed it and washed it all out, and as if that wasn't enough they AI'd it and everyone's got weird plastic skin

"Well butts, how about the blu-ray release from the early 2010's," well they didn't AI it yet but they did bollocks up the colours and made it all green because that was a thing in the 2010's

Rip your own DVDs folks 'cause if that DVD starts having problems you might not be able to find a copy amid a sea of gradually deteriorating versions

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Zelda 👑 mastodon (AP)

I want a "pay what the fucking sign says" bill for America:
- Tax is included, ALWAYS, everywhere. Local, national, everything
- NO expected tips. NO tip workflows, for ANYTHING. Ban even ASKING for or suggesting one.
- No junk fees, no blah blah, one price, and ONE shipping fee if it's online. And you show me BEFORE checkout or you're shut the fuck down.

Sick of this. Just show me the fucking price! FUCK.

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Spud mastodon (AP)
time to take cheee on some walkies! :revblobfoxaww:

Draki mastodon (AP)
Silly dragons will be silly. #flamedramon
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