
representation is important. thank you unicode team.
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I forgot to post this a few Fridays ago, so you all get a bonus. :3
📷: @sheriffraccoon
🧵: https://roofur.com
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Another piece for the regular #EF28 ArtShow ! ✨

A colourful proto-buddy ! 👾

Original art will be for auction ; will you consider adopting this li'l guy ? 💕

#furryart #furryartist #mastoartist

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just learned about libsql the non-religious sqlite fork that accepts contributions https://turso.tech/libsql
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Coworker asks if anyone knows anything about ordering drones and I just feel like, well, sure, that’s how you keep them happy.
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VAT laws be like:

:neocat: is zero-rated, but woozies are standard rated (e.g. :neocat_woozy: and :neocat_think_woozy: ), except googly-woozies (e.g. :neocat_googly_woozy:) but only for those that have two (2) googly eyes.

but for any :neocat: that is served hot you need to charge standard rate unless there’s also a :neofox: being served at the same occasion, unless either :neocat: or :neofox: are used as cake decorations, then they are zero rated

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good news, everyone! MariaDB has been bought by private equity https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/k1-acquires-mariadb-a-leading-database-software-company-and-appoints-new-ceo-302243508.html
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Unsustainable? Or suicidal?
1 2
Sonja 🇳🇱 mastodon (AP)
indeed suicidal!

this is your reminder to log into that secondary gmail account you have and reset the new two-year deletion timer. you might want to make a recurring calendar event for every six months or so.
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Are we not negative enough towards #ai
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“I have concepts of a plan” me when someone asks me for a status update on my JIRA tickets
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Oh, as a topic wanderer myself (I don’t like the word “generalist”), I love and endorse this comic.

(via @simondlr’s newsletter).

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Young people: We’d like to buy a house.

Capital: Pfft. Are you rich?

Young people: Uh, no? Ok. We’ll rent an apartment!

Capital: Great! Rent has increased 300%.

Young people: We can’t afford that! Sigh. Where’s the public housing?

Capital: According to the new zoning laws, public housing is illegal. Luxury condos are all that can be built.

Young people: Fuck. I guess we’re homeless, then.

Capital: Sorry, homelessness is also illegal.

#Capitalism #housing #HousingCrisis

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I love reading ancient cuneiform tablets. Classics such as "Fuck you, this copper sucks." (Ea Nasir), "I should get more new clothes, my dad's employee gets new clothes twice a month and it's embarrassing.", and of course "The sesame harvest will die — let nobody say I did not warn you!", which is absolutely a set up for "Per my last clay tablet.".

Social media & email may be part of the problem. But if we're still like this when we have to carve our petty bullshit into clay then it's clear that we're the problem. It's us.

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Going through my old #Cohost posts and this might still be my favourite photo I've ever taken
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I want someone to make a nice simple monitor with like 7 inputs (2xDP, 2xhdmi, DVI, VGA, and composite) and then to have mechanical radio buttons on the front to switch between them.


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genstar.service mastodon (AP)
Can that be disabled?
@Genstar what, the autoswitching? Not on my monitor. Maybe if I open it up and dump the ROM and hack it, but that sounds hard

2 2
Oh my God I laughed way too damn hard at that

would a just and loving god allow satisfactory v1.0 and factorio v2.0 to come out within 6 weeks of each other?
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you're gonna be able to see the drop in global engineering productivity
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i often think about cellphones right now with this obsession with techmaxxing as it were. everyone always trying to make the most powerful and expensive thing in the world when in my estimation it's just consumerism running wild. i guess that's just the world we live in. bleh
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Living in Texas, where we've had multiple summers of continual 110F+ heat and humidity, I think I have a pretty clear idea of what climate change entails and it's not more backyard barbecues.

It's people cooking to death in their homes because the grid failed. It's people dropping dead trying to work outdoors in extreme temperatures. And it's a government that doesn't care as long as they and their business patrons keep on making money.

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Pippin friendica
I borrowed my dad's car, went and collected this ebay winning and bolted it together last night! It's "gamer" desk so it has LED lighting (of course) but it was pretty cheap at £20, decent sized desktop, in good condition and pretty sturdy - so I like it. I just need to get parts and put a new desktop machine together, because honestly the current one, back at the old house, is just too old and crumbly and unreliable and I need something new. And now I have a nice place to put it, just as soon as "it" exists!

You know what I keep noticing, both in real life and online? Nobody approaches their friends asking stuff like "What do you make of this?" anymore. The whole concept of "I have no opinion so I'm going to ask someone I trust and believe to be more competent in this field" appears to have vanished from our culture completely.

I sometimes do this with my friends IRL and they're dumbfounded because it seems no one else is doing this anymore. I don't know, perhaps this is a me problem. Perhaps my ego just isn't big enough for this culture. Perhaps humility and willingness to learn are weird and old-fashioned ideals that have no place in it.

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Every career path in tech:

"At this point in your career, your only possible promotion is to management, where you will stop doing the work you love and use a skill set you don’t have and we don’t teach."


1 5

Updating my astro 101 lecture on satellites and holy crap... there are 1738 more active satellites in orbit today than 1 year ago, and 1690 of those are Starlinks.

62% of all active satellites are now Starlinks, up from 55% 1 year ago.

As long as Starlink doesn't make a single mistake in orbit, it's all fine, I guess. Which is cool, because SpaceX never makes engineering mistakes, like dumping hundreds of pounds of "fully demisable" space debris on other countries... whoopsie.

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Can we just take a second here to recognize that the spam / scam calling issue in the U.S. is so bad, that someone lost for 24 hours on a trail wouldn't pick up the phone when rescuers tried to call them.

Because they didn't recognize the number.


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Delta Wye mastodon (AP)
To be fair SAR probably should have left a voicemail message…
Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
@DeltaWye I wonder if they couldn't for some legal reason?
Lufty (AD) mastodon (AP)
Hey, if it was important, they would've texted.

Enjoying the fruits of my labor now that I finished my 12-legged 'Carpentopod' table project. See
https://decarpentier.nl/carpentopod for project info. (Or come see it live at Maker Days Eindhoven this 14 & 15 Sept.)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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fedi app that lets you play papers please but with follow requests
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Price fixing? Illegal.
Price fixing via algorithm? Hella profitable!

Theft? Illegal.
Algorithmic theft (AI)? The next big tech revolution!

Discrimination? Illegal.
Discrimination via algorithm? Innovation!

Murdering people? Illegal. Murdering people via algorithm? Multibillion dollar industry!

Basically, in America everything completely evil becomes super awesome and "innovative" if you hand off responsibility to a proprietary black box of code and victimize working people.

1 2

TIL that despite the fact that sites like rust's crates.io require you to have a github account for authentication, creating a github account solely for the purposes of authentication is against the terms of service, and if you do that, your account may be suspended:


please please please #getOffGithub but if you can't move your own projects off it yet at least stop assuming everyone else uses it

2 3

the console modding process should teach you why you should always keep your OS and web browser up to date... given the process for PS3, Wii U, Vita, PS4 etc is just going to a webpage in the browser and getting full kernel access

imagine that but on your computer or your phone

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Today is the day - 1.0! C'mon, lizard doggo - let's build some factories! #Satisfactory
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WAD3 Cyber Raccoon mastodon (AP)

So glad I am not the only Fur that is super pumped for this! I can't wait to get back to my desk and start a new save ^^

Also, your suit is wonderful. I find those with Feline Sonas tend to be the best when it comes to cute poses :neofox_blep:

Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

@TrashyFur Yus! I've been really enjoying it a ton! ADA certainly has gotten quite sassy! X3

And thank you so much - appreciate it! ❤

You ever just lie back and marvel at the internet? Think about the massive scale of the infrastructure, the thousands of kms of undersea cable stringing together a World-Wide Web built on hundreds of years of electrical knowledge. Transistors too small to see, to tonnes of copper and fibre too long to comprehend.

All so I can watch '[Furry ASMR] Petting Hyena Boyfriend To Sleep'

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Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
just remember a lot of it is built & maintained by furries. it all makes a lot more sense when you remember that...
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Plush wolves are just big dogs….so treat them so and put them outside!
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This is actually the OPPOSITE of doomposting but:

Don't let Cohost make you think that better things aren't possible online. Cohost actually had a better conversion rate than most websites by FAR. People WERE in fact willing to pay for a site that doesn't try to trick them into watching ads or engaging for clicks. They just had a poor business plan. But I've seen posts like "guess nobody's willing to pay to not be the product..." and that's not what happened here at all, people were in fact willing to pay, heck some people were buying extra subscriptions (which functionally did nothing) just to pay MORE.

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Dear tech bros,
As someone who craves routine & will happily stick with a product they like forever as long as it doesn’t change much, please quit fucking with stuff.

I’m sick of being pushed from browser to browser, app to app because companies keep being dickheads.

Stop being dickheads.
Stop inserting ads and preventing me from blocking that shit.
Stop pumping “AI” into products when nobody wants it.

I will be the most loyal user if you’d just stop fucking with stuff.


1 1

“Ford Motor Company is seeking a patent for technology that would allow it to tailor in-car advertising by listening to conversations among vehicle occupants, as well as by analyzing a car’s historical location and other data, according to a patent application published late last month.”

Don’t buy Ford cars.


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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
I'd love to set up a company which exists solely to patent annoying anti-consumer ideas like this, and sue anyone who tries to implement them. It'd be funny as hell to use the system against itself.
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