
it's not a video but you know what's going on
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I want phones that are 3 times as thick as the ones they're releasing now because I know for a fact they're skimping on battery size and processing power just for aesthetic value
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Firewalls are so fun. All you gotta do to get them to work is look at your traffic, find the packets you want to allow and setup a rule. Then you can just sit back, relax and watch as every single one of your rules gets ignored and your NAS is somehow accessible from the open web.


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Know what works better than a wifi app to set volume, and is cheaper to build and maintain?

A potentiometer.

Seriously. Fuck apps for everything. It's not high tech, and the 10 cents per unit you save was eaten up by the consulting company you hired before they even started writing code.

That pot will work for 50 years without complaining. Your app is lucky to work for 1 year without needing to be updated because the base OS changed. And heaven help you if you decide to sniff everything the user does, so need to maintain a server. You aren't saving jack.

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Be more fish 🧜‍♂️
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Yag Fox mastodon (AP)
None of that, sez #mastodon

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Because I feel bad about putting so much negative energy out, and never posting stuff that people wanted from me, here’s an awesome pic of Croc done by OMG Fursuits from about 2 years ago.

I promise I’m mostly still myself, in spite of everything. I just haven’t done a great job of showing it.

Getter older and all that. Anyway, peace and love to you all.

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The drive to be constantly innovating to sell more new shit, when the shit we have works fine, is ruining technology.

I don’t want a new phone every year. I don’t want a new computer every six months. I don’t want a software upgrade that changes everything. I don’t want a fancy new language we have to rewrite everything in for reasons.

I want bug fixes. I want security patches. I want removal of fundamentally broken things. I want big thick manuals with full coverage of every option and setting and function call. I want people to be able to learn programming the way you learn woodworking - as a mature discipline not subject to regular world shaking innovation.

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Try not to slip on silicone any% speedrun
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Yeah, that's a constant hazard around here.

Oh what a beautifully written rant

"The fantasy—and it is a fantasy—isn't one of space travel and exploration and some bright Star Trek future for humanity, but one of winnowing and eugenics, of cold actuarial lifeboat logic, of ever greater reallocation from the dwindling many to the thriving few. That's the world as Elon Musk and his cohort want it; Mars colonization is just a pretext."


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Michael Busch mastodon (AP)

@llamasoft_ox @BillyGlennHoya There have been suggestions of sending goats along as part of a spacecraft ecology.

@sundogplanets would be well prepared.

(But nobody has yet actually done a closed-cycled life support system like that.)

When I'm president, I'm gonna institute Universal BASIC Income.

It'll be a stipend everyone gets, but it can only be used to purchase BASIC programming books or 8-bit computers.

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woollypigs mastodon (AP)
10 PRINT "Good Idea"
30 PRINT "Everyone profit"

I know it doesn't mean much these days, but seeing the little "Nintendo Seal of Quality" on a game that I created makes my inner 90s kid unreasonably happy.
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Here's the version I made, with a bit of a different attitude:

Trickster Tom is an ex-archaeologist kobold with a passion for finding (and stealing) hidden treasures and ancient secrets in excavations, proficient with the use of traps and crossbows. He is an expert in history and in avoiding traps. His knowledge of ancient civilizations and artifacts is deep, making him an invaluable companion for any expedition. He is accompanied by his friend Brick, a rat he found in the swamps while fleeing from his excavation. He was about to eat her when he discovered that instead of a meal he could make a friend. After all, kobolds eat anything, even stones and branches soup.

He's a sidekick character I made for my D&D campaign, at first he was just a passing character that my players would interact with and give them directions on how to proceed, but I grew so fond of his background story that I ended up developing him a lot more, and, successfully, my players also liked him that much that they ended up inviting him on the adventure and now he helps them with an important quest.

If he ends up being a character with much more relevance than he had in the last session, I'll draw him more, and even color him. (Such a shame that our next session will be until November, everyone will be so busy on the upcoming months, boo)

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RunawayDanish mastodon (AP)
I see someone else has leaned hard on the reference material from Hero Forge for Crossbows. Not a bad thing, it's just *super distinct* haha

So recently OpenAI has been stomping around my (silly, personal, non-commercial) website using GBs of bandwidth in a rather rude, arrogant & brutish manner.

We were going to block it, but Mr Tech pointed out that it had got caught in the Riddle-o-Matic, some silliness that we made about 25 years ago (for reasons unremembered) & it is consuming never-ending nonsense.

"It's basically ChatGPT poison" he said. "Shall we leave it?"

"Aye, may as well"

Bloody cheek though.


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“When the AI provided an incorrect result, researchers found inexperienced and moderately experienced radiologists dropped their cancer-detecting accuracy from around 80% to about 22%. Very experienced radiologists’ accuracy dropped from nearly 80% to 45%.”


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Fun* fact in this video: the 'disposable' vapes thrown away in Britain alone contain enough lithium batteries to make 1.2 Million e-bikes.
I've been independently powering things with vape batteries that I've rescued before seeing this video. Pull out the cell, add a cheap usb charging module and you have a fully rechargeable 3.7v power source. If you need higher voltage you can put them in series and you can even get multi-cell balancing modules for next to nothing if you want to have a few in parallel for more current.
I don't trust them for anything critical, but they're great for low-budget projects as the cells are completely free. My bike lights are all powered by them (one can run a flashing bike light for a couple of weeks' use), as well as various other things that had their batteries die, or that didn't come with rechargeable batteries.
I also only charge them somewhere flameproof, though I haven't had any issues so far.
#making #electronics #reuse
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Please don't ask children to 'get into pairs (or groups)', without grouping them yourself or setting ground rules to include everyone.

This is traumatising each time, to the rejected or invisible children who get left out.

#Education #School #Teaching #ActuallyAutistic

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we've all been there >.< #domains #hoarder
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Twig mastodon (AP)
where does a domain renewal only cost $12 these days?

this eh, article, written by an apprently very upset oil baron - is the most glowing review of Biden/Harris and a potential Harris presidency I've seen. It outlines how she's going to use sneaky political tricks to abolish oil and fund the energy transition while detailing the mechanisms. Anything that make guys like these be very upset makes me very happy. His hatred shines off the page and bathes me in the light of the Valar.


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Content warning: uspol


To correct the common misunderstanding:
Eve (they/them), Alice (she/her), and Bob (he/him) are in a consensual, BDSM relationship, featuring Eve as service top, Alice as the bratty bottom, and Bob, who just likes to watch.

Their safe word is "indistinguishability obfuscation"

Eve only "breaks" Alice's encryption because she's super into it, not to cause harm.

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Way more bats this year at the hummingbird feeder than I've ever seen. I shot this through the window with my phone, zoomed in.

If I sit out on the porch long enough, they'll come back but I have other things to do tonight.
They'll have both feeders drained in a few more minutes.

#Bats #SonoranDesert

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Publication in Norway actually printed that more young people are dying of illness and that scientists fear covid is the reason.

It’s about time this made headlines - and I sincerely hope people are paying attention.

Cumulative infections are doing untold amounts of damage. They increase your risk of Long Covid - but it’s also a vascular virus which means you could be a at risk for clots, heart attacks, strokes and more.

We need to start mitigating before it’s too late. We don’t know what will happen in 5 or 10 more years. We don’t yet know what the true long term effects of repeat infections will be.

What we DO know is pretty scary. Why aren’t we applying the precautionary principle? Why aren’t we willing to be humble and admit this is a novel virus that we shouldn’t be treating as though it were “nothing.”?

Mask up. Clean the air. Test. Isolate. It’s not that hard. And demand more from your government and public health authorities.

Link to full article here: https://www.nrk.no/buskerud/flere-unge-dode-av-sykdom_-forskere-slar-alarm-1.16926584

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #MaskBans #NoMaskBans

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If you're thinking about buying a new car, and privacy means anything to you at all, you should be aware that every new car is basically rolling spyware.

The only answer to this right now, is to buy an older car.


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I found a great reality check was "tell me five fun facts about Charlie Stross" (me, visible on wikipedia). First five facts were broadly accurate. But then I asked for "five more fun facts about …" a couple of times. The truthiness of the answers degraded steadily and seamlessly and by the fourth round Google's bot was spouting total nonsense.

LLMs have no theory of mind to support a concept of truth and so deliver utter rubbish with absolute certainty.

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thinking about kink gear... fursuits... watches..... things things things

to be fair latex can be had for MUCH cheaper than that

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Not a good fortune cookie
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J$ mastodon (AP)

aren’t fortune cookies supposed to make predictions about an uncertain future?

This is merely stating facts, by no means a prediction.

kampfschwaetzer mastodon (AP)
But surprisingly concrete and true.

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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
This is like wholesome hypnosis talk and I'm here for it.
(Your calm voice and pacing just reminds me of hypnosis but idk if intended x3 )
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Any request a browser initiates without the (explicit or implied) consent of the user is a privacy breach.

If your definition of privacy rejects that axiom, then it needs updating.

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Question: has anyone else here heard of this movie? Somehow the first I heard of it was today (despite having trailers for the past six months)


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TK Wolf mastodon (AP)
it jumped right to the top of my want list when I saw the trailer last week!

Content warning: Our Modern Dystopia

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Everything leaks eventually. You know how your navigation software warns you of traffic jams? It recognises that all the phones it's tracking in real time are bunched up closer together in the jammed area than in the normal flow.

With a copy of the last twenty years of location data, and a throbbing sense of curiosity, I ask my query agent: correlate locations of serving polititicans with locations of people with prostitution charges where spatial and temporal overlap occurs in a hotel room.

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

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Capturing the browser's back button/gesture to "wait before you go" a visitor is absolutely hostile and will never result in any volume of positive "conversions" you absolute fuckwads so knock it the hell off.


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being an anthropomorphic fox IRL would fix me
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