
Me: I just wish I was a better dad
Wife: you are a great dad
Me: then why do I sometimes get so angry at my daughter
Wife: I think you can be a great dad *and* sometimes get really angry
Me: Bandit doesn’t
Wife: Bandit is amazing
Me: I know
Wife: he’s a cartoon dog though
Wife: maybe don’t compare yourself to a cartoon dog
Wife: did you forget he was a cartoon dog?
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I sometimes see people complaining about how much code gets "thrown away", viewing it as waste.

I can't help thinking of movie directors. How much footage got thrown away by Stanley Kubrick, vs how much got thrown away by Ed Wood?

Kubrick famously did many takes, trying many different things. Wood, famously, gave the actors one take.

IME, teams who "throw away" a lot of code tend to deliver a far superior end product. I'm wary when most of the code that gets written makes it into production.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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“I asked chatgpt, and if it can be believed then [potential answer to a question neither person knows the answer to]”

So you really just wasted a load of processing power to get a useless bunch of paragraphs that you even know you can’t trust?? :blobbee_scream_angry:

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Am I the only one who feels old when people call regular computer programs “apps“? I’m not even old, but it just feels wrong :gphn_flat_x_x:
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Avon DeRussate mastodon (AP)
Thank you! It drives me crazy! They are programs, or applications. Apps is a whiz kid term meaning a graphical wrapper for a website that makes navigation easier on a 2 inch phone screen.

I feel like if Google was in charge of Bell Labs, they would have cancelled the transistor project because it wouldn’t make as much money in six months as punch card machines
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I do love goggles as an accessory! Let me see your 'sonas and characters that rock the goggles! ^^

First photo with Woger and taken by Roofur

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Hali mastodon (AP)
love these pics!

Ground floor: perfumery.

Remix for all of us who grew up with late night PBS.


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I've just witnessed a completely civil and righteous rage against the machine by an elderly man (80s+) at supermarket self-service checkout here in small city Aotearoa #NewZealand and it was a little bit wonderful.

He'd just finished paying for his groceries when the machine started saying "Please take your items" every 15 seconds or so. At first he just says "I'll do it in my own time thank you," while bagging things up.

The machine keeps telling him to take his items. After around the 5th time, he starts really arguing back:
"I don't have to do what you tell me to do."
"I'll take as long as I need thank you."
"I'll thank you to stop harassing me."

On around the seventh or eighth request that he take his items, he stands back, crosses his arms and says loudly snaps, "No! Not until you be quiet!"

The machine keeps going. The man just stands there, crossed arms, chin stuck out. A standoff is on. Staff come over and ask if they can help and he tells them that if they switch the voice off, he will continue bagging his things and go. If they don't, he's retired and can wait all day.

Machine is turned off/down with sympathy from supermarket staff. Moments later the man leaves the supermarket with the air of someone who's just won a war, expression completely stoic.

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Hi. Person with 20 years experience in information security, IT and networking here.

Just wanted to let you know I just spent 3 minutes digging through the settings on my computer to figure out why my mouse was being weird.

I was holding it upside down.

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Finally the fullsuit photos of Tomkitty!! Again, welcome to the family 💜 He will be on his way home soon for many adventures :D

(Please note, that I'm way too small and my hips way too thick for this fursuit, we made the best of it ;P)

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Just kidding... lest?
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Just to emphasise the magnitude of difference between #billion and #million :

A million seconds is 12 days.
A billion seconds is 31 years.

#apropos #notsureyouknew

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Cosplay photographers, if the first 20 pictures of your event album are young white girls, I'm not reading further, or indeed ever looking at your work again. Inclusivity in cosplay isn't just a word. If you don't actually practice it, you should not be supported.
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Dairishgoat mastodon (AP)
Total mix in my Ponycon gallery ( once you get past the initial plushies ).
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I was doing some reading about these power generating ocean buoys, and it's interesting to see all the complaints that pop up any time someone tries to make a new way to capture energy. Suddenly, people really care about the environmental impact of these methods, but never ever in comparison with coal and oil.
I still hear naysayers about solar panels, despite the fact that GPS and the International Space Station has used them for decades.
They really care about the migration patterns of Ducks when we start talking about wind power, but get an Oopsie about a massive oil spill.
Loss of life is very important for alternative methods, but no discussion about the impact when it comes to oil drilling and coal mining.
The fact of the matter is even setting aside the environmental impact, coal and oil are finite resources. Of course, we should care about the impact of how we produce energy, but we have to stop falling for false equivalency. Everything will have a downside, but we can address those issues and still move forward.
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Mᴀʏᴀ :bc: mastodon (AP)
That's the big point, oil and coal are finite. Like, hello, we will run out of them in some point, remember??? Even if people don't care about the environment, this is a simple sure fact. How are they even questioning the need for alternatives is beyond me.
Peter Drake mastodon (AP)

Population activists: We'll run out of food on <date>.

Scientists: Invent nitrogen fertilizer, pushing the problem into the future.

Capitalists: See, no problem! We can grow forever!

Peak oil activists: We'll run out of oil on <date>.

Scientists: Invent fracking, allowing extraction of previously unprofitable reserves, pushing the problem into the future.

Capitalists: See, no problem! We can use fossil fuels forever!

SuperMoosie mastodon (AP)

When people bring up wind turbines and bird deaths, I used to send them the below and something like

"Thank you for caring about the birds, join us in eliminating the biggest killers of birds"

They tend to shut up quickly.



Pippin friendica

Content warning: CW: transphobic vandalism to a minecraft world

nano iceshrimp (AP)

Content warning: CW: transphobic vandalism to a minecraft world

Pippin friendica

Content warning: CW: transphobic vandalism to a minecraft world

nano iceshrimp (AP)
i fixed the damage near spawn. was there anything else? if possible, log in and show me
Pippin friendica
@nano :neocat_floof: all I found was near spawn (no father away than my base and the huge circle in the sky) I only looked at a couple of things further away to the west and they looked okay. I did check the nether roof and the stuff at spawn and my gold farm (south east of spawn at the end of the ice road) were also damaged, so I don't know how much in the nether was affected. I've never been to the End so, don't know there. Sorry, can't log on at the moment.
nano iceshrimp (AP)
i got everything, except containers. for some reason coreprotect won't roll them back. i don't know how many were affected. the server is going back offline now. it will come back when i have more powerful hardware, then i can individually attend to missing items
nano iceshrimp (AP)
please, next time, contact me directly immediately. there was no guarantee i would have seen this.
Pippin friendica
@nano :neocat_floof: I kinda feel bad that the only times I contact you are to ask for problems to be fixed, but yes, will do.

Pippin friendica

Content warning: CW: mentions Nazis and deadnaming

TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: CW: mentions Nazis and deadnaming.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

You may not like it, but this is what peak posting performance looks like

📸 @chadthegryph.bsky.social

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*Technically* you are allowed to run your own PDS (data server) on bluesky, but in addition to the site silently unexisting* your posts if you make any interesting code changes, when *bluesky* changes the PDS code on github they expect your server (which they expect to be running their exact docker scripts, which include an auto update feature) to pick up that change more or less immediately or the app and bsky.app website may stop working with cryptic errors

* Like a shadowban but more shadowy

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Ikani mastodon (AP)
Oh I was wondering how this was going to turn out! Thanks for sharing
Pippin friendica
@Ikani @mcc So rather than owning your own part of the social network, instead you get to provide them with free outsourcing for storage while getting pretty much no say in running things? Here's my surprised face.

Random fursuit photo from the archives.

Rodents & rabbits during the Midwest FurFest 2016 menagerie.

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Today I learned: apparently, PayPal is creating a "who knows who" peer graph to suggest people for your search. Combined with the the real name enforcement and username choice, that creates, uh, *something awful*.

Now I know the real names of some furries I never had anything to do with, but my friends did. That's not what I was looking for, but now I have them shoved into my face anyway. Thanks, PayPal.

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I often hear people saying how good UK plugs are. They are OK but have their problems at high currents as the internal fuse gets hot and can melt the insulation and connections.

This example is 9 months old and was used a couple of days a week for car charging - load was about 12A.

The Bussmann fuse in this good quality plug cooked everything and ended up welding the plug into the socket with the heat.

#safety #plug #fire

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Oh, nuuuuuuuuuuu! #EAST is over for me! =O

featuring Noki 🩵🩷🤍

📸 Destvind 🩵🩶🩵

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Advertising should be viewed through the same lens as code injection is in computer security (when an attacker gets a computer system to run a program that it actually shouldn’t and that usually benefits the attacker).

The point of an advertisement is literally to inject the idea of a need into your mind, a need that you didn’t already have before (“You do actually need a new car.”), or a more specific version of an existing need (“You’re need food? You should really eat this!”).

It’s an attack on the integrity of your very being and it should be defended against.

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It’s also clear through the language that is used in making and distributing ads:

They are “aimed” at a “target audience”. They even have “penetration”.

These are words of warfare, and they aren’t there by accident.

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Terry Pratchett was wise
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
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If anyone’s wondering what the dude who sang “chocolate rain” is up to these days, he’s dropping absolute bangers about housing and he’s fucking right
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@argv minus one @Joan Westenberg Everyone? I sure hope not!

I didn't look at the details, but it sounded to me like he wanted to recreate the subprime mortgage crisis.

Cy ActivityPub
To be fair, that would get housing prices to go down...

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Adding anaglyph 3D to BBC Micro Elite is proving quite the challenge; the game code is so optimised that each stage needs a new approach. But I now have 3D suns to add to the 3D ships, planets and stardust. They flicker a bit in-game, but the iconic Acornsoft box screenshot looks great!

Up next on the to-do list:

* Apply 3D to the Star Wars scroll-text in the in-game demo

* Add a bit of 3D to the scanner

* Try to improve planets, suns and explosion clouds to make the game more playable in 3D

It's turning out to be a bigger project than I anticipated... as per usual, I guess! 😂

#elite #bbcmicro #retrogaming #retrocomputing #8bit

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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I am not trans but it still got an audible laugh from me. Sharing for the #trans cool kids in my feeds.
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Fucking windows updates... just threw away three days of debug progress. You can't just "save" stepping through assembly code. It asked me to reschedule - I did, and then a few minutes later it warned me it would reboot "soon", then did so WHILE I was rescheduling it again.

I am a full subscriber to the update system, but FUCK OFF. Don't kill my applications just because you decided it's time. If you're /that/ paranoid about threats, feel free to kill my /network/, but leave my apps running till I can close them safely!

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yote's got some shiny new drip 😎💙🖤✨

#SqueakySaturday #latex #rubber #latexfur #rubberfur

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Skintight Chee mastodon (AP)
Lookin' goooooood! 💙

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I love it so much!

Firefox has made it SO EASY to switch to Firefox from Chrome, that you dont even lose your OPEN TABS.

Have you got 34 open tabs lol? And you lost uBlock ad-blocker today? (You did, you lost your ad blocker, because Google)

You dont even lose open Tabs! (And you get to install uBlock)

Fancy that.


#chrome #ublock #adblockers

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GrumpSec Spottycat mastodon (AP)
34 tabs? You are like baby!

ADHD Final Boss Fight:
In order to access your ADHD medication, you must fill in this medical information form without stopping for more than one minute
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I did not catch this 😞
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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What I don’t get about climate change deniers is what’s the worst that can happen if we fight it?

- Having cheaper energy from
renewable sources?
- Never running out of oil?
- Being independent from unstable countries with bad human rights records?
- Having cleaner air?
- Boosting local economy?
- Investing in local and domestic research, education and fabrication?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Chewie mastodon (AP)

Yes, exactly


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